Part 1: Tier 1 Lesson Plan Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” develop a lesso

Part 1: Tier 1 Lesson Plan
Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” develop a lesso

Part 1: Tier 1 Lesson Plan
Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” develop a lesson for Tier 1 instruction focusing on the reading goals from the “Student Reading Profile” you created in Topic 4. Use the students from your clinical field experience classroom as a basis for the differentiation of instructional strategies and materials in your lesson plan.
Part 2: Reflection
In addition, write a 250-500 word reflection including the following:
Summarize the critical thinking and problem-solving skills included in the lesson that would enable learners with and without exceptionalities to advance and accelerate their learning and growth in literacy.
Summarize the information from families and other professionals used to inform the creation of developmentally appropriate and evidence-based instruction that is culturally responsive and supports young children’s learning across all academic and developmental domains.
Submit your lesson plan and reflection in one document.

you are required to pick a current economic topic that  relates to the material

you are required to pick a current economic topic that  relates to the material

you are required to pick a current economic topic that  relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course.  You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have  chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable  source. You will write up a review of the article and integrate course  concepts into your review. Please make sure you both summarize the  article and discuss how it relates to the course.

  Objective: To create a language and literacy activity plan for infants. Scenar

To create a language and literacy activity plan for infants.

To create a language and literacy activity plan for infants.
You are a teacher at a child care  center for infants. Your class will soon be starting a theme on  healthful food. The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of their families speak languages other than  English at home. 
Focus Assignment: 
Create a language and literacy activity plan for this age group that  focuses on the theme of healthful foods. Be sure to provide a  description of the activity you plan to carry out, the child outcomes,  the space and materials needed, the procedure you will follow, and any  follow-up activities that may help reinforce the language and literacy  skills emphasized in the main activity.
For each element of your activity plan, explain how this will help students learn language and literacy skills

  The Integrated Thematic Unit is a  unit planning strategy you will use. Develo

The Integrated Thematic Unit is a  unit planning strategy you will use. Develo

The Integrated Thematic Unit is a  unit planning strategy you will use. Develop an integrated unit plan  integrating reading, social studies, and math for a group of children  ages 6-8 about one of the topics discussed in the discussion forum.
It must include the theme of the unit (ex: The Rain Forest objectives  of the unit (3-5) you can use the k-12 learning standards in section to  come up with some appropriate objectives/standards for this age group.
A brief overview of each day”s lesson
Evaluation (How will you know if students learned what you taught them).
You can use your own lesson plan format or one of the two resources

1. Discuss what the following statement means to you as it relates to strategic

1. Discuss what the following statement means to you as it relates to strategic

1. Discuss what the following statement means to you as it relates to strategic planning: planning would be impossible without assumptions.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
2. Describe one of the four corporate valuation methods (approaches for determining a business’ monetary value).
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
3.  According to Michael Porter, there are forces that together define the nature of competitiveness in a given industry. Discuss the one force that you believe is usually the most powerful.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
4. The Required Unit Resources identified several reasons why annual objectives are essential for strategy implementation. Discuss two of these reasons.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

  Family  Life Education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family  

Family  Life Education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family  

Family  Life Education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family  systems perspective and provides a primarily preventive approach.  Demonstrate your newfound understanding of family education by  creatively constructing a collage  that showcases your understanding of concepts presented during week 1.  In constructing your collage you may utilize an online tool  Powerpoint or other creative avenue to  display your collage and answer the question What is Family Life  Education? 
In constructing your collage, be sure to include the following:
Through  the pictures selected , identify at least 5 family life education  concepts that you have come to understand and deem important.
Provide  a short reflection (400-500 words) explaining your collage. Answer the  question: What Is Family Life Education? as you reflect on the key  concepts. Review your course readings, use additional research, as well  as life experiences. Please create your reflection in a word document  and do not include it with your collage. 

Not only is data important for planning instruction, but it is also essential fo

Not only is data important for planning instruction, but it is also essential fo

Not only is data important for planning instruction, but it is also essential for informing intervention and remediation. When considering intervention and remediation for struggling students, multiple data points should be analyzed to identify the specific needs of the learner.
Imagine you have a student, named Lilliana, in your third grade classroom and you have been gathering data on her academic progress. You have found that she has consistently scored below grade level on Tier 1 summative assessments in reading.
Additional assessments have been administered to gather data on Lilliana’s individual needs for Tier 2 intervention. Analyze the data from the “Tier 2 Intervention Profile ” to create an intervention plan based on Lilianna’s needs.
Write a 250-500 word intervention plan that includes the following:
Identify specific learning goals.
Describe instructional strategies or activities to help support Lilliana’s needs.
Discuss how you addressed language barriers and language-based disabilities, including dyslexia, to create intervention and remediation to support Lilliana.
Explain how you used data to evaluate personal practice and modify literacy instruction to meet Lilliana’s learning needs and promote positive outcomes.
Support this assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.