Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important. For e

Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important.
For e

Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important.
For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional development and the atypical development of a student with the specified disability. Include examples of how the milestones may present differently for students with and without each disability.
For each disability category, explain at least one specially designed instructional strategy that could be used to enhance academic achievement.
For each disability category, explain at least one environmental strategy (how you would change the classroom environment) to increase success in the classroom setting.
Title slide, reference slide, and speaker notes.

  This assignment has a total of ten activities, some required components and c

This assignment has a total of ten activities, some required components and c

This assignment has a total of ten activities, some required components and components that you get to choose!
There are a total of ten items required to be viewed for this assignment as indicated:
A: Two Public Service Announcements As Assigned
B: Two Television Commercials Of Your Choice*
C: One Feature Cinematic Film Or Made For Television Movie*
D: Any Five U.S. Government .gov Videos Of Your Choice: Each From Five Different Websites!
* You may choose any video publicly available product that has an intentional and clear public health relationship.
Start Here:
Please Create A New Assignment Page And Title It ‘Public Health Communications’.
Set the page aside for a moment and start your activities. 
Here are the assignment details:
A: Two Public Service Announcements
View Two Public Service Announcements Posted On You Tube Chosen For You (
Part I. Review: ‘Fourth of July Safety’ By Kyle N. Horne:
Part II. Review: Chikungunya Prevention’ By Kyle N. Horne.
Here is the url for this one:
Access your page titled ‘Public Health Communications’ and input your responses.
Please use the same document for your responses to all the activities listed below.
1. State the title of the video product and provide a source citation using APA format,
2. Identify the intent,
3. Identify the target audience or audiences, and
4. Provide a brief critique of the video and how it can affect public health
B: Two Television Commercials Of Your Choice
View Two Different Television or Commercials Of Your Choice For Products Directly Relating To Pubic Health,
You Choose The Commercials! Just Make Sure The Products Relate to Public Health!
1. State the title of the video product and provide a source citation in APA format,
2. Identify the intent,
3. Identify the target audience or audiences, and
4. Provide a brief critique of the video and how it can affect public health
C: One Feature Cinematic Film Or Made For Television Movie of Your Choice
View One Feature Cinematic Film Or Television Movie That Directly Relates To Public Health
1. State the title of the video product and provide a source citation in APA format,
2. Identify the intent,
3. Identify the target audience or audiences, and
4. Provide a brief critique of the video and how it can affect public health
D: Any Two U.S. Government .gov Videos Of Your Choice
View Any Five Videos Of Your Choice Created And Posted By The U.S. Government Relating To Public Heath:
You Must Choose Videos From Two Different Government Agencies As Long As The Videos Relate To Pubic Health
Such As Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Bioterrorism,  Disease Prevention, Solid Waste Management, Health Promotion,  Environmental Health, Etc.
All videos must have an intentionally prominent focus on a public health topic.
View each of the video products above at least once and:
1. State the title of the video product and provide a source citation in APA format,
2. Identify the intent,
3. Identify the target audience or audiences, and
4. Provide a brief critique of the video and how it can affect public health

Share your understanding of how the advent of the Next Generation Science Sta

Share your understanding of how the advent of the Next Generation Science Sta

Share your understanding of how the advent of the Next Generation Science Standards has changed the way science teachers view assessment. How do the three dimensions of science practices, core ideas and crosscutting concepts require teachers to go beyond traditional assessments that measure particular content or facts that students should learn at a specific grade level. What is the nature of the “new” vision of assessment?
Explain why authentic assessments should be used in science classrooms. Discuss one authentic assessment you could use to assess student understanding of a life science concept. 

Complete attachment  This Assignment requires you to critically think about ten

Complete attachment
 This Assignment requires you to critically think about ten

Complete attachment
 This Assignment requires you to critically think about ten health  concepts universally recognized by health professionals as critical to  health. These health concepts provide a basis for what a healthy people,  family, communities, and nations are built upon 
Hint: Read Through The Entire Document And You Will See The Instructions At The End!

Table Clinic Outline  I am choosing Social Media and its Effects on Cosmetic De

Table Clinic Outline 
I am choosing Social Media and its Effects on Cosmetic De

Table Clinic Outline 
I am choosing Social Media and its Effects on Cosmetic Dentistry.
Social media’s influence on cosmetic dentistry since it has a big say in how millennials view esthetics and oral health. Social media sites have an impact on the demand for procedures because they frequently put appearance before health and quickness before safety. The purpose is to emphasize the negative effects of cosmetic dentistry including the unrealistic expectation, long term side effects, and neglect of oral health.
Suggested topics to talk about
Whitening- specifically not addressing the diseased mouth 
Dental grills

Listen  to all of Raoul Peck’s interview about his HBO series “Exterminate the  Brutes”.   Then,  watch the two clips about Indian Boarding Schools in the US and Canada  
Summarize Peck’s main arguments about imperialism and colonialism in North America and beyond
Weed out major themes and ideas presented
Describe conditions in these boarding schools and the role of race and religion
Describe your personal reaction and the long-term fallout of what you saw

Theories of Language Development In Chapter 3 of the Piper (2012) textbook you

Theories of Language Development
In Chapter 3 of the Piper (2012) textbook you

Theories of Language Development
In Chapter 3 of the Piper (2012) textbook you were introduced to four different theories of cognitive and language development in diverse learners. As an early childhood development professional, it is important to be knowledgeable about all of these theories so that you can choose those that are best aligned with your beliefs regarding language and cognition.
To prepare for this discussion,
Please refer to the Week 1 Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success on this discussion.
Read Piper (2012).

Chapter 1: The Nature of Language
Chapter 2: How It’s Built: The Structure of Language
Chapter 3: Learning Language: How Children Do It

Review the Guidelines for Summarizing SourcesLinks to an external site.
For your initial post, address the following:
Summarize each theory using separate paragraphs to describe each specific theory. Support your ideas with at least one scholarly source.
Discuss whether you think language acquisition is largely instinctive or is a learned behavior, using evidence from the readings as support.
Explain how you will use the information gained in your future role as an early childhood development professional.

 An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouragi

 An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouragi

 An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouraging families to engage in the school community. Not only do teachers and school administrators support students, but the involvement of families in the educational community is an important component of student success. Imagine you are a part of a team of ESL teachers that has been tasked with detailing a plan to school administrators for how to engage ELL families in your school. For the context of this assignment, use the school in which you completed your field experiences and for which you gathered demographic data in the Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A assignment. In 750-1,000 words, create a family engagement plan that promotes partnership with ELL families and advocates for their needs. Include the following in your plan: Summary of the school’s ELL demographics, including language and cultural backgrounds. Discuss pertinent social contextual information, including sociopolitical factors affecting ELLs and their families (e.g., local political and societal attitudes toward ELL families in the community). Key components of any programs, methods, or technological tools you plan to use to support families of ELLs by keeping them informed and engaged with the school community. Include a justification of how you plan to use the selected programs, methods, or tools, given the school’s ELL demographics and context. A nine-month calendar outline with possible meetings (e.g., ELL/bilingual parent advisory committee or council meetings), including topics and four schoolwide events (one each quarter) to engage ELL families. Include a description of the activities at each of the four schoolwide events and an explanation of what will need to be done to foster ELL family collaboration and engagement. Brief summary of at least three resources in your local community that could be offered as resources to ELL families. (Ensure the resources are local to your school context and not national resources.) Discussion of six collaboration strategies between educators, school personnel, families, and the community to enhance ESL teaching and build partnerships with ELL families. Include at least two strategies that incorporate the use of technology. 

 Historically, there has been a debate over whether leadership is learned (i.e.

 Historically, there has been a debate over whether leadership is learned (i.e.

 Historically, there has been a debate over whether leadership is learned (i.e. it can be taught) or innate (i.e. like personality, something you’re born with). Typically, whether on one side of this debate or the other, it is generally agreed upon that leadership can be developed in every person. The belief that leadership can and should be developed. has been embraced in corporate America, government departments, and the U.S. Military.
This week, we looked at key principles of leadership as presented by former military Chaplain, Dr. James F. Linzey, and those historical principles of leadership used by the U.S. Marine Corps (and adopted by other services). These are examples of the types of traits organizations encourage leaders to develop within themselves. 
In Chapter 7, Kouzes and Posner state, “If you are to learn to be a better leader, you must first believe that you are capable of leadership and that you can be a positive force in the world” (p. 165). Kouzes and Posner then offer five fundamental strategies to becoming a better leader:
Fundamental One: Believe you can
Fundamental Two: Aspire to Excel
Fundamental Three: Challenge Yourself
Fundamental Four: Engage Support
Fundamental Five: Practice Deliberately
We can even find the concept of leadership development within Scripture. Paul, during his ministry, also sought to give advice to his young pastors on the development of their own ability to lead others to Christ. This advice is found in his Spirit-inspired letters to Timothy and Titus. 
Using Paul’s pastoral epistles 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, write 500-750 words500-750 words identifying the essence of Kouzes and Posner’s Five Fundamentals of Leadership Development. In other words, show how Paul’s words to his young pastors (and anyone else reading the letter) coincide with Kouzes and Posner’s points on leadership development. Your narrative must incorporate both Scripture and Kouzes & Posner’s points. It should also interact with the leadership principles from the other reading for this week when appropriate.