1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch ma

1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch ma

1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins. Author-Date reference format for sources you cite (for example, Szczurek 2020)
The questions for this response is: 
How did ancient societies think of the relationship between the individual and the State? How does this compare to contemporary ways of thinking about this relationship today?
In starting to answer these questions, you will choose 2-3 texts from Unit 1 to guide your thinking and one example from our contemporary world.  Which topics or themes interest you most?  
In thinking about political theory today, you can briefly reference current-day events, debates, problems and how we imagine and theorize about them.
You do not need to try to cover or mention all the themes and ideas discussed during Unit 1.  The goal is not to definitively answer the question by the end of the response, but to explore some possible answers to the question, and why they make sense to you.
· Imagine you are at a party, where the thinkers we read and discussed are in attendance; everyone is hanging out and talking.  Choose 2-3 people we read or heard from and ask them the research question above – how would they respond?     
· Choose the texts and thinkers based on your personal curiosity – who do you want to talk to more?  Think about more?
· When in doubt, go for depth, over breadth: include fewer texts, authors, or themes than you might initially think you need.
· Balance between your own thoughts and ideas, and the thoughts and ideas of your chosen authors and texts.  If you were having a live conversation with these writers and thinkers, is everyone getting a somewhat-equal say?  Or is someone dominating the conversation? 
· Use your notes from your own original reading and our live class discussions 
· Reference your notes from the Week 2 lecture on the Origins of Political Thought 
A successful Unit Response…
· engages directly with your chosen research question
· Includes at least one of the readings from Weeks 1-2, including at least one direct quote 
· Directly discusses and cites 2-3 texts from Unit #1, weeks 2-5. Include at least two direct quotes from each source.
· briefly references one contemporary example of politics or political theory
· includes 2-4 questions you are still left with in the concluding paragraph 
· is edited, with few typos or grammar errors.

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district ONLINE. You may watch

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district ONLINE. You may watch

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district ONLINE. You may watch a live stream or an official recorded video of a recent school board meeting within the last year.
In a 500-750-word reflection about your experience, address the following:
Describe each item addressed at the board meeting. What was being discussed and why?
Explain who was in attendance at the meeting. What kinds of people were there? Why were they there? Were you surprised by who attended?
Describe who presented at the meeting. Were the presentations civil? Did you agree with one side or another of the arguments?
What you learned at this board meeting.
How you will use what you learned as a teacher.
Submit a copy of the meeting agenda to the learning management system with your reflection.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected
here are some links for the assignment for AZ school board meetings
Main Page:           https://www.dvusd.org/governingboard
Agendas/Minutes/Meetings:          https://go.boarddocs.com/az/dvusd/Board.nsf/public
You can also try: Public Meetings | Arizona State Board of Education (az.gov)
Submit a copy of the applicable meeting agenda (minutes will also be accepted) with your reflection – do not only provide the link.

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 1988, do you believe the information is compelling because it would provide American students with an alternative view of socialism? Furthermore, what of the more compelling arguments/points made in the reading grabbed your attention?
Discussion Question 2: What stands out after reading the article Using Classroom Recordings in Educational History Research: An East German Civics Lesson and examining the transcribed class discussion (at the end)? Is this line of discussion foreign from a typical civics lesson found at your school? Please explain.

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and New Testament texts. Then you will have the chance to reflect on those connections. 
The assignment will be organized into two parts with required information below. Each section should be around 375 words each, with a total word count of about 750 words. APA Format.
Part I: Articulating the Christian perception of the place of love within the Scriptures. In this section, you will be presenting, to the best of your ability, how Christianity would attempt to articulate ideas based upon your Scripture selections. 
Identify and explain how one passage from the Old Testament and one passage from the New Testament are interrelated and conducive to discussing the Christian understanding of love. Note that the passages do not necessarily need to be talking about love overtly. They may be passages, for example, which themselves support the understanding of God’s love and loving activities. 
Identify a second, underlying or related theme within your selected passages that is theologically connected to the theme of love that is found in the passages you selected for step 1. Explain how this theme is related to and supports the topic of love in the passages selected.
Identify and explain how Verbum Domini or Dei verbum contains elements which help to make sense of your presentation of the scripture passages. This section will require at least the use of two quotations with effort spent thoroughly explaining your choices. 
Part II
Formulate your own response to the integration you articulated in part 1. You may agree with it and add arguments or disagree with it and consider critical arguments. This second section will begin with a thesis statement in the form of either: “I agree…” or “I disagree…”
In this second part you will integrate your own understandings of God, yourself, and the world with the material in the course and specifically your selected passages.
In this section, you will need to consider and explain at least one counterargument to your rationale. You must respond to the counterargument and explain your response. 

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following: Part 1:  U

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following:
Part 1:  U

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following:
Part 1:  Using the information gleaned from the 3 Journal Analyses, complete the following:
Identify 2-3 areas of strength discovered from your eating and/or activity habits. 
Write each strength in a complete sentence.
Briefly expound on each strength: When did you develop this habit? What motivated you to make this choice? What helps you to keep making this a healthy habit?
 Identify 2-3 areas of struggles discovered from your eating and/or activity habits.
Write each struggle in a complete sentence.
Briefly expound on each struggle: What are some factors that have made it challenging to work through this struggle?
What are the long-term consequences of this behavior? 
What is your plan to work through this struggle? Can you identify a clear goal to work toward?
Part 1 of the original thread should be around 200 words.
Part 2:  Develop the following plans:
1.      Using Appendix B: Healthy Eating Patterns, complete the following:
Identify an eating pattern and caloric level that matches your personal needs and goals.  (You simply need to state the name of the eating pattern and the specific caloric level; no other details needed.)
Look through the number of servings needed per day from the various food groups of the plan you selected.  If you would make any adjustments, briefly explain that here – what you would adjust and why.
2.      Create a plan for one (1) week of intentional activity/exercise.
List out all seven (7) days of the week.
For each day, identify an activity or label it as “rest.”
For a day of activity, including the following:
Name of activity/activities
Duration for each activity
Part 2 of the original thread should be around another 100 words.

 Creative Women in Contemporary Culture For this week’s forum question, review t

 Creative Women in Contemporary Culture
For this week’s forum question, review t

 Creative Women in Contemporary Culture
For this week’s forum question, review the article “Taking the Measure of Sexism: Facts, Figures, and Fixes,” on the Required Resources page for the course. Next, explore the National Museum of Women in the Arts linked hereLinks to an external site..
If you navigate to “Explore” on the National Museum of Women in the Arts site, you will find artist profiles of contemporary women artists, but do not limit yourself to that section. The museum supports photographers, film directors, videographers, writers, and musicians as well as visual artists, so also navigate “learn” and “advocate” sections of the website to learn more about diverse women creating culture today.
After reviewing these resources, identify one contemporary (still living) creative woman with whom you were previously unfamiliar and discuss her contributions to contemporary culture. In your discussion, compare her visibility with creative women from other eras, such as the Renaissance, Victorian, or even the modern period. How do women continue to face challenges with visibility or representation according to your resources this week?

   1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch ma

1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch ma

1,000-1,400 words. Double-spaced text, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins. Author-Date reference format for sources you cite (for example, Szczurek 2020)
The questions for this response is: 
How did ancient societies think of the relationship between the individual and the State? How does this compare to contemporary ways of thinking about this relationship today?
In starting to answer these questions, you will choose 2-3 texts from Unit 1 to guide your thinking and one example from our contemporary world.  Which topics or themes interest you most?  
In thinking about political theory today, you can briefly reference current-day events, debates, problems and how we imagine and theorize about them.
You do not need to try to cover or mention all the themes and ideas discussed during Unit 1.  The goal is not to definitively answer the question by the end of the response, but to explore some possible answers to the question, and why they make sense to you.
· Imagine you are at a party, where the thinkers we read and discussed are in attendance; everyone is hanging out and talking.  Choose 2-3 people we read or heard from and ask them the research question above – how would they respond?     
· Choose the texts and thinkers based on your personal curiosity – who do you want to talk to more?  Think about more?
· When in doubt, go for depth, over breadth: include fewer texts, authors, or themes than you might initially think you need.
· Balance between your own thoughts and ideas, and the thoughts and ideas of your chosen authors and texts.  If you were having a live conversation with these writers and thinkers, is everyone getting a somewhat-equal say?  Or is someone dominating the conversation? 
· Use your notes from your own original reading and our live class discussions 
· Reference your notes from the Week 2 lecture on the Origins of Political Thought 
A successful Unit Response…
· engages directly with your chosen research question
· Includes at least one of the readings from Weeks 1-2, including at least one direct quote 
· Directly discusses and cites 2-3 texts from Unit #1, weeks 2-5. Include at least two direct quotes from each source.
· briefly references one contemporary example of politics or political theory
· includes 2-4 questions you are still left with in the concluding paragraph 
· is edited, with few typos or grammar errors.

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following: Part 1:  U

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following:
Part 1:  U

For this Final Personal Action Plan you will complete the following:
Part 1:  Using the information gleaned from the 3 Journal Analyses, complete the following:
Identify 2-3 areas of strength discovered from your eating and/or activity habits. 

Write each strength in a complete sentence.
Briefly expound on each strength: When did you develop this habit? What motivated you to make this choice? What helps you to keep making this a healthy habit?

 Identify 2-3 areas of struggles discovered from your eating and/or activity habits.

Write each struggle in a complete sentence.
Briefly expound on each struggle: What are some factors that have made it challenging to work through this struggle?
What are the long-term consequences of this behavior? 
What is your plan to work through this struggle? Can you identify a clear goal to work toward?

Part 1 of the original thread should be around 200 words.
Part 2:  Develop the following plans:
1.      Using Appendix B: Healthy Eating Patterns, complete the following:
Identify an eating pattern and caloric level that matches your personal needs and goals.  (You simply need to state the name of the eating pattern and the specific caloric level; no other details needed.)
Look through the number of servings needed per day from the various food groups of the plan you selected.  If you would make any adjustments, briefly explain that here – what you would adjust and why.
2.      Create a plan for one (1) week of intentional activity/exercise.
List out all seven (7) days of the week.
For each day, identify an activity or label it as “rest.”
For a day of activity, including the following:

Name of activity/activities
Duration for each activity

Part 2 of the original thread should be around another 100 words.

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 1988, do you believe the information is compelling because it would provide American students with an alternative view of socialism? Furthermore, what of the more compelling arguments/points made in the reading grabbed your attention?
Discussion Question 2: What stands out after reading the article Using Classroom Recordings in Educational History Research: An East German Civics Lesson and examining the transcribed class discussion (at the end)? Is this line of discussion foreign from a typical civics lesson found at your school? Please explain.