q1 Describe any feeling you have had that are similar to the Blues  q2 n this

Describe any feeling you have had that are similar to the Blues 
n this

Describe any feeling you have had that are similar to the Blues 
n this week you get to put yourself in the position of the person who has a total loss of home and vehicle(s) due to a flood or fire. you only escape with what is on your back, even your phone and wallet was destroyed. Wat legal issues do you suspect to face and how will you start to prepare for them. for example how will you file your insurance including everything you lost? As part of this, test your ability, without looking write down everything of value in a room of your house, then go and look to see if you missed anything.  

6 Assignment: Planning Adjustments in the Instructional Environment Consider the

6 Assignment: Planning Adjustments in the Instructional Environment
Consider the

6 Assignment: Planning Adjustments in the Instructional Environment
Consider the following two scenarios and respond to the questions:
Verna is a student with a learning disability in Ms. Chang’s fourth-grade class. Ms. Chang uses whole-group instruction in math. This method is sometimes hard for Verna, who is behind her peers in math. Verna is slow to remember math facts, has trouble keeping numbers straight in columns, and sometimes forgets a step or two when she is computing a problem that requires several steps.
Mr. Howard teaches U.S. history. About half of the students in his fourth-hour class struggle in reading; four students receive special education services for learning disabilities. Mr. Howard has been assigned a special education teacher, Ms. Riley, to co-teach the class with him. Mr. Howard and Ms. Riley think the class can benefit from learning the following textbook-reading strategy (Bartelt, Marchio, & Reynolds, 1994): 
R Review headings and subheadings. 
E Examine boldface words. 
A Ask “What do I expect to learn?” 
D Do it: Read! 
S Summarize in your own words. 
1. Identify the demands in Ms. Chang’s class that are likely to be challenging for Verna. 
2. Describe how Ms. Chang can use the steps in the INCLUDE strategy to help Verna succeed in the large group. 
3. Can Mr. Howard and Ms. Riley use the approaches for co-teaching you learned about in Chapter 3 to teach the reading strategy and still cover the history content required by the state? Explain. 
4. How can they use scaffolding to teach the READS strategy?

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page.
In 500-750 words address the following:
Provide the steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies, faculty handbook, and the student handbook;
Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; and
Responses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned readings.
Include at least five references

 Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not

 Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not

 Health care organizations develop operational policies and procedures that not only meet the organization’s purpose and mission but that are also compliant with state and federal regulations. This week differences between a law and policy are investigated. We will investigate how a policy is developed from regulations, which are based on a specific law(s) designed to protect confidentiality and secure protected health information (PHI). 

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 1988, do you believe the information is compelling because it would provide American students with an alternative view of socialism? Furthermore, what of the more compelling arguments/points made in the reading grabbed your attention?
Discussion Question 2: What stands out after reading the article Using Classroom Recordings in Educational History Research: An East German Civics Lesson and examining the transcribed class discussion (at the end)? Is this line of discussion foreign from a typical civics lesson found at your school? Please explain.

Instructions Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/udl/. Submit your responses for the following.
Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three principles of UDL.
How does using Evidence Based Practices align with UDL?
How would the concept of UDL fit into elementary, early childhood or special education?
How do the principles of UDL support equity, diversity and inclusion?
How do the principles of UDL address racism in the classroom?
How do you plan to implement UDL in your classroom?

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page.
In 500-750 words address the following:
Provide the steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies, faculty handbook, and the student handbook;
Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; and
Responses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned readings.
Include at least five references

Overview For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a

For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a

For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a  toddler setting, using the Infant Observation and the Toddler  Observation documents as guides and graphic organizers. You will also  engage in reflective conversations with your host teachers and then take notes of what evaluates effective routines and transitions and  offers recommendations for improvement.
You will observe routines and transitions in an infant and in a  toddler setting. You will also engage in reflective conversations with  your host teachers and then record what evaluates effective  routines and transitions and offers recommendations for improvement.
6 pgs
 This Assessment requires submission of three files: your completed  Infant Observation and Toddler Observation, and your results
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively. Review the key topics for this assessment and discuss them with your Host Teacher to gather their insights and thoughts.
Evaluating Routines and Transitions in Infant and Toddler Care and Education Settings
Your Observations
Make arrangements to observe in an infant and a toddler setting.
Share your assignment/goals with the Host Teacher in each setting. These include: 

Observe routines and transitions related to greeting time, meals and  snacks, diapering, napping, moving to new activities, the end of the  day, and any other routines and transitions that involve children.
Observe teacher-child conversations and interactions, aspects of  safety, and the ways routines and transitions foster respectful,  responsive relationships.
Note questions you have about routines and transitions in the setting.
Engage in a reflective conversation with each Host Teacher about  your observation experience, sharing questions that came up for you as  well as the following: 

Please describe your setting for me.
What do you see as the role of transitions and routines in your program?
What insights can you share with me about transitions and routines from your experience that may be helpful to practitioners?
What’s working well in your setting regarding fostering toddlers’  healthy development and contributing to respectful and responsive  relationships between early childhood professionals and the children  through routines and transitions?
What would you like to improve?

Note: For your conversations, you may also want to  ask about anything you thought was particularly well done or a  routine/transition you weren’t able to observe because of timing such as  greeting and/or end of day. You may have a question about something the  teacher did or said, or about a child’s reaction. Be sure to take good  notes.

Use the notes from your graphic organizer, the host teacher’s input,  and the resources for both topics to write between 5-6 pages.  Include the following:
 Title Page
  Part 1: Infants
Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
Summary of information from the teacher in the infant setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
Evaluation of infant routines and transitions you observed for  safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they  fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment  and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking  with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities  in routines and transitions for infants’ healthy development specific to  fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate  attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with  evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Part 2: Toddlers
Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
Summary of information from the teacher in the toddler setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
Evaluation of toddler routines and transitions you observed for  safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they  fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment  and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking  with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities  in routines and transitions for toddlers’ healthy development specific  to fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate  attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with  evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Note: Be sure to cite your sources and adhere to  confidentiality. Do not use children’s names. (You can use just a first  name, or refer to child 1, child 2, etc.) Also, refer to your host  teacher by first name only.

   PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations   Select and resear

PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations  
Select and resear

PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations  
Select and research one of the groups.
1) Death of a child
2) Death of a parent
3) Death of a grandparent
4) Death of an elderly person
5) Death due to suicide
6) Death due to accident
7) Death due to illness
8) Death due to mass murder (school shootings)
9) Death due to addiction
10) Death due to war (causality of war)
Identify leading causes of death among      the population. 
Major facts. 
Identify community agencies that can      provide resources and services to help the family cope with grief and      loss. 
Explain how      you would assist the family as a social worker (roles of the social      worker). 
Find one journal article about the population and summarize it