Instructions Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: Submit your responses for the following.
Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three principles of UDL.
How does using Evidence Based Practices align with UDL?
How would the concept of UDL fit into elementary, early childhood or special education?
How do the principles of UDL support equity, diversity and inclusion?
How do the principles of UDL address racism in the classroom?
How do you plan to implement UDL in your classroom? 

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classma

A student notifies you that she has been subjected to bullying through a classmate’s Facebook page.
In 500-750 words address the following:
Provide the steps you are required to take that are consistent with state statutes, your district’s school board policies, faculty handbook, and the student handbook;
Any First Amendment arguments you think the student with the Facebook page may raise; and
Responses you could make to the First Amendment arguments that are consistent with the cases in the assigned readings.
Include at least five references

Overview For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a

For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a

For this Performance Task, you will observe in an infant setting and a  toddler setting, using the Infant Observation and the Toddler  Observation documents as guides and graphic organizers. You will also  engage in reflective conversations with your host teachers and then take notes of what evaluates effective routines and transitions and  offers recommendations for improvement.
You will observe routines and transitions in an infant and in a  toddler setting. You will also engage in reflective conversations with  your host teachers and then record what evaluates effective  routines and transitions and offers recommendations for improvement.
6 pgs
 This Assessment requires submission of three files: your completed  Infant Observation and Toddler Observation, and your results
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively. Review the key topics for this assessment and discuss them with your Host Teacher to gather their insights and thoughts.
Evaluating Routines and Transitions in Infant and Toddler Care and Education Settings
Your Observations
Make arrangements to observe in an infant and a toddler setting.
Share your assignment/goals with the Host Teacher in each setting. These include: 

Observe routines and transitions related to greeting time, meals and  snacks, diapering, napping, moving to new activities, the end of the  day, and any other routines and transitions that involve children.
Observe teacher-child conversations and interactions, aspects of  safety, and the ways routines and transitions foster respectful,  responsive relationships.
Note questions you have about routines and transitions in the setting.
Engage in a reflective conversation with each Host Teacher about  your observation experience, sharing questions that came up for you as  well as the following: 

Please describe your setting for me.
What do you see as the role of transitions and routines in your program?
What insights can you share with me about transitions and routines from your experience that may be helpful to practitioners?
What’s working well in your setting regarding fostering toddlers’  healthy development and contributing to respectful and responsive  relationships between early childhood professionals and the children  through routines and transitions?
What would you like to improve?

Note: For your conversations, you may also want to  ask about anything you thought was particularly well done or a  routine/transition you weren’t able to observe because of timing such as  greeting and/or end of day. You may have a question about something the  teacher did or said, or about a child’s reaction. Be sure to take good  notes.

Use the notes from your graphic organizer, the host teacher’s input,  and the resources for both topics to write between 5-6 pages.  Include the following:
 Title Page
  Part 1: Infants
Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
Summary of information from the teacher in the infant setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
Evaluation of infant routines and transitions you observed for  safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they  fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment  and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking  with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities  in routines and transitions for infants’ healthy development specific to  fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate  attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with  evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Part 2: Toddlers
Introduction: A brief overview of your observation setting. (1-2 paragraphs)
Summary of information from the teacher in the toddler setting. (2-4 paragraphs)
Evaluation of toddler routines and transitions you observed for  safety, consistency, responsiveness, respect, and whether/how they  fostered responsive and respectful relationships including attachment  and/or autonomy appropriately. Be sure to substantiate your thinking  with evidence-based resources. (2-4 paragraphs)
Three recommendations for enhancing or improving the opportunities  in routines and transitions for toddlers’ healthy development specific  to fostering respectful and responsive relationships and appropriate  attachment and autonomy. Be sure to substantiate your thinking with  evidence-based resources. (2-3 paragraphs)
Note: Be sure to cite your sources and adhere to  confidentiality. Do not use children’s names. (You can use just a first  name, or refer to child 1, child 2, etc.) Also, refer to your host  teacher by first name only.

   PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations   Select and resear

PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations  
Select and resear

PowerPoint Presentation: Death of Different Populations  
Select and research one of the groups.
1) Death of a child
2) Death of a parent
3) Death of a grandparent
4) Death of an elderly person
5) Death due to suicide
6) Death due to accident
7) Death due to illness
8) Death due to mass murder (school shootings)
9) Death due to addiction
10) Death due to war (causality of war)
Identify leading causes of death among      the population. 
Major facts. 
Identify community agencies that can      provide resources and services to help the family cope with grief and      loss. 
Explain how      you would assist the family as a social worker (roles of the social      worker). 
Find one journal article about the population and summarize it 

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and

 You will have the opportunity to identify connections between Old Testament and New Testament texts. Then you will have the chance to reflect on those connections. 
The assignment will be organized into two parts with required information below. Each section should be around 375 words each, with a total word count of about 750 words. APA Format.
Part I: Articulating the Christian perception of the place of love within the Scriptures. In this section, you will be presenting, to the best of your ability, how Christianity would attempt to articulate ideas based upon your Scripture selections. 
Identify and explain how one passage from the Old Testament and one passage from the New Testament are interrelated and conducive to discussing the Christian understanding of love. Note that the passages do not necessarily need to be talking about love overtly. They may be passages, for example, which themselves support the understanding of God’s love and loving activities. 
Identify a second, underlying or related theme within your selected passages that is theologically connected to the theme of love that is found in the passages you selected for step 1. Explain how this theme is related to and supports the topic of love in the passages selected.
Identify and explain how Verbum Domini or Dei verbum contains elements which help to make sense of your presentation of the scripture passages. This section will require at least the use of two quotations with effort spent thoroughly explaining your choices. 
Part II
Formulate your own response to the integration you articulated in part 1. You may agree with it and add arguments or disagree with it and consider critical arguments. This second section will begin with a thesis statement in the form of either: “I agree…” or “I disagree…”
In this second part you will integrate your own understandings of God, yourself, and the world with the material in the course and specifically your selected passages.
In this section, you will need to consider and explain at least one counterargument to your rationale. You must respond to the counterargument and explain your response. 

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 198

Discussion Question 1: After reading the chapter dealing with socialism from 1988, do you believe the information is compelling because it would provide American students with an alternative view of socialism? Furthermore, what of the more compelling arguments/points made in the reading grabbed your attention?
Discussion Question 2: What stands out after reading the article Using Classroom Recordings in Educational History Research: An East German Civics Lesson and examining the transcribed class discussion (at the end)? Is this line of discussion foreign from a typical civics lesson found at your school? Please explain.

Overview In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience  b

In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience  b

In this Performance Task, you will participate in a field experience  by observing and evaluating indoor and outdoor environments in an infant  and a toddler setting. You will create a narrated PowerPoint  presentation based on what you have learned from the resources in the  Competency, your observations, and reflective conversations with your  Host Teachers. The presentation evaluates the power and elements of  quality indoor and outdoor infant toddler environments.
Submission Length: A narrated PowerPoint  presentation on quality indoor and outdoor infant/toddler environments  consisting of approximately 24 slides.
 This Assessment requires submission of three files, your completed  Infant Toddler Indoor Environment Observation Worksheet, Infant Toddler  Outdoor Observation Worksheet, and your PowerPoint presentation.  
 Note: For this Performance Task Assessment, you are  required to draw from not only the resources for the Topics but also  your experiences, observations, and host teacher and other professionals  who work in your field setting. Your conversations with these  professionals and your observations in the setting are essential to the  successful completion of the Assessment. For additional information  regarding the field experience requirements and expectations, please  review the BSECS Field Experience Handbook found on the  BSECS Field Experience Website. 
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively. Review the key topics for this assessment and discuss them with your Host Teacher to gather their insights and thoughts.
Evaluating Routines and Transitions in Infant and Toddler Care and Education Settings
Before You Observe:
Review the Rubric, the Infant/Toddler Indoor Environment Observation Worksheet, and the Infant/Toddler Outdoor Environment Observation Worksheet
Your Observations
Make arrangements to observe in an infant and a toddler setting.
Share your assignment/goals with the Host Teacher in each setting. These include: 

o Use both the Infant Toddler Indoor Environment Observation  Worksheet and the Infant Toddler Outdoor Environment Observation  Worksheet as guides to observe indoor and outdoor environments for both  infants and toddlers. Be sure to take good notes, and record any  questions you may have and the information you seek about the  environments.
Engage in a reflective conversation with each Host Teacher about  your observation experience, sharing questions that came up for you and  areas about which you would like additional information. You may want to  focus on an area of the classroom environment that was particularly  effective in providing safety, a sense of security, and/or enhancing  development. You may have a question about something the teacher did or  said, a child’s reaction to something in the environment, and/or ways  the program hopes to improve.

Creating Your PowerPoint
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation on quality environments for  infants and toddlers based on your course resources, your observations,  and your conversations with the teacher. Your presentation should  include:
Part 1: Quality Indoor Environments
1一2 introductory slides that explain how a quality indoor  environment can impact the healthy development and learning of infants  and toddlers
8一10 slides that evaluate the essential elements of indoor environments that enhance infant and toddler development and learning
2一3 conclusory slides that include information about the indoor  environments in your field settings. Share insights, your host  teacher(s) input, and offer suggestions for improvement.
Part 2: Quality Outdoor Environments
1一2 introductory slides that explain the impact that a quality  outdoor environment can have on the healthy development and learning of  infants and toddlers
8一10 slides that evaluate the essential elements of outdoor environments that enhance infant/toddler development and learning
2一3 conclusory slides that include information about the indoor  environments in your field settings. Share insights, your host  teacher(s) input, and offer suggestions for improvement
Note: Be sure to cite your sources and adhere to  confidentiality. Do not use children’s names. (You can use just a first  name, or refer to child 1, child 2, etc.) Also, refer to your host  teacher by the person’s first name only. You may include a picture or  graphics. If you receive permission, take pictures of your field  setting(s), but do not include any photographs of children

  Write a response to one (or all if you wish) for the following discussion ques

Write a response to one (or all if you wish) for the following discussion ques

Write a response to one (or all if you wish) for the following discussion questions:
Discussion 1 How will you as a health care manager ensure regulations are applied in your organization to maintain compliance? Provide an example. 
Discussion 2 What would you do if you were a new CEO and found out the hospital has an Office of Inspector General [OIG] outstanding report for violations of federal laws and regulations regarding noncompliance of environmental, health, and safety violations?

Instructions Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: https://iri

Complete the Universal Design for Learning IRIS Module: Submit your responses for the following.
Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three principles of UDL.
How does using Evidence Based Practices align with UDL?
How would the concept of UDL fit into elementary, early childhood or special education?
How do the principles of UDL support equity, diversity and inclusion?
How do the principles of UDL address racism in the classroom?
How do you plan to implement UDL in your classroom?