We have  been studying the flow of food through an operation. The last two we

We have  been studying the flow of food through an operation. The last two we

We have  been studying the flow of food through an operation. The last two weeks,  we’ve focused on Storage, Preparation and Service.
This week,  you will be preparing an infographic that depicts the preparation of a  potentially hazardous food item that is considered to be a TCS food  (Food that requires time and temperature control for safety) and must be  animal origin. So basically – choose a piece of beef, chicken, pork,  etc. and explain how to remove that from storage, prepare it safely, and  plate it for service.
This infographic is something that could be used as an industry aid for your cooks to follow in a commercial kitchen.
In the  infographic, describe how to prepare that meat safely – from storage  (where is is stored, at what temperature, where in relation to other  items) to preparation (how are you avoiding cross contamination, what  utensils are use) to service (plating and handoff to servers is fine).  Within your infographic, you must identify TWO hazards/risks and how to  avoid/mitigate them.
you can use powerpoint for this assignment

  Read the information located in the following links: https://www.winginstitut

Read the information located in the following links:

Read the information located in the following links:
Discuss your own definitions of instructional, transformational, and distributed management styles. Talk about your school or work setting, which one of these styles is being applied by your leaders, and why?
Does your school or place of work includes measurements similar to the “teacher appraisal” mentioned in the reading? How is accomplished?
What other management functions are taking place in your work setting? Why do you think they are important to have a functioning learning environment?

Students may choose from one of the books listed below on which to write a revi

Students may choose from one of the books listed below on which to write a revi

Students may choose from one of the books listed below on which to write a review. The review should be approximately 1000 words in length. (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1″ margins, 1.5 or double spaced). The goal is to give your classmates a clear, accurate, and concise summary/analysis of the book or article. Imagine yourself writing this review for a journal or magazine. Your review should include strengths and weaknesses (if you identify any), and especially whether you recommend the book to others. Bring copies of your review (they can be double-sided) to class for distribution so that your classmates may follow your reading presentation. Also, please obtain at least one published book review which you may use as a source (to be cited in your Works Cited page, and also if you quote them). 
The book I chose was ” Warren Bennis, On Becoming a Leader ”

Please note that all articles for weekly discussions must be current scholarly

Please note that all articles for weekly discussions must be current scholarly

Please note that all articles for weekly discussions must be current scholarly articles that will assist you in your research. In addition, you will need to find at least two scholarly articles for this discussion to support your thoughts.
No books can be used, only current scholarly journals (past 5 to 7 years) that are labelled academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed journals. To receive credit for this discussion, all references must align with in-text citations and be complete with all information (i.e., authors, date, title, source) to include the DOI or the URL. This will help faculty retrieve the source to determine if the source meets the requirements of the submission. Each paragraph must have at least 5 to 6 academic sentences with at least 2 or more current scholarly sources (past 5 to 7 years). Review the rubric below.
Directions for this discussion which will be in TWO PARTS:
For this discussion, you will place the heading of Part 1 and Part 2 separately so your faculty member and colleagues can easily follow your content.
For this discussion, you will conduct research regarding three statements (i.e., mission, vision, value) that organizations should have created.
In one long paragraph, explain to your possible audience (readership) the meaning of a mission statement, a vision statement, and a value statement. You will need at least one scholarly article for the mission, a separate article for the vision, and a separate article for the value statement.
Then explain why you feel these three statements are important in an organization. You can use the three articles from Part 1 or find other scholarly articles to support your content, which will be needed if you choose the strategic research project pathway.
No attachments for any discussions . . . Please submit in the text box area. 
No generative artificial intelligence can be used as sources for discussions to include no use of Grammarly or any other platform that modifies and content and sources. 
No Secondary Sources, No Direct Quotes, No Bullets, No Abbreviations, No Acronyms, and No Contractions allowed . . . your full interpretation of the content and in an academic sentence/paragraph format (i.e., at least 5 to 6 sentences per paragraph). Your response should be a minimum of 350 words and should address each of the questions presented. In addition, your “two” peer responses must be at least 100 words. Review the attached rubric. 

Read, reflect, and report on the article “The Best Listening Strategy in the Wo

Read, reflect, and report on the article “The Best Listening Strategy in the Wo

Read, reflect, and report on the article “The Best Listening Strategy in the World”. The case study report should contain a review of the material covered, the pros and cons of the content, possible integration into your classroom, and how the solutions could affect learning. Case study reports should be no more than 4 pages in APA format. (No AI writing, human only)
This is the link to the article: https://smartclassroommanagement.com/2022/03/04/the-best-listening-strategy-in-the-world/

  This week we will discuss the different types of research, and the instrument

This week we will discuss the different types of research, and the instrument

This week we will discuss the different types of research, and the instruments to analyze the data that result from conducting investigations in educational settings. First, read the following articles and discuss the differences between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. Provide at least one example for each of these types of research that you would conduct in your school or place of work.
Research methods
Qualitative research designs
Quantitative research
Differences between qualitative and quantitative methods
Quantitative methods 
Mixed methods research
On the second part of the discussion, we will read about the different tools that exist to analyze qualitative and quantitative data. This step is important, as you will have to analyze data and present its results for your first project. Read the following articles and discuss why is important to have reliability and validity in research, and what are the differences between these two concepts. Finally, discuss the differences between correlation and causation, and provide at least two examples for Validity VS reliability, and Correlation VS causation.
Tools for analyzing qualitative data
Tools for analyzing quantitative data
Reliability and validity
Examples of reliability and validity in educational research
correlation vs causation

 For the Introduction Art Historical Critique Assignment, you will be analyzing

 For the Introduction Art Historical Critique Assignment, you will be analyzing

 For the Introduction Art Historical Critique Assignment, you will be analyzing  Palace of Versailles, which was designed and built by Louis le Vau,  André le Nôtre, and Charles le Brun (1664–1710) for Louis XIV, the King  of France. 
 Louis le Vau, André le Nôtre, and Charles le Brun, Palace of Versailles, (1664–1710) 

  (250 points).  Develop a needs assessment report based on the data you collec

(250 points). 
Develop a needs assessment report based on the data you collec

(250 points). 
Develop a needs assessment report based on the data you collected.
Your report must include the following identifiable (Use the titles typed below in bold) sections:
o (10 points) General information. Your name, job description, and detailed description
of your work setting (k12 classroom, media center, instructional center, etc.) Also, include the
number of students that attend your class and their demographics.
o (50 points) Results of the needs assessment. You need to describe the needs
assessment process. What steps you followed to complete it? How did you organize your time to collect data, analyze results, and develop the report? Be detailed and thorough.
o (25 points) Available technology. Describe the current available technology at your
place of work (this information will come handy for your second assignment!). Be as detailed as possible. Listing that your school has 3 computers and two projectors is not enough. You also need to talk about technological resources, such as ITS, internet access, etc.
o (35 points) Stakeholders. Detailed description of stakeholders who participated in the
needs assessment, and why their input was valuable to identify needs in technology. In this
section you also need to describe their job duties, general demographics, and why you selected them to collect your data.
o (45 points) Major outcomes (identified needs) This is the section where you discuss
your data, so be very detailed and thorough. In this section it is important that you address the reasoning that stakeholders gave you to acquire the technology, and this reasoning must be tied to specific learning outcomes/performance;
o (45 points) Priority Needs and criteria used to determine such priorities. You need to
use the table included in the Step 2 of the “What is a needs assessment?” document. In addition to the table, you need to describe in detail the priority needs and describe at least two needs that you will focus your efforts in your technology plan, and why you chose those two needs.
o (40 points) Action Plan with the data and criteria used to arrive at the solution strategies.
Again, be very detailed, provide deadlines and strategies to satisfy your needs; and
o An appendix with your completed surveys and interview transcripts. The quantitative
data should be aggregated and presented using graphs or pie charts. Qualitative data should be transcribed and added as text. (50 points will be taken if you don’t include your data)
o Your report follows APA style (50 points will be taken if you don’t follow these style