The main task of Technology write for us of ThoughtsMag is to encourage talented

The main task of Technology write for us of ThoughtsMag is to encourage talented

The main task of Technology write for us of ThoughtsMag is to encourage talented writers who are interested write topics and publish on our website. If you have also any good information related to our website, share your thoughts to us through below methods, we will check your content and publish your article on this website. And we will credit you by giving a author name or your website address in that article.

Technology Write For Us

  What was so revolutionary about it? In answering this, address not only the ac

What was so revolutionary about it? In answering this, address not only the ac

What was so revolutionary about it? In answering this, address not only the achievements of the individual scientists involved, but also look beyond.
Please have a short thesis that succinctly answers the assignment question. Please support your answer with specific details–but not actual text/verbiage–gleaned from the readings. Please support your answer with specific details–but not actual text/verbiage–gleaned from the readings.

Brown’s twelve principles of language teaching and learning(see attached).  Base

Brown’s twelve principles of language teaching and learning(see attached). 

Brown’s twelve principles of language teaching and learning(see attached). 
Based on this reading, create a reflective piece of writing on the topics, subjects, and elements discussed. 
Your reflection must be at least 350 words.
Your reflection should include the following:
Choose any four principles that are applicable to your classroom and describe them in your own words. As you are or will be teaching young ELLs, discuss how you will put the four principles into practice. You can cite examples from the reading or give your own examples of how you will implement these principles in your teaching.

 To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studyin

 To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studyin

 To study effectively, scientists recommend that young people should mix studying with relaxation. Today, there are many games created for this purpose. Besides the entertainment effect,  Connections Game will help players systematize basic English knowledge and vocabulary to serve their learning. 

  Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s fictional utopia Herland is about a culture populat

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s fictional utopia Herland is about a culture populat

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s fictional utopia Herland is about a culture populated only by women. The novel, narrated by a male sociologist, describes the woman-only culture in vivid detail and contrasts it with the three “visiting” men and their own society. Sociology was a new field during Gilman’s lifetime and one that she identified with because of her interest in social problems. Since she considered herself a sociologist, readers could assume that the male narrator’s viewpoint is her own. It is through Vandyck Jennings’s eyes that we see both the male perspective on gender roles in American society in the early 20th century and the imaginative utopian society of Herland. Gilman was not promoting a society populated only by women, but she creates it to critique the role and place of women in western society in the early 1900s.
After reading the first three chapters of Herland, write three to four pages in which you include the following components:
Answer one of the following two questions about gender and society that Gilman embedded within the Herland narrative:
How do the status of and attitudes toward women during Gilman’s time compare to the lifestyle of women in Herland?
How does Gilman challenge widely held views about women’s nature, which began as early as the Renaissance lady, reappeared as the Victorian ideal, and were still present in 1915 when Herland was published?
Remember that in 1915, women in America still did not have the right to vote even while the “new woman” was emerging with modernism and innovations.
Be sure to provide page-referenced examples from the assigned chapters from Herland to illustrate your view.
Examine what attitudes about women (gender ideology) and limitations on women’s lives exist today, and assess how gender ideology has changed since Gilman’s lifetime (1860–1935).