Analyze the lesson “History Unfolded” for 25-30 students in your high school

Analyze the lesson “History Unfolded” for 25-30 students in your high school

Analyze the lesson “History Unfolded” for 25-30 students in your high school social studies. This lesson was downloaded from to an external site. and is copied into Canvas. You may want to go to the History Unfolded website ( to an external site.) to obtain additional information newspaper coverage of the Holocaust as it was occurring.
Your task is to modify the instructions and the activities to meet the unique needs and challenges of students with the following characteristics:
            1 student with mild cognitive challenges
            1 student with ADHD
            1 hearing impaired student
            1 visually impaired student
            1 gifted/talented student
Include in your modifications the following: overview of research-based strategies for teaching students with the identified need (Column A) plus details of the modifications to make for specific exceptional pupils to help him/her meet the standards (Column B).  Each modification needs to relate to a specific part of the provided lesson plan.  Develop a plan to include parents as co-partners in their child’s education.
The plan will be scored as follows:
_____Detailed modification plans for the student with mild cognitive challenges ranging from minimal to intensive
_____Detailed modification plan for the student with ADHD ranging from minimal to intensive
_____Detailed modification plan for the hearing-impaired student ranging from minimal to intensive
_____Detailed modification plan for the visually impaired student ranging from minimal to intensive
_____Detailed modification plan for the gifted/talented student ranging from minimal to intensive           
_____Specific ways to include parents as co-partners in their child’s education
See Appendix B for further details and the scoring rubric.

  For  your final assignment, select an ethical dilemma that impacts healthcare

For  your final assignment, select an ethical dilemma that impacts healthcare

For  your final assignment, select an ethical dilemma that impacts healthcare  professionals.  You can choose a dilemma that we have discussed in this  course, or, one that interests you. If you are having difficulty selecting a topic, please reach out to me.  You will then develop practical  solutions and utilize an ethical decision-making framework to address  the ethical dilemma you chose. Use the following prompts as a guide: 
Description/historical overview of the ethical dilemma
Description of the healthcare issue that requires tough decisions
Overview of how the dilemma may challenge the ethics of healthcare professionals
Explanation of both legal/policy and personal decision issues
Include  questions that come up and help examine the issue from different  perspectives (patient, family, health care professional, community,  attorney, policymaker, etc.
Develop 1-2 practical solution(s) to address the ethical dilemma
Identify  and explain the concepts for a framework for ethical decision-making  that a healthcare professional could use to address the dilemma

  Using  the same Case Study Worksheet from week 4 (Case Study #1), perform the

Using  the same Case Study Worksheet from week 4 (Case Study #1), perform the

Using  the same Case Study Worksheet from week 4 (Case Study #1), perform the  same analysis on a case involving some social media or online privacy  situation. Keep in mind the topic must involve some moral or ethical  conundrum.
Some  examples would be using AI to generate posts or content and taking  credit, any number of AI systems listening to you and using the  information to generate search criteria, trolling, stalking, spreading  misinformation, etc. One example would be the arrest of Douglass Mackey  (aka Ricky Vaughn) for interfering in the 2016 election (look it up if  you are interested). If you are uncertain what you have will work, ask  the instructor. Just do not wait until Saturday or later to do so.

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph. 
1.  Describe three strategies to help students increase comprehension while reading independently. How would you teach these strategies to students? 
2.  What are ways the teacher can support families with helping their student develop fluency and comprehension skills at home? How does fluency effect comprehension when reading? 

6. Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the weekly reading (Chapt

6. Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the weekly reading (Chapt

6. Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the weekly reading (Chapter 7 and Reading Notes Module 6) to deepen your understanding of the teaching of thinking related to the assigned readings. Complete a three-paragraph reflection with headings that include:
Reflect – Report the facts of what you read objectively. (Short, to the point, yet captures “essence” of the text, one paragraph)
Connect – Analyze the reading. How does this experience relate to earlier ones? How does it connect to what I already know, believe, or feel? Does it reinforce or expand my view? (your second paragraph)
Apply – Consider the future impact of the experience on you and the community. How can I use what I have learned from the reading in my current or future teaching?  (your third paragraph)

Choose one of the following groups: Classifications based on English language

Choose one of the following groups:
Classifications based on English language

Choose one of the following groups:
Classifications based on English language learners;
Classifications through ability grouping/tracking;
Classifications in academic programs based on gender;
Classifications in sports programs based on gender; and
Classifications to assign students to specific schools for racial balance.
In a 500-750 words, address the following for the group that you have chosen:
Summarize the factual background on how the students are classified;
Identify the legal issues presented by these classifications; and
Describe what equal protection requires.
Include at least five references. At least three of the five references should cite relevant court cases.

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following w

 Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph. 
1.  What do you feel is the most important way for families to help their child develop phonemic awareness skills at an early age? What are ways families can support a child who is struggling with phonemic awareness skills? 
2.  What criteria would you use to analyze the effectiveness of research-based K-3 phonemic awareness programs?