You work for a sport organization and the CEO has asked that you establish a w

You work for a sport organization and the CEO has asked that you establish a w

You work for a sport organization and the CEO has asked that you establish a workable governance structure for the company and to conduct a policy analysis. To be included are all things relevant to governance, including (but not limited to) a mission statement, organizational structure, responsibilities and duties, management objectives, etc. You should pick a team, sport or company that you are somewhat familiar with and may have some prior knowledge of.
You are to select an organization from the sport industry.
Share a brief description of the organization and write a mission statement.
Develop an organizational structure (including descriptions of key officers and/or managers and detailed job descriptions), identify responsibilities and duties as well as management objectives.
Include a chart detailing the organizational structure of the company.
Identify the stakeholders.
Give an overall policy analysis. Include any of the following that may be applicable: political risk analysis, government restrictions, economic policies, and stakeholder analysis.
Discuss the social and ethical issues your organization may face.
Finally, identify what other companies you work with, as well as your competitors (if applicable).
The presentation should be in PowerPoint.  The suggested length for this assignment is 10-15 slides for PowerPoint presentations,  Use clear examples such as charts and graphs to enhance your presentation. Below are some of the specifications for your final project.
Suggested length of assignment for PowerPoint is 10-15 slides not including reference/title page.
Use a minimum of five (5) references

    Case studies serve as indispensable tools in both academic and professional

Case studies serve as indispensable tools in both academic and professional

Case studies serve as indispensable tools in both academic and professional realms, offering a profound exploration of real-world scenarios and challenges. Whether you’re a student aiming to excel in your assignments or a professional looking to hone your analytical skills, mastering the art of case study writing is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the nuances of crafting captivating case studies, drawing insights from various disciplines and real-life examples.

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) [BACB Task List BACB Tas

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
[BACB Task List BACB Tas

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
[BACB Task List BACB Task List (5th edition) content areas  F1-F3, F6-F9]
Students will select a learner for this project and obtain requisite permissions (participant, parent/guardian, employer as applicable) to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) for one challenging behavior exhibited by the learner.
Complete an intake interview with parent/caregiver and/or staff using the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FASTLinks to an external site.) and score according to the instructions on the document.
Operationalize the challenging behavior to be targeted for assessment based on the FAST interview.
Complete an ABC data sheet for a minimum of 5 separate incidences of the target challenging behavior. May be either Continuous Recording (time limited) or a Narrative Recording (per episode) ABC (student choice).
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) Data Analysis
Clearly and objectively describe the maintaining contingencies for the target behavior.
Were any MOs and/or setting events identified?
Identify the most common/likely antecedent stimulus.
Identify the most common consequence(s).
Following which consequences did the learner’s behavior stop, continue or escalate?
Based on responses to the above questions, what do you believe is the most likely function of the challenging behavior (hypothesis)?
What is the basis for your hypothesis? Please refer only to the data collected on your ABC chart; discuss setting events/MOs, antecedents, consequences, and the learner’s response to consequences.
Do not base your hypothesis on the behavior.
Describe an FA Procedure
Clearly describe how you would set up a functional analysis (FA) to test your hypothesis (must include details for 4 functional analysis probes).
Describe the environment, including activities and materials to be used.
Describe the antecedent for each probe.
Describe the consequence to be applied following instances of the challenging behavior for each probe.
Detail the data collection procedure to be used for each of the probes and collect hypothetical data to indicate your hypothesis was correct.
Graph the FA data.
Written Reports
For each assessment, write a written summary including:
Learner information (do not use real names; use a pseudonym) to include age, gender, diagnosis (as applicable).
Operational definition of challenging behavior.
Location and dates of each assessment.
Brief description of the assessment procedure performed. You will describe the FAST and the type of ABC data collected. Use the Cooper et al., 2020 textbook as your source.
Results of the FAST (in column graph)
Results of the ABC data collection process, a description of the maintaining contingencies for the target behavior- including hypothesized function and rationale for this hypothesis
Description of the FA procedures you “will” use (the FA is hypothetical, you will not complete an FA, but you will plan for it and write out the steps in this report.
Graphed hypothetical data from the FA that confirms your hypothesized function, identified through the ABC process.
Report Template
SPE 527 Functional Behavior Assessment Report TEMPLATE (3).pdf

   Select: A Historical Event Read: Medgar Evers Choose: Historical event to res

Select: A Historical Event
Read: Medgar Evers
Choose: Historical event to res

Select: A Historical Event
Read: Medgar Evers
Choose: Historical event to research and create presentation 
This week, you will begin exploring the relevance of an event that impacted history. This event should be something that changed the world, made an impact on humanity, altered the planet, the way we think, and civilization. There is no limit on the era from which you select your event. You must choose an event that can be researched and for which you can provide information based on said research. You will be selecting your own topic which must be approved. The topic must be submitted on time to receive approval. 
Your final submission must be: 
a ten slide PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation
this must include both a title slide and a Works Cited slide
your remaining eight slides should be packed with information and imagery 
you should not submit a bare white presentation, please choose a template with a colorful design regardless of which program you use to create it. 

Analyze the practice of Behavior Management by reading and analyzing the case st

Analyze the practice of Behavior Management by reading and analyzing the case st

Analyze the practice of Behavior Management by reading and analyzing the case study “He Just Needs a Little Discipline.” In your response, answer the questions on page 4 of the handout, and be sure to reference key elements of both the case study and the research notes contained in the document. This document can be found at
These are the questions from the case study that is shared in the link.
1. Do you think that medications such as Ritalin are an effective solution for children with ADHD? What other strategies might you use to address Matt’s behavior? 
2. What is the best way to work with parents who deny the existence of a disability and/or the need for medication? 
3. Do you think that the team’s approach of sending Matt to the office when he became disruptive was effective? Can you suggest other ways they could handle Matt’s disruptive behavior? 
4. Given Mr. Snyder’s reaction to Jill’s attempt to convince him that Matt needs more help controlling his behavior, how should she proceed?

  Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ide

Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ide

Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ideology 
This week, let’s explore the dynamics of power structures in the lives of creative women during the Baroque Era (17th century) and later, as society—and the market for art—changed dramatically with the rise of the middle class in the 18th and early 19th centuries.  Important to an understanding of power structures, is the concept of intersectionality which can be defined as the ways that interconnected social categories such as race, class, and gender interact to form experience and identity, especially as related to power.  Some of the power structures were legal (women did not have equal rights under the law, for example); others were class and race biases (poet Phillis Wheatley was bought as a slave by her wealthy owners and Elizabeth Ratcliffe worked as a servant for her wealthy employers, for example).  And then, there was the gender ideology that prescribed domestic roles for women, often with little or no education (discussed by Mary Wollstonecraft).   And the church whose convents could provide creative spaces for women, but whose control could shift dramatically if women, like Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, overstepped the intellectual and creative boundaries expected of them.  
For this question, discuss several factors that discouraged or limited women’s creativity during the 17th and 18th centuries and into the early years of the 19th century.   Be sure to consider how different social categories impacted their lives and work (for example, race and class). How did women challenge these power structures that attempted to discourage their creativity?  How successful were they with these challenges? Use examples in text and multimedia to illustrate your discussion.
For this post make sure that you take some time to acquaint yourselves to some women composers of the Baroque Period and what little opportunities they had to obtain patronage, as in an institution like the church, a court or a theater.  The few that did manage to make a career of composing against adversity had determination and some powerful patrons, and in some cases, a supportive family in addition to great talent, as with Barbara Strozzi of Venice.
Also don’t miss watching A. Vickery’s video on the “Story of Women in Art” Part II.  Here you will see a visually stunning video of women artists and craftswomen from the 18th c. in Britain to the end of the 18th c. in France and Italy.  This century was known for its great talent in male painters and architects, as in Gainsborough, Hogarth, Reynolds and Robert Adam.  However, there were women of enormous talent in both the crafts, painting, sculpture, print making and fashion.  How did some of them reach the heights of patronage and fashion to make their own livelihoods?  Did they all need aristocratic patronage, as did Elizabeth Vigee Lebrun?  How did some influence fashion design in fabrics, like Anna Garthwaite in London?  What became of these women latter in their lives?  See this video for the answers to these questions.

  Which American professional league would you like to expand globally? Whic

Which American professional league would you like to expand globally?

Which American professional league would you like to expand globally?
Which part of the world would you expand to and why?
Why do you think this particular professional league has not expanded globally yet?
Which sports/leagues would this American professional league be in main competition with when entering the areas you answered in the prior question? (For example, if you stated that you would like the NBA to expand to India then the NBA would be in competition with Cricket as Cricket is the main sport of India).
What would be the long-term advantages and disadvantages to the geographical region you would be expanding into?
200 words

This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able t

This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able t

This assignment addresses your Global Awareness Outcome, Students will be able to describe the interrelated dynamics (e.g. legislative, attitudinal, linguistic, sociocultural, globalization) that influence accessibility for individuals with disabilities in communities across the world.
The student will assume a specific role in researching their selected country outside of the United States.
Role 2: A leader in the selected country who is trying to increase tourism.
Amongst yourselves, you are to select a country outside of the United States that you are interested in research pertaining to the specific laws and/or disability rights of that country. Within your role, you are to select and research which questions are most pertinent to your role. You will submit a PowerPoint presentation and a 2pageAPA formatted explaining your role and the particular questions you researched. 
Visit the following website
Also, review and read through the following websites to help you with your research and in writing the global review of the country and its comparison to the USA:
DREDF Advocacy –
Disability Rights International – 
Disabled Peoples’ International Europe –
Disabled Peoples’ International Asia-Pacific Region –
3. Next, choose what role you will be assuming
4. Select which questions you feel are most important in focusing on your role.
5. Research your questions
6. Combine all information regarding all questions
7. Submit an APA formatted 2-pagepaper explaining your role and the questions you focused on.
Did anything surprise you in your role?
Did you have to change questions once you got into the research?
How did you feel about your chosen role?
Research and discuss the following questions regarding your selected country for your Global Review of Disability and Accessibility. All questions below need to be answered in a complete manner by whichever role you deem most appropriate. 
In your opinion, how did the Americans with Disabilities Act impact society the most and more specifically, people with disabilities?
What current (within the last 2 years) legislation has been passed in the United States that would impact individuals with disabilities? Good or bad
For the country that you chose from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund-International Laws documents):

Provide a general overview of disability rights for your chosen country.
Discuss how the country compares to different areas you have read about and watched throughout the semester concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (i.e. compare the ADA titles/content from the Americans with Disabilities Act and compare this to similar titles/content from the law(s) for your chosen country).
How do you feel the country compares historically (are they ahead or behind the US and how)?

In addition, describe what accomplishments society has made (across the world- inside and outside the USA) in overcoming barriers (attitudinal as well as architectural) for the rights of people with disabilities and inclusion in general. On a global scale, what do you feel we still have yet to do?
What role do recreation and sports services have in helping society (the USA and the world) overcome such barriers in the future and enhancing the rights, independence, and inclusion of people with disabilities around the world?
Locate at least two accessible recreation sites in your selected country.

Provide an overview of the sites and what they offer.
Obtain pictures of the location.

What specific law would you enact in your selected country to help increase tourism and why?
PowerPoint Presentation (15 points)
Each group of 3 will submit 1 presentation with a voice recording 
Your presentation will focus on the research regarding the questions 
5-8 slides maximum