Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards & Leafst

Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards &

Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards &
Leafstedt, 2009) posted on Canvas under the heading “Teaching Small Intervention
Groups”. Read the section on Core Intervention Model (CIM) from pp. 241-242 of the
article and book chapter (chapter 6) and write a response. Your response might include
information such as:
• What is the CIM? What is the idea behind the design of the CIM model?
• Why might it be an effective instructional method to use while tutoring?
• Why is it important to not provide additional verbal instruction between the
staircase steps?
• Why is it important to use a rapid pace, explicit and concise questions, and to use
enthusiastic praise immediately after a child correctly responds?
Then search and identify one research article (published between 2010 and 2023) that
reflects advancements in learning-based, newer educational media/technology, and/or
covers the history, findings, successes of learning based media. The selected article must
reflect how educational strategies/research is embedded and used in media/technology
(can be TV shows, educational media in classroom, computer-based learning games, VR
etc..). The article needs to have relevant educational or academic goals/ focus as part of
the media or technology described. After reading this article, you write a
response/reflection that briefly compares the idea of CIM

  Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards & Leafst

Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards &

Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards &
Leafstedt, 2009) posted on Canvas under the heading “Teaching Small Intervention
Groups”. Read the section on Core Intervention Model (CIM) from pp. 241-242 of the
article and book chapter (chapter 6) and write a response. Your response might include
information such as:
• What is the CIM? What is the idea behind the design of the CIM model?
• Why might it be an effective instructional method to use while tutoring?
• Why is it important to not provide additional verbal instruction between the
staircase steps?
• Why is it important to use a rapid pace, explicit and concise questions, and to use
enthusiastic praise immediately after a child correctly responds?
Then search and identify one research article (published between 2010 and 2023) that
reflects advancements in learning-based, newer educational media/technology, and/or
covers the history, findings, successes of learning based media. The selected article must
reflect how educational strategies/research is embedded and used in media/technology
(can be TV shows, educational media in classroom, computer-based learning games, VR
etc..). The article needs to have relevant educational or academic goals/ focus as part of
the media or technology described. After reading this article, you write a
response/reflection that briefly compares the idea of CIM

Standards to Create Goals Using the template provided you will select a conten

Standards to Create Goals
Using the template provided you will select a conten

Standards to Create Goals
Using the template provided you will select a content topic (e.g., Social Studies).
You will search under a grade level and that subject to select three standards of your choice. 
Based on the topic and three standards you will create three measurable goals for each of the standards using one template for each of the standards. 
You will create a total of 9 goals.
You will upload three templates one for each of the standards.

  Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ide

Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ide

Week 2 Discussion Question: Freedom & Control: Power Structures and Gender Ideology 
This week, let’s explore the dynamics of power structures in the lives of creative women during the Baroque Era (17th century) and later, as society—and the market for art—changed dramatically with the rise of the middle class in the 18th and early 19th centuries.  Important to an understanding of power structures, is the concept of intersectionality which can be defined as the ways that interconnected social categories such as race, class, and gender interact to form experience and identity, especially as related to power.  Some of the power structures were legal (women did not have equal rights under the law, for example); others were class and race biases (poet Phillis Wheatley was bought as a slave by her wealthy owners and Elizabeth Ratcliffe worked as a servant for her wealthy employers, for example).  And then, there was the gender ideology that prescribed domestic roles for women, often with little or no education (discussed by Mary Wollstonecraft).   And the church whose convents could provide creative spaces for women, but whose control could shift dramatically if women, like Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, overstepped the intellectual and creative boundaries expected of them.  
For this question, discuss several factors that discouraged or limited women’s creativity during the 17th and 18th centuries and into the early years of the 19th century.   Be sure to consider how different social categories impacted their lives and work (for example, race and class). How did women challenge these power structures that attempted to discourage their creativity?  How successful were they with these challenges? Use examples in text and multimedia to illustrate your discussion.
For this post make sure that you take some time to acquaint yourselves to some women composers of the Baroque Period and what little opportunities they had to obtain patronage, as in an institution like the church, a court or a theater.  The few that did manage to make a career of composing against adversity had determination and some powerful patrons, and in some cases, a supportive family in addition to great talent, as with Barbara Strozzi of Venice.
Also don’t miss watching A. Vickery’s video on the “Story of Women in Art” Part II.  Here you will see a visually stunning video of women artists and craftswomen from the 18th c. in Britain to the end of the 18th c. in France and Italy.  This century was known for its great talent in male painters and architects, as in Gainsborough, Hogarth, Reynolds and Robert Adam.  However, there were women of enormous talent in both the crafts, painting, sculpture, print making and fashion.  How did some of them reach the heights of patronage and fashion to make their own livelihoods?  Did they all need aristocratic patronage, as did Elizabeth Vigee Lebrun?  How did some influence fashion design in fabrics, like Anna Garthwaite in London?  What became of these women latter in their lives?  See this video for the answers to these questions.

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) [BACB Task List BACB Tas

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
[BACB Task List BACB Tas

Part 3: Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
[BACB Task List BACB Task List (5th edition) content areas  F1-F3, F6-F9]
Students will select a learner for this project and obtain requisite permissions (participant, parent/guardian, employer as applicable) to conduct a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) for one challenging behavior exhibited by the learner.
Complete an intake interview with parent/caregiver and/or staff using the Functional Assessment Screening Tool (FASTLinks to an external site.) and score according to the instructions on the document.
Operationalize the challenging behavior to be targeted for assessment based on the FAST interview.
Complete an ABC data sheet for a minimum of 5 separate incidences of the target challenging behavior. May be either Continuous Recording (time limited) or a Narrative Recording (per episode) ABC (student choice).
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (ABC) Data Analysis
Clearly and objectively describe the maintaining contingencies for the target behavior.

Were any MOs and/or setting events identified?
Identify the most common/likely antecedent stimulus.
Identify the most common consequence(s).
Following which consequences did the learner’s behavior stop, continue or escalate?
Based on responses to the above questions, what do you believe is the most likely function of the challenging behavior (hypothesis)?
What is the basis for your hypothesis? Please refer only to the data collected on your ABC chart; discuss setting events/MOs, antecedents, consequences, and the learner’s response to consequences.
Do not base your hypothesis on the behavior.

Describe an FA Procedure
Clearly describe how you would set up a functional analysis (FA) to test your hypothesis (must include details for 4 functional analysis probes).

Describe the environment, including activities and materials to be used.
Describe the antecedent for each probe.
Describe the consequence to be applied following instances of the challenging behavior for each probe.
Detail the data collection procedure to be used for each of the probes and collect hypothetical data to indicate your hypothesis was correct.
Graph the FA data.

Written Reports
For each assessment, write a written summary including:
Learner information (do not use real names; use a pseudonym) to include age, gender, diagnosis (as applicable).
Operational definition of challenging behavior.
Location and dates of each assessment.
Brief description of the assessment procedure performed. You will describe the FAST and the type of ABC data collected. Use the Cooper et al., 2020 textbook as your source.
Results of the FAST (in column graph)
Results of the ABC data collection process, a description of the maintaining contingencies for the target behavior- including hypothesized function and rationale for this hypothesis
Description of the FA procedures you “will” use (the FA is hypothetical, you will not complete an FA, but you will plan for it and write out the steps in this report.
Graphed hypothetical data from the FA that confirms your hypothesized function, identified through the ABC process.
Report Template
SPE 527 Functional Behavior Assessment Report TEMPLATE (3).pdf

 Visit the Association of Child Life Professionals  and reflect on what Child Li

 Visit the Association of Child Life Professionals  and reflect on what Child Li

 Visit the Association of Child Life Professionals  and reflect on what Child Life does and how you envision Child Life  philosophies will impact your future career with children and families.  Then complete both the questions/answers and complete the table at the  bottom of My Education and Certification Plan to create your own  education and certification goals, and a plan for how you will achieve  these goals. 

  select  a company that has acquired another company (i.e. Disney acquired  Pix

select  a company that has acquired another company (i.e. Disney acquired  Pix

select  a company that has acquired another company (i.e. Disney acquired  Pixar) or select two companies that have merged (i.e. Exxon and Mobil)  and write a case study about your selection.  Do not write about  companies you have previously written about in this class.  
Write a two-page summary of the merger or acquisition to include:
1 – the reasons why it occurred and when it occurred
2 – the approximate size of each company before the merger
3 – discuss the culture of both companies before and after 
4 – was the merger or acquisition successful or not and why
5 – the state of the company now

  For the Case Study, you will provide a brief overview of the case, analyze the

For the Case Study, you will provide a brief overview of the case, analyze the

For the Case Study, you will provide a brief overview of the case, analyze the information, and draw a conclusion.
The  study will briefly describe the events leading to the incident, legal  considerations, analysis of the information, and a conclusion.  You may  select from the following case studies:
Sandy Hook, Elementary School, New Town Conn. or
Any School/Campus active shooter incident you select. Incident must be cleared by your instructor by the end of week #2.
Note:  Please refrain from researching the Virginia Tech or Columbine  incidents since you will be addressing the incidents in discussion  forum.

  Premarital/Marital Education:  Choose two of the Premarital or Marital Educa

Premarital/Marital Education:  Choose two of the Premarital or Marital Educa

Premarital/Marital Education:  Choose two of the Premarital or Marital Education programs noted in our  readings. Find additional information on each program outside of what  is covered in our text.
Describe  each program in detail to include the objectives of the program,  description of the program itself and results of the program.
How effective do you think each program is?
Find  at least 1 example of research for each of your 2 program that speaks  to the effectiveness of the program (either for or against).