class: Homeland Security Capestone In  this assignment you will present your re

 class: Homeland Security Capestone
In  this assignment you will present your re

 class: Homeland Security Capestone
In  this assignment you will present your research question along with a  purpose statement. You will also present your preliminary thoughts on a  research design. In other words, how do you intend to answer your  research question. The specific research question should be of depth and  breadth required for a major project. There is a template attached with  the proper headings and settings. You are required to use this template  to submit your assignment. This temple is attached as  “Assignment1Template.” 
Required Elements of the Assignment
Title Page
Introduction –  Provide pertinent information related to your topic focusing on why  your topic is important. The introduction contains three secondary  headings which are Purpose Statement, Research Question, and Design  Statement.
Purpose Statement – Present your purpose statement in this section.
Research Question – Present your research question in this section.
Design Statement –  Explain how you intend to answer your research question. This section  represents your preliminary thoughts on a methodology. For example, you  may intend to conduct a case study in order to answer your research  question. It is expected that your research design will evolve as a  result of conducting the literature review.
Reference list in APA format containing at least 8 scholarly sources of which six must be peer reviewed journal articles

#1) Purpose: This assignment aims to identify and understand the different famil

#1) Purpose: This assignment aims to identify and understand the different famil

#1) Purpose: This assignment aims to identify and understand the different family structures and learn how to collaborate and communicate with them.
Read the following article by Christina M. Tschida and Lisa Brown Buchanan
Complete the 4 A’s Protocol attached. 
#2) This assignment aims to demonstrate effective modeling and role-playing communication skills.
Given the information, you have gained from the required readings and videos regarding effective communication with families of children with special needs. Respond to the following.
Imagine you are an early childhood teacher of four-year-olds. Betsy is a new student in your class. She was recently staffed into the special education program under the eligibility of Developmentally Delayed. Her parents are new to this and need help navigating their child’s education at home and school. 
List ways you could collaborate with Betsy’s parents to help support her at home and school. 
Provide resources you would share with the parents and a short description. 
What are some unique issues related to working with families of children with special needs?

  Apply  the tools provided by professional organizations to explore current  le

Apply  the tools provided by professional organizations to explore current  le

Apply  the tools provided by professional organizations to explore current  legislative issues and industry data, and Describe the impact of current  issues affecting segments within the hospitality industry.
You  will be creating a PowerPoint Slide deck (no narration required)  consisting of five slides – a title slide and an informational slide for  each of the following industry segments – Foodservice/Restaurant,  Lodging/Hotel, Travel/Tourism, and Event Planning.
The title slide should include at minimum your name, the title of the assignment, and the due date.
For each of the industry segment slides, the content required is as follows:
Include the industry segment as a title on the slide
Identify an industry association that advocates for that particular industry – list the name of the industry association
Find  the “advocacy”, “issues”, or “data” page for that particular  association – it may or may not be called by one of those names. Post a  link to that page.
Identify  and briefly summarize ONE issue or statistical information the  association is highlighting on that page. Explain why that issue is  important to the industry and why it could impact society beyond just  that industry. 3 to 5 sentences is enough.
The  goal is to ensure you are familiar with industry associations, how they  advocate for and provide important industry statistics for their  membership. Be sure the link you are providing leads to the issue you  are highlighting.
Keep  in mind that while you are not presenting with narration, you should  design your slides with visual appeal in mind. These will be “wordier”  than slides in an actual presentation would be, but they should be  designed to be balanced and have a professional appearance

  Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable t

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable t

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable to attend in person, you may watch a live stream or an official recorded video of a recent school board meeting.
In a 500 reflection about your experience, address the following:
Describe each item addressed at the board meeting. What was being discussed and why?
Explain who was in attendance at the meeting. What kinds of people were there? Why were they there? Were you surprised by who attended?
Describe who presented at the meeting. Were the presentations civil? Did you agree with one side or another of the arguments?
What you learned at this board meeting.
How you will use what you learned as a teacher.
Submit a copy of the meeting agenda to the learning management system with your reflection.

Standardized Testing Directions: For this assignment, you will use Connect-Exten

Standardized Testing
For this assignment, you will use Connect-Exten

Standardized Testing
For this assignment, you will use Connect-Extend-Challenge routine. This routine helps to connect new ideas to prior knowledge. Reflect on the different types of standardized tests, reliability and validity and the best suggested types of tests for young children. Then use the CONNECT-EXTEND-CHALLENGE table 
CONNECT: How are ideas and information presented CONNECTED to what you already knew? You can add pictures, titles of books, links to websites, etc. to show your connections.
EXTEND: What new ideas did you get that EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions?
CHALLENGE: What is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have?
Post your table in the discussion board and reply to at least one post using the Dialogue ToolKit Discussion.

  Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the di

Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the di

Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the diverse interests and cultures of students enable teachers to effectively convey relevant concepts to their students.
You have been tasked as a leader at your site with promoting cultural diversity in the classroom. Create an annotated bibliography of at least 10 multicultural literature options for teachers of Grades K-5 to promote cultural diversity within reading and writing activities in the classroom.
For each entry in your bibliography, write 100-200 words that include the following:
Name/title of literature and the intended grade level
Summary of the literature and how it would be used within reading or writing instruction to meet specific needs and abilities of all students
Rationale regarding how the literature promotes the culture and interests of diverse students and how the resource might help ensure students feel accepted and valued in their classroom
 APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? Y

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? Y

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings. 
2.  Describe three aspects of due process for a school seeking to suspend a student with disabilities. Refer to the readings in this topic for further assistance. 
3.  How did Brown v. Board of Education change public education?  Has the promise of Brown v. Board of Education been realized?  Support your position with reference to a current event. Remember to keep your post academic in nature and relevant to the question. 
4.  How do you reconcile equality versus equity in public education today?  You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings. 
Each question requires 100 words and 1 reference. 

 Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public schoo

 Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public schoo

 Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public school site or the district for information regarding their policies on short- and long-term suspensions of students. Write a 500-650-word summarizing: Student handbook can be found here
  23-24 Student Handbook FINAL for printing 6-14-23.pdf ( 
The due process requirements prior to a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student at your local site or district.
Are the due process procedures for a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student the same or different?
Are these requirements consistent with Goss v. Lopez? Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

  Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the di

Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the di

Current resources and technological tools that are engaging and reflect the diverse interests and cultures of students enable teachers to effectively convey relevant concepts to their students.
You have been tasked as a leader at your site with promoting cultural diversity in the classroom. Create an annotated bibliography of at least 10 multicultural literature options for teachers of Grades K-5 to promote cultural diversity within reading and writing activities in the classroom.
For each entry in your bibliography, write 100-200 words that include the following:
Name/title of literature and the intended grade level
Summary of the literature and how it would be used within reading or writing instruction to meet specific needs and abilities of all students
Rationale regarding how the literature promotes the culture and interests of diverse students and how the resource might help ensure students feel accepted and valued in their classroom
 APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.