Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public schoo

 Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public schoo

 Review the school board policy and student handbook of Mississippi public school site or the district for information regarding their policies on short- and long-term suspensions of students. Write a 500-650-word summarizing: Student handbook can be found here
  23-24 Student Handbook FINAL for printing 6-14-23.pdf ( 
The due process requirements prior to a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student at your local site or district.
Are the due process procedures for a short-term and a long-term suspension of a student the same or different?
Are these requirements consistent with Goss v. Lopez? Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? Y

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? Y

1.  Is due process required prior to an afterschool detention? Why or why not? You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings. 
2.  Describe three aspects of due process for a school seeking to suspend a student with disabilities. Refer to the readings in this topic for further assistance. 
3.  How did Brown v. Board of Education change public education?  Has the promise of Brown v. Board of Education been realized?  Support your position with reference to a current event. Remember to keep your post academic in nature and relevant to the question. 
4.  How do you reconcile equality versus equity in public education today?  You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings. 
Each question requires 100 words and 1 reference. 

  Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable t

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable t

Attend a school board meeting for a local school district. If you are unable to attend in person, you may watch a live stream or an official recorded video of a recent school board meeting.
In a 500 reflection about your experience, address the following:
Describe each item addressed at the board meeting. What was being discussed and why?
Explain who was in attendance at the meeting. What kinds of people were there? Why were they there? Were you surprised by who attended?
Describe who presented at the meeting. Were the presentations civil? Did you agree with one side or another of the arguments?
What you learned at this board meeting.
How you will use what you learned as a teacher.
Submit a copy of the meeting agenda to the learning management system with your reflection.

 Please use attachment to complete assignment Scenario: You are a teacher at a c

 Please use attachment to complete assignment
You are a teacher at a c

 Please use attachment to complete assignment
You are a teacher at a childcare center  for toddlers. Your class will soon be starting a topic called “The  Environment.” The children in your care come from diverse cultural  backgrounds, and several of them speak languages other than English at  home.
Focus Assignment: 50 points
Create a science activity plan for this age group that focuses on the  environment. Be sure to provide a description of the activity you plan  to carry out, the child outcomes, the space and materials needed, the  procedures you will follow, and any follow-up activities that may help  reinforce the main activity. In addition, be sure to include elements  that will create a multicultural and anti-bias atmosphere in the  classroom.
Self-Reflection: 50 points
For each element of your activity plan, explain how this  element will help students learn about science and contribute to their  development

q1   Winston is a three-year-old oftentimes referred to as “Sir”. He lives with

Winston is a three-year-old oftentimes referred to as “Sir”. He lives with

Winston is a three-year-old oftentimes referred to as “Sir”. He lives with his parents who are of Native American and African American descent. He is an only child in the household. The family dynamics are richly based in culture consistent to morals and being authentic. Winston’s obsession with dinosaurs has evolved over the past two years. He is very strong in learning about dinosaurs and incorporating “his favorite” T-Rex in his learning and social environment. He loves to share his adventures with family and friends through literacy and play. Another strong emphasis Winston has is science, with particular emphasis on planets and outer space. His mother is a strong advocate for literacy by which books are read to him daily. Winston has evolved in his reading by identifying objects, some words, and talking about the images he sees in the books. The concern his parents have is finding images in books that look like him. Winston’s parents are concerned that he does not speak as clearly about other concepts outside of dinosaurs and nature. He is ready to learn new concepts introduced to him formally or informally. He is well versed in the alphabets, numbers to twenty, colors, shapes, opposites and some aspects of the earth such as differences in night and day, cold and hot. What might be evidence-based strategies for expanding Winston’s interests? How would you support Winston’s language and literacy using materials that are both mirrors (reflect who he is) and windows (offer insights to other perspectives, topics, and vocabulary)? How would you partner with Winston’s family to support his language and literacy development? Discuss with peers.  

Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special educati

Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special educati

Much of your role as an educator, both as a general education or special education teacher, will be explaining a student’s learning challenges to parents who may or may not be in education and understand the jargon. As a result, you will need to explain the disability and challenges in the classroom in a way anyone can understand.
Choose one of the following: Mathematics Disability, Reading Disability, Visual Processing, or Auditory Processing. Research the topic and post a summary of your findings in a parent-friendly description of the disability and how you would support the student in your classroom.
Criteria Level 4 – Proficient
Level 3 – Satisfactory
Level 2 – Basic
Level 1 – Missing or Inaccurate
Criterion Score
2 points
Expands on an initial inquiry or discussion question and supports or challenges it. Responses are backed up with evidence, shows novel insight.
1.5 points
Contributes information that is factually correct; lacks development of concept or thought. Ideas within the critique are not always presented with evidence.
1 point
Does not include substantive information; information is not presented with evidence.
0 points
Response is off topic or is inaccurate.
Score of Content,
/ 2
References and Support
2 points
Uses references to text(s), readings, videos, podcasts, or personal experience to support comments in a conversation or discussion critique.
1.5 points
Includes some references from the readings or research and personal experience is in the critique.
1 point
Uses only personal experiences. Includes no reference to readings or research from the content supporting the topic.
0 points
Does not include references or supporting experience.
Score of References and Support,
/ 2
Mechanics and Quality
2 points
Responses are relevant, succinct and free of mechanical errors.
1.5 points
Responses contribute relevant information in an organized manner. Minor clarity or mechanical errors.
1 point
Responses include basic information with some errors in clarity or mechanics.
0 points
Responses are unorganized, unclear and contain mechanical errors.
Score of Mechanics and Quality,
/ 2
Score of SPE 500 Weekly Assignment Rubric,
/ 6

   Part 1 (20 Points) Read the case study on page 78 of your text and answer the

Part 1 (20 Points)
Read the case study on page 78 of your text and answer the

Part 1 (20 Points)
Read the case study on page 78 of your text and answer the three questions thoughtfully.
Angela and Jennine wanted to learn to knit so they could make scarves for their dads. Their child care leader, Nancy, promised to show them how because she had been knitting since she was very young. She told them to buy some number six needles and a ball of yarn in the color they liked.They came to the after-school program the next day, eager to get started. Nancy cast on the stitches on each of their needles because she felt it would be hard enough for them to learn the stitch without start-ing with casting on. She demonstrated knitting for each of them, then guided their hands through several stitches. Angela was quickly ready to proceed on her own, but Jennine was having trouble. She would forget which way to wrap the yarn around the needle or how to pull the stitch through. Nancy again guided her hands, but Jennine still had problems and became increasingly frustrated. Then, Nancy remembered that she had a knitting instruction book in the cupboard, which showed the step-by-step process. She got it out and propped the page in front of Jennine. Jennine studied it and then cautiously tried each step. Finally she understood and was exuberant that she was successful at last.  
1.  Why do you think Angela found the instructions Nancy gave her easy to follow? Why was it diffi cult for Jennine?  
2.  How would you describe the methods that Nancy used to teach the girls?  
3.  What does this tell you about other learning experiences that you provide for the children in your group?
Part 2 (20 Points)
Theory: Sociocultural theory,
To help you clarify your own beliefs about children’s cognitive  development: you will write a summary of which of the theories discussed  in this chapter is closest to your own beliefs. Why do you feel this  way? If you are currently working in a classroom or program serving  children, how do you see the influence of these theories being utilized  to support high-quality education? If not, how would you like to see the  theory that is closest to your belief being used to support students in  classrooms?

 Persuasive Presentation Requirements: This presentation must be 3-5 minutes, ut

 Persuasive Presentation Requirements: This presentation must be 3-5 minutes, ut

 Persuasive Presentation Requirements: This presentation must be 3-5 minutes, utilize a typed outline, and must utilize the methods from the textbook to persuade the audience to choose to apply to the University of West Alabama as a freshman student. Consider your audience a mix of mostly students and some parents. A visual aid should be included in the form of a slide show with Powerpoint or Keynote 

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to summarize and reflect on what you’

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to summarize and reflect on what you’

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to summarize and reflect on what you’ve read and learned for the week. 
Directions: This week, our readings discuss some powerful topics such as the need for advocacy for ELs, shared sense of responsibility for teaching ELs, social justice and teacher reflection. Based on these readings, create a reflective piece of writing on the topics, subjects and elements discussed. Your written reflection must be at least 350 words.
You may wish to include some of the following prompts as stimuli for thinking and formulating your reflection.
How would you define advocacy? How do see yourself advocating for ELs?
What does shared responsibility to educate ELs mean to you?
The importance of teacher reflection.

 500 words, address the following questions in your finalized Personal Model of

 500 words, address the following questions in your finalized Personal Model of

 500 words, address the following questions in your finalized Personal Model of Leadership.
How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society?
How does servant leadership principles, in accordance with the Christian worldview, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?
How does your personal model of leadership meet the needs of followers and promote follower growth?