Informative presentation requirements: Based on a personal interest of yours, Ch

Informative presentation requirements: Based on a personal interest of yours, Ch

Informative presentation requirements: Based on a personal interest of yours, Choose a current event or issue that impacts college students. This 3-5 minute speech will focus on a topic you can research on the Internet or other sources. One goal of the informative speech is to blend personal experience and outside sources to create a successful, informative presentation. Topics should be approved by Professor prior to presentation day. Presentation must use a presentation aid such as Powerpoint, Keynote, or PDF. Use a typed outline and include at least 2 references from your research. 

  With all the corruption and politics that have been involved in sports over th

With all the corruption and politics that have been involved in sports over th

With all the corruption and politics that have been involved in sports over the years both in the U.S. and internationally some might argue that sport is so intrinsically tied to politics that it is naïve to believe that it could ever be free from political actions like boycotts. Others contend that athletes or fans bear the unfair burden for political uses of sport, especially boycotts.
please answer the following:
Choose an instance of a boycott or strike in sports and briefly discuss it (it can be from the U.S. or internationally).
Who suffered in your opinion the most from the strike or boycott?
What ethical constraints, if any, should there be on political uses of sport? Why? How realistic do these seem?
200 words

Compose a 3 page writing that includes the following components: Introduction

Compose a 3 page writing that includes the following components:

Compose a 3 page writing that includes the following components:
Explain the value of strategic planning in organizational leadership.

Discuss the role of an organization’s vision and mission in the strategic planning process.

Identify 3 elements of strategic planning that are most challenging for educational leaders to implement

Explain why you selected each element and provide a rationale.


How are these readings useful in your day-to-day practice as an educational leader?

Identify a problem space at your workplace. Decide what you want to study in the

Identify a problem space at your workplace. Decide what you want to study in the

Identify a problem space at your workplace. Decide what you want to study in the problem, why you want to study it, what you hope to find, who will benefit from the results, and how the results will benefit the stakeholders. What is the main research question that will guide your proposed study and what methodology (Qualitative or Quantitative) best answers these main research questions and why? 
In your workplace, who are the critical stakeholders who should be involved in the Planning Committee of a Strategic Plan? Why did you identify these individuals? 

The country is in a period of soul-searching.  As you read have the materials in

The country is in a period of soul-searching.  As you read have the materials in

The country is in a period of soul-searching.  As you read have the materials in the Module 1 section “Where we are now”: the Miami Dade County Public School Board is implementing a policy to strengthen programs related to systemic racism in the county schools; two young people in Miami suggest that Latinos are among those who do not recognize a problem that is deeply entrenched in our society – as exemplified by the stories of living black in America, and the experience of military veterans after World War II.  What is your reaction to what is going on?  What does it all mean for your practice in the classroom?

  From this week’s reading (The Future of Children – Special Issue: Social and E

From this week’s reading (The Future of Children – Special Issue: Social and E

From this week’s reading (The Future of Children – Special Issue: Social and Emotional Learning ) select three quotes that resonate with you from the article or two quotes. from the reading and one quote form any other resource from this week. For each quote, write 1-3 sentences reflecting on why the quote stood out to you. 
Close with a brief take-away from the entire chapter. 
Choose & Read 1 chapter in this special issue on SEL 

After reading chapter 5, 6, and 14, listening to the

After reading chapter 5, 6, and 14, listening to the

After reading chapter 5, 6, and 14, listening to the and selecting an article from the New York Times 
 answer 3 of the following questions. 
Who are current influential individuals making an impact for individuals with disabilities? And what are they doing?
How do human rights, disability rights, and civil rights relate to each other locally, nationally (in our country) and internationally (across the globe)?
In the podcast, Judy mentions the IDEA and 504. What are these and who do they apply to?
What did you find most interesting from listening to the Podcast?
Select and read one (there are 18 to choose from) article from The ADA at 30: Beyond the Laws Promise. List the title and summarize the article. What did you find interesting? What shocked you? 

Gender, Creativity, and Invisibility Throughout this course, we discuss gender i

Gender, Creativity, and Invisibility
Throughout this course, we discuss gender i

Gender, Creativity, and Invisibility
Throughout this course, we discuss gender ideology and how it impacts creative expression. Gender ideology is simply ideas about how a person’s gender (distinct from a person’s sex) is shaped through a socialization process, particularly prescribing characteristics and behaviors for a certain sex. From the moment a baby is placed in a pink blanket or a blue one, our culture begins to socialize a person as woman or man.
Over the centuries, this debate about women’s nature, “the woman question,” included such claims as it is in women’s nature to be weak and fragile. The debates often claim that weakness is inherent in females, rather than focusing on the way women are taught and/or socialized. Furthermore, the debate goes, women are suited only for domesticity because of their nature. It has even been argued that women have no souls. Most importantly in our discussion throughout this course is the way these restrictions on women’s lives have impacted their creative expression. In Week 1, we learn how gender ideology has impacted women’s creative expression and its visibility in society.
Our focus is on Renaissance women in Week 1, but we look at how contemporary women are still resisting ideas about women that began as early as the Renaissance period. The Renaissance “ideal lady” was an idealized woman who was defined as virtuous, pious, and modest, and though she may have been encouraged to be artistic, because of persistent ideas about women’s gender her creativity was deemed important only to charm and entertain men in the court, or was relegated to remain in a convent or the home. As we have seen, these ideas about women (ideology) restricted her creativity and visibility. Significantly, the visibility of women’s creative production is still an issue partly because of gender ideology centuries old.
For this week’s journal, discuss in three to four pages how gender ideology impacts women’s creative expression. Illustrate your discussion with examples of creative women from the Renaissance period. Your examples should come from our required or recommended resources and represent at least two different genres (for example, poetry, painting, sculpture). Explain how ideas about women’s nature and role impacted women’s work. Finally, after viewing the multimedia, conclude with a reflection on how the contemporary activism of the Guerilla Girls addresses the similar issues in today’s art world.To help you explore this journal, consider some of the following questions:
What role does she play in her life (courtesan, wife, mother, nun, aristocrat, etc.)?
How does that role support or discourage her creative expression and her visibility?
Does she resist or comply with the expected norms of her gender?
How do artistic women create within defined roles and images of women?

  The field of education incorporates a significant number of learning theories.

The field of education incorporates a significant number of learning theories.

The field of education incorporates a significant number of learning theories. These theories were developed by social scientists and psychologists who study the manner in which humans learn. Educators continue to subscribe to the tenets of one or more of these theories as they work with children.
It is just as important to understand the theorists as it is to understand their theories.
 use the form attached..
Complete the Leading Educational Theorist Table, in which you will:
Provide the name of the theory for each theorist.
Provide a detailed summary of each theory.
Provide a detailed summary of one way in which each theorist could impact education today.
provide citations for each summary