An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouragi

 An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouragi

 An integral part of supporting ELLs is advocating for their needs and encouraging families to engage in the school community. Not only do teachers and school administrators support students, but the involvement of families in the educational community is an important component of student success. Imagine you are a part of a team of ESL teachers that has been tasked with detailing a plan to school administrators for how to engage ELL families in your school. For the context of this assignment, use the school in which you completed your field experiences and for which you gathered demographic data in the Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A assignment. In 750-1,000 words, create a family engagement plan that promotes partnership with ELL families and advocates for their needs. Include the following in your plan: Summary of the school’s ELL demographics, including language and cultural backgrounds. Discuss pertinent social contextual information, including sociopolitical factors affecting ELLs and their families (e.g., local political and societal attitudes toward ELL families in the community). Key components of any programs, methods, or technological tools you plan to use to support families of ELLs by keeping them informed and engaged with the school community. Include a justification of how you plan to use the selected programs, methods, or tools, given the school’s ELL demographics and context. A nine-month calendar outline with possible meetings (e.g., ELL/bilingual parent advisory committee or council meetings), including topics and four schoolwide events (one each quarter) to engage ELL families. Include a description of the activities at each of the four schoolwide events and an explanation of what will need to be done to foster ELL family collaboration and engagement. Brief summary of at least three resources in your local community that could be offered as resources to ELL families. (Ensure the resources are local to your school context and not national resources.) Discussion of six collaboration strategies between educators, school personnel, families, and the community to enhance ESL teaching and build partnerships with ELL families. Include at least two strategies that incorporate the use of technology. 

Annotated Bibliography for the following source, at least 150 words for each. I

Annotated Bibliography for the following source, at least 150 words for each.

Annotated Bibliography for the following source, at least 150 words for each.
Ingersoll, R. M., & Strong, M. (2011). “The impact of induction and mentoring on teacher retention: A review of the literature.” Review of Educational Research, 81(2), 201-233. 
Grissom, J. A., & Loeb, S. (2011). “Triangulating Principal Leadership: A Framework and Evidence on the Effect of Principals on Student Achievement.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(4), 465-485. 
Moir, E., & Gless, J. L. (2001). “Quality Induction: A Induction Program for Beginning Teachers.” The New Teacher Center at UCSC. 
Leithwood, K., & Jantzi, D. (1990). “Transformational Leadership: How Principals Can Help Reform School Cultures.” School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1(2), 249-280. 
Sergiovanni, T. J. (1992). “Leadership for the Schoolhouse: How Is It Different? Why Is It Important?” Jossey-Bass. 
Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). “Effective Teacher Professional Development.” Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute. 
Ferguson, R. F., & Hinto, J. (2015). “The Role of School Leadership in Fostering a Positive School Climate.” Journal of Educational Administration, 53(5), 590-612. 
 Ronfeldt, M., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2013). “Teacher Turnover in High-Need Schools: An Analysis of the Patterns and Causes.” Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(5), 844-880. 

  Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of th

Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of th

Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of the article’s purpose, audience, and significance. Why was the article written? Who was it written for? Why is it important / why did it need to be written?
Describe two key points from the article. The points can be something you think is particularly important or interesting; however, they should also be central to the article. You should summarize the key points in your own words. Don’t forget to use in-text citations when paraphrasing. For each point, provide sufficient detail to show that you truly understand the article.
Describe what this article means to you. What experiences have you had with the topic? What do you take away from it?

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions  First, select a topic. The topi

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions 
First, select a topic. The topi

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions 
First, select a topic. The topic can be a current issue in education, a classroom challenge (ex. lack of motivation), or simply a topic in education that you want to learn more about.
Next, research that topic. You must find and use at least three sources for your presentation. Each source should add something new to your understanding of the topic.
Once you have a good understanding of the topic, you can create the PowerPoint presentation.

The presentation should be visually appealing and easy to follow. Do not overcrowd the slides.
Your presentation should be well-rounded and provide a full overview of the topic and what you learned. Make sure that the topic is narrow enough that you could provide an overview in the allotted number of slides. The research that you did should drive the presentation.
You should provide additional details in the notes section. These notes should be written as if you could use them as a script for a live presentation. They will be much more detailed than what is on the slides.
The content on your slides and in your notes should all be written at a graduate level.

  Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of th

Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of th

Introduce the article. Your introduction should include a description of the article’s purpose, audience, and significance. Why was the article written? Who was it written for? Why is it important / why did it need to be written?
Describe two key points from the article. The points can be something you think is particularly important or interesting; however, they should also be central to the article. You should summarize the key points in your own words. Don’t forget to use in-text citations when paraphrasing. For each point, provide sufficient detail to show that you truly understand the article.
Describe what this article means to you. What experiences have you had with the topic? What do you take away from it?

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions  First, select a topic. The topi

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions 
First, select a topic. The topi

 Issues and Trends Presentation Instructions 
First, select a topic. The topic can be a current issue in education, a classroom challenge (ex. lack of motivation), or simply a topic in education that you want to learn more about.
Next, research that topic. You must find and use at least three sources for your presentation. Each source should add something new to your understanding of the topic.
Once you have a good understanding of the topic, you can create the PowerPoint presentation.

The presentation should be visually appealing and easy to follow. Do not overcrowd the slides.
Your presentation should be well-rounded and provide a full overview of the topic and what you learned. Make sure that the topic is narrow enough that you could provide an overview in the allotted number of slides. The research that you did should drive the presentation.
You should provide additional details in the notes section. These notes should be written as if you could use them as a script for a live presentation. They will be much more detailed than what is on the slides.
The content on your slides and in your notes should all be written at a graduate level.