1. Create a toolkit/resource book of differentiation strategies that can be used

1. Create a toolkit/resource book of differentiation strategies that can be used to ensure that students have access to effective instruction in your classroom. Your toolkit should be divided into the following categories:
1. Differentiation by process
2. Differentiation by content
3. Differentiation by product
Within each section, be sure to indicate which strategies pertain to learning styles, abilities, interests/knowledge of students, as well as which tier in the RTI model each applies to.
You should have 5-10 strategies in each of the 3 categories above. Be sure that each strategy is explained in detail, and be sure to cite all of your sources. Read through the rubric before you begin so you know what is expected and how you will be graded.
These should be strategies you will find helpful as a beginning teacher. Hopefully you can take this project with you as you embark on your career in education!

Prompt: In this assignment, you will write a 1-2 page reflection (approximately

In this assignment, you will write a 1-2 page reflection (approximately 500-700 words) on what you have learned in Module 1: U.S. Educational System Overview/Variables that Influence Change and how this knowledge relates to your personal experiences or future goals in education.
In your reflection, consider the following:
Key Takeaways:
What are the most important concepts, ideas, or insights you gained from this module?
How have these ideas expanded your understanding of the U.S. educational system or the factors that influence change within it
Personal Connection:
How do the concepts and ideas from this module relate to your own experiences in education? This could include your experiences as a student, educator, or any other role you’ve had within the educational system.
Were there any ideas or discussions in this module that resonated with you personally? Why?
Application to Future Goals:
How do you anticipate applying the knowledge gained from this module to your future career or goals in education? Goal : Dean of Education
What strategies or concepts will you take forward as you consider your role in the educational system or in effecting change?
Formatting Guidelines:
Length: 1-2 pages (approximately 500-700 words).
Format: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
Citations: If referencing specific readings or discussions, please include in-text citations and a reference list in APA format.
Readings to use or reference: Young, D. G., & Zeng, W. (2021). An ecological approach to understanding the scholarship of advising practice and administration. New Directions for Higher Education, 2021(195/196), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.1002/he.20408Links to an external site.
Stavrianeas, S., et al. (2022). Empowering faculty to initiate STEM education transformation: Efficacy of a systems thinking approach. PLoS ONE, 17(7), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0271123

Videos 1, 2, & 3: Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learni

Videos 1, 2, & 3: Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learning Needs and AT Myths: After watching videos 1,2, & 3 on the module’s video page, reflect on what you watched and post a response that includes the following in a bulleted fashion. Put the prompt. Videos 1 and 2 (Understanding AT, Using Technologies to Support Diverse Learning Needs): Put a heading for each video. Then briefly describe in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion at least 3 things that you learned about AT from each video. Video 3 (AT Myths). There are 5 myths in this video. Put a heading for the video, then name and briefly describe in complete sentences in a bulleted fashion each of the five myths and what is true instead for each myth. video 1- https://youtu.be/DB9pKkZoJDc?si=AMP7AKoKl42dOJnf video 2- https://youtu.be/RY4eR2Ntxtc?si=aSxjuiDDyFIEO7cK video 3-https://youtu.be/oDsUi-EtpiQ?si=lIIaRLS395AYfCeC

Using the TEA T-PESS Assistant Principal Self-Assessment Rubric, complete the fo

Using the TEA T-PESS Assistant Principal Self-Assessment Rubric, complete the following: After reflecting on personal skills and knowledge areas as identified by the current principal standards, complete the Self-assessment form (pages 3 – 24 only) by providing a Beginning of Year (BOY) rating for each of the indicators. The purpose is to identify and reflect on your administrative-related skills and knowledge as you begin your Practicum. The outcomes of this assignment should be a basis for completing your Plan of Action Part 1. (20 points) There will be areas you have not yet experienced, or have experienced only slightly. Do not hesitate to rate yourself as Needs Improvement or Developing in these areas. Provide one to two paragraphs as the rationale for your ratings in the comment boxes at the end of each section. Use the Goal-setting form links to an external site. ( page 26) to develop one professional goal and one student goal based on your Self-Assessment Form. Determine which Principal Standards and Elements are addressed in the goals as well as the strategies, and actions to complete them, the expected outcomes, the timeline for achievement, resources needed, and comments. Complete the form and submit it along with your Self-assessment form. (20 points) You will revise, if necessary, and complete these goals during EDLE 5730, Advanced Practicum in Educational Leadership. You will revisit this form at the end of the second semester after completing leadership activities for the practicum. You must sign and date the document prior to submission.

Prompt: Analyze three major factors associated with the importance of public ed

Prompt: Analyze three major factors associated with the importance of public education in a democracy in terms of how public education benefits both individuals and society.
Must include Introduction which outlines the information that will be explored. At least 3 body paragraphs; one for each factor and a conclusion.
One of the sources must be – Public Policy Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Michael E. Kraft & Scott R. Furlong, 2020

Develop a lesson plan using the edTPA® Lesson Plan as your guide. (see the attac

Develop a lesson plan using the edTPA® Lesson Plan as your guide. (see the attached template and Academic Language sheet). The template will be submitted in Week 5 with your lesson plan draft. For Week 6, you will make necessary corrections and resubmit the same.

Include in your lesson plan the following components (fill out all parts of the lesson plan template):
Grade and student composition
Subject matter
Objectives and content standards
Lesson components – Include how you will foster:
Creative Thinking
Critical Thinking
Supportive Learning Environments
Lesson Design
Lesson Differentiation
Student Engagement
Direct instructional strategies
Indirect instructional strategies
Assessment Strategies
Grade level Kindergarten