Create a scalable microgrid that combines various renewable energy sources, incl

Create a scalable microgrid that combines various renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and battery storage. The project will emphasize energy management, load balancing, and maintaining a reliable power supply in off-grid situations. Alternatively, focus on the design and construction of power conversion and distribution systems, such as inverters, converters, and transformers. This involves developing hardware, like custom circuitry for energy conversion and protection systems, and integrating different power electronics with minimal dependence on computer algorithms.
Additionally, the paper should include 12 tables.

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know tha

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know tha

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know that this paper must focus on the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), specifically the platooning function of CAVs where the CAVs are moving on a highway with minimum distance between them and as a platoon (for example, the CAVs will be moving in one platoon like a train where each vehicle will be connected to the heading vehicle), and we are studying what is the optimum platoon size (how many CAVs can be in one platoon on highway), and what the optimum gap pr space between each platoon of CAVs. Also, we will study the mixed traffic flow where the vehicles on the highway are mixed Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and Conventional Vehicles (Normal Vehicles). Additionally, we will study how the CAVs platoons can reduce congistion and increase safety on highway segments.
Please use simple English.
And please make sure that the text is zero Plagiarism and zero AI.

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know tha

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know tha

Please see the attached file for more instructions. But just to let you know that this paper must focus on the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), specifically the platooning function of CAVs where the CAVs are moving on a highway with minimum distance between them and as a platoon (for example, the CAVs will be moving in one platoon like a train where each vehicle will be connected to the heading vehicle), and we are studying what is the optimum platoon size (how many CAVs can be in one platoon on highway), and what the optimum gap pr space between each platoon of CAVs. Also, we will study the mixed traffic flow where the vehicles on the highway are mixed Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and Conventional Vehicles (Normal Vehicles). Additionally, we will study how the CAVs platoons can reduce congistion and increase safety on highway segments.
Please use simple English.
And please make sure that the text is zero Plagiarism and zero AI.

(chemical engineering) hello, I have to completely size and optimize 2 centrifug

(chemical engineering)
hello, I have to completely size and optimize 2 centrifug

(chemical engineering)
hello, I have to completely size and optimize 2 centrifuges, both are basically the same but each one has different inlet feed In terms of components. (please see the mass balance sheet, the centrifuges are highlighted in yellow). so far, we found that decanter centrifuges are the best. we are assuming 95% solids recovery, which is the desired yield for both centrifuges. also, 1 operational year = 8000 hours. I also provided 2 decanters specification sheets, the S6E-3 and the DX-500 are the only ones that can handle the capacity of the process.
each assumption and equation should be referenced as requested by the supervisor. I will include a copy of the preliminary report so you can understand the idea of the process, as well as some references that might be helpful. you can use any reference you find online but it must be valid and provided.
see the grading rubric.
if you have any questions, please ask.

Hello, please write me a ~650 word college admissions essay about how engineerin

Hello, please write me a ~650 word college admissions essay about how engineerin

Hello, please write me a ~650 word college admissions essay about how engineering (computer engineering or scientific method specifically) connects to the community service in my life. Here is more specific details: Eagle Scout (Did an environmental/sustainability project 328.5 hrs), Founder and president of “Blueprint for Tomorrow Foundation” the non-profit organization (Also environmental/sustainability passion project), I ran a food drive (2021 and 2022) to help feed my community during covid (Approx. 30 hours, raised $1000+ worth of food, Partnered with #friendswhogive), Unpaid internship (volunteer / community service work) at “North Shore Fencers Club” as a Fencing Instructor (96 hours, gave free lessons to those who wanted to learn or could not afford), Unpaid internship (volunteer / community service work) at “Zhou Law PC” law firm as a Legal Assistant (102 hours, participated in pro-bono legal services to the underprivileged).

topic sentance: what are the reasons or effects of robots taking human jobs. Sta

topic sentance: what are the reasons or effects of robots taking human jobs.

topic sentance: what are the reasons or effects of robots taking human jobs.
Standard MLA and a Works Cited.
Minimum 850 words double-spaced typed.
use the links to provide evidence from text and

write a literature review about the optimization methods used in HEMS, review th

write a literature review about the optimization methods used in HEMS, review th

write a literature review about the optimization methods used in HEMS, review the optimization methods similar but not the same to this paper attached . The optimization methods are classified as:
1- Classical methods
2- Heuristic and Metaheuristic methods
3- Model Predictive Control Methods
4- Stocastic Methods
5- Game theory based Methods
6- AI based Methods
7- Other methods (if needed)
first start describing in general the main category, then write briefly about the most common methods used of this category for HEMS then summarize the most common and most cited studies in a table that contains: the reference number, method, components of HEMS, objective functions, contributions, limitations and any other feature that apply to the main category of optimization method or the HEMS model. I will send you more features soon.
You do this process for all the main categories of optimization methods as in the attached paper but not the same. it’s just an example of how I want my literature to be structured.
Please spend more time and allow more space for the tables because it represent and summarize the value of the literature review. If you need more time just ask me, but please do not just copy and pate from the literature, you will find a lot of review regarding this topic.
under the AI based methods include reinforcement learning method but do not include deep reinforcement learning methods because it will be in the next chapter. If you did a good work I will request you for my next order.
Please write and design the tables in latex format and use references as much as needed.
please ask me anything if you are not sure about because I expect a professional work.

rnal Examiner’s Instructions: Technical Report Writing 26 May 2024 Course Code C

rnal Examiner’s
Technical Report Writing
26 May 2024 Course Code C

rnal Examiner’s
Technical Report Writing
26 May 2024 Course Code CE6104
Presentation Skills and Engineering Report Writing
This cover sheet must be completed (section in red below) and attached to your
assessment before submission in hard copy/soft copy.
The time allowed for this assessment is XXX minutes/hours/days.
This assessment carries XXX marks distributed to a total of XXX questions
assessing CILO X and CILO X.
The materials allowed for use in this assessment are XXX, XXX, and XXX.
The use of generative AI tools is strictly prohibited.
References consulted (if any) must be properly acknowledged and cited.
The assessment has a total of XXX pages.
Learner ID
Date May 20th, 2024
Abdulaziz Qussay Daghfag 202307105
Fahad AttaAllah
Mohammad Al-Yami
Mohammad Al-Rashid
Wajid Khan
By submitting this assessment for marking, I affirm that this assessment is my own work.
Non-Business Use
Do not write beyond this line. For assessor use only.
Assessor’s Name
Marking Date
Standard Test Method for
Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids
(and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
Non-Business Use
Table of Contents
Significance and Use 4
Items 6
Procedure 6
Calculation 11
Conclusion & Critique 12
References 12
Non-Business Use
1. Scope
This test method covers and specifies a procedure for the concurrent measurement of both
the dynamic viscosity, and the density of liquid petroleum products and crude oils, both
transparent and opaque using constant temperature bath CANNON CT-1000HT. (ASTM,
Significance and Use
2.1 Many petroleum products, and some non-petroleum materials, are used as lubricants,
and the correct operation of the equipment depends upon the appropriate viscosity of the
liquid being used. In addition, the viscosity of many petroleum fuels is important for the
estimation of optimum storage, handling, and operational conditions. Thus, the accurate
determination of viscosity is essential to many product specifications.
2.2 Tracking viscosity is important when it comes to understanding conditions deep
underground. The viscosity of oil and gas can be highly variable, depending on environmental
temperature and pressure, as well as the molecular makeup of the raw material. Pressure and
temperature changes cause viscosity readings to fluctuate dramatically, and can be irreversible.
These characteristics must be controlled precisely through the sample extraction, handling, and
analysis for fluid integrity. The viscosity system must safely
provide accurate, repeatable, and timely information while using as little sample as possible.
3. Principle
3.1. Kinematic viscosity is measured by noting the time it takes oil to travel through the orifice of
a capillary under the force of gravity (Figure 1). The orifice of the kinematic viscometer tube
produces a fixed resistance to flow Different sized capillaries are available to support fluids of
varying viscosity.
3.2. This measured time is then multiplied by a constant (associated to the particular tube) to
calculate the kinematic viscosity (force of gravity). (ASTM, 2021)
Non-Business Use
Non-Business Use
Figure 1. Capillary U-Tube Viscometer
 Constant Temperature Bath.
 U-Tube Viscometer
 Thermometer.
 Stopwatch.
 Sample.
 Cleaning solvents (Toluene, Acetone) in a squeezed bottle.
 A piece of rag.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), lab coat, goggles, safety shoes.
4. Responsibility
4.1. Analysts are responsible to perform the test and follow the procedure to obtain quality results.
5. Procedure
5.1 Measurement
5.1.1 Start up the bath for a couple of hours to let the temperature reaches the set point.
5.1.2 While the bath is running, heat up the sample in the oven.
5.1.3 Pick out the right tube, depending on the nature of the sample, and make sure it is
thoroughly cleaned with Toluene followed by a drying solvent (acetone).
Non-Business Use
5.1.4 Transfer the sample into the tube till the first red line, and let it settle down for a few
minutes to adapt with bath’s temperature (As shown in the image below).
5.1.5 Using the thumb finger, press on the top part of the tube (big opening), till the
sample move past the curved part of the tube.
5.1.6 Once the sample reaches the first red line that is situated at the bottom side of the
tube, hit the stopwatch until the sample reaches the second redline. Then, stop the
Non-Business Use
Start Line
Finish Line
5.1.7 Go to the table of “Manual Viscosity Tube Factors”, and select the size of the tube
you have used during the analysis, you will find the “Tube Factor”, multiply it by the number of
seconds you have obtained in the stopwatch to calculate the final result.
Result (mm2/s) = Tube Factor (mm2/s2) × Time (s) (ASTM, 2021)
5.1.8 Repeat all the steps above in order to obtain a second reading. Two determinations of the
kinematic viscosity of the test material are required. Report the average of the two duplicated
kinematic viscosity results to four significant figures, together with test temperature.
Non-Business Use
Non-Business Use
Figure 2 (left). Temperature Probe Immersion in Constant Temperature Bath
Figure 3(right). Constant Temperature Bath Model Name: Cannon CT-1000HT
Non-Business Use
Figure 4. Common glass capillary types of kinematic viscometer. Glass Capillary Types (1)
Ostwald (2) Ubbelohde (3) Cannon-Fenske (4) Houillon (Modified Zeitfuchs crossarm)
6. Calculation
Five kinematic viscosity of Arabian extra light crude oil values were measured at 210°F by using
calibrated viscometer tubes.
Repeat Number
Duplicated runs (mm2/s)
Average (mm2/s)
Based on this test
6.017 and a repeatability of 6.6 mm2/s according to (ASTM D-445, Sec. 17).
Determinability (d), were found to be 2.82, 2.82, 2.86, 2.81 & 2.86 mm2/s respectively to the
duplicated analysis, which approve that our duplicated runs don’t exceed their indicated
determinability limits according to (ASTM D-445, Sec. 17).
By this validation, the method fits for purpose. (ASTM, 2021)
Non-Business Use
data the average is 787.2 mm2/s. This gives a sample standard deviation of
Conclusion & Critique
This test requires a great deal patience and precision. Yet, it provides extremely reliable results.
Furthermore, the technician has to try several tubes that fit the type of sample especially if he
received an unknown sample from a new field or well in which he has little to no idea about the
site or sample specifications.
This is not the case with modern instruments that came out recently in the markets in various
shapes and sizes. Particularly, automated ones which is capable of producing multiple results in a
swift manner (Time is a valuable resource in the petroleum industry). Most importantly, obtained
figures are dependable and match the ones taken from the manual procedure.
Automatic analyzers have a high price tag, mainly that come with extra features such as built-in-
oven and auto sampling, only a handful of oil corporates could afford these machines.
Another drawback worth noting before bringing this article to an end is that petroleum laboratories
around the world run the risk of losing or breaking the viscometer tubes during cleaning or
relocation, etc. Those tubes are made of glass, high-priced, and takes an extended amount of time
to receive it from outside the kingdom. Worst of all, it contains a hazardous substance called
Mercury which would cause multiple health issues such as poisoning and acute lung injury. It is
highly recommended to switch to automated viscometer to promote safety across the lab area.
ASTM. (2021). Academia. Retrieved from Academia:…
Non-Business Use