Purpose The Multimodal Reading Journal (MRJ) is a weekly assignment meant to hel

The Multimodal Reading Journal (MRJ) is a weekly assignment meant to
help you engage with the different texts we will be reading throughout
the semester. As you learn new concepts and ideas, you will be able to
use the MRJ to apply those concepts, ask questions, and critically
engage with course texts to work through the content of the course.
Knowledge and Skills
to define and apply key rhetorical concepts through analyzing
and composing a variety of texts several genres and modes (print,
visual, digital, oral, multimodal);
to demonstrate rhetorical awareness and flexibility by
discussing how other writers adapt language for audience, situation and
purpose and by consciously adapting their own writing to a variety of
situations and contexts that call for purposeful shifts in voice, tone,
style, design, medium, structure, and conventions;
to demonstrate awareness of writing as a recursive, social
process by reading, writing, and collaborating to discover and deepen
ideas, reflecting on their rhetorical choices, and revising those
choices in response to feedback from readers;
to practice and demonstrate the ability to use relevant
rhetorical and discursive conventions in order to communicate with
academic and professional audiences
Assignment Task
Take a look at the assigned readings for this week and pick one to
journal about. For this assignment, you will write a 4-8 sentence
summary of the reading, and you will also select three different pieces
of evidence (passages or quotes) from the text and respond to each
passage. Below is the format that you must follow for this assignment:P

I recommend doing your MRJ on the “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” reading.
Then practice applying what you learns from that reading to the AOC
Author’s Name:
Title of the Reading:
Summary of the Text:
Write a 4-8 sentence summary of the entire reading. Make sure to note the most important parts of the text think about the course discussions and how the text helps us understand course concepts
1. In this box, you will copy the first quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
1. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the first
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.
2. In this box, you will copy the second quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
2. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the second
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.
3. In this box, you will copy the third quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
3. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the third
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.

Body of the Essay Write a minimum of 5-7 paragraphs for this section. Include on

Body of the Essay Write a minimum of 5-7 paragraphs for this section. Include one claim to support your thesis statement for each paragraph. Use at least three of the sources provided to you on the Argumentative Writing Skills page. Include quotes or paraphrases from one of your sources followed by an in-text citation for each paragraph. Provide a source for at least one counterargument and explain why the counterargument is not valid. Remember when including quotes from a source, try to keep this to 1 sentence within a body paragraph. Remember that a paragraph is typically a minimum of 3-5 sentences. Conclusion Paragraph Restate the position you provided in your thesis statement. Write at least 3 sentences that summarize the claims you made in your body paragraphs. Make sure you do not present new details in this paragraph. Works Cited Page Use MLA format List all the sources used to support your argument. Review tips for creating citations in the Using the Citation Tool in Microsoft Word video. Review tips for creating citations in the Using the Citation Tool in Google Docs video. There are tips for creating citations in MLA Citations in your course. Correct Spelling and Punctuation Remember to write in third-person. Match the subject and the verb. Use clear pronouns / antecedent agreement. Use correct word combinations. Clear and Concise Writing Sentences should be clear. Avoid run-on or fragmented sentences.

2 paragraphs: Paragraph 1 (500-550 words): Start with a topic sentence that desc

2 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1 (500-550 words): Start with a topic sentence that describes your daily life. Then
use the elements of descriiption, illustration, and narration you read about in this lesson to
describe your home, family, work, school, and other responsibilities and activities that take up
your time. Include information about your schedule and how much time you dedicate to each
part of your day.
Paragraph 2 (500-550 words): Start with a topic sentence that identifies 3 or 4 steps, tools,
techniques, or strategies you use to manage your time; for example, a wall chart for family
chores, the calendar app on your phone to keep your scheduled, or a quiet study space. Then
explain in detail how you use each one.
When you revise, focus on:
 Paragraph one is descriiptive and should begin with a topic sentence that introduces you; next,
describe the people and animals (family and pets) that you live with. Describe what a typical day
is like. Eliminate all off topic discussion. This paragraph should be 500 – 550 words.
 Paragraph two is process analysis and should begin with a topic sentence that names three or four
success strategies. Success strategies must be concrete and reproducible by other students. Some
techniques include:
• Advance meal preparation
• Online shopping
• Help from family members
• A dedicated study area
• A dedicated study time
• Lists
• Calendars
• Reminders
Remember to proofread and edit your work. Check
your grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Virtual Teams: Making It Work Virtual teams are composed of employees who are ph

Virtual Teams: Making It Work
Virtual teams are composed of employees who are physically dispersed throughout the nation or around the world. They are linked by various forms of electronic technology. Face-to-face contact is usually minimal or nonexistent. Virtual teams face several challenges: time zone differences, which make quick information exchanges difficult, and cultural miscues, which can cause misunderstandings. When teams don’t meet in person, its less likely they will develop the kind of chemistry common to productive teams that have face-to-face meetings. Many virtual teams are in continuous danger of becoming dysfunctional.
Recent research has identified certain traits and practices common to most virtual teams. Here are a few important rules for making these teams productive.
Choose a few team members who already know each other. This will speed up the process of building networks among team members. Invest in online resources that help all team members quickly learn about one another.
Ensure the task is meaningful to team members and the company. Assign tasks that are challenging and interesting.
The virtual team should include “boundary spanners,” persons who have many connections to useful people outside of the team.
Develop a team mission statement along with teamwork expectations, project goals, and deadlines.
Create an online site where team members can collaborate, exchange ideas, and motivate one another. The team should have a shared online work space that all members can access 24 hours a day.
Encourage frequent communication and try to reach agreement about preferred communication tools.
If you are a virtual team leader, find ways to mark team progress toward goals.
Instructions: Answer the questions below for this assignment. Keep in mind the information preceding the instructions when preparing your paper, and ensure that you follow the format for this assignment provided immediately following the Questions.
Assignment Questions:
1. In your opinion, which of the five dysfunctions of a team would be the greatest barrier to virtual team productivity? Defend your answer.
Absence of trust: Trust is considered the foundation of effective teamwork.
Fear of conflict: Teams that lack trust are not capable of engaging in open, unfiltered debate.
Lack of commitment: When team members fail to voice their views openly during passionate debate, they rarely buy-in and commit to decisions.
Avoidance of accountability: Without commitment and buy-in, team members are often hesitant to call their peers on actions and behaviors that seem counterproductive to the good of the team.
Inattention to results: Failure to hold one another accountable creates an environment where team members put their own needs above the collective goals of the team.
2. What can be done to avoid information overload when a virtual team is made up of 25 or more members?
Research Paper Instructions:
Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. No other file format can be accepted (i.e., no .pdf, read-only, or Apple file formats).
Write a 1-2 page paper regarding your findings, using APA format, and submit. Your paper must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. In addition, papers longer than 2 pages will not be read after the second page. As such, please ensure that all questions are answered within the first two pages, as your grade will be based on the first two pages received. Your paper must include a reference page, title page, and in-text citations for all listed references in accordance with the APA manual, 6th edition chapters 6 (citation formatting) and chapter 7 (reference/source formatting).
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting peer-reviewed references or sources (do NOT use Wikipedia, encyclopedias, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as websites), include a reference section, and cite all listed references properly in your paper, in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.
Please ensure that you review the grading rubric for this assignment carefully, to ensure that you receive the highest possible grade for your work!

WriteReflect on the cultural dimensions on the Identity Wheel below. Think about

WriteReflect on the cultural dimensions on the Identity Wheel below. Think about how your cultural identities inform your experiences, values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.The primary dimensions of age, race, gender, ethnicity, (dis)abilities, sexual identity, economic class (childhood), and religion (childhood) serve as core elements and shape our basic self-image and our fundamental view. They help form our core expectations of others in our personal and professional life. The secondary dimensions of culture including education, income/economic status, religious beliefs (current), relationship/parental status, geographic location, and work background serve as independent influences on our self esteem and self definition. This influence varies with who we are, our stage of life, and changes we have experienced. The identity wheel looks into identifying individual culture(s) and the dimensions of diversity. We belong to several cultures simultaneously which create our identities, loyalties, and strengthen allegiances to our cultures.
Review the dimensions on the Identity Wheel and brainstorm details about how you connect with the different dimensions.
Select two dimensions that highlight your cultural/life identity.
Write a posting (about 150-200 words) about how you reflect on these two dimensions and how they are important to you.
Submit your posting to this discussion by clicking Reply below.
Attach a picture of yourself or a photo of something that reflects who you are. (Optional)

Week 2 Discussion: Functions of Nonverbal Communication Primary post due by Frid

Week 2 Discussion: Functions of Nonverbal Communication
Primary post due by Friday at 11:59 p.m. | Responses due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
Great, it is time for our second discussion here in this course. Please remember the adhere to Netiquette guidelines (see page 9 course syllabus).
See the following video with an overview of this week’s discussion.
Length: 1:53 min.
define nonverbal communication.
identify and offer examples of the functions of nonverbal communication.
differentiate between the different types of nonverbal communication.
Use the terms discussed in textbook Week 2 Chapter about Nonverbal Communication and own examples (not from websites or books) to address the questions.
Add to the discussion by providing examples that are different from already posted in the discussion.
Write complete sentences and not bullet lists.
Contribute your initial post to our discussion by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. In your post please include the following:
Describe two message that qualify as nonverbal communication and one that is a verbal message. Briefly explain the difference between the two types of messages.
Consider that you are preparing for an important job interview. Name two important nonverbal functions to keep in mind for the interview and why. Overall, what suggestions can you give to appear confident using the various types of nonverbal communication discussed in textbook?
By 11:59 p.m. Sunday, please respond to at least two posts in our discussion.
Canvas Discussions
If you would like to learn a bit about Canvas discussions first, check out How do I reply to a Discussion? and How do I view and sort Discussion replies in the Canvas Guides. Here are a few useful buttons to play with:
Your primary post needs to be 250-280 words and contributes specific ideas to the conversation. The two responses to others need to be 100-130 words each and reflect on comment of that student in a meaningful way by reacting to the questions that were answered by a student.
A discussion rubricLinks to an external site. will be used to grade our discussions. Review the rubrics to see the expectations for your contributions and the corresponding grading.
At th eend of the week, you will see a completed rubric alongside your grade. To view the rubric, use the “options” icon in the top right corner of this page to select the rubric. (If viewing the course via the Canvas mobile app, the rubric may not be visible.)

The First Step of Your Research Paper: Writing the Prospectus After you settle o

The First Step of Your Research Paper: Writing the Prospectus After you settle on your topic from the list provided and do some preliminary research, the next step is to write your prospectus for your five-page research paper. Prospectus is just a fancy word for a brief summary, about a paragraph in length, that introduces your topic and states your thesis. The paragraph must (1) link your topic directly to the study of humanities and specifically to the content outlined in your syllabus, (2) explain why you are interested in this particular topic, and (3) relate it to everyday life. Your prospectus ends with your thesis, which is one sentence that will present the main point of your paper and enumerate the three main ideas on which you will focus. The purpose of the prospectus is to help you start organizing your research and your paper. It will also be the basis for your sentence outline. You are submitting it first so that I can approve your topic. If it needs refining, you will have the option to correct it and submit again. It counts toward your research paper grade. Use MLA format for your submission. Below is a sample Prospectus in the correct format.

Option Two: Build a Stress Catcher with Someone Build a stress catcher with a fr

Option Two: Build a Stress Catcher with Someone
Build a stress catcher with a friend, family member, or support system. Submit a photo of the final product with your support system and briefly describes your experience using it in a stressful situation.
Instructions for Building a Stress CatcherLinks to an external site.
Deliverable: Photo of your Stress-catcher or bring it to my office hours to show me in person

Now that you have read through and annotated Bradstreet’s poem, please upload yo

Now that you have read through and annotated Bradstreet’s poem, please upload your annotated poem and include a summary of the poem. Remember, a summary is a brief restatement in your own words of the main ideas of a text.  If you were to explain this poem to someone in a minute or less, what would you tell them? Aim for your summary to be between 3-5 sentences in length.
Your annotations should include the following:
* Ideologies
* Paraphrases as needed
* Language devices (diction, syntax, rhetorical devices)
* Summary
You can either annotate directly on the document in this assignment or upload the document you annotated. please make sure you properly annotate and you can just annotate the document directly

PLEASE DO NOT USE AI, I need a mini essay done 3 paragraphs introduction, body p

PLEASE DO NOT USE AI, I need a mini essay done 3 paragraphs introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, the theme I was told to write about was “becareful for what you wish for” I will link the Prezi of what my teacher said in class just make the essay aroudn the theme, please do it https://prezi.com/view/8oAPN4SvpefErtKaeRka/ you can also use the book they say i say 5th edition to understand and help you write, again please do not use AI I will get kicked out of school Im already in debt pls help don’t. Let me know if you have any questions.