The Literacy Autobiography is part summary and part personal response to Sherman

The Literacy Autobiography is part summary and part personal response to Sherman Alexie’s short story, “Superman and Me Download Superman and Me” (“SM”). Originally published in 1997, “SM” is a personal story of Alexie’s relationship to reading as a young boy growing up on an Indian reservation. In the Literacy Autobiography, you will summarize Alexie’s short story and then use it as a springboard to narrate your own story, which will be formed by answering one of the response prompts provided below.
Paper Requirements:
5 full paragraphs meeting the following paper structure:
Summary/Introduction: Introductory paragraph that provides a summary of “SM.”
Response/Body Paragraphs: Three body paragraphs, written as a personal narrative that respond to one of the provided prompts. Using “SM” as an example text, these paragraphs should focus on your own personal story.
Conclusion: Concluding paragraph that provides readers with the overall significance of your experience (why it is valuable or meaningful).
APA style, including paper formatting (12-point, Times New Roman font, double spacing, indented paragraphs, page numbers, etc.), a title page, in-text citations, and a References page.
Class resources (weekly video and written lectures, assignments, and resources) provide instruction on each component of the Literacy Autobiography. Be sure to utilize your resources for a successful essay.
Response Prompts:
Choose one of the following prompts to guide the body paragraphs of your essay:
Influences: Alexie introduces his father as an early influencer of his literary development. Who has impacted your life in a similar way? Are there friends, family members, teachers, or other mentors who helped shape your introduction to reading, writing, or education? In what ways were these important?
Development as a Reader or Writer: Alexie describes his early experiences with books beginning with his interest in Superman comics, and then explains how he developed his understanding of a paragraph by relating it to the world around him. Do you have similar early memories of interacting with texts in specific ways? If so, what are those and how did they help influence your understanding or relationship to reading and/or writing?
Expectations: Alexie explains that there were certain expectations placed on children who lived on the reservation, which he challenged by breaking the stereotype. Have expectations been placed on you by family or society regarding your education? If so, how have you either challenged or lived up to that expectation?
Relationship with Education: Alexie shares that he visits as many classrooms as possible to encourage students to develop a love of reading. In this way, he demonstrates the value of education in impacting life in positive ways (in fact, he notes that it might “save” lives). What value do you place on education? In what ways might it impact your life?
You will work to build up to the final essay in stages following the goals of the writing process. These steps include:
Assignment 1: brainstorming summary points and response ideas
Assignment 2: drafting the introduction and body paragraphs
Assignment 3: drafting the complete essay in APA style
Assignment 4: finalizing the essay
Literacy Autobiography
Literacy Autobiography
Criteria Ratings P
20 to >18.0 pts
Meets all expectations
The first paragraph clearly summarizes “SM (Superman and Me)” and provides a strong and relevant introduction to the essay.
18 to >16.0 pts
Meets most expectations
The first paragraph clearly summarizes “SM” but remains somewhat superficial and provides a relevant introduction.
16 to >14.0 pts
Meets some expectations
The first paragraph misses major points in the summary but provides an adequate introduction.
14 to >12.0 pts
Does not meet several expectations
The summary has serious omissions or issues of relevance and may not provide an adequate introduction.
12 to >0 pts
Little to no attempt apparent
The introduction raises serious concerns about accuracy and completeness of the summary or its adequacy as an introduction.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose statement (thesis) (15 points)
15 to >14.0 pts
Meets all expectations
The last line of the introduction provides a clear, forceful, and direct statement that conveys student’s own relationship to education that the body of the essay will focus upon.
14 to >12.0 pts
Meets most expectations
The last line of the introduction provides a relevant statement that conveys student’s own relationship to education that the body of the essay will focus upon.
12 to >10.0 pts
Meets some expectations
The last line of the introduction provides an adequate statement that conveys student’s own relationship to education that the body of the essay will focus upon.

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s re

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s re

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s reading(s) is due (the three pages does not include a title page, references, charts or otherwise. It is three pages of solid content The analysis is not an opinion paper, but a research-based analysis where observations and conclusions are based on included, scholarly citations. Three scholarly sources (MINIMUM) are required. Any deviations will cause you to lose points on the assignments. The instructor will approve the student’s choice of topics.
Comments from Customer
Discipline: loss prevention
topic: Social Engineering & Human Elements of Loss Prevention

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s re

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s re

There are 5 required reading categories. A three-page analysis of each week’s reading(s) the three pages does not include a title page, references, charts or otherwise. It is three pages of solid content The analysis is not an opinion paper, but a research-based analysis where observations and conclusions are based on included, scholarly citations. Three scholarly sources (MINIMUM) are required. Any deviations will cause you to lose points on the assignments. The instructor will approve the student’s choice of topics.
Comments from Customer
topic/title: Terror Emergency Planning Discipline: loss prevention

Introduction: “Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a racial ideology that explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics, such as market dynamics, naturally occurring phenomena, or cultural differences. This racial ideology ignores or marginalizes people of color’s distinctive needs, experiences, and identities. Bonilla-Silva argues that although race is a social construction,, the idea of race is real in a social sense and has produced a racial structure that systematically privileges White people.”
Discuss the following questions 1-3
Identify 1 example of color-blind racism you notice in the media (the news, criminal justice themes television shows, music lyrics all provide potential locations to observe this ideology, but you can use personal experiences as well).
Identify which of Bonilla-Silva’s the frame(s) (abstract liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, or minimization of racism) describes your example best. Use as many as are necessary to make your point.
Identify and describe what rhetorical strategy or strategies were employed in your example? :

Can you please edit this? The Ever Changing Global Labor Market As we m

Can you please edit this?
The Ever Changing Global Labor Market

As we m

Can you please edit this?
The Ever Changing Global Labor Market

As we move into 2024, we still can see effects from how the (COVID-19) pandemic affected the global market. International trade almost came to a sudden halt. arts, entertainment, and recreation. Technology has dramatically replaced human labor because tech, such as a robots, have become easy and convenient; therefore, slowly, workers are losing their jobs. Population reduction also influences the functions of the labor market, mainly in terms of employment.

Globalization is vital in studying the effects and influence of earnings in the labor market. The unemployment rate was pushed to13% in 2020 during the pandemic. About half of the 25% workers saw during the great Depression. By the end of 2021, the labor market was still trending downward., employing 1.6 million workers, experienced a government-mandated closure The pandemic resulted in steep job losses. Forcing people out of the labor force. Forty-eight percent of establishments in during the coronavirus pandemic. This was the highest rate of government-mandated closures of any industry. Many people were unable to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, worked reduced hours, or were prevented from looking for work. The number of unemployed people was 6.8 million by the fourth quarter of 2021. Some referred to this time period as “The Great Resignation”. By 2022, more than 50 million workers quit their jobs, following the 47.8 million who did in 2021. The U.S. economy added 4.8 million jobs in 2022. By 2023, the pace slowed down to 2.7 million new jobs being added. The labor market remained tight in 2023 due to a shrinking workforce, an increased demand for skilled workers and demographic changes.

Many people who lost their jobs or had their work hours reduced are uncertain about their financial future. This uncertainty may be that they believe they may not be able to find a job that pays as well as their previous employment or that they may not find employment at all. The stress and isolation of the pandemic caused depression and anxiety in many. Our way of life is very different from what we once knew. Businesses such as Amazon replaced in-store shopping. Door Dash and Uber Eats replaced a lot of in-store dining. Some doctor’s appointments are conducted via video instead of at a facility. The global labor market is constantly changing, and the future of the business market is becoming more unpredictable. However, these problematic situations should provide new opportunities and solutions. Exploration of talents and workforce strategies will bring realization that the future of the global market depends on the strategies we lay out today. Transition is never easy, but ultimately it always emerges stronger.

Can you please edit this? The Ever Changing Global Labor Market As we m

Can you please edit this?
The Ever Changing Global Labor Market As we m

Can you please edit this?
The Ever Changing Global Labor Market As we move into 2024, we still can see effects from how the (COVID-19) pandemic affected the global market. International trade almost came to a sudden halt. arts, entertainment, and recreation. Technology has dramatically replaced human labor because tech, such as a robots, have become easy and convenient; therefore, slowly, workers are losing their jobs. Population reduction also influences the functions of the labor market, mainly in terms of employment. Discussion Globalization is vital in studying the effects and influence of earnings in the labor market. The unemployment rate was pushed to13% in 2020 during the pandemic. About half of the 25% workers saw during the great Depression. By the end of 2021, the labor market was still trending downward., employing 1.6 million workers, experienced a government-mandated closure The pandemic resulted in steep job losses. Forcing people out of the labor force. Forty-eight percent of establishments in during the coronavirus pandemic. This was the highest rate of government-mandated closures of any industry. Many people were unable to work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, worked reduced hours, or were prevented from looking for work. The number of unemployed people was 6.8 million by the fourth quarter of 2021. Some referred to this time period as “The Great Resignation”. By 2022, more than 50 million workers quit their jobs, following the 47.8 million who did in 2021. The U.S. economy added 4.8 million jobs in 2022. By 2023, the pace slowed down to 2.7 million new jobs being added. The labor market remained tight in 2023 due to a shrinking workforce, an increased demand for skilled workers and demographic changes. Conclusion Many people who lost their jobs or had their work hours reduced are uncertain about their financial future. This uncertainty may be that they believe they may not be able to find a job that pays as well as their previous employment or that they may not find employment at all. The stress and isolation of the pandemic caused depression and anxiety in many. Our way of life is very different from what we once knew. Businesses such as Amazon replaced in-store shopping. Door Dash and Uber Eats replaced a lot of in-store dining. Some doctor’s appointments are conducted via video instead of at a facility. The global labor market is constantly changing, and the future of the business market is becoming more unpredictable. However, these problematic situations should provide new opportunities and solutions. Exploration of talents and workforce strategies will bring realization that the future of the global market depends on the strategies we lay out today. Transition is never easy, but ultimately it always emerges stronger.

Introduction: “Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a

“Bonilla-Silva (2013) presents the notion of color-blind racism, a racial ideology that explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics, such as market dynamics, naturally occurring phenomena, or cultural differences. This racial ideology ignores or marginalizes people of color’s distinctive needs, experiences, and identities. Bonilla-Silva argues that although race is a social construction,, the idea of race is real in a social sense and has produced a racial structure that systematically privileges White people.”
Discuss the following questions 1-3
Identify 1 example of color-blind racism you notice in the media (the news, criminal justice themes television shows, music lyrics all provide potential locations to observe this ideology, but you can use personal experiences as well).
Identify which of Bonilla-Silva’s the frame(s) (abstract liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, or minimization of racism) describes your example best. Use as many as are necessary to make your point.
Identify and describe what rhetorical strategy or strategies were employed in your example? :

The begining of the semester we wrote a research proposal. I will upload the res

The begining of the semester we wrote a research proposal. I will upload the res

The begining of the semester we wrote a research proposal. I will upload the research proposal. For this new assignment, I have to choose one question from the mention in paragraph 4 of the research proposal and write some assignments that you can see all instructions from the powerpoint. I need to find 6 article sources(not newspaper or anything) for these assignments. I already found three you can access them from the reference page in the research proposal, but please look for other 3 for me. As you will see in the powerpoint for the second assignment which is research question outline detailed, you mention with each point a source from different article. the other assignments you can see from the powerpoint. For all assignments just simple bullet points.

Instructions “Side Note” Im a full online student Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Se

“Side Note” Im a full online student
Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Se

“Side Note” Im a full online student
Week 14: Course Wrap-up and Self-Assessment
YOU’RE ALMOST THERE! You’ve made it through the last 13 weeks. Maybe you exceeded your own expectations, or maybe it was a rougher road than you thought. Either way, now is the time to reflect on what went well and what could have gone better. Remember that reflection encourages you to take charge of your own learning and helps you to develop critical thinking skills by analyzing your experience. That will help you improve your future performance. After all, college is what YOU make of it.
And taking 45 minutes to write this reflection might also help to ground you and give you the motivation to get through your final exams next week.
Set a timer for 45 minutes and open a new Word document. Write, without stopping, for 45 minutes on what went well this semester and what didn’t. You should focus mostly on this class, but you can include other courses if you want. In what ways did your writing change this semester? Do you feel that the regular practice each week helped you? What writing challenges do you still need to overcome, and what tools can you use to help you? What are you most proud of accomplishing this semester in this class, and what weakness do you still need to work on?
After you’ve written for 45 minutes, take at least a 15 minute break (or better yet, take a day or two!) and then come back to the assessment essay. Proofread for correctness and clarity.
Details and some materials.
I started my online class slowly, missing Week 1: Diagnostic Essay, Week 2: Prewriting, and Week 3: Evaluating Good Writing due to a family business emergency, and I needed to travel for a few weeks, so I wasn’t focused. But once I got back home to Atlanta, I was able to focus and start my assignments. One of my favorite essays was Week 7: Write your Own Scholarship Essay! I’m thankful for my professor because she knew I could complete the assignments, so she pushed me to become the best version of myself. I’m in the green, which is consider passing.
Getting Past a Tough Math Class ESSAY
In my time at school, I found the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) math class challenging. At first, QR felt like a locked door I couldn’t open; with complex problems, I couldn’t get it. This issue was a big deal, shaking my confidence and affecting my grades.
The challenge was more than just understanding and using math in real life. I wasn’t alone in this struggle, but I had to find a way to get through it. I realized the usual way of studying needed to be fixed for me. So, I looked for new ways to learn. I pinpointed what I found hard and looked up resources like online lessons, study groups, and practice activities.
An essential move was making QR part of my everyday life. I started using math to figure out things like chances and amounts in daily situations. This helped make the tough stuff more straightforward to understand. I also asked for tips from teachers and classmates, which helped me improve at solving problems.
Getting over this hurdle did more than help me with QR. It taught me to keep trying, change how I learn to suit myself better, and face complex problems bravely. These lessons are precious in school and in facing new challenges.