Scan the three synoptic gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and choose the gospel you be

Scan the three synoptic gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and choose the gospel you be

Scan the three synoptic gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and choose the gospel you believe would offer the best way to come to terms with the gospels as a whole.  (We discussed John in our course, so that will be excluded from this exercise.)
Explain your reasoning in at least one substantive paragraph.
·      Your essay should summarize the distinctions between the gospels, as well as their individual importance.  In class, we discussed some of the distinctions.  For this essay, I am asking you to do likewise, in more detail—at least one paragraph for each, citing sources and demonstrating your research of secondary sources and your understanding of them as well.
·      Do comment on key passages in the narratives of the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, since this is a pivotal narrative in history.  (For some of you, this will be a familiar story.  For others, it will not.  Either way, as always, I will look forward to your response.)  As you read, take note of the following question and respond.
·      Background: The makers of the 2004 film, “The Passion of the Christ,” made a serious effort to vividly and accurately describe the crucifixion of Jesus.  The film is graphic in the violence committed against Him, and, moreover, the film received considerable attention and praise for its accuracy and faithfulness to the gospel. 
However, the gospels are not as graphic in describing the violence.
The question is why.  What do you think?
Choose one of the following and explain your answer:
A. __ _____ Literature is not able to provide this dimension as vividly as film.
B. _______ The authors of the gospels did not wish to offend the sensibilities of their readers.
C. ___ ____ The authors of the gospels chose to emphasize the symbolism of the moment rather than the suffering.
Conclusion: insight: your independent reading experience of the Bible taught you the following.
Length: At least two pages—700-1000 words with an attached bibliography and appropriate in-text citations.

this is a final paper that I have do in my English class. I have already complet

this is a final paper that I have do in my English class. I have already complet

this is a final paper that I have do in my English class. I have already completed two other essays in which need to be combined in order to complete my 3rd and final essay. Any sources used must be ones I have already cited within my paper but the information from each source can be different from the ones previously used. Teachers instructions for the final essay:
Your Title: The title of your essay is the first point of contact you have with your reader. What sort of title would describe your paper and distinguish it from other papers written on the same essay?
Example: Education for All
The paper can be divided into 5 sections.
Section I: Your Introduction: (1-2 Paragraphs)
A. Has an attention grabber/hook
B. Briefly describes the topic/problem.
C. Makes clear how the problem concerns the audience.
D. Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now.
E. Provides background on the issue and why it matters
F. States an explicit claim in a definitional thesis statement
Section II: Defining the Problem (Your Essay’s Body 3 Paragraphs) 
A. Outline the major reasons that x is y (Topic Sentences). Each topic sentence makes a point that helps define your issue as an important problem. 
B. Connect the reasons to the thesis statement via transition words with your topic sentences.
C. Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from your sources. 
E. Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from your sources. Evidence provided is from two or more different sources. You want to blend your research in an original way, not summarize or represent one source.
F. Paragraphs should contain your commentary to elaborate on the evidence and connect it back to the body point and/or the thesis
G. In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized argument via strong body paragraphs.
Section III: Counterargument & Transition Paragraph (Your Essay’s Body 2 Paragraphs) 
A.  Includes a counter argument paragraph that acknowledges, rebuts, or refutes opposing viewpoints (aka others may not think this issue is a problem or important, AND your job is to address that in some manner).
B. Includes a TRANSITION PARAGRAPH –A clear shift to your current solutions and proposed solution/s. Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now. States an explicit expository thesis statement (i.e. there are solutions to the problem)
Section IV: Current Solutions/Proposed BEST Solution (Your Essay’s Body 3 Paragraphs) 
A. Outline three possible solutions to your chosen problem with the third solution being presented as the best choice of the three.Include needed background as well as an evaluation of the merits of each potential solution. 
B. Connect the solutions to the definitional thesis statement via transition words with your topic sentences.
C. Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from your sources. 
E. Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from your sources. Evidence provided is from two or more different sources. You want to blend your research in an original way, not summarize or represent one source.
F. Paragraphs should contain your commentary to elaborate on the evidence and connect it back to the body point and/or the thesis
G. In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized information via strong body paragraphs.
Section V: Conclusion (One Paragraph)
A. Reinforce for your audience that you have successfully defined your issue as an important problem facing early childhood education and that your proposed solution is the best choice. 
B. Illustrate the negative situation that will result if your argument is ignored.
C. Work to connect the your claim with the interests and values of your audience.
D. Create a call to action by answering the question, “So what?” Why should your audience care about your argument? (AKA what can your audience do to make these solutions a reality)
Note the following conventions of argument:
Written in 3rd person
Uses a variety of appeals (Logos, Ethos, Pathos) (Click 3. Analyzing appeals  for a refresher on these types of appeals)
Primarily uses paraphrase
Direct quotes are used sparingly

After receiving your grade and feedback for Paper #2, complete the optional extr

After receiving your grade and feedback for Paper #2, complete the optional extr

After receiving your grade and feedback for Paper #2, complete the optional extra credit assignment below:
> In 250 words or more, write a personal reflection on the feedback that I gave you for Paper #2. 
> Be sure to reflect on the “pros” and “cons” that I mentioned in the feedback. 
> Also, explain how you are going to correct any mishaps you made on Paper #2. Feel free to mention the resources available to you in the “Handouts & Resources” module on BB and how you are going to use them in the future.

Choose a topic below and do the following: 1.Responsible for my country 2.1 appr

Choose a topic below and do the following:
1.Responsible for my country
2.1 appr

Choose a topic below and do the following:
1.Responsible for my country
2.1 appreciate my family
3.Responsible for myself
4.1 appreciate the people around me
5.My responsibility towards my environment
Grading Requirements:
1. Times New Roman 2 Points
2.12 Point 2 Points
Double Spaced 2 Points
Indented Paragraphs 2 Points
Top Left Corner Information 5 Points
Min 4 Sentences per Paragraph 5 Points
7.400+ words 20 Points
Spelling and Grammar 10 Points
Clearly Identifies your topic 5 Points
Clearly explains your topic 20 Points
Thesis Statement 10 Points
Supporting Paragraph(s) 10 Points

Select evidence that supports your thesis, how to effectively analyze the provid

Select evidence that supports your thesis, how to effectively analyze the provid

Select evidence that supports your thesis, how to effectively analyze the provided evidence and link it back to your thesis, and how to include proper in-text citations using MLA formatting within your rough draft.  Must write out a research outline and a research paper. (The outline can be 1 page and the research paper will be 3 pages, the research paper will be considered as a rough draft). The files consist of the research outline example, my research question/topic, and the sources that will be used for THIS research paper.

Analyze the qualities strategies, strengths and weaknesses of Ralph as a leader.

Analyze the qualities strategies, strengths and weaknesses of Ralph as a leader.

Analyze the qualities strategies, strengths and weaknesses of Ralph as a leader. Consider why he was chosen and how his reign on the island progresses.
 In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Ralph was chosen as the initial leader of the tribe because he was the first person out of the group to come up with solutions and make goals in order to survive on the island. But he fails, showing that his qualities as a person may not make him fit to be a leader. 
This is my thesis up top. Write two paragraphs about how he comes up with solutions

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” by the city of Miami Beach TV
– The essay itself must include 5 body paragraphs
 body 1: these statements/ introduction
body 2: Paths
Body 3: ethos body 4: logos
body 5 conclusion
My introduction that I wrote:
“Imagine having to create an awareness campaign to stop people from causing a mess in your town. That is exactly what the people of Miami Beach have done. For spring break Miami
is the go-to place for college students, due to its weather and the nightlife. However, over the years, Miami Beach has faced a huge problem with the flow of tourists causing a lot of chaos and disorder to the locals and businesses. The local authorities decided to take strict measures to control the situation, and one of the steps they took was to create an awareness campaign. The City of Miami Beach TV made a YouTube video called “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” to inform tourists about the changes that have been made to Miami Beach for spring break. The message of the video was clear – Miami Beach welcomes tourists, but only those who can respect the city and its people. The creators effectively employ the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos to convey their argument about the negative impact of spring break on the city and its residents and argue for the implementation of stricter measures to control spring break activities.”
I have completed the thesis statement and introduction for my paper. I would like you to continue writing the remaining paragraphs using the information I provided in the introduction. If you find it difficult to work with my introduction, you may create your own, but make sure to follow the given requirements:
Thesis Statement Requirements: An effective thesis statement will include the following: the specific topic (title of the video in quotation marks), at least 3 rhetorical strategies, and a clear analytical claim about the argument and its effectiveness.
At least three of the body paragraphs must focus on the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos.
Body paragraphs will follow the TEAL structure and be 7-10
sentences long.
You will analyze the rhetorical strategies and how they support the academic purpose of the video by incorporating examples and analyzing them. In order to effectively prove the relevance and purpose of a specific strategy, each body paragraph should have at least TWO specific textual and/or visual examples that are used as evidence. For the textual examples/quotes, you will follow MLA guidelines for signal phrases and in-text citations.