Marijuana is a Schedule (1) substance under the Controlled Substances Act of the

Marijuana is a Schedule (1) substance under the Controlled Substances Act of the

Marijuana is a Schedule (1) substance under the Controlled Substances Act of the Drug Enforcement Administration. What does a schedule (1) substance mean under the Controlled Substances? Do you think that this makes any sense, as Marijuana is now legal in some parts of the United States of America?
This assignment will be uploaded to Turnitin. This assignment has at least five pages, not including the cover page and reference pages. You need a minimum of five references with a first and last name; the references must come from (. Gov, Edu, and. Org sites).
The paper must be completed in APA format.

Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within th

Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within th

Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal values within the historical, social, political, cultural, and/or religious contexts of different literary periods.
Write a research-based critical paper, using various critical approaches to literature.
Use The Great Gatsby and your Independent Reading novel or dystopian short stories. 
Write a well-developed essay in which you explore your chosen topic(s) in relation to the time period and/or literary movement
a. Remember, writer’s you have to decide what is the best way to organize your paper in light of the rhetorical situation. However you decide to organize it, make sure to treat both texts equally. Think compare and contrast if that helps. You must pay the same amount of attention (length, word count, etc.) to each text as one is not more important than the other. 
b. Be sure to write about both texts equally within your paper.  
c. Use at least 3 academic peer-reviewed articles.
3. Word Count: Minimum of 1000 words

I need a self-introduction to apply for an undergraduate program in Finance. The

I need a self-introduction to apply for an undergraduate program in Finance. The

I need a self-introduction to apply for an undergraduate program in Finance. The following documents show some materials including my family background, my awards, interests and course choice etc. would you please help me to complete this self-introduction. You can use some of content from given materials, and you can also add relevant information based on your experience. If you have any inquiries, please let me know.

It has to be abouT The Algorithms Behind Social Media Can Hurt Gen Zers Like Me

It has to be abouT
The Algorithms Behind Social Media Can Hurt Gen Zers Like Me

It has to be abouT
The Algorithms Behind Social Media Can Hurt Gen Zers Like Me
Social Media Companies Can’t Ignore Their Responsibility to Prevent the Spread of Misinformation and Disinformation, Which Is a Growing Threat to Civil Society
The Social Media Threat to Society and Security
Consider the Pros of Social Media Advertisements, Not Just the Cons

Essay III Guidelines: ·         Essay III is a developed, researched proposal a

Essay III Guidelines:
·         Essay III is a developed, researched proposal a

Essay III Guidelines:
·         Essay III is a developed, researched proposal argument that is organized with a proper, clear structure.
·         Essay III will argue a solution to the problem approved by the professor.
·         Research will incorporate seven to ten scholarly/credible sources (research should include primary and secondary sources).
·         Essay will apply current MLA or APA to the citation of sources.
·         Essay will use professional/academic tone.
·         Length of essay: 1,500 to 1,800 words, including works cited page
Teachers’ Voices in Education
Thesis: Teachers aren’t being heard or respected, when if allowed they can make a real difference in the world.
I have been interested in this topic for a while. Last semester, I took an elective class about becoming a teacher, and in the process, I had to do some assignments on what it’s like being a teacher. It was very surprising how much students rely on teachers in an actual class setting. However, I found that teachers had very little say in what and how they teach. In many social media platforms, there have been videos of teachers on how they teach their students, how they interact with them, and how they don’t have much say in the educational policies that effect not only them but their students.
Hook idea: Imagine a world where teachers are truly heard and respected, and the transformative power they possess is fully realized. Summary of problem/need for solution: Despite their potential to make a real difference, teachers often go unheard and unrespected in society. This lack of recognition not only affects teacher morale but also has significant implications for the quality of education and societal progress. Working thesis statement: Teachers aren’t being heard or respected, when if allowed they can make a real difference in the world.
Body Paragraph 1
Significance of problem:
Teachers have historically been viewed as professionals, but this perception has eroded over time (Bruno). Background of problem:
Historical context of the decline in the perception of teachers as professionals (Bruno). Effects of problem:
Reduced respect for teachers’ professional expertise and autonomy (Bruno).
Decreased job satisfaction and morale among educators (Richmond).
Body Paragraph 2
Description of solutions that have not worked or other proposed solutions:
Lack of teacher input in education policy-making processes (Carlisle).
Limited freedom of speech for teachers in expressing their professional opinions (Jones).
Burnout among teachers due to overwhelming workloads and lack of support (Ellis & Kuhn).
Body Paragraph 3
Supporting argument for proposal (defend thesis):
Teachers can positively impact education policy when their voices are heard and respected (Carlisle).
Including teachers’ voices in policy decisions leads to more effective and sustainable education reforms (Pechota & McDole).
Survey data indicates that teachers feel their voices are not being heard (Richmond).
Body Paragraph 4
Supporting argument for proposal (defend thesis):
The lack of teacher voice in policy decisions contributes to a disconnect between policymakers and the realities of the classroom (Pechota & McDole).
Teachers’ perspectives are essential for crafting policies that address the needs of students and educators (Warren).
Fostering an environment where teachers feel valued and respected can mitigate burnout and improve job satisfaction (Ellis & Kuhn).
Restate thesis/claim:
By recognizing and valuing the voices of teachers, we can empower them to make a significant positive impact on education and society as a whole. Summarize supporting arguments:
Teachers’ perspectives are crucial for effective education policy-making and improving the overall quality of education. End with idea for first step for solution:
Implement mechanisms for incorporating teacher input into policy decisions at both the state and local levels. This can include establishing formal channels for teacher feedback, providing opportunities for educators to participate in policy discussions, and fostering a culture of collaboration between teachers and policymakers.
Works Citied
“12 Reasons Why Teachers Play a Crucial Role in Society 2024.”, 7 Jan. 2024,
Bruno, Robert. “When Did the U.S. Stop Seeing Teachers as Professionals?” Harvard Business Review, 20 June 2018,
Carlisle, Geoffrey. “Teachers Can Positively Impact Education Policy, We Just Have to Use Our Teacher Voice – EdSurge News.” EdSurge, 24 Mar. 2022,
Ellis, Nicole, and Casey Kuhn. “Teachers Are Burned Out. Here’s Why There’s No Quick Fix.” PBS NewsHour, 12 May 2023,
Hattie, John. Teachers Make a Difference, What Is the Research Evidence? Teachers Make a Difference, What Is the Research Evidence? 2003,
Jones, Yoshana. “Do Teachers Have Freedom of Speech?” The Educators Room, 9 Dec. 2012,
Pechota, Damion, and Tiffany McDole. “Including Teachers’ Voices in State Policy Decisions.” Education Commission of the States, 3 May 2022,
Richmond, Emily. “New Survey: Teachers Say Their Voices Aren’t Being Heard.”, 26 Feb. 2014,
Warren, Franchesca. “The Deafening Silence of Teachers.” The Educators Room, 15 Mar. 2013,

Hi, I had someone write my research paper for me last week. I now need to do a

I had someone write my research paper for me last week. I now need to do a

I had someone write my research paper for me last week. I now need to do a powerpoint reflecting on my research.
Research Presentation
Record a video of your research findings presentation.This is a video of yourself presenting your research with a powerpoint.  Oral presentations usually introduce a discussion of a topic or research paper. A good oral presentation is focused, concise, and interesting in order to trigger a discussion.
Be well prepared; write a detailed outline.
Introduce the subject.
Talk about the sources and the method.
Indicate if there are conflicting views about the subject (conflicting views trigger discussion).
Make a statement about your new results (if this is your research paper).
Use visual aids 
An effective PowerPoint presentation is  just an aid to the presentation, not the presentation itself.
Be brief and concise.
Focus on the subject.
Attract attention; indicate interesting details.
If possible, use relevant visual illustrations (pictures, maps, charts graphs, etc.).
Use bullet points or numbers to structure the text.
Make clear statements about the essence/results of the topic/research.

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” by the city of Miami Beach TV
– The essay itself must include 5 body paragraphs
 body 1: these statements/ introduction
body 2: Paths
Body 3: ethos body 4: logos
body 5 conclusion
My introduction that I wrote:
“Imagine having to create an awareness campaign to stop people from causing a mess in your town. That is exactly what the people of Miami Beach have done. For spring break Miami
is the go-to place for college students, due to its weather and the nightlife. However, over the years, Miami Beach has faced a huge problem with the flow of tourists causing a lot of chaos and disorder to the locals and businesses. The local authorities decided to take strict measures to control the situation, and one of the steps they took was to create an awareness campaign. The City of Miami Beach TV made a YouTube video called “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” to inform tourists about the changes that have been made to Miami Beach for spring break. The message of the video was clear – Miami Beach welcomes tourists, but only those who can respect the city and its people. The creators effectively employ the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos to convey their argument about the negative impact of spring break on the city and its residents and argue for the implementation of stricter measures to control spring break activities.”
I have completed the thesis statement and introduction for my paper. I would like you to continue writing the remaining paragraphs using the information I provided in the introduction. If you find it difficult to work with my introduction, you may create your own, but make sure to follow the given requirements:
Thesis Statement Requirements: An effective thesis statement will include the following: the specific topic (title of the video in quotation marks), at least 3 rhetorical strategies, and a clear analytical claim about the argument and its effectiveness.
At least three of the body paragraphs must focus on the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos.
Body paragraphs will follow the TEAL structure and be 7-10
sentences long.
You will analyze the rhetorical strategies and how they support the academic purpose of the video by incorporating examples and analyzing them. In order to effectively prove the relevance and purpose of a specific strategy, each body paragraph should have at least TWO specific textual and/or visual examples that are used as evidence. For the textual examples/quotes, you will follow MLA guidelines for signal phrases and in-text citations.

As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary

As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary

As you know, your final “exam” for this class is a creative project OR a summary/reflection on a scholarly source. Your grade for the final exam will come from four parts:
Due: Thursday, 4/18, before class (the final version of your project is due this day)
For your final assignment, select one of the following options:
Creative Project: Choose any literary text (or several texts) that we have read this semester and engage with it in some unique, creative way. I have provided many ideas for creative projects on this Google Doc. 
Part 3:
You are required to present your final exam project to the class at the end of the semester in 5 minutes or less. 
If you complete a creative project, here’s what your presentation needs to: 
Clarify what text(s) that we studied this semester inspired your creative project.
Describe what about the text inspired your work so we can really understand how your project connects to the text. 
In this description, share at least one quote or passage from the text to support your creative engagement with the text.
Show us your creative project or a portion of it (or perform it for us, or play it for us, or read a portion of it for us).
Describe what you are trying to accomplish in your creative project (talk about special details you included in the project that might not be totally apparent to us).  Pretend that we know nothing about your project or text when you explain your cool details.
Conclude your presentation by doing ONE of the following: by explaining if you hope to work on your project further in the future, and what you hope to do with it; OR
by noting what you might do differently if you were to create the project again; OR
by explaining what you learned overall from creatively exploring this text.
Evaluation Criteria for the PRESENTATION of the Creative Project
Student Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Presentation Grade: ________ / 40
Did you:

_____ / 5 points: Speak loudly enough for the entire room to hear you.
_____ / 5 points: Verbally deliver your information in a mostly organization fashion.
_____ / 5 points: Share your creative project (or part of it) with the class.
_____ / 5 points: Clarify what text(s) that we studied this semester inspired your creative 
_____ / 5 points: Describe what about this text inspired your work so we can understand 
                 how your project connects to the text.  You could share a quote, passage, or image
                 from the text to support your creative engagement with the text.
Did you:

_____ / 5 points: Describe what you are trying to accomplish in your creative project 
_____ / 5 points:  Also explain at least one special detail you included in the project that 
                might not be totally obvious to us.  
_____ / 5 points: Conclude your presentation by doing ONE of the following:
by explaining if you hope to work on your project further in the future, and what you hope to do with it; OR
by noting what you might do differently if you were to create the project again; OR
by explaining what you learned overall from creatively exploring this text.
Evaluation Criteria for the CREATIVE PROJECT
It is not easy to assign a grade to creative work, especially since I have permitted you to tap into your own interests and skills to create your projects.  The grading criteria below reflects (I hope) the labor you put into your project, the ideas at work in it, and how aesthetically pleasing the final product turned out:
A+ (100% = 40/40): Student has developed a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  The project explores a text in an extremely unique way, which allows the audience to more fully appreciate the original literary text.  This creative project obviously took significant time and effort to complete, and the student communicated throughout most of the semester that they were working on the project.  The final product has gone above and beyond my guidelines, and it is interesting, aesthetically pleasing, organized, nearly error-free, and stimulating.
A (95% = 38/40): Student has developed a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  The project explores a text in a unique way, which allows the audience to more fully appreciate the original literary text.  This creative project took time and effort to complete, though perhaps not as much time as the projects in the A+ category.  The student submitted a draft or work in progress, and the final product is interesting, aesthetically pleasing, organized, and thought-provoking.  It might contain minor errors.
B (85% = 34/40): Student has created a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  Although it clearly took time to complete this project, it is a little more haphazardly put together, especially in comparison to the projects in the A and A+ categories. Although the project has an interesting idea at its core and is developed fairly well, it required more time to be aesthetically pleasing.
C (75% = 30/40): Student has created a creative project that is connected to something we read or discussed this semester.  However, it is clear that this project was rushed and not put through much of a revision or drafting process, if at all.  Although the project has an interesting idea at its core, it needed more time to be fully developed and to be aesthetically pleasing.
F (0%): Student has not submitted a creative project, has asked AI or another person to complete the project for them, or has submitted a project that has nothing to do with our class.

You might repurpose your company description elsewhere, like on your About page,

You might repurpose your company description elsewhere, like on your About page,

You might repurpose your company description elsewhere, like on your About page, social media profile pages, or other properties that require a boilerplate description of your small business.
Soap brand ORRIS has a blurb on its About page that could easily be repurposed for the company description section of its business plan.

Choose a prompt and write an essay that utilizes your close reading skills to co

Choose a prompt and write an essay that utilizes your close reading skills to co

Choose a prompt and write an essay that utilizes your close reading skills to compare and/or contrast two of the texts we read over the course of the semester. This is an argumentative essay and will ultimately blend an analytic approach with a persuasive approach. Your argument should be specific, persuasive, and clearly based on the textual evidence that you present. Your essay must be written in grammatically correct English and must contain a clear thesis that outlines your central argument(s). Your thesis should make a claim(s) about the texts that you discuss and state the significance of that claim for the larger work.
Each body paragraph of your essay should be a close reading of textual evidence that is important to your overall argument(s). You have been practicing close reading throughout the semester and this essay will allow you to link related close readings in order to prove a larger point about the texts you discuss. Take care to frame your analysis with an introduction and a conclusion. You must make effective use of quoted or paraphrased material and therefore, should conform to the parenthetical guidelines of the MLA citation style.
You are permitted to use secondary sources, but you are encouraged to rely largely on your own interpretations of the texts. If you do use a secondary source, it must be one included in the official edition of the text that was assigned for the course (i.e. from the Introduction or Appendices).