Infographic – Worth 5%  1-    Prepare an infographic for the final research repo

Infographic – Worth 5% 
1-    Prepare an infographic for the final research repo

Infographic – Worth 5% 
1-    Prepare an infographic for the final research report and submit it with the final research paper. 
2-    This infographic will represent your presentation component of this assignment. 
3-    Please visit Week 7 learning materials to understand how to put an infographic together. You can create info graphs through this link
4-    You do not need to present in details. It should be concise but long and clear enough to understand the main idea of your report. 
Final Informal Research Report
In this assignment, you are going to be writing a final research report that discusses one of the following topics:
1-    Progress report: Present your ideal job, discuss the steps to get there and provide research to back up your steps. Option A – Progress Report
In this report, you are going to describe your ideal job or your dream job. Then you will need to conduct research on how to get to that dream job. Hence it is called a progress report as it describes where you are at in your career and the up coming steps to reach your ultimate career job. In other words, this progress report represents your career plan. 
The process to putting this progress report together:
1-    First, you need to research job postings related to that dream job, and carefully read and analyze all the job requirements, experiences, and qualifications. 
2-    Then, you need to explore people who are already in the dream position that you have so that you look into their resumes, qualifications, experiences and education. This way you can have a clear picture of the dream job that you hope to get one day. 
3-    After this, you need to reflect on your current career status and where you are at so you can think of what you need to acquire and over come to be able to fill the gaps in your current resume to be able to apply to your dream job. 
4-    Then, you will need to discuss and list all the missing elements that you need to work on and achieve to get that particular job.
5-    Such elements include furthering your education, expanding your work experiences, expanding your network, and gaining certificates and attending training programs. 
6-    You must provide 4-6 resources to back up your progress report
Organization and Format:
In this section, introduce yourself and the program that you are enrolled in. Then briefly explain your current job and your dream job and why it is your career goal. Accordingly, this section should clearly state that this is a progress report that discusses the progress and path that you need to go through to reach your career goal.
Job Description: 
·      Part A: You need to research various job postings related to that job in different institutions. This way you can compare different postings and develop a comprehensive overview of the requirements and qualifications of this job from different perspectives. This will present to a clear picture of the requirements and qualifications needed in a candidate to secure such a job. The goal of this research is to be able to compare where you are at to where you want to be in the future. 
·      Part B: Additionally, you need to explore people who are already in the dream position that you want so that you look into their resumes, qualifications, experiences and education. This is important because it allows you to develop a deeper comprehension of the job you want to be involved in the future. 
Current Career Status:
·      In this section, you will reflect on your current qualifications and skills, and compare your skills to the dream job that you want to recognize the gaps that you have in your career, education, and experience. 
·      Based on this analysis, you will develop the steps you need to pursue and obstacles you need to overcome to get where you want to be.
The steps and obstacles:
·      You need to present a timeline that showcases the process of getting to your dream job and how each step and obstacle falls into this timeline. Therefore, this section focuses on the steps you need to pursue and obstacles you need to overcome. 
·      Please keep in mind that you need to explain 
o   why pursuing each step is important to your career?
o   and what will you need to do to achieve it. 
·      With regards to obstacles, you need to explain why a requirement, skill, training, or degree is an obstacle and how you will overcome it.
Other steps and solutions:
If there is a step that you think will be very hard to achieve or an obstacle that you think you might not overcome, what will be your plan to overcome this problem? In other words, what solution or alternatives routes that you can explore to get to your dream job. (use evidence and research)
Alternative job:
If you could not achieve this dream job, what is another alternative job for you? And why? 
Briefly restate your current career state and an overview of your dream job with an expected date when you think that this career goal will be achieved.
Important Notes:
1-    Your progress report should be between 3-4 pages.
2-    Use proper APA format (4-6 resources):
a.     Intext citation and references.
b.    Double space
c.     12 Pt. font – Arial or Times New Romans

This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admitt

This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admitt

This paper is designed to help you personally explore your desire to gain admittance to nursing school, your personal goal to become a nurse, and your concerns about nursing as a profession. Drawing on both your personal experience and information covered in class discussion and assigned readings, write an essay, no longer that 3 pages typed, double spaced (Times New Roman, 12 point font), that addresses the following areas:
Your past experience/history with nursing. This may be from being a patient yourself, caring for a loved one, work experience, or simply impressions you’ve formed in talking with, or observing, other healthcare personnel. Discuss what it is you’ve seen and learned about nursing and from where, that has drawn you to the profession.
Think about your MBTI results and what you know about yourself. Discuss your personality traits and personal strengths that you believe will make you a good nurse. Elaborate regarding why you wish to share your talents and gifts with others through nursing and give an example or two of how you believe you will use your talents in nursing.
What are your short term and long-term goals to become a nurse? Discuss your educational plans and how you believe you will both gain admission to nursing school and successfully complete it. What type of nurse do you wish to be and why? What is your long-term goal as a nurse and what will you do to accomplish this goal?
What concerns do you have about being a nurse? These may be ethical concerns, legal concerns, concerns about the nursing shortage, working conditions, patient care, and so on. These are YOUR concerns; there is no right or wrong answer. What are you worried about? How might you successfully deal with your concerns as a nurse?
Be sure to review all components of the rubric as this will be used to score your paper. Include an appropriate title page, using the APA 7th Edition (template and instructions here (Links to an external site.)). The title page should be included with your paper, and does not count in the three-page limit. 

A well-defined problem. A clearly described solution. (In some cases 1-2 clear s

A well-defined problem.
A clearly described solution. (In some cases 1-2 clear s

A well-defined problem.
A clearly described solution. (In some cases 1-2 clear solutions may be ok, too.)
A convincing argument in support of the solution(s).
An anticipation of readers’ objections and questions—counterargument(s). It is important in this assignment that you address your opposition. At some point in the paper, you need to acknowledge your opposition and deal with opposition points. You can choose to either completely refute an opposition point, or you can choose to concede that the opposition’s point is of some value. You may find that you do both of these things at the same time (You may use counter arguments in the section of your paper where you define the problem—the counter arguments could show why the other side does not think the problem is really a problem. Or you could use counter arguments in the section of your paper where you offer a solution, showing that the other side does not agree with your proposed solution. Or you could include counter arguments in both areas of your essay. Wherever you include counter arguments, you must make it clear that the other side’s viewpoint is not your viewpoint and you must always refute or concede!)
Evidence to back up your ideas. You will be conducting research to find statistics, facts, quotes from experts, and studies. You should also conduct an interview if it’s a possibility for your topic. Hypothetical examples, anecdotes, and personal experience can also be used in this paper. (You may need to use evidence to define your problem and really convince your reader it really is a problem. You will also likely need evidence to support the validity of your proposed solution.) You must use 5-7 research sources in this paper. Research sources can include magazines, books, credible internet web sites, scholarly journals, articles from NC Live and interviews. You will use MLA documentation to give credit to your sources through in-text citations and a Works Cited page. No more than 3 of your sources can be internet web sites and you must use at least one database article.
Please review Grading Standards Policy for college-level writing expectations. As with your previous essay, please write this essay in an academic voice: avoid the words “you” and “your” and if you use the word “I” make sure it is in connection with a personal example. Avoid phrases like “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe.”

Please remember the following: Avoid any and all summary sites within your essay

Please remember the following:
Avoid any and all summary sites within your essay

Please remember the following:
Avoid any and all summary sites within your essay.
Do not use AI beyond the assigned AI version – I will be carefully checking for this. 
Use MLA format and citations in this essay. 
Make sure your essay has a clear introduction and thesis statement (topic plus point about that topic) at the bottom of your introduction.  Please introduce your chosen short story in your introduction.
Make sure your body paragraphs are focus on proving your thesis statement – theme of the story. 
Do not summarize the story.  I have read the story and know it well.  I want to know your unique interpretation of this story.  Use literary vocabulary and connect it to the reading.
Make sure to have a conclusion that does not bring in new information.
Use literary present and third person in your essay, as discussed in lesson two.

Paper Instructions: Ethics has been at the forefront of businesses over the past

Paper Instructions:
Ethics has been at the forefront of businesses over the past

Paper Instructions:
Ethics has been at the forefront of businesses over the past two decades. Unethical behavior by companies have led to the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. You are to discuss the issues surrounding the collapse of Enron and the complicity by Arthur Anderson. Your paper is a research paper that should be at least 5 pages long PLUS a cover sheet AND a Reference page (minimum 7 pages long). You are to SUBMIT in MICROSOFT word document ONLY. NO PDF OR GOOGLE DOCS. 12 point font, Times Roman, double-spaced with one-inch margins. I will not accept late assigments. You have a week to get this done so start immediately. 

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring

Write an Analytical essay on the video: “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” by the city of Miami Beach TV

– The essay itself must include 5 body paragraphs
 body 1: these statements/ introduction
body 2: Paths
Body 3: ethos body 4: logos
body 5 conclusion
My introduction that I wrote:
“Imagine having to create an awareness campaign to stop people from causing a mess in your town. That is exactly what the people of Miami Beach have done. For spring break Miami
is the go-to place for college students, due to its weather and the nightlife. However, over the years, Miami Beach has faced a huge problem with the flow of tourists causing a lot of chaos and disorder to the locals and businesses. The local authorities decided to take strict measures to control the situation, and one of the steps they took was to create an awareness campaign. The City of Miami Beach TV made a YouTube video called “Miami Beach Is Breaking Up With Spring Break” to inform tourists about the changes that have been made to Miami Beach for spring break. The message of the video was clear – Miami Beach welcomes tourists, but only those who can respect the city and its people. The creators effectively employ the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos to convey their argument about the negative impact of spring break on the city and its residents and argue for the implementation of stricter measures to control spring break activities.”
I have completed the thesis statement and introduction for my paper. I would like you to continue writing the remaining paragraphs using the information I provided in the introduction. If you find it difficult to work with my introduction, you may create your own, but make sure to follow the given requirements:
Thesis Statement Requirements: An effective thesis statement will include the following: the specific topic (title of the video in quotation marks), at least 3 rhetorical strategies, and a clear analytical claim about the argument and its effectiveness.
At least three of the body paragraphs must focus on the rhetorical strategies ethos, pathos, and logos.
Body paragraphs will follow the TEAL structure and be 7-10
sentences long.
You will analyze the rhetorical strategies and how they support the academic purpose of the video by incorporating examples and analyzing them. In order to effectively prove the relevance and purpose of a specific strategy, each body paragraph should have at least TWO specific textual and/or visual examples that are used as evidence. For the textual examples/quotes, you will follow MLA guidelines for signal phrases and in-text citations.

Social identity theory proposes that individuals define their self-concept based on membership in social groups, leading to ingroup favoritism and outgroup prejudice. Discuss the key concepts and empirical findings supporting social identity theory, including the distinction between personal identity and social identity, as well as the role of social categorization and social comparison processes. Using relevant psychological research and real-world examples, evaluate the implications of social identity theory for intergroup relations, conflict resolution, and collective behavior in diverse societal contexts.