In this assignment, you will revise your writing using peer and instructor feed

In this assignment, you will revise your writing using peer and instructor feed

In this assignment, you will revise your writing using peer and instructor feedback.  You will also explore the communication practices of a particular discourse community.
Use peer review and instructor feedback to revise a piece of academic writing (CLO 1, CLO 3)
Use conventions for documenting sources in academic writing (CLO 5)
Click the tabs below to learn more about this assignment.
The Task
Requirements and Specifications
What Will I Learn From Completing This Assignment?
The Task
First, review all peer and instructor feedback on your earlier draft, and create a revision plan.
Next, begin revising your report. Explore every facet of your research question.
If possible, meet with your instructor to discuss your draft in progress.
Carefully edit your draft, paying close attention to citation format, syntax, diction, and document design. Make your final draft as close to publishablequality as you can manage.
Assignment Reminders
Your goal is to study how people write and research in a particular discourse community, through research, observation, and description.
Your informative report should be written to an audience of your classmates and other interested scholars.
Your report should use IMRaD structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
Your report should include a visual aid that helps your audience understand the communication practices you studied. NOTE: This must be a visual aid that you designed and created.
Your report should explicitly reference at least one of our readings on discourse community.
Requirements and Specifications
The ultimate “deliverable” of this assignment is a report. The genre of the report usually uses a straightforward structure, often with sub-headings. Your report should use the “IMRaD” structure: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. This clear structure helps your readers understand the motivations of your research, relevant background from previous scholars, your research methods, your findings, and an exploration of what your findings mean.
Your report should be between 500-1000 words.
Your report should make direct reference to at least one of our readings on discourse community.
Use MLA guidelines for source citation and document design, unless you have made a prior arrangement with your instructor to use another set of guidelines for citation and document design.
For the possibility of full credit, your report must include a visual aid that helps your readers understand the communication practices of your discourse community. NOTE: This must be a visual aid that youdesigned and created.
Sample reports will be made available in the “Files” section of Canvas.
What Will I Learn From Completing This Assignment?
This assignment is designed to help you do several things: first, to better understand the concept of “discourse community” as it applies to you, and second, to practice thinking critically about the role of writing and communication in your future.
Revising your earlier draft will also help you learn how to incorporate reader feedback on your writing. As you learned earlier this unit, peer review is part of what makes academic writing academic writing — and so, learning to use peer review as a guide for revision is fundamental to your growth as an academic writer.
Grading & AssessmentThe final draft of each MWA is evaluated for quality, using these categories: Method & Genre, Understanding Writing Concepts, Rhetorical Strategies, and Conventions & Mechanics. See the rubric below for specific information.

An example of a specific historical question could be: ‘What were the key causes

An example of a specific historical question could be: ‘What were the key causes

An example of a specific historical question could be: ‘What were the key causes of the French Revolution in 1789?’ . This question is specific because it focuses on a particular event in history, the French Revolution, and asks for detailed reasons that helped instigate this event. Explain.

Factors affecting technology in education I. Jung talks about the enormous chall

Factors affecting technology in education I. Jung talks about the enormous chall

Factors affecting technology in education I. Jung talks about the enormous challenge teachers are facing in our society due to the rapid expansion of knowledge. The modern technologies are demanding that teachers learn how to use these technologies in their teaching. Hence these new technologies increase the teachers’ training needs. Gressard and Loyd (1985) asserted that teacher’s attitudes toward computers are a key factor in the successful implementation of ICT in education. They pointed out that teachers do not always have positive attitudes towards computers and their poor attitudes may lead to a failure of the computer- based projects. Also the most commonly cited barriers are:  lack of time;  lack of access;  lack of resources;  lack of expertise and  lack of support. Another barrier given by Butler and Sellbom (2002) and Chizmar & Williams (2001) is reliability. Reliability included hardware failures, incompatible software between home and school, poor or slow internet connectivity and out of date software which are available mostly at school while the students/educators are having more up-to-date software at home

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What are the pros and

Is technology making our lives better or more complicated?
What are the pros and cons of globalization in today’s world?
Should the government have a say in regulating social media content? Why or why not?
What is the role of education in promoting social equality?
Do you think humans will ever colonize other planets? Why or why not?
How has the concept of family evolved over the years, and what does it mean in today’s society?
What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce?
Is it possible to achieve world peace, and what would it take to get there?
How should society address the growing issue of climate change?
What are the challenges and benefits of a cashless society?
Should genetic engineering be used to eliminate hereditary diseases?
How can we strike a balance between protecting individual privacy and ensuring national security in the digital age?