Assignment Instructions: Group Presentation on Student Movements and Their Influ

Assignment Instructions: Group
Presentation on Student Movements and Their Influence on Ethnic Studies
For this assignment, you will work in groups to create a presentation on one of the five student movements that have shaped Ethnic Studies. You have the opportunity to choose which group you wish to join, based on your interest in one of the following topics:
5. The Women’s Of The TWLF Movement
Historical Background: The TWLF was formed in 1968-69 by a coalition of minority student groups at San
Francisco State University and UC
Berkeley. Inspired by global anti-colonial movements and the Black Panther Party, the TWLF fought for the creation of a Third World College to address the lack of representation of marginalized communities in the curriculum. The involvement of Black women, Indigenous women, and women of color was pivotal in the movement.
Key Events and Actions: The TWLF led the longest student strike in history, beginning at San Francisco State University and spreading to UC Berkeley, where it pushed for the establishment of the Department of Ethnic Studies in 1969. The TWLF’s demands included self-determination in education and a curriculum relevant to the lives of people of color. Women leaders like LaNada War Jack, Clementina Duron, Estella Quintanilla, and others played crucial roles in organizing and sustaining the movement.
• Continuing Influence: The TWLF laid the foundation for ethnic studies departments across the U.S. and significantly increased minority enrollment at UC Berkeley. Women played a crucial role in this movement, ensuring that the fight for ethnic studies was inclusive of their experiences. Today, the influence of these women continues as Ethnic Studies programs have expanded to encompass African American Studies, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, Chicano/a and Latino Studies, and Native American Studies. This expansion reflects an ongoing commitment to decolonizing academia, addressing issues of race, gender, and social justice, and highlighting the voices of women of color in these critical discussions.
Research and Presentation
• Provide a brief historical background of the chosen movement.
• Highlight key events and actions that were significant to the movement.
• Discuss the continuing influence of the movement on Ethnic Studies today.
• Include perspectives on the role of women or marginalized voices within the movement.
Additional Sources:
• In addition to the provided materials, each group must research and incorporate at least four additional credible sources.
Presentation Requirements
• Duration: 10-15 minutes.
• Visual Component: Use slides, images, or videos to enhance your presentation.
• Facilitate Class Discussion: Prepare 2-3 discussion questions to engage the class after the presentation.
5. Submission:
• Submit your presentation slides and a list of references in APA format by the due date.
6. Evaluation Criteria:
• Clarity and organization of the presentation.
• Depth of research and use of diverse sources.

The APA style argument essay is 1,600–1,800 words and must incorporate a minimum

The APA style argument essay is 1,600–1,800 words and must incorporate a minimum of four secondary sources:
At least two articles from Penn Foster’s digital library database, Gale Academic OneFile Select
At least one nonprofit or government organization (online or print). Look for website domains .org, .edu, and .gov.
One source that you choose.
I. Introduction: Ends with thesis statement (Topic + Opinion + the three reasons you feel that way= Thesis statement).
Thesis statement example for a topic on nutrition: A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, can cause hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and protein deficiencies.
II. Body paragraph 1: Topic sentence must state the first reason for your argument (can cause hormonal imbalances). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
III. Body paragraph 2: Topic sentence must state the second reason for your argument (can cause vitamin deficiencies). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
IV. Body paragraph 3: Topic sentence must state the third reason for your argument (can cause protein deficiencies). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
V. Opposition and Rebuttal: This paragraph must start out with experts who oppose your argument (they think vegan diets are safe and healthy) and must end with your rebuttal and proof that your argument is sound.
VI. Conclusion: Must reiterate the thesis and summarize it while giving readers a sense of closure.
Your essay will have six solid paragraphs per this blueprint. Your essay must include in-text citations and a References page. Here is a link to a student’s sample paper. Make sure your paper is formatted in a similar way. You do not need to include a cover page.
Here is another link to a different section of the same website that will show you how to cite sources in detail. You will always need to use a guide like these to complete your research papers.
Please remember that all paragraphs must be indented, and the content of your essay must be double-spaced.

An advanced practice nurse collaborates and communicates with patients, families

An advanced practice nurse collaborates and communicates with patients, families,
doctors, nurses, and specialists to ensure patients receive the care they need. As they
diagnose, treat, manage, and educate patients, they are responsible for ensuring patient
safety and maintaining ethical behavior. Competencies have been developed to help the
advanced practice nurse to understand the practice knowledge, skills, and attitudes they
need to be successful.
For this Discussion, you will examine advanced nursing practice competencies and reflect
on your strengths and challenges related to the competencies. In light of your reflection,
you will consider how this course may help you attain your career goals or objectives.
Post a summary of your expectations of this course (advanced practice family nurse practitioner
for adults). Also, include a brief explanation of your strengths and challenges as they relate to
nursing practice competencies when working with adults. Describe any career goals or objectives
this course may help you accomplish in the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or Adult-Gerontology
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) role and explain why. Use your research to support your
explanations by providing credible and scholarly sources. Provide at least 3 credible and current
scholarly sources.