Choose only ONE character (but NOT the surgeon): you can choose either Captain K

Choose only ONE character (but NOT the surgeon): you can choose either Captain Kimber, the Third Mate, William Wilberforce, a generic “British gentleman,” the insurance agent, Saidiya Hartman, or the girl herself
Find and analyze the excerpts in “The Dead Book” that are written in that character’s point of view
Answer the question: What is your chosen character’s opinion of “the girl” and her death? If we put this question in terms of Hartman’s own words, what “guise” does the girl take in that character’s point of view? HOW AND WHY IS THIS SECTION WRITTEN THE WAY IT IS? WRITE A FULL THESIS (TOPIC + CLAIM + 3 SUPPORTS) and put that at the top of your paper.
Make sure that you support your claims with EVIDENCE from the text (quotations, descriptions, observations, etc.)
MAKE SURE TO STRUCTURE YOUR PARAGRAPH using the Paragraph Burger model

The APA style argument essay is 1,600–1,800 words and must incorporate a minimum

The APA style argument essay is 1,600–1,800 words and must incorporate a minimum of four secondary sources:
At least two articles from Penn Foster’s digital library database, Gale Academic OneFile Select
At least one nonprofit or government organization (online or print). Look for website domains .org, .edu, and .gov.
One source that you choose.
I. Introduction: Ends with thesis statement (Topic + Opinion + the three reasons you feel that way= Thesis statement).
Thesis statement example for a topic on nutrition: A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, can cause hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, and protein deficiencies.
II. Body paragraph 1: Topic sentence must state the first reason for your argument (can cause hormonal imbalances). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
III. Body paragraph 2: Topic sentence must state the second reason for your argument (can cause vitamin deficiencies). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
IV. Body paragraph 3: Topic sentence must state the third reason for your argument (can cause protein deficiencies). The rest of the paragraph must be about that reason.
V. Opposition and Rebuttal: This paragraph must start out with experts who oppose your argument (they think vegan diets are safe and healthy) and must end with your rebuttal and proof that your argument is sound.
VI. Conclusion: Must reiterate the thesis and summarize it while giving readers a sense of closure.
Your essay will have six solid paragraphs per this blueprint. Your essay must include in-text citations and a References page. Here is a link to a student’s sample paper. Make sure your paper is formatted in a similar way. You do not need to include a cover page.
Here is another link to a different section of the same website that will show you how to cite sources in detail. You will always need to use a guide like these to complete your research papers.
Please remember that all paragraphs must be indented, and the content of your essay must be double-spaced.

During the 1950’s we see (especially on TV) a postwar effort to reconstruct fami

During the 1950’s we see (especially on TV) a postwar effort to reconstruct family life after a major world war. Images of the nuclear family dominate these shows. We see women as homemakers who are not challenging their prescribed gender roles. Sexuality does not exist on these shows.
In contrast, we also have film images such as Doris Day. As discussed Day does challenge the image of the woman in the home(we see Day as an independent, single, successful woman) but she upholds proper images regarding sexuality and sexual behavior.
Another film image and icon of the time is the very famous Marilyn Monroe. After reading the bio’s and watching clips on Marilyn Monroe, Barbie and Beauty Pageants (all very popular things in the 50’s) please answer the following:
What messages are inherent in beauty pageants, barbie and even icons such Marilyn Monroe in terms of beauty and sexuality in the 1950’s? Please discuss all three. What I want you to address is: How are they able to remain popular during conservative times in the popular culture? In other words, how do they uphold some of the messages that dominate the time? Do they challenge dominant images? How and if so, circle back to my original question- why are they still popular during these very conservative times in terms of popular representation. Please note this prompt is specific to pop culture in the 1950’s- please keep your analysis on the 50’s time period only.
Make sure not only to discuss gender, but also race and class.