5 pages of writing in MLA format plus a works cited page The article and two out

5 pages of writing in MLA format plus a works cited page
The article and two outside database resources of your choice.  
Address the following:  Write a 3rd person (no I, You, Me, My, We) academic essay where you post an argument about the role morals/virtues play in happiness.  In addition, take your argument beyond just making a case about morals and virtues  – emphasize and discuss the rhetorical side of Ahmed’s argument too.  HOW does Ahmed make her case?  What writing moves does she make?   Are they effective?  Why or why not?   About half of your paper should address the role and half the rhetoric.  

https://online.fliphtml5.com/wagz/gsqt/ Each annotation should include the direc

Each annotation should include the direct line from the text and page # MLA citation) and answer one of the following prompts…
A reaction to something you read
Question or wondering
A connection to the text (text-text, text-self, text-world)
Analysis of a writing strategy (characterization, conflict, setting, symbolism, plot, foreshadowing, flashback, theme, etc.)
Analysis of an important scene that helps develop or advance the plot.

Please use just open sources Here’s some of them: ANDORNINO 2015 – Italy China R

Please use just open sources
Here’s some of them:
ANDORNINO 2015 – Italy China Relations in Turbolent Mediterranean POSTPRINT.pdf (unito.it)
med-maeci-eng.pdf (esteri.it)
Italy’s Renewed Activism in the “Wider Mediterranean”: A Bet for the Future | ISPI (ispionline.it)
ecfr-1-Crises-in-the-Mediterranean.pdf (esteri.it)
Italy’s New Look – War on the Rocks

The Return of Italy to the Mediterranean

Italy’s Mediterranean pivot: What’s driving Meloni’s ambitious plan with Africa – Atlantic Council

Diplomacy, energy and security: Italian top officials focus on MENA countries

Meloni discusses security, shared challenges at Rome Med

Feel free to enrich the sources, just they need to be open sources.
I would like the paper to have the following structure:
Main body

For the rhetorical analysis essay, I am looking for at least five paragraphs wit

For the rhetorical analysis essay, I am looking for at least five paragraphs with three pieces of evidence/supporting arguments for your thesis. These supporting arguments should have textual evidence as well. I’m not including a word count limit this time, but I may in the future. I would be surprised to see a five-paragraph essay take up less than a page, and even more surprised to see it succeed.
You may choose the work you perform a rhetorical analysis on, but since textual evidence is required, I highly recommend choosing some sort of literature (book, short story, poem, etc.). 
Your essay should be in Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced. MLA format is preferred.
Because this is a rhetorical analysis, you should keep your subject confined to one work. You’re not comparing or bringing in outside information here.
This is only a rough draft. It won’t be perfect. That’s fine. I’m looking for effort and following the baselines of a rhetorical analysis essay.

Carefully analyze the primary source below and prepare to write a well-organized

Carefully analyze the primary source below and prepare to write a well-organized short essay in which you address the following questions for the primary source below. Your essay must demonstrate a synthesis of knowledge gained to date from the course textbook, assigned readings lectures, class discussions, class exercises, document analysis presentations, etc. Avoid writing a mere summary of loosely related details or an essay of unsubstantiated opinion. And please remember that this examination is a closed-book/closed-notes examination. 

Step 1: Revise the Informative EssayAll writers revise their work as part of the

Step 1: Revise the Informative EssayAll writers revise their work as part of the writing process. For Touchstone 3, submit a revised version of your Touchstone 2.2 informative essay. The process of revising involves “re-thinking” your essay. Your revision should reflect your attention to the following:
Rhetorical situation
As you review the grader’s suggestions and feedback of your draft, evaluate how your essay can be improved in each of the areas above. Focus your attention on the areas that would benefit most from revision. You can add, delete, or move text as you revise your essay.
Note the following revision guidelines:
Do not draft a new essay on a new topic. You must revise your Touchstone 2.2 draft using the feedback provided.
Allow time between drafts so that you can see your original work from a new perspective.
Revision is different from editing and proofreading; however, be sure to edit and proofread your revised essay before you submit it.
 big ideaRevise your Touchstone 2.2 essay using the revision strategies you learned in Unit 3. This revision should reflect significant changes from your first draft, and should incorporate the feedback you received on Touchstone 2.2.
Step 2. Think About Your WritingInclude answers to all of the following reflection questions below your completed revision.
How much time did you spend revising your draft? Which revision strategies did you use, and which of them worked best for you? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: A good revision takes time. This is your opportunity to re-think, rearrange, and re-evaluate your writing. Which revision strategies did you use? Do you still agree with your thesis? Do you believe that your evidence supports your thesis and that you have met the requirements of the assignment?
How did the revision process improve your essay? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Compare your draft to your revision. Have you added relevant details or removed irrelevant ones? Have you changed the order of details or paragraphs? Have you added transitions for better flow? In which ways is your revision better than your draft?
What did you learn about your writing process or yourself as a writer? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Think about the entire process of drafting and revising this essay. Did any part of the process surprise you or reveal something unexpected?

Describe a team building activity you have been part of. Do you feel as though i

Describe a team building activity you have been part of. Do you feel as though it accomplished a sense of belonging?  If so, what make it effective? If not, why.
Belbin’s team roles: describe a team you have been part of, or observed, where have you seen roles emerge?  What roles did you see? Did you observe a correlation between workplace strengths or roles, gender, and/or ethnicity as part of the roles. How so?
How have you seen a team leader positively influence cooperation on a team? This may be a team you have lead or one you observed. Describe your observations.
Trust: discuss how you have seen trust impact the effectiveness of a team, specifically, how have you seen someone build trust within a group?
Social identity: describe an instance where you have observed social identity positively influence the effectiveness of a group.
Please try to have the answers of these questions relate to nursing

Assignments Instructions Write an essay that includes the first 5 criteria: 1.Fa

Write an essay that includes the first 5 criteria:
1.Family/Financial Statement (such as illness/disability, divorce, imprisonment, death in family, etc…)
2. Trials to Triumphs (personal growth, how you overcame you struggles)
3.Major/Career Goals (what it is and why/what inspired you to pursue it)
4.What you have done so far to pursue your career goals (such as related classes/courses, extracurricular activities, organizations.,

In previous assignments, you learned to recognize the visual representations of

In previous assignments, you learned to recognize the visual representations of ethos, pathos and logos and to analyze how these rhetorical appeals are used to persuade. You will develop a 750-1000 word rhetorical analysis essay on the advertisement you selected from Ads of the World link
Links to an external site.. The ad can be for any product or service and should include all three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos). Your analysis must also take into consideration the advertiser’s intended audience. An analysis is basically a critical look — you will be assessing what effect the advertiser intends to have on the audience, and whether you feel the advertiser will have the desired effect. Is the attempt to persuade using each rhetorical appeal effective? Or not? Why or why not?
If you have chosen a print ad, provide the image from the ad at the top of your essay, before the title. If you have chosen a video advertisement, embed the video into your document above the title of your essay.
Essay Development
Your essay will include a clear thesis and well-developed key ideas with topic sentences and supporting examples. The essay will also follow the conventional organization of the three elements of introduction, body and conclusion. Follow the paragraph formula below:
Paragraph #1: Introduction and Thesis Statement. The introduction introduces the topic, creates interest for the reader, and provides the thesis. The thesis (or main idea) will address whether you feel the advertisement is persuasive — this deduction will of course be based on your assessment of ethos, pathos and logos. Thesis statements must be the last sentence in the introduction paragraph.
Paragraph #2: Intended audience:  Using information about where and when the advertisement was published, the ages, sexes/genders, and races of any models or actors, and the layout and color palette of the advertisement discuss who the intended audience is. Tell your reader at least three things about this audience; consider the audience’s values, knowledge, and demographics.
Paragraph #3: Ethos. Describe for your reader how the advertiser uses ethos. Give concrete examples from the ad. If you feel ethos is effectively used, explain why. If you feel it is ineffective, explain why.
Paragraph #4: Pathos. Describe for your reader how the advertiser uses pathos. Give concrete examples from the ad. If you feel pathos is effectively used, explain why. If you feel it is ineffective, explain why.
Paragraph #5: Logos. Describe for your reader how the advertiser uses logos. Give concrete examples from the ad. If you feel logos is effectively used, explain why. If you feel it is ineffective, explain why.
Paragraph #6: Conclusion. In your final paragraph, take a moment to discuss the overall effect of the advertisement with regard to ethos, pathos and logos. Which rhetorical appeal was used most effectively? Why? Which was used least effectively? Why? In different words, reiterate your thesis.