You will be using the short story as your primary source. For your secondary sou

You will be using the short story as your primary source.
For your secondary sou

You will be using the short story as your primary source.
For your secondary sources, the other two can be one of the following:
Two credible book sources.
Two truly scholarly journal articles. The scholarly journal articles should come from academic journals. A scholarly academic journal is peer reviewed, has extensive in text citations, and contains has an in depth works cited page.
One book and one scholarly journal article.
You can certainly go beyond having two secondary sources. 
For an example of how to cite two sources with the same author, see the examples here Download here. 
For directions on how to cite a print book, an book accessed through and ereader or book found line, see these examples Download these examples.
For directions on how to cite scholarly articles, see the examples from the Purdue Owl Download the Purdue Owl. 
Make sure you have included the heading Works Cited. Double space all the entries and use hanging indent. All entries should be listed in alphabetical order. Review the tutorialLinks to an external site.. 

An introductory paragraph that attempts to gain the interest of readers and intr

An introductory paragraph that attempts to gain the interest of readers and intr

An introductory paragraph that attempts to gain the interest of readers and introduces your closed research theme reading, and offers a thesis statement suggesting what your response to the closed research theme reading will be focused on
A thesis statement previewing your “I Say” response to the closed research theme reading
A full and accurate summary of the closed research theme reading
A meaningful response, supported with evidence, to the closed research theme reading
A concluding paragraph
Revisions made based on the feedback you received from your instructor on the Half Draft (See the Grades link or consult your instructor for this feedback)
In-text citations of “They Say” summaries and quotations of the closed research theme reading and other sources, if you use any
APA or MLA style formatting, as specified by your instructor, with a References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA) page
Observation of the conventions of Standard Written
Minimum 750 words for the final draft (References or
Works Cited list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)

COMPLETED (attached for reference) #1. For each of the five members of the group

COMPLETED (attached for reference)
#1. For each of the five members of the group

COMPLETED (attached for reference)
#1. For each of the five members of the group, describe what you believe is each person’s likely initial position and at least three likely underlying interests. Then, reflect on which interests may be shared by two or more of the members. Keep in mind that the negotiation group members are likely to have interests related to health and ideology, professional and personal relationships, reputation, and aspirations.
#2. Follow the process described by Fisher and Ury in Chapters 3 & 4 (attached document) 
To generate 6 alternative options to solve their dilemma. 
Then identify which underlying interests of the five members of the group can be
satisfied by these alternative options and explain how the options maximize to a
greater or to a lesser extent the underlying interests.

Using the attached outline. Evaluate and write about the credibility and useful

Using the attached outline.
Evaluate and write about the credibility and useful

Using the attached outline.
Evaluate and write about the credibility and usefulness of a source.
Credibility (at least one full paragraph):  Evaluate the source’s authenticity and reliability. Look at all the information that you can find about the source to establish the author’s trustworthiness.
Usefulness (at least one full paragraph): Using a combination of summary and analysis, examine the source on a critical level. Determine what the source’s purpose (thesis) is, and how it arrives at that goal. Examine its value to you and the project you are working on. How will it help you prove your own points? How might it come in handy to back up a claim (or address a counter-claim)?
Include a conclusion which shows your final assessments on both counts.
Answer the following questions at the end.
Reflection Questions
What types of questions did you ask yourself when evaluating the credibility and usefulness of your source? (2-3 sentences)
How do you feel this evaluation practice will help you as you continue to move through the research process? (2-3 sentences)

From the short stories listed below, choose the one that speaks to you the most,

From the short stories listed below, choose the one that speaks to you the most,

From the short stories listed below, choose the one that speaks to you the most, read it and annotate it. Share your thoughts about its deeper meaning. 
“A Hedge of Rosemary” by Elizabeth Jolley (
Pages 14 to 18
“The Chair” by Yusef Idris (
La Pulchra Nota by Molly McNett (

Compose two Introductions for your Researched Argumentative Essay. The introduct

Compose two Introductions for your Researched Argumentative Essay. The introduct

Compose two Introductions for your Researched Argumentative Essay. The introductions should demonstrate different approaches, using different word: phrasing. Only the thesis statement will remain similar. Then, in a third paragraph, share your thoughts about which introduction you are most likely to use and why.
Paragraph 1 will be your first possible introduction.
Paragraph 2 will be your second possible introduction.
Paragraph 3 will be your commentary on both introductions.
Write only in 3rd person point of view (No direct address – “You would be shocked at the waste of edible foods!”).
Do not announce the topic (Example: This paper will discuss the importance of donkey farming to nomad societies in Nörthern Africa; In this essay, or, In this essay, I will…).
If you use a source in your introduction, such as for a statistic, you should cite it and reference the material.

1. “There will Come Soft Rains” by Ray BradburyLinks to an external site. What w

1. “There will Come Soft Rains” by Ray BradburyLinks to an external site.
What w

1. “There will Come Soft Rains” by Ray BradburyLinks to an external site.
What will happen to the world if all humans stop existing? 
2. “The Poor and Burning Arab” by William SaroyanLinks to an external site.
What does it truly mean to leave behind one’s own home country?
Why is the uncle so attached to his friend? 
What connects Armenians with Arabs?
3. “Girls at War” by Chinua AchebeLinks to an external site. 
What restrictions do societies place on women and how do women create their own strengths during time of war? 
Check In
Based on the assignment, in a sentence or two, what should your peers keep in mind so they can succeed.
Underline important sentences from the short story, annotate the margins or use post its, and take photos from at least two to three different sections and share them here. 
 In a 100 to 200 minimum word post, please do the following:
Discuss what caught your attention the most. 
Explain why these sentences and or sections you highlighted caught your attention.
Explain what your research topic or question might be. 
Include the word count.
Remember, you might end up using your annotations and observations when you write your second essay. 
In a 50 to 70 minimum word response, tell a peer why their observations are insightful. Please include the word count.