At end of annotated bibliography, please answer reflection questions. Make sure

At end of annotated bibliography, please answer reflection questions.
Make sure

At end of annotated bibliography, please answer reflection questions.
Make sure to:
❒ Alphabetize the entries, according to APA Style.
❒ Include the required bibliographic information in APA format for each entry.
❒ Include 5-6 sentences for each entry that provide a short summary of the source (with page or paragraph-numbered citations) and how you plan to use it to support your argument.
❒ Include at least seven entries in your annotated bibliography, all of which must be credible (i.e., authentic, reputable, authoritative), reliable (e.g., contains current and valid data collection and analysis), and relevant academic sources.(Use Google Scholar if you do not have access to an academic search database through your institution).
❒ Choose your own sources, but use no more than three websites (there is no limit on the number of online scholarly journals used).
❒ Thoroughly check the formatting requirements for the different source types
❒ After each relevant entry indicate the source type in parentheses (book, peer-reviewed journal, newspaper/magazine, and credible website) by including the source type in parentheses after the relevant entry.
Reflection questions
Accurately recording bibliographic information is essential and saves you time, as you can transfer this information to the References page of your drafted essay. Each source entry should include a brief summary of the source as well as 3-4 sentences describing how you intend to use that source to build or support your argument. Discuss how your annotated bibliography meets these criteria. (2-3 sentences)
Which strategies were most helpful for you when searching for credible sources? (2-3 sentences)
What difficulties did you face while searching for credible sources? How did you overcome these difficulties? (2-3 sentences)

Directions In this writer’s journal entry, begin drafting your MWA1: Writing In

In this writer’s journal entry, begin drafting your MWA1: Writing In

In this writer’s journal entry, begin drafting your MWA1: Writing In My _____ report. First, review this unit’s readings on IMRaD structure. Then, use these tips to write a 1-3 paragraph draft of your “Methods” section:
Describe your research questions:
What are you hoping to learn from your research?
Why do the answers to your questions matter?
Who else cares about your research, besides you, and why?
What motivated you to conduct this research?
Describe your research methods:
How will you go about gathering information to explore your research question?
Why did you select this approach?
What search strategies will you use?
Do you plan to consult primary sources, secondary sources, or both? Why?
Besides collecting sources, how will you explore your research questions? What other methods will you use, and why?
Describe your predictions:
What do you plan to learn from your research?
What new questions do you expect to have after conducting your research?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words for credit. You can (and should!) “re-use” this journal entry as the Methods section of your MWA1: Writing In My _____ report.

For your second essay in this class, you will spend some time reflecting on one

For your second essay in this class, you will spend some time reflecting on one

For your second essay in this class, you will spend some time reflecting on one of the literary works assigned in the class from a Christian perspective. 
Steps in the Process
Choose a work assigned in this course that appeals to you from an emotional or aesthetic perspective.
Read the work several times (maybe read parts of it aloud) making note of the features that seem particularly beautiful, inspiring, emotional, meaningful, or true. Consider the following questions (and pick one to focus on): Focus your thoughts into an argument about how the work of literature helps us better understand aspects of the Christian faith.
How does the work help us better value goodness?
How does the work help us better understand Truth?
How does the work help us better recognize and appreciate beauty?
Compose a thesis-driven, organized essay presenting your argument and using textual support for your points.
Although your essay will be thesis-driven, it is not a literary analysis. Do not simply pick a theme or a literary device and make an argument about that aspect of the work.
It will almost certainly be easier to do this assignment well if you choose a shorter piece of literature or a small section of a long work, rather than, for instance, the entirety of Julius Caesar.
You should not do any significant research on the literary work, since the assignment is on your own reflections about it. 
We are reading Dante, The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Penguin (9780142437223)
Homer, The Iliad, translated by Caroline Alexander, Ecco (978006204628)
Sophocles, Oedipus the King, translated by Robert Bagg, Harper-Collins (9780062132086)
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Folger Mass Market edition, Simon and Schuster (9780743482745
Pick one and do what is being asked.

Proposal Argument Essay AssignmentWrite a 1,500-1,750-word proposal using five t

Proposal Argument Essay AssignmentWrite a 1,500-1,750-word proposal using five t

Proposal Argument Essay AssignmentWrite a 1,500-1,750-word proposal using five to seven academic resources. Follow your instructor’s guidance as to whether it should be a policy or a practical proposal and as to the range of topics allowed. The voice and style of your argument should be aimed at your target audience. Remember to not use first person pronouns (I, me, us, we, our, my, mine) or second person pronouns (you, your, yours), unless given permission by your instructor. Your proposal should have the following features: 1.Identify the problem. 2.Persuade the audience that you have selected that this is a problem that needs solving; give it presence. 3.Propose action offering specific details to show how the actions will help alleviate the problem. 4.Justify your solution by providing the reasons why your audience should accept your proposal and act on it. This essay is NOT simply a persuasive essay. It is an argumentative proposal that offers a practical and justifiable solution to a problem. First Draft Grading •You will receive completion points for the first draft based upon the successful submission of a complete draft. •Because your first draft is a completion grade, do not assume that this grade reflects or predicts the final grade. If you do not consider your instructor’s comments, you may be deducted points on your final draft. Final Draft Grading The essay will be graded using a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations. Sources •Include in-text citations and a references page in APA Style for FIVE to SEVEN scholarly sources outside of class texts. •These sources should be used to support any claims you make and should be present in the text of the essay. •Use the GCU Library to help you find sources. •Include this research in the paper in a scholarly manner. Format Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Lopeswrite •You are required to submit this assignment to Lopeswrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. •Please be sure your Lopeswrite score is at an acceptable level before submitting the draft to your instructor.

ARGUMENTATIVE RESEARCH PAPER SimCheck under 20%   LENGTH 1,500-2,000 words (excl

SimCheck under 20%
1,500-2,000 words (excl

SimCheck under 20%
1,500-2,000 words (excluding references)
Write an essay taking the “for” or “against” side of any current issue.  Assume that the reader has feelings opposite to yours and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view.  You will do this by making a strong THESIS statement at the beginning and supporting that idea with at least 4 REASONS:
Reason + evidence
Reason +evidence
Reason + evidence
Reason + evidence
Choose a topic which is of interest to you and has plenty of scholarly research available. Narrow your topic down as much as you can—your paper will be more persuasive that way.  Present a PRESCRIPTIVE thesis (what should/shouldn’t be), not a descriptive one (what is/isn’t).
Use at least eight quotations from at least eight outside sources to illustrate and defend your thesis. These must be chosen from at least three of the following categories.
Periodical (magazine or journal)                    Television program
Daily newspaper                                             Government publication
Book (limit 2)                                                  Live lecture
Other Internet source                                     Pamphlet
Personal interview (limit 1)               
  =an expert, not an average citizen=
Support your opinion with inarguable FACTS.  Give supporting evidence that is free of logical fallacies, assumptions, and biases.  Naturally, your own commentary must be free of these weaknesses and above all rational and non-emotional.
Cite your sources using the MLA or APA style of documentation as shown in Rules for Writers.  Give parenthetical references within your text and include a “Reference” list at the end of the paper with full publication data on each source.
This project will be completed in four steps.  Please observe the following deadlines.
            ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRPAHY. Combine a list of 8 sources and provide a paragraph summary of each source.
THESIS.  Present a single statement (one sentence of reasonable length) that is the controlling idea of your essay.  Unless you and I agree otherwise, this statement will appear word for word in the introduction of your essay. 
            OUTLINE. Present your approved thesis followed by 2 to 6 primary reasons that will support it.  Each reason should consist of one complete sentence.  No research materials should be included in the outline.
            FINAL PRODUCT.  You are required to type this paper.  Double-space of course.  Do not enclose it in any type of binder.