Directions Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analys


Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analys


Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analysis presentation. Click here for the assignment informationLinks to an external site.. for the website analysis presentation assignment. This is what you are creating an outline for. 

Click here for an example of a website analysis outline Download here for an example of a website analysis outline. Use this as a suggestive guide for your outline. 
Alongside the content outline, include what design/colors will you use for your presentation. Use these guide to aid you in designLinks to an external site. and color matchingLinks to an external site.. 
Watch this videoLinks to an external site. on the assertion-evidence model for the presentation. Write briefly about how you will use this model in your final recorded presentation.

Identify the topic of the text. Explain the writer’s choices in relation to

Identify the topic of the text.
Explain the writer’s choices in relation to

Identify the topic of the text.
Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the genre of the text.
Describe the writer’s purpose.
Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the audience, purpose, and/or subject of the text.
Determine the historical and/or cultural context of the text.
Articulate the core idea of the text.
Summarize details of the text that are relevant to the core idea.
Support your analysis of the core idea with evidence from the text.

Include at least one quote from the text.
Explain how this evidence supports the core idea.

Guidelines Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an H

Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an H

Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”
What is the significance of the title?
What is the nature of Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble,” and why would the author mention it in the first paragraph? Is there any way in which this might be considered symbolic or ironic?
The setting of the story is very limited; it is confined largely to a room, a staircase, and a front door. How does this limitation help to express the themes of the story?
In what ways is this passage significant? “She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.” What kinds of sensory images does this passage contain, and what senses does it address? What does the vision through the open window mean to her? Where else does she taste, smell, or touch something intangible in the story?
What kind of relationships do the Mallards have? Is Brently Mallard unkind to Louise Mallard, or is there some other reason for her saying “free, free, free!” when she hears of his death? How does she feel about him?
Mallard closes the door to her room so that her sister Josephine cannot get in, yet she leaves the window open. Why does Chopin make a point of telling the reader this? How might this relate to the idea of being “free” and to the implicit idea that she is somehow imprisoned? Do other words in the story relate to this idea
What does Josephine represent in the story? What does Richards represent?
Mallard is described as descending the stairs “like a goddess of Victory.” In what ways does she feel herself victorious?
The last line of the story is this: “When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills.” In what ways is this an ironic statement? What is gained by having the doctors make such a statement rather than putting it in the mouths of Josephine or Richards?
What view of marriage does the story present? The story was published in 1894; does it only represent attitudes toward marriage in the nineteenth century, or could it equally apply to attitudes about marriage today?

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy In 200 words or more, write about the followi

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy
In 200 words or more, write about the followi

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy
In 200 words or more, write about the following:
What technologies do you use in your everyday life?
What kinds of writing/reading/literacy/sensory experiences happen on the devices?
Have you used Chat GPT or another generative AI source? How do you incorporate it, if so? Generally, do you think AI can it be used ethically?
Do you think the advancements in technology is causing humans to have a shorter attention span and causing humans to read less? Why or why not? (Think through the benefits and dangers of digital/electronic communication more broadly)

 No, your child is not too young. Your child can start receiving mathematics tut

 No, your child is not too young. Your child can start receiving mathematics tut

 No, your child is not too young. Your child can start receiving mathematics tutoring in first grade if you or your child’s teacher deem it necessary. If your child is showing signs of struggling to keep up with their peers, it may be worth considering a math tutoring. At this age, a math tutor will focus on counting, symbol recognition, and simple word problems. Be sure to specify your child’s needs or challenges before they begin with a tutor to ensure the best results. To supplement your child’s tutoring sessions, it is recommended that they have access to games or puzzles at home, which can enhance and develop their mathematical and arithmetic skills. While it is important that your child is meeting or near meeting expectations of their developmental stage, it is also important that no undue pressure or stress is put on them – this may cause anxiety for them. 

 Read the following document on digital literacies:

 Read the following document on digital literacies:

 Read the following document on digital literacies:
 Watch the following YouTube video on digital literacy:

Write through the following prompts: 
What makes digital literacy different from the other literacies you’ve written about for this class? What makes digital literacy similar to other modes of literacy? 
How exactly is digital literacy much more than just “computer skills”?
How does digital literacy impact your search on the job market? (when you get on the market/or previous job experiences you’ve had)
Which area of digital literacy would you say you have to most proficiency/experience? (computer, network, digital problem solving, information, or media from the document) And why?
How does digital literacy tie in with cultural differences? 

  It is important for students to have a clear understanding of counseling theo

It is important for students to have a clear understanding of counseling theo

It is important for students to have a clear understanding of counseling theories. Imagine that you are at an agency or giving this presentation to a community center.
Choose one of the following psychotherapies for your presentation:
Neoanyalytic, Jungian, or Individual Psychology.
Create a presentation that includes 8-10 slides on the selected theory. Please include the following:
• Identify theory selected
• Brief history of the theory
• Central concepts of the theory
• Goals of the theory; short- or long-term approach
• Three specific strategies or interventions used with the theory.
• Counselor’s role
• Client’s role
• Populations this theory is most appropriate
• Strengths and limitations that are specific to the selected theory.
• At least three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook.
Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.
Title slide and reference slide are not included in the slide count. Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes relate to your chosen audience and contain 50-100 words per slide.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the fol

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the fol

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the following parts and submit in Word document or PDF form only; paragraph form:
How have your ideas on writing, rhetoric, and literacy changed overall over the course of this semester? Or what do you need to learn more about or experience in a different way in order to be more comfortable with academic writing in general?
How could you use the information in this course in your present and future professional/career pursuits?