EVS 206: international trade: Use the ‘data’ tool from the website below to ans

EVS 206: international trade:
Use the ‘data’ tool from the website below to ans

EVS 206: international trade: Use the ‘data’ tool from the website below to answer the following questions.
1.TRUE or FALSE: The total value of international trade of natural resources more than doubled from 2000 to 2020. What commodity accounted for the largest fraction of international trade of natural resources in 2020?
agricultural products
forestry products
fossil fuels
metals and minerals

To clarify these are 1a and 1b: Environmental setting: general climate, natural

To clarify these are 1a and 1b: Environmental setting: general climate, natural

To clarify these are 1a and 1b: Environmental setting: general climate, natural vegetation, geology / topography,
anything else you find relevant to your population description
b. Population demographics and economy:
i. DTM stage
ii. Population pyramid and statement of expanding vs stable vs declining
iii. Key sociodemographics affecting population, e.g., TFR, education rates, birth
control, … Part A you find relevant
iv. economic landscape – e.g., workforce distribution in various economic sectors.
Ive attached the documents you need and make sure to follow the rubric and dont forget to add hyperlinks aswell

You must have a strong knowledge of hydrology and Excel skills to complete this.

You must have a strong knowledge of hydrology and Excel skills to complete this.

You must have a strong knowledge of hydrology and Excel skills to complete this.
Attached is a hydrology assignment. Please read and complete all questions and all parts of the assignment.
I have also attached all of the Excel sheets for the assignment.
I am really having trouble making sense of it. Please help!

part one: #1. In one paragraph or less (just 4-5 sentences), what is your perso

part one:
#1. In one paragraph or less (just 4-5 sentences), what is your perso

part one:
#1. In one paragraph or less (just 4-5 sentences), what is your personal environmental ethic? An environmental ethic might be what are your values and beliefs about the importance of the environment or nature in our modern world.
#2 What is the biggest environmental issue in your opinion?
#3 Who has been the most influential in shaping your views on the environment?
part two:
Watch the BIC Sustainability video available from YuJa Media in this course or the link below AND the Sustainability video from class on last Thursday or the link below. Answer the following questions:
Which of the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social economic) do you find the most compelling for looking at and finding solutions to environmental issues/problems? Why? Explain your choice in your own words and support your answers using concepts/ideas from this first topic/Chapter.
How might your chosen pillar of environmental sustainability relate to your major, academic degree, or chosen profession? Explain and discuss.
Submit to iLearn as a Word Doc.

Writing Assignment 1 Watch the video entitled “Kiss the Ground”, and discuss the

Writing Assignment 1
Watch the video entitled “Kiss the Ground”, and discuss the

Writing Assignment 1
Watch the video entitled “Kiss the Ground”, and discuss the following questions.
1. Give a brief overview of the video.
2. Who is/are affected by the issues of industrial agriculture?
3. What are some of the biggest barriers to adoption for farmers who are attempting to implement regenerative practices?
4. Challenges for sourcing more regenerative food
5. What are some issues to be aware of before going to the grocery store or restaurant?
6. What are your opinions on regenerative farming and
7. What from this film impacted you the most
Kiss The Ground (youtube.com)

Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page on “the big

Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page on “the big

Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page on “the big trees” from the National Park Service: https://www.nps.gov/seki/learn/nature/bigtrees.htm
Use the materials and PowerPoint on Forests. You may use any other credible sources as well. We will discuss in class in our Teams; then, after class submit your individual response as a Word document.
Answer these three questions in your own words (5 points for each):
Is fire good or bad for the Giant Sequoia trees? Explain and discuss.
What measures would you propose to educate the public about the role of fire for these trees? Consider species survival, biodiversity, cultural or aesthetic value, recreational (tourism) value, or any other reasons. Hint: you could also frame this using the three pillars of sustainability.
What impact do human populations have on giant sequoia trees? Explain.

PBS video on Fire in the Giant Sequoia Trees

National Geographic video on Giant Sequoia trees and fire

Instruction Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page

Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page

Watch the two following videos. Look at this short information page on “the big trees” from the National Park Service: https://www.nps.gov/seki/learn/nature/bigtrees.htm
Use the materials and PowerPoint on Forests. You may use any other credible sources as well. We will discuss in class in our Teams; then, after class submit your individual response as a Word document.
Answer these three questions in your own words (5 points for each):
Is fire good or bad for the Giant Sequoia trees? Explain and discuss.
What measures would you propose to educate the public about the role of fire for these trees? Consider species survival, biodiversity, cultural or aesthetic value, recreational (tourism) value, or any other reasons. Hint: you could also frame this using the three pillars of sustainability.
What impact do human populations have on giant sequoia trees? Explain.

PBS video on Fire in the Giant Sequoia Trees

National Geographic video on Giant Sequoia trees and fire

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please cr

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please cr

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please create graphs of the standard ion and cation. Create standard curves for each concentration and find the best fit line. For each water sample calculate the level of Phosphate, calcium chloride etc. Ones you get the results put them in tables and compare them in the discussion part.

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please cr

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please cr

Write a lab report based on the following results for the data section please create graphs of the standard ion and cation. Create standard curves for each concentration and find the best fit line. For each water sample calculate the level of Phosphate, calcium chloride etc. Ones you get the results put them in tables and compare them in the discussion part.

You will build a PowerPoint lecture for Chapter 2. It will be graded on the foll

You will build a PowerPoint lecture for Chapter 2.
It will be graded on the foll

You will build a PowerPoint lecture for Chapter 2.
It will be graded on the following:
1) creativity/ design
2) thoroughness of the chapter material covered in PowerPoint
3) use visuals such as video clips, pictures, diagrams, charts , etc., to enhance the presentation.
The chapter is in the attached file
Requirements: Follow the instructions