Edit/Rewrite Final Draft Keep in mind: Your “initial draft” and final draft are

Edit/Rewrite Final Draft
Keep in mind: Your “initial draft” and final draft are

Edit/Rewrite Final Draft
Keep in mind: Your “initial draft” and final draft are almost identical, which does not provide me with evidence that you brought the final draft up from an outline slowly. While that was not a requirement, I wanted to see students’ progress – not just two final drafts.
I have read a few grammatical mistakes in the first couple of pages – make sure to use a spelling and grammar checker and proofread your final draft on paper, where you will find it to easier to spot mistakes than the computer screen.
You showed that you gave real thought to this topic and came up with some original ideas, which extended beyond the generic essay that would have represented the minimal effort. There were some grammatical mistakes, misused words, and a few sentences that could be better formed.
Essay Prompt:
Western ethics has historically prioritized male philosophers, often marginalizing the contributions of women and other underrepresented groups. Discuss whether corporate business
ethics today would be different if women’s philosophical contributions had been more fully integrated into ethical discourse. Construct a well-supported argument for your position using historical examples and ethical theories

Your responses should be in the form of a brief expository essay. Your essays sh

Your responses should be in the form of a brief expository essay. Your essays sh

Your responses should be in the form of a brief expository essay. Your essays should aim for clarity and accuracy. The aim is to show that you understand and have command of the relevant concepts and theory. It might be helpful to imagine that you are writing a brief entry for an encyclopedia. Your response will help readers understand the moral theories being discussed (for example, what rule consequentialism is) as well as the concepts at issue in the prompt (for example, what the “too demanding” objection is). The purpose of this essay is not to provide an evaluation. Rather, it is to practice clear and careful exposition of difficult concepts.
(Module 4) (Long response prompt, provide a response that is 750-900 words in length)
4. In Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill provides a utilitarian explanation for why lying is
morally wrong. What is his explanation? Also need to explain what utilitarianism is as well.
•(Module 7)( Short response prompt, provide a response that is 450-650 words in length.)
7. What is the difference between treating someone as a mere means and treating them as
an end-in-itself? In particular, how does Onora O’Neill suggest we understand these

This assignment requires you to apply Patrick Lencioni’s “The 5 Dysfunctions of

This assignment requires you to apply Patrick Lencioni’s “The 5 Dysfunctions of

This assignment requires you to apply Patrick Lencioni’s “The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team” framework to any business case that has faced some teams’ dysfunctions. The goal is to critically analyze the team dynamics and leadership issues that contributed to the dysfunctions of the teams and propose actionable strategies for improvement. You are free to select any business case that you want to work on. However, this cannot be fictious. Make sure to provide the relevant references (e.g., media reports) for the business case that you pick. So it is very important that it is a REAL case! I want you to find an article in English. Task: Analyze the teams’ situation through the lens of the 5 dysfunctions of a team. Use media reports and news outlets to conduct your analysis for the organization you picked.

Overview In this week’s required resources, we have explored situations when usi

In this week’s required resources, we have explored situations when usi

In this week’s required resources, we have explored situations when using force or warfare is justified for particular reasons. We have also considered how peace can be achieved and how it can be sustained in the long term. This assignment will help you express your opinion about a question related to war, conflict, neutrality, and peace while considering how your culture and ethical frameworks influence your opinions.
For this short paper, choose one of the following scenarios and respond to it:
Scenario One
The survival of a particular political community itself is at stake. (Types of political communities might be nation-states, fundamentalist organizations, religious communities, or political parties.) In this instance, is it ethically permissible to use any means necessary to fight for it?
Scenario Two
A country has been suspected of ethnic cleansing or genocide, and the United Nations is considering intervention. The current government is a totalitarian dictatorship. Is it ethically permissible to impose democracy on an undemocratic regime? Why, or why not?
Specifically, you must address the following:
Explain why you think the action proposed in your chosen scenario is or is not ethically permissible.
Describe how your culture influences your opinion about this.
Explain how your ethical frameworks influence your opinion about this.
What to Submit
Submit your paper as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. If sources are used, follow APA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper. Although you will not be graded on the quality of your citations in this assignment, you may receive guidance from your instructor on how to properly cite sources.

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Us

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Us

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Using headings or numbers is appropriate.
Review this unredacted memo this unredacted memo. Note the actual source is the US Department of Transportation – not a car manufacturer – and is used by the government when analyzing which highway safety features to erect or what vehicle saftey features to mandate.
Review your previous answers and answer the following:
1. Does the fact that the government uses cost-benefit analysis for safety features change your opinion on whether it is appropriate to use cost-benefit for safety features? Explain why or why not.
2. Discuss the practicalities of this statement: “The value of life is priceless. Therefore car manufacturers should be required to install all available safety features.” Remember to consider the consumer.
3. What is the duty of a car manufacturer to the public? Remember to explain the source of that duty.
Length: Although there are no absolute minimums or maximums, a good estimate for this assignment is one paragraph per bullet point. Feel free to use more or less. The key is providing a definitive solution and sufficient reasoning/explanation for the conclusion.
Submission is evaluated on the support you provide for your position, not the position itself.

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Us

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Us

NOTE: in your response, please make it clear what question you are answering. Using headings or numbers is appropriate.
Review this unredacted memo this unredacted memo. Note the actual source is the US Department of Transportation – not a car manufacturer – and is used by the government when analyzing which highway safety features to erect or what vehicle saftey features to mandate.
Review your previous answers and answer the following:
1. Does the fact that the government uses cost-benefit analysis for safety features change your opinion on whether it is appropriate to use cost-benefit for safety features? Explain why or why not.
2. Discuss the practicalities of this statement: “The value of life is priceless. Therefore car manufacturers should be required to install all available safety features.” Remember to consider the consumer.
3. What is the duty of a car manufacturer to the public? Remember to explain the source of that duty.
Length: Although there are no absolute minimums or maximums, a good estimate for this assignment is one paragraph per bullet point. Feel free to use more or less. The key is providing a definitive solution and sufficient reasoning/explanation for the conclusion.
Submission is evaluated on the support you provide for your position, not the position itself.

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt below.
Begin to write the content for your own informed consent as a Professional Counselor. Think of this as an abbreviated version focused only on the most salient points. Also, think about what clients need to know about being able to make an informed decision about receiving services.
Include a brief introduction of yourself reflecting your professional identity.
What does your client need to know if they are coming to you for services and are: a) a child and a parent of a child, b) a vulnerable adult, c) a part of a family or couple, and d) a new, incoming group member? Note: It may be helpful for you to review the Remley and Herlihy text regarding the differences between these populations and their respective legal and ethical considerations.
Appendix B in the text has some examples of informed consent, but yours does not need to have as much detailed information.
Please read Chapters 13 and 14 before class to help ensure you get the most from our time together. Please come prepared to ask questions about the content and be ready to apply what you learned to different ethical scenarios and classroom discussions.
Below are additional articles, resources, and tools to enhance your learning about this module’s topics.
Professional Identity Statement.pdf Professional Identity Statement.pdf – Alternative Formats
10 Ways Practitioners Can Avoid Frequent Ethical Pitfalls
Preparing for Private Practice
Establishing a Private Practice
HPSO – Risk Management Strategies Case Study.pdf HPSO – Risk Management Strategies Case Study.pdf – Alternative Formats
Lecture Power Point
Week 7 – Ch. 13 and 14.pptx Week 7 – Ch. 13 and 14.pptx – Alternative Formats
Research Articles
Ensuring Ethical Practice: Guidelines for Mental Health Counselors in Private Practice
Legal and Ethical Challenges in Online Counselor Education
Students’ Ethical Decision-Making When Considering Boundary Crossings With Counselor Educators
A Counselor Education Case Study: The Counselor Values-Based Conflict Model in Action

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt below.
Begin to write the content for your own informed consent as a Professional Counselor. Think of this as an abbreviated version focused only on the most salient points. Also, think about what clients need to know about being able to make an informed decision about receiving services.
Include a brief introduction of yourself reflecting your professional identity.
What does your client need to know if they are coming to you for services and are: a) a child and a parent of a child, b) a vulnerable adult, c) a part of a family or couple, and d) a new, incoming group member? Note: It may be helpful for you to review the Remley and Herlihy text regarding the differences between these populations and their respective legal and ethical considerations.
Appendix B in the text has some examples of informed consent, but yours does not need to have as much detailed information.
Please read Chapters 13 and 14 before class to help ensure you get the most from our time together. Please come prepared to ask questions about the content and be ready to apply what you learned to different ethical scenarios and classroom discussions.
Below are additional articles, resources, and tools to enhance your learning about this module’s topics.
Professional Identity Statement.pdf Professional Identity Statement.pdf – Alternative Formats
10 Ways Practitioners Can Avoid Frequent Ethical Pitfalls
Preparing for Private Practice
Establishing a Private Practice
HPSO – Risk Management Strategies Case Study.pdf HPSO – Risk Management Strategies Case Study.pdf – Alternative Formats
Lecture Power Point
Week 7 – Ch. 13 and 14.pptx Week 7 – Ch. 13 and 14.pptx – Alternative Formats
Research Articles
Ensuring Ethical Practice: Guidelines for Mental Health Counselors in Private Practice
Legal and Ethical Challenges in Online Counselor Education
Students’ Ethical Decision-Making When Considering Boundary Crossings With Counselor Educators
A Counselor Education Case Study: The Counselor Values-Based Conflict Model in Action

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt

Please create a discussion thread specifically answering all parts of the prompt below. Be sure to number your responses. Your post should include your own personal reactions, as well as applied information from the text and/or learning materials. Remember, you will not see any other posts until you have created your own.
Below are additional articles, resources, and tools to supplement your learning about this module’s topics.
Impact of Ethical Information Resources on Independently Licensed Counselors
The Impact of Telebehavioral Health on Clinical Practice
Are counselors ready for the metaverse?
Counselor Self-Disclosure: Encouragement or Impediment to Client Growth?
Why Can’t We Be Friends?
Knowing Our Boundaries
Social Media Policy.pdf Social Media Policy.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO- Boundaries and Dual Relationship.pdf HPSO- Boundaries and Dual Relationship.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Unprofessionalism and an App.pdf HPSO – Unprofessionalism and an App.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Counselor Frienship with Client.pdf HPSO – Counselor Frienship with Client.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Client Boundary Crossing.pdf HPSO – Client Boundary Crossing.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO Case Study – Failure to maintain appropriate boundaries.pdf HPSO Case Study – Failure to maintain appropriate boundaries.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Identifying Your Client.pdf HPSO – Identifying Your Client.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Telehealth.pdf HPSO – Telehealth.pdf – Alternative Formats
HPSO – Interstate Counseling.pdf
Complete the Boundary Issues Survey in Chapter 9 of the Remley and Herlihy text. (Depending on your edition, it may be Figure 9-1).
Summarize and share your response to the activity.
Were there any questions that gave you pause?
Were there any that you marked as always ethical or always unethical?
How will this exercise help to guide your professional and ethical choices?
Then, respond to a peer who had some different responses/reactions and discuss those differences.
Please remember for both your post and at least one peer response, you need to meet the word count requirement (250 words for your post and 150 words for your peer response) and have at least one in-text citation in correct APA format showing how you are applying the information you are learning from the text or learning materials. You do not need to list your references unless they are from another source other than the text, your website, or learning materials.

In this unit, you will write a 1-2 page lessons learned paper. In this paper, de

In this unit, you will write a 1-2 page lessons learned paper. In this paper, de

In this unit, you will write a 1-2 page lessons learned paper. In this paper, describe ethical theories and principles (egotism, utilitarianism, justice theory, virtue ethics, deontology, etc.) that are evident or that become more evident after reflection.
Please answer the following questions in your papers:
• How did you exemplify a Giving Voice to Values (GVV) lesson for the week?
• What soft skills did you use to accomplish the task?
• How did you display courage?
• What takeaways did you acquire to show your ethics?
Learning Objectives
• Describe the characteristics of financial statement restatements
• Explain how corporate governance systems influence earnings management
• Discuss how earnings management judgments are made.
• Describe the devices used to manage earnings.
• Explain the workings of financial shenanigans.
• Explain how ethical leadership in accounting might positively influence whether earnings management occurs.