***In order to receive full points for your post: 1) You MUST include your citat

***In order to receive full points for your post:
1) You MUST include your citat

***In order to receive full points for your post:
1) You MUST include your citation (like a URL) to your source; and 2) ALSO a piece of DIRECT QUOTE to report research, with introductory/transitional phrasing in your own language. When you take even 3-4 words directly from a research source, you MUST place those between quotation marks. For instance, you might write something like: According to History.com, Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon was “demoted for bearing no son.” Do you see how words you took directly from another source are placed within quotation marks? You MUST to do this, or you risk a plagiarism charge. Since you are being asked to conduct research, it’s perfectly fine that you are reading other sources, but you need to get in the habit of reporting and crediting your sources correctly.
Please note: Any time you use another source, you must use quotation marks around words taken from them and credit your source each and every time you use their ideas or words. Do NOT borrow a large chunk from someone else and then just drop a citation at the end of your post. That will not receive any credit.
1) Who is Martin Luther, and what did he do in 1517 that might shed interesting light on what’s going on with the debate about the power of traditional Roman Catholicism? (Again, list your source, and make sure that you go beyond Wikipedia. You must place in QUOTES anything that is directly from the source, and you need to be careful to cite your sources.)

Option 1: A 3-4 page paper (Times New Roman, double spaced) that that makes an a

Option 1: A 3-4 page paper (Times New Roman, double spaced) that that makes an a

Option 1: A 3-4 page paper (Times New Roman, double spaced) that that makes an argument regarding a film or game of your choice. You will choose a work which features a prominent animal character(s), and demonstrate how the work would be altered thematically if that animal character was, instead, human. (Or, the reverse: what if a human character was, instead, an animal?) You may write about something we have viewed/played in class, or something from outside of class.
This is harder than it sounds: I’m asking you to write about the themes of the work you choose, which means you need to be able to construct an argument about it as it already exists, and then be able to modify that argument
E.g: What if the horses in Nope were human? What if Balthazar was a person?
1-2 sources need to be cited (and engaged with meaningfully – meaning that you do not simply pluck a quote from 1-2 readings, but instead summarize the relevant points of the reading’s argument and how they contribute to your own.)

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I also attached the link to the film to review the film required for this paper. Please review the requirements and let me know if you need any further information. NOTE: DON’T USE AI TOOL. Also please make a reference page for the reviews at the end.
Seconds movie link:

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I also attached the link to the film to review the film required for this paper. Please review the requirements and let me know if you need any further information. NOTE: DON’T USE AI TOOL. Also please make a reference page for the reviews at the end.
Seconds movie link:

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I also attached the link to the film to review the film required for this paper. Please review the requirements and let me know if you need any further information. NOTE: DON’T USE AI TOOL. Also please make a reference page for the reviews at the end.
Seconds movie link:

I want you to do (don’t breathe 1) film. For example (this example the dr give t

I want you to do (don’t breathe 1) film.
For example (this example the dr give t

I want you to do (don’t breathe 1) film.
For example (this example the dr give to us in the class) the film is Harry Potter for the ordinary world in the set-up she wrote. A boy who lives in a horrible place with his uncle. And in the call to adventure she wrote. When he gets the letter that he has to go to school. And refusal of the call she wrote. When his uncle told him not to go to and he was hesitant.

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I al

Hello, I attached the explanation and the instructions for this assignment, I also attached the link to the film to review the film required for this paper. Please review the requirements and let me know if you need any further information. NOTE: DON’T USE AI TOOL. Also please make a reference page for the reviews at the end.

1. What are the responsibilities of an entertainment attorney 2. How can you leg

1. What are the responsibilities of an entertainment attorney
2. How can you leg

1. What are the responsibilities of an entertainment attorney
2. How can you legally protect your own project idea?
3. What are the steps you’d need to take if you wanted to use a Top Ten album or single as music for your projects?
4. What is the primary difference between a contract for a film and one for TV or emerging media?
5. How does the Digital Millenium Copyright Act protect content producers?