The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are working with the Nigeria Government to implement a climate change mitigation project titled “Derisking Sustainable Off-grid Lighting Solutions” in Nigeria. The overall objective of this project is to develop a private sector-led technology value for making off-grid renewable energy technologies, such as solar lanterns and solar home systems, available to base-of-pyramid rural households who would not be electrified at least until after 2025. The project rationale is underpinned by a novel approach to derisk private sector investments in the market for rural decentralised renewable energy access. This will be achieved through three outcomes: i. putting in place appropriate policies, programmed and regulations that address policy, awareness and financial barriers to facilitate investment in sustainable off-grid lighting solutions and corresponding business models; ii. off-grid lighting providers are operating and have access to working capital and equipment; and iii. good practices, lessons learned, market assessments, demand-supply surveys, delivery models and business models are documented to support replication and scaling-up of project results. In the light of the foregoing, consultants are required to conduct these activities and present findings before stakeholders. Consultants must carry out their work to guarantee the accuracy and pertinence of the project objectives.
The primary objective of this assignment is to engage a Local Finance Expert to support the International Derisking Renewable Energy Investment (DREI) Expert to:
1. Perform modelling on the cost-effectiveness of alternative financing schemes.
2. Monitor changes in private investors’ risk profiles and develop financing schemes accordingly.
• Conduct detailed modelling and assessment of the cost-effectiveness of alternative financing schemes for SHS.
• Analyze different financing schemes to determine their impact on reducing investment risks and improving the attractiveness of SHS investments for private investors.
• Develop a framework for monitoring changes in private investors’ risk profiles over time.
• Engage with key stakeholders, including financial institutions, private investors, and relevant government agencies, to gather insights and validate the findings of the assessments.
• Prepare comprehensive reports detailing the findings of the assessments, including recommendations for improving financing schemes.

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will Case Study Question 8 Please see the questions show

The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will
Case Study Question 8
Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)…

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of y

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of y

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your company, you want to review historical financial information to be fully informed of your company’s business valuation so you can provide guidance on near future financial decisions. You decide to put together a presentation on your company’s financial performance that assesses the cash flow, valuation, and KPIs for financial stability that you will present at the next management meeting. Your ultimate plan is to write a financial plan that will lead to future company growth.
Assessment Deliverable:
Using Ulta Beauty Inc. from Week 1, create an 8- to 10-slide presentation to assess the company’s financial growth and sustainability.
**Identify 2 key performance indicators.
**Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio.
**Explain the market capitalization and what it means to the investor.
**Identify trends in stock price, dividend payout, and total stockholders’ equity. Relate recent events or market conditions to the trends you identified.
**Determine, based on your analysis, whether you think the organization is going to meet its financial goals, describe the outlook for growth and sustainability, and explain why you do or do not recommend this stock for purchase and how your recommendation compares to that of other analysts. For example, if your suggestion is buy, you need to explain why other analysts say sell.
**Cite references to support your assessment according to APA guidelines.

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of y

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of y

**As the new business manager working for the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your company, you want to review historical financial information to be fully informed of your company’s business valuation so you can provide guidance on near future financial decisions. You decide to put together a presentation on your company’s financial performance that assesses the cash flow, valuation, and KPIs for financial stability that you will present at the next management meeting. Your ultimate plan is to write a financial plan that will lead to future company growth.
Assessment Deliverable:
Using Ulta Beauty Inc. from Week 1, create an 8- to 10-slide presentation to assess the company’s financial growth and sustainability.
**Identify 2 key performance indicators.
**Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio.
**Explain the market capitalization and what it means to the investor.
**Identify trends in stock price, dividend payout, and total stockholders’ equity. Relate recent events or market conditions to the trends you identified.
**Determine, based on your analysis, whether you think the organization is going to meet its financial goals, describe the outlook for growth and sustainability, and explain why you do or do not recommend this stock for purchase and how your recommendation compares to that of other analysts. For example, if your suggestion is buy, you need to explain why other analysts say sell.
**Cite references to support your assessment according to APA guidelines.

What am I required to do in this assignment? Data: The uploaded Excel file con

What am I required to do in this assignment?
The uploaded Excel file con

What am I required to do in this assignment?
The uploaded Excel file contains data for your assignment. Sheet1 contains the weekly prices of different stocks, which will act as underlyings for the options in this assignment. Each of you will be assigned to one stock. Sheet 2 details the trading strategies assigned to each of you. Sheet 3 contains the option and the position assigned to each of you for dynamic delta hedging.
You must use Excel to complete this assignment. You will submit both the Excel file and the report. The report needs to be typed and presentable. The report must address each of the tasks below. Do not restate the questions in your report. Your report has to be understandable as a stand-alone piece of work without referring to the Excel file. You can include the graphs/ tables/ from Excel to address the questions, but do not detail the process of how you create them. The process will be visible in the Excel file.
In the Excel files, you need to labelled the questions clearly.
Tables and graphs need to be carefully labelled.
Today is 04 Jan 2021. Given your assigned underlying (Excel sheet 1), and the four options below:
Today is 04 Jan 2021. The current risk free rate is 5% continuously compounded. Given the following American put option on your assigned underlying (Excel sheet 1):
After completing the above tasks, critically reflect on the experience you had by doing this task, addressing the challenges that you have faced, how would you overcome them I the future, how the above exercises can be applied to real life problems and how it will enhance your personal skills developing you as one of the potential global leaders.
European Call 1: K = $94, T = 6 months
European Call 2: K = $110, T = 6 months
European Call 3: K = $102, T = 6 months
European Put 1: K = $94, T = 6 months
European Put 2: K = $110, T = 6 months
Two specific trading strategies are assigned to each of you (Excel sheet 2). For each trading strategy, you need to do the following:
Explain how the strategy is constructed using the given options in this question. Explain the purpose of the trading strategy as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
Provide a detailed profit graph and a table listing the profit and loss in each position as well as the total profit and loss of the whole strategy depending on the values of the underlying.
How can the strategy be used for hedging?
K= 100
T= 30 weeks
Compute the annualised standard deviation of your underlying.
Compute risk-neutral probabilities.
Price an American put option with a 30-period binomial tree using Risk-Neutral approach.
Compute delta, gamma, vega and rho of an European put option with the same strike, underlying and time to maturity as the American put option above.
Today is 04 Jan 2021. The current risk free rate is 5% continuously compounded. Given the price movement of your underlying, create a table detailing the following:
Time-varying delta of the option assigned to you (Excel sheet 3), given the implied volatility of your option is 30% and the option matures in 52 weeks.
The actions you take each week to maintain delta neutrality of your option position, the cashflows associated with each action, and the cumulative cost of hedging, given the option size is 100,000 stocks.

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) have received a lot of attention from the media and in

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) have received a lot of attention from the media and in

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) have received a lot of attention from the media and investors in recent years. But why do NFT receive so much attention? This paper answers this question by examining the relationship between investor attention and NFT market indicators. We find that returns, trading volume, and number of transactions are important drivers of NFT attention during the peak NFT sales period, whereas in the post-peak period until recently, returns and volume no longer maintain their significance for the attention. This means that the NFT market is maturing and needs to focus more on actual drivers, such as real-world adoption and utility, rather than just speculative hype, to sustain long-term interest.
Keywords—Non-fungible tokens, Investor attention, Google search volume index, Granger Causality Test, Vector Autoregression.

Need help defining these 10 terms – please give GOOD definitions and do not copy

Need help defining these 10 terms – please give GOOD definitions and do not copy

Need help defining these 10 terms – please give GOOD definitions and do not copy-paste from a website. Add a short example as well.
1. Parameter
2. Elasticity
3. Marginal Utility
4. Net profit margin
5. Diminishing Returns
6. Private Good
7. Economies of Scale
8. Public Good
9. Externality
10. Cartel
Lastly, I have provided a PDF with 3 questions. Please answer the three questions and all parts to it. Thanks!