Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round. Round 1

Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round.
Round 1

Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round.
Round 1
1) Shoulder taps 10x High knees 10x
2) Holding a sumo squat do 10 punches
5 standing oblique crunches each side.
3) Squat to front kick.
Repeat this for 2 minutes.
Take a quick break and repeat all three two more times!
Round 2
1) Walkout to high plank 5x
10 planks with toe taps
2) Glute bridges 6 reps
Russian twists 10 reps
3) Side plank-take elbow to floor 5x
Repeat on the other side.
Repeat the round 2 or three more times!
Cool down and turn in your exercise logs!
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5

This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit training is a workout

This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit training is a workout

This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit training is a workout method that involves rotating through several different exercises for a certain amount of time or number of repetitions, with little to no rest. You go from one exercise station to another, targeting various muscle groups.
Here are some key points about circuit training:
1) In circuit training, you move through a sequence of up to 10 exercises, each focusing on different muscle groups. You complete a set of exercises for a specific number of repetitions or a set amount of time. Then, without much rest, you swiftly transition to the next exercise station.
2) Time-Efficient: An entire circuit session can usually be completed in just 30–45 minutes. So, if you’re short on time but want an effective workout, circuit training is a great choice. 3) Increased Strength: Circuit training targets both upper and lower body muscles, helping boost overall strength.
4) Weight Loss: By combining strength and cardiovascular exercises, circuit training aids in improving body composition—building muscle and shedding fat.
7 stations, 2 rounds, 1min and 30sec each station- Rest can be anywhere from 10-30sec depending on your level of fitness. 1) Walking Lunges from one cone to another and jog back.
2) Cross-Lunges 10x, High Knees 10x
3) Plank Saw 10x, Shoulder Taps 10x
4) Mountain Climbers 20x, Prone Jack side Jumps 20x
5) Walkouts 10x, Cross punches (across body) 10x
6) Squats 10x, Shoulder press 10x (let’s get creative on what you use as weighs)
7) ABS —-> Your choice, choose 2 new exercises. 20x each.
Cool Down and Stretch After you complete the workout include the following questions in your exercise log, don’t forget to include the FIIT details! What type of equipment did you use for station number 6 that required some type of weight added? What are some of the differences you see when working out on your own vs working out with an instructor present?
Please complete this 8 Station Circuit, for 2 rounds, 40 seconds each station. Please limit rest to 10-30secs only. If any of these exercises are unfamiliar to you, please look up a video on how to properly do it. If you need to modify anything, please do and write it in your log. This is a dumbbell workout, if no weights are available, please use anything you may think of for added weight. 1) Dumbbell Back Row – (Both arms at the same time)
2) Dumbbell Single arm Row – (Use a chair for this one if no bench available)
3) Dumbbell Chest Press – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)
4) Dumbbell Chest Fly – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)
5) Sumo Squat – (Feet should be wider apart than hip width)
6) Dumbbell Swing – (This exercise works your hamstrings and low back) 7) Scissor Kicks – (May place hands behind your back on the ground for added support)
8) Leg swings – (Place hands under low back for added support when swinging legs back and forth)
-Cool Down and Stretch-
At the end please Complete Exercise Log!!!

AMRAP Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then m

Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then m

Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then move on to the next round.
10 Narrow Squats
5 Clock Lunges (front, side, reverse, curtsy) RT
5 inchworms (hands moving)
5 Clock lunges (front, side, reverse, curtsy) LT
5 inchworms (feet moving)
5 push-ups
10 vertical jumps
10 Standing bicycles (pull opposite knee to elbow)
10 sumo squats (Stace is wider than regular squats, think Sumo fighter.)
10 tuck jumps or squat jumps or knee lifts
10 sumo oblique crunch (hold sumo squat and bend side to side)
10 Glute bridges
10 Tricep dips
10 Row boats 10 Bicycle abs
10 Skaters 10 jumping jacks
10 side to side shuffle 2 MINUTES
10 side to side squats with tap (add jump for more intensity)
20 high knees
-Cool down and stretch-
At the end please Complete Exercise Log!!!
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5

Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round. Round 1

Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round.
Round 1

Do each set of exercises for 2 minutes, 6 minutes total for each round.
Round 1
1) Shoulder taps 10x High knees 10x
2) Holding a sumo squat do 10 punches
5 standing oblique crunches each side.
3) Squat to front kick.
Repeat this for 2 minutes.
Take a quick break and repeat all three two more times!
Round 2
1) Walkout to high plank 5x
10 planks with toe taps
2) Glute bridges 6 reps
Russian twists 10 reps
3) Side plank-take elbow to floor 5x
Repeat on the other side.
Repeat the round 2 or three more times!
Cool down and turn in your exercise logs!
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5

AMRAP Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then m

Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then m

Do as many rounds as possible of the exercises for the time listed. Then move on to the next round.
10 Narrow Squats
5 Clock Lunges (front, side, reverse, curtsy) RT
5 inchworms (hands moving)
5 Clock lunges (front, side, reverse, curtsy) LT
5 inchworms (feet moving)
5 push-ups
10 vertical jumps
10 Standing bicycles (pull opposite knee to elbow)
10 sumo squats (Stace is wider than regular squats, think Sumo fighter.)
10 tuck jumps or squat jumps or knee lifts
10 sumo oblique crunch (hold sumo squat and bend side to side)
10 Glute bridges
10 Tricep dips
10 Row boats 10 Bicycle abs
10 Skaters 10 jumping jacks
10 side to side shuffle 2 MINUTES
10 side to side squats with tap (add jump for more intensity)
20 high knees
-Cool down and stretch-
At the end please Complete Exercise Log!!!
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5

Review these resources and be creative:

Review these resources and be creative:

Review these resources and be creative:

Fitness for kids: 25 cardio activities to do with your kids
Please construct a home based cardiovascular fitness outcome training session for your
‘students/clients’ who are 9 year old boys and girls. You can only train them remotely;
there is no in person instruction. You are relying on them and their caregivers to be able
to execute a 45 minute training session to develop their cardio. Use the HPE Modified
Fitness Program-Lesson Plan to submit your training session, Also, address these items
in your submission:
– where should they do the cardio
– what equipment do they need
– describe the activities (name of activity and brief description) be sure to include
intensity level and length of time
– how will you deliver the instructions; ie in written form through a google classroom
assignment, an attachment in an email? or would you create a video for instruction?
– how will you know they complete the assignment? Example, video or picture upload,
or a reflection. Describe how you know they completed the activity and how you can
assess scoring of the activity.

Circuit Training- This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit tra

Circuit Training-
This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit tra

Circuit Training-
This week we will be focusing on circuit training. Circuit training is a workout method that involves rotating through several different exercises for a certain amount of time or number of repetitions, with little to no rest. You go from one exercise station to another, targeting various muscle groups.
Here are some key points about circuit training:
1) In circuit training, you move through a sequence of up to 10 exercises, each focusing on different muscle groups. You complete a set of exercises for a specific number of repetitions or a set amount of time. Then, without much rest, you swiftly transition to the next exercise station.
2) Time-Efficient: An entire circuit session can usually be completed in just 30–45 minutes. So, if you’re short on time but want an effective workout, circuit training is a great choice. 3) Increased Strength: Circuit training targets both upper and lower body muscles, helping boost overall strength.
4) Weight Loss: By combining strength and cardiovascular exercises, circuit training aids in improving body composition—building muscle and shedding fat.
7 stations, 2 rounds, 1min and 30sec each station- Rest can be anywhere from 10-30sec depending on your level of fitness. 1) Walking Lunges from one cone to another and jog back.
2) Cross-Lunges 10x, High Knees 10x
3) Plank Saw 10x, Shoulder Taps 10x
4) Mountain Climbers 20x, Prone Jack side Jumps 20x
5) Walkouts 10x, Cross punches (across body) 10x
6) Squats 10x, Shoulder press 10x (let’s get creative on what you use as weighs)
7) ABS —-> Your choice, choose 2 new exercises. 20x each.
Cool Down and Stretch After you complete the workout include the following questions in your exercise log, don’t forget to include the FIIT details! What type of equipment did you use for station number 6 that required some type of weight added? What are some of the differences you see when working out on your own vs working out with an instructor present?

This week’s theme is an important one and I know that many of you have body comp

This week’s theme is an important one and I know that many of you have body comp

This week’s theme is an important one and I know that many of you have body composition improvements that you are hoping to achieve this semester. Committing to drinking more water and drinking less of everything else may be one of the most effective action steps you can take toward improving body composition. If you are already incorporating this important change in your health, it doesn’t hurt to recommit to how valuable it is to your health either!
Please answer the following questions for your discussion assignment this week and respond to at least 2 classmates. (Please have your initial post in by Wednesday)
1. Is drinking enough water each day an easy or a difficult task for you? 2. What drinks do you drink too much of? Energy drinks, sodas, coffee, sweet tea, fruit juice or alcohol? Or are these types of beverages very infrequent each day and each week?
3. What are the biggest problems with consuming too much from the list of beverages above and not enough water?
4. What would be your best piece of advice for someone in our class who really doesn’t like water, doesn’t get enough water and still drinks too much of the other stuff?

Workout- Please complete this 8 Station Circuit, for 2 rounds, 40 seconds each s

Please complete this 8 Station Circuit, for 2 rounds, 40 seconds each s

Please complete this 8 Station Circuit, for 2 rounds, 40 seconds each station. Please limit rest to 10-30secs only. If any of these exercises are unfamiliar to you, please look up a video on how to properly do it. If you need to modify anything, please do and write it in your log. This is a dumbbell workout, if no weights are available, please use anything you may think of for added weight. 1) Dumbbell Back Row – (Both arms at the same time)
2) Dumbbell Single arm Row – (Use a chair for this one if no bench available)
3) Dumbbell Chest Press – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)
4) Dumbbell Chest Fly – (Please use a bench or you can lay on the ground. Get creative!)
5) Sumo Squat – (Feet should be wider apart than hip width)
6) Dumbbell Swing – (This exercise works your hamstrings and low back) 7) Scissor Kicks – (May place hands behind your back on the ground for added support)
8) Leg swings – (Place hands under low back for added support when swinging legs back and forth)
-Cool Down and Stretch-
At the end please Complete Exercise Log!!!