Este curso se rige por la Gordon Rule por lo que se requiere cumplir con un míni

Este curso se rige por la Gordon Rule por lo que se requiere cumplir con un mínimo de palabras por tarea. En cada una de las dos partes de la tarea debe escribir no menos de 150 palabras para un total de 300 palabras como mínimo. En este total no deben considerarse la portada, la tabla de contenidos, ni tampoco la lista de referencias.
La fecha límite para la entrega de la tarea es la medianoche del domingo. Se perderán 5 puntos por cada día de tardanza en la entrega.
Escriba un texto, siguiendo las normas del estilo APA en el documento de tarea, que desarrolle el análisis de las obras de la literatura Neoclásica y Realista, de la manera siguiente:
Primera Parte: Escriba un texto en el que analice la crítica a la sociedad que hace Molière en El avaro.
Segunda Parte: Luego de la lectura de El collar, de Guy de Maupassant, analice la importancia del tema económico en la literatura naturalista. Explique cómo se da el conflicto en El collar y justifique o condene la actitud de la protagonista.
Envíe un solo archivo para ambas partes de la Tarea.
Fecha de presentación: La asignación de la semana uno debe ser enviada a través de la plataforma con “SafeAssign” antes de medianoche del domingo de la respectiva semana. Los trabajos recibidos después de las 11:59 PM (hora del Este de Estados Unidos) del domingo perderán 12% diario. No se recibirán trabajos después del miércoles 11:59 PM (hora del Este de Estados Unidos).
Para ver las instrucciones generales de la tarea haga click aquí
Escriba tres páginas completas pero no más de cinco páginas. Su trabajo debe incluir dos páginas adicionales: Página titular y la página de referencias.
Por favor cite todas sus fuentes.
Si no está familiarizado visite el area de documentos generales en Comience aquí para leer sobre las normas MLA para entrega de trabajos.
Recuerde colocar entre comillas “” cuando cite sus fuentes. No se aceptara más del 20% en su trabajo de citas directas. Yo quiero su ANALISIS, no algo copiado del internet.
Rúbrica. Para ver la rúbrica utilizada para calificar esta tarea Haga click aquí. Haga click aquí. – Alternative Formats
Instrucciones para el envio de la tarea. Para ver un video instruccional de como enviar una tarea a su profesor.

The video has no subtitles and you must translate it into Arabic and English. Th

The video has no subtitles and you must translate it into Arabic and English.

The video has no subtitles and you must translate it into Arabic and English.
The English translation is uploaded as an .srt file.
The Arabic translation is uploaded as an mp4 file.
SRT files are text files only, and you can appear in the original video through video players, via the subtitle option, while mp4 are the usual video files of which subtitles become a part.
What you want to read is a clip from the movie Gandhi, and the doctor has put a text description in the card that you can benefit from. Suggested video editing program:
Suggested translation file editing programs:
Subtitle Edit (best option)
But you can use any program that gets the job done.

Communication challenges for foreign individuals can arise from various factors,

Communication challenges for foreign individuals can arise from various factors,

Communication challenges for foreign individuals can arise from various factors, including language barriers, cultural differences, and differences in communication styles. The most apparent challenge is language. Not being fluent in the local language can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and difficulty expressing oneself effectively. Cultural variations in communication styles, non-verbal cues, and social norms can be a significant hurdle. For instance, what might be considered polite or appropriate in one culture could be perceived differently in another. Different cultures may have distinct communication styles – some may be more direct, while others prefer indirect communication. This can lead to misunderstandings if not recognized and navigated appropriately. Unfamiliarity with local customs and etiquette can lead to unintentional offenses. For example, gestures, facial expressions, or body language that are acceptable in one culture may be offensive or misunderstood in another. Foreign individuals may not be aware of the historical, social, or political context of certain conversations, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of statements or actions. The fear of being judged or misunderstood can make individuals hesitant to communicate openly. This fear can be heightened in new cultural or social environments. Variations in communication technologies or platforms used in different countries may pose challenges for individuals trying to connect or collaborate across borders. Especially in the age of global communication, coordinating schedules can be difficult due to significant time zone differences, impacting real-time communication and collaboration. Some individuals may face bias or prejudice based on their nationality or ethnicity, affecting how they are treated in communication. Addressing these challenges requires a combination of language learning, cultural sensitivity, and adaptability. Encouraging open communication, providing language support, and fostering an inclusive environment can help mitigate these issues.

After reading

After reading

After reading , students are asked to briefly describe each characteristic of the first, second, and third generations of the Korean Wave.
Cultural critics believe that the fourth generation of the Korean Wave began around 2019. Students are asked to conduct research on the characteristics that distinguish the 4th generation of the Korean Wave from the previous generation and include their own experiences or findings related to the 4th generation of the Korean Wave in their report. (Example: K-pop singers’ communication methods with fans, changes in storytelling methods revealed in webtoons, etc.)