Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities

Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities

Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities
Please answer the following questions (each needs to be a minimum of 200 words – basically one paragraph):
Q1 Describe the relationship between the development and structure of cities and the processes of industrialization and deindustrialization. How do changes in the economy and labor market of cities affect the spatial structure of cities?
Q2 Using Figure 8.4, define Weber’s Least-Cost Theory. What are its advantages and limitations?
Q3 Define the Economic-Base Theory with its advantages and disadvantages. In what way does this theory differ from the Least-Cost Theory?
Q4 How are agglomeration economies built on Weber’s Least-Cost Theory? In what ways do they expand upon Weber’s theory? Use the American Mexican border economy as an example in your definition.
Q5 How is the concentration and agglomeration of economic activities measured in cities?
Q6 Define urban sprawl and explain its root causes. Use Chicago as an example in your definition and explanations.
Q7 What are edge cities and how are the related to urban sprawl?
Q8 What are the major environmental concerns associated with urban sprawl?
Q9 What is smart growth, and do you believe it can be a solution to urban sprawl? Justify your answer

Part 1) Homework Assignment 3 Chapter 5Neighborhoods, Chapter 6 Migration and re

Part 1) Homework Assignment 3 Chapter 5Neighborhoods, Chapter 6 Migration and re

Part 1) Homework Assignment 3 Chapter 5Neighborhoods, Chapter 6 Migration and residential mobility, & Chapter 7 Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Poverty
Q1What is a neighborhood? Define and explain the key concepts of neighborhoods.
Q3 List and explain key spatial processes associated with neighborhood change as discussed in chapter 5.
Q4 How is racial segregation quantified in the example in chapter 5 section 5.5?
Q5 List and explain the concepts and factors (push and pull) that lead people, families, and groups to move from the countrysideto the cities.
Q6 What are the push and pull factors driving migration? Are there different factors at work for internal vs international migration?
Q7 Define the different theories of internal vs international migration discussed in chapter 6.
Q8 How are race, ethnicity, and segregation analyzed and measured in urban geography?
Q9 How are gender and sexuality analyzed in an urban setting? Give some examples for important themes and aspects included in the textbook (see chapter 7 – section 7.9).
part 2)
Due 3/22 @ 11pmThere are 20 questions and you have 55 minutes to finish (all multiple choice style)
Due 3/22 @ 11pmThere are 20 questions and you have 55 minutes to finish (all multiple choice style)
Due 3/22 @ 11pmThere are 20 questions and you have 55 minutes to finish (all multiple choice style)
Part 3) Unit 3 Discussion Questions
Q1: Gentrification in NYC Think of a neighborhood in New York that has gone through gentrification. What is the
neighborhood. How has it changed? What has caused this change? You need to use
external resources for this, and make sure to list them with your post. No Wikipedia!
(350 to 400 words)
Here are some links and documents to help you with identifying legitimate, trustworthy
online resources:
Q2: Rural-urban migration:
Based on the report “China’s Young Rural-to-Urban Migrants: In Search of Fortune,
Happiness, and Independence”, why do young people leave their villages and migrate to
cities? What are common patterns of social migration and how can they be explained ? 350-400 words

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communicate details about the Hayward Fault.
While you are absolutely allowed to write a standard academic report
Content : Among other things that you can explore are : how the fault moves and its tectonic context, how we can see evidence of the fault on the surface, the size of earthquakes it is capable of producing, some potential consequences of such an event, how the fault interacts with or influences structures on campus, …
The field trip stops provide ample opportunity to discuss those and explain that the stops are manifestations or consequences of the fault being nearby.
If submitting a standard report : The limit is 800 words. (The max limit is 850, anything beyond that won’t be taken into account.)
Grading: You will be graded dominantly on factual accuracy, not the quality of your art. We are looking for knowledge and critical comprehension.
Note: keep the words between 700-750. No more than that and no less than that. Cite the sources that you use. Also, DON’T USE CHAT GPT OR PLAGIARIZE THE CONTENT. Don’t use coursehero or any other homework site as well. I already have answers from them. I need original work. It will be run through turn itin and must be original.

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communi

The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an ability to communicate details about the Hayward Fault.
While you are absolutely allowed to write a standard academic report
Content : Among other things that you can explore are : how the fault moves and its tectonic context, how we can see evidence of the fault on the surface, the size of earthquakes it is capable of producing, some potential consequences of such an event, how the fault interacts with or influences structures on campus, …
The field trip stops provide ample opportunity to discuss those and explain that the stops are manifestations or consequences of the fault being nearby.
If submitting a standard report : The limit is 800 words. (The max limit is 850, anything beyond that won’t be taken into account.)
Grading: You will be graded dominantly on factual accuracy, not the quality of your art. We are looking for knowledge and critical comprehension.
Note: keep the words between 700-750. No more than that and no less than that. Cite the sources that you use. Also, DON’T USE CHAT GPT OR PLAGIARIZE THE CONTENT. Don’t use coursehero or any other homework site as well. I already have answers from them. I need original work. It will be run through turn itin and must be original.