Ghana/Agriculture Project topic (one country/sector combination chosen from the

Project topic (one country/sector combination chosen from the

Project topic (one country/sector combination chosen from the instructor’s list):- Topic Is Ghana Agriculture
3. Three bullet points about the country’s
and historic background (each bullet point should be 3-4 sentences and use at least 1 in-text citation).
4. Three bullet points about what the sector is and its contribution to the country’s people and economy (each bullet point should be 3-4 sentences and use at least 1 in-text citation).
5. An image showing one map that you think might be relevant in Section 1.
6. A working reference list listed alphabetically and in bibliographic format. The list must be at least 5 references long and include:
a) anything cited in answers to 3., 4., and 5. above; and
b) at least two references that include surface temperature and other climate model projections for your country generated between 2014-present (please highlight these in yellow so that they can be easily identified during grading). You may select your preferred referencing style, but it must be used correctly and consistently.
Make sure to provide references in proper APA Style.
Donot use chatgpt and AI software as mam has software to detect each and every line.
software at all as
I have attached the proporsal
Grading criteraiSections 1 and 2(2 points) Complete and accurateN/AN/AN/A(0 points) Incomplete and/or inaccurate
Section 3(2 points) Length and content guidelines met; background provided is accurate and relevant; in-text citation requirement met.(1.5 points) Length and content guidelines met; background provided is accurate; in-text citation requirement met.(1 point) Length and content guidelines met; background provided is unclear and/or irrelevant; in-text citation requirement met.(0.5 points) Length and content guidelines not met and/or in-text citation requirement not met; background provided is unclear and/or irrelevant.(0 points) Length and content guidelines not met, background provided is unclear and/or irrelevant, in-text citation requirement not met.
Section 4(2 points) Length and content guidelines met; contribution/contributions identified are accurate and relevant; in-text citation requirement met.(1.5 points) Length and content guidelines met; contribution/contributions identified are accurate; in-text citation requirement met.(1 point) Length and content guidelines met; contribution/contributions identified are unclear and/or irrelevant; in-text citation requirement met.(0.5 points) Length and content guidelines not met and/or in-text citation requirement not met; contribution/contributions identified are unclear and/or irrelevant.(0 points) Length and content guidelines not met, contribution/contributions identified are unclear and/or irrelevant, in-text citation requirement not met.
Section 5(4 points) Image is clear and fully legible; it is evident that the map will be very relevant to Section 1 (e.g., it visualizes key demographic and/or political-economic and/or historic information about the country); the map is from a reputable source and that source is listed underneath the image in in-text citation form.(3 points) Image is clear and mostly legible; the map may be relevant to Section 1 (e.g., it visualizes information about the country, but the immediate connection to one or more of demographics, political-economy, and history is not clear); the map is from a reputable source and that source is listed underneath the image in in-text citation form.(2 points) Image is not clear or legible; it is not likely that the map will be relevant to Section 1 (e.g., it does not visualize any information about the country); the map is from a reputable source and that source is listed underneath the image in in-text citation form.(1 point) Image is not clear or legible; it is not likely that the map will be relevant to Section 1 (e.g., it does not visualize any information about the country); the map source is unclear and/or unreputable; that source is listed underneath the image in in-text citation form.(0 points) Image is not clear or legible; it is not likely that the map will be relevant to Section 1 (e.g., it does not visualize any information about the country); the map source is unclear and/or unreputable and the source is not listed underneath the image in in-text citation form.
Section 6(5 points) List is at least five references long, is ordered alphabetically, and is in proper/consistent bibliographic format; the list includes all pieces cited in answers to 3., 4., and 5.; the list includes at least two references, highlighted in yellow, that contain surface temperature and other climate model projections for the student’s country; these projections were generated and/or published between 2014-present.
To summarize, you will need to select a country/sector as your topic, begin your search for relevant research and sources, look for applicable country maps, and consider where to find reliable surface temperature, sea level rise, and extreme weather projections for your country generated between 2014 to present.
An important note about finding relevant and sufficiently recent climate science/model projections for your project: the IPCC Assessment Reportsopens in new window are a good place to start, though not the only source of reliable climate modeling and projections. An important note about finding relevant country-level demographic, economic and social data for your project: ‘Our World in Dataopens in new window’ is a good place to start, though additional background information and history will need to come from other sources such as peer reviewed journal articles and reports by reputable organizations such as the UN and World Bank. opens in new window

Topic is Ghana (Agriculture) Your project submission will have 5 sections and i

Topic is Ghana (Agriculture)
Your project submission will have 5 sections and i

Topic is Ghana (Agriculture)
Your project submission will have 5 sections and it is to be written/presented in essay format. Please structure the essay using headings, starting with Section 1, Section 2, etc., all the way to Section 5. Further instructions and guidelines for each section, including required word lengths, follow below. Sections 1 through 4 should be within 30 words +/- of the word-length guideline given.
Section 1 – Introduce your project topic, overview key demographic, political-economic and historic information on your country, and provide background on the sector and its contributions to the country’s people and economy. This section should be 500 words and include 1 map of your choice.
A few important notes about the map: it should be placed neatly within this section and discussed somewhere in the section text; it should be labelled with a short but relevant title and a citation should be used to indicate source reference.
Section 2 – Summarize recent climate science/model projections (2014 or later) for your country with respect to surface temperature PLUS one of sea level rise or extreme weather. Describe what source and/or model these projections came from and what they say with respect to timing and magnitude of change as well as levels of scientific certainty. This section should be 500 words.
An important note about finding the most relevant and recent climate science/model projections for your project: the IPCC Assessment Reportsopens in new window are a good place to start, though not the only source of reliable climate modeling and projections.
Section 3 – Based on what the model projections say with respect to temperature and sea level rise or extreme weather, identify and discuss one potential impact for the sector in question. Moreover, what might the timing be of that impact, will/how will that impact intensify over time, and what might some of the most noticeable social and/or economic implications be? This section should be 500 words.
Section 4 – Conclude the essay with an answer that reflections on one out of these two questions:Given the projections and impact discussed in the previous sections of your essay, describe one adaptation measure you would recommend for your country/sector and discuss how the concept of double exposure influences your recommendation. This response should be 750 words.
ORGiven the projections and impact discussed in the previous sections of your essay, describe one adaptation measure you would recommend for your country/sector and discuss how the concept of climate justice influences your recommendation. This response should be 750 words.
Section 5 – A full list of all references cited in the document. Please use APA in text citations. In-text citations should be used (footnotes/endnotes should not be used for citations).
You may wish to make use of supports available to you through the Univerity of Guelph Library, such as Writing Resources & Workshopsopens in new window, Research Assistanceopens in new window, and Citation, Bibliography Resources, and Style Guidesopens in new window. Also recall the following advice from the project proposal assignment:
An important note about finding relevant and sufficiently recent climate science/model projections for your project: the IPCC Assessment Reportsopens in new window are a good place to start, though not the only source of reliable climate modeling and projections.
An important note about finding relevant country-level demographic, economic and social data for your project: ‘Our World in Dataopens in new window’ is a good place to start, though additional background information and history will need to come from other sources such as peer reviewed journal articles and reports by reputable organizations such as the UN and World Bank.
All course and university guidelines with respect to academic integrity apply to this project. The essays and reference lists will be read and crosschecked by the instructor according to all guidelines laid out in the University of Guelph’s Undergraduate Calendar and its statement document on artificial intelligence systems, chatGPT, and academic integrity. Review the University library’s resources for guidance on how to avoid plagiarismopens in new window.
CriteriaExcellent (4 points)Section 1Met length guidelines; included and accurately described a relevant map; writing described required information in detail and such that connections to the country’s people and economy were foregrounded and clear.Section 2Met length guidelines; accurately summarized recent projections for country as instructed; described what source or model the projections came from; commented meaningfully on both what they say with respect to timing and magnitude of change as well as scientific certainty.Section 3Met length guidelines; potential impact for the sector in question is identified, relevant, and discussed accurately; clearly overviews timing of the impact, whether/how it will intensify over time, and indicates at least one noticeable social or economic implication.
Section 4Met length guidelines; student’s choice of conclusion question is clear; adaptation measure selected is relevant given projections/impact discussed; choice is well-rationalized given information in previous sections; discussion of how concept influences recommendation is fully-developed, well-informed and compelling.
Section 5
Style/structure and in-text citationsReference list was full, accurate, and consistently formatted; essay followed all style and structure guidelines (including map placement and title); in-text citations were used and formatted consistently and correctly.
The major paper proporsal document has been attached below take help from that also .
As it has been approved by mam. the proporsal has been checked.
Prepare final major paper.
section-1 500 words
section 2 -500 words
section 3 500 words
section-4 750 words
section -5
Section 5 – A full list of all references cited in the document. Please use APA in text citations. In-text citations should be used (footnotes/endnotes should not be used for citations).

Topic is Your project submission will have 5 sections and it is to be written/pr

Topic is Your project submission will have 5 sections and it is to be written/pr

Topic is Your project submission will have 5 sections and it is to be written/presented in essay format. Please structure the essay using headings, starting with Section 1, Section 2, etc., all the way to Section 5. Further instructions and guidelines for each section, including required word lengths, follow below. Sections 1 through 4 should be within 30 words +/- of the word-length guideline given.
Section 1 – Introduce your project topic, overview key demographic, political-economic and historic information on your country, and provide background on the sector and its contributions to the country’s people and economy. This section should be 500 words and include 1 map of your choice.
A few important notes about the map: it should be placed neatly within this section and discussed somewhere in the section text; it should be labelled with a short but relevant title and a citation should be used to indicate source reference.
Section 2 – Summarize recent climate science/model projections (2014 or later) for your country with respect to surface temperature PLUS one of sea level rise or extreme weather. Describe what source and/or model these projections came from and what they say with respect to timing and magnitude of change as well as levels of scientific certainty. This section should be 500 words.
An important note about finding the most relevant and recent climate science/model projections for your project: the IPCC Assessment Reportsopens in new window are a good place to start, though not the only source of reliable climate modeling and projections.
Section 3 – Based on what the model projections say with respect to temperature and sea level rise or extreme weather, identify and discuss one potential impact for the sector in question. Moreover, what might the timing be of that impact, will/how will that impact intensify over time, and what might some of the most noticeable social and/or economic implications be? This section should be 500 words.
Section 4 – Conclude the essay with an answer that reflections on one out of these two questions:Given the projections and impact discussed in the previous sections of your essay, describe one adaptation measure you would recommend for your country/sector and discuss how the concept of double exposure influences your recommendation. This response should be 750 words.
ORGiven the projections and impact discussed in the previous sections of your essay, describe one adaptation measure you would recommend for your country/sector and discuss how the concept of climate justice influences your recommendation. This response should be 750 words.
Section 5 – A full list of all references cited in the document. Please use APA in text citations. In-text citations should be used (footnotes/endnotes should not be used for citations).
You may wish to make use of supports available to you through the Univerity of Guelph Library, such as Writing Resources & Workshopsopens in new window, Research Assistanceopens in new window, and Citation, Bibliography Resources, and Style Guidesopens in new window. Also recall the following advice from the project proposal assignment:
An important note about finding relevant and sufficiently recent climate science/model projections for your project: the IPCC Assessment Reportsopens in new window are a good place to start, though not the only source of reliable climate modeling and projections.
An important note about finding relevant country-level demographic, economic and social data for your project: ‘Our World in Dataopens in new window’ is a good place to start, though additional background information and history will need to come from other sources such as peer reviewed journal articles and reports by reputable organizations such as the UN and World Bank.
All course and university guidelines with respect to academic integrity apply to this project. The essays and reference lists will be read and crosschecked by the instructor according to all guidelines laid out in the University of Guelph’s Undergraduate Calendar and its statement document on artificial intelligence systems, chatGPT, and academic integrity. Review the University library’s resources for guidance on how to avoid plagiarismopens in new window.
CriteriaExcellent (4 points)Section 1Met length guidelines; included and accurately described a relevant map; writing described required information in detail and such that connections to the country’s people and economy were foregrounded and clear.
Section 2Met length guidelines; accurately summarized recent projections for country as instructed; described what source or model the projections came from; commented meaningfully on both what they say with respect to timing and magnitude of change as well as scientific certainty.
Section 3Met length guidelines; potential impact for the sector in question is identified, relevant, and discussed accurately; clearly overviews timing of the impact, whether/how it will intensify over time, and indicates at least one noticeable social or economic implication.
Section 4Met length guidelines; student’s choice of conclusion question is clear; adaptation measure selected is relevant given projections/impact discussed; choice is well-rationalized given information in previous sections; discussion of how concept influences recommendation is fully-developed, well-informed and compelling.
Section 5
Style/structure and in-text citationsReference list was full, accurate, and consistently formatted; essay followed all style and structure guidelines (including map placement and title); in-text citations were used and formatted consistently and correctly.

Prepare a case study of Kakum National Park in Ghana. 1) When and why was this n

Prepare a case study of Kakum National Park in Ghana.
1) When and why was this n

Prepare a case study of Kakum National Park in Ghana.
1) When and why was this national park established? What is distinctive and important about the land being protected?
(2) Discuss the goals of the park – Environmental conservation? Tourism? Local
economic development? How is the park accomplishing its goals?
(3) Discuss one challenge or problem facing the national park. How is this challenge being addressed? Focus on challenges raised in the readings, such as the dispossession of indigenous people and human-wildlife conflict.
The minimum word count for the paper is 1,500 words (narrative only, not including the references).
The paper must be an original paper written for this course. Refer to national park websites, scholarly articles, newspaper and magazine articles, and other legitimate sources. Refer to the readings in the class when you discuss concepts and issues related to the national parks. You may not use Wikipedia or related sites.

6 pages!// Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper,

6 pages!//
Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper,

6 pages!//
Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper, of course, needs to be in English. 6-7 double spaced pages, APA format, 5-6 cited sources. 1) what exactly happens in your film, in brief 2) what the concept of the geographical imagination/imaginative geography is, in your OWN words, 3) and how those geographical representations are constructed in the film and what the film’s underlying motivations are in depicting and representing events/peoples/places that are presented in order: 1) Plot summary of film. Somewhat brief (in comparison to the latter aspects) 2) What is the concept of the geographical imagination? Especially in reference to Edward Said′s work. 3) Geographical imaginaries in the film. Cultural, social, economic, political references seen in the film. 4) Deconstruction of the geographical imagination. Is the film accurate in these depictions? Does the film make these representations consciously or subconsciously? Attached is the prompt given by instructor. Note that this is an intro-level college course. I′d consider my writing fairly professional.

Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper, of course,

Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper, of course,

Movie title: Even the Rain (2010). Film is in Spanish but the paper, of course, needs to be in English.
6-7 double spaced pages, APA format, 5-6 cited sources.
1) what exactly happens in your film, in brief 2) what the concept of the geographical imagination/imaginative geography is, in your OWN words, 3) and how those geographical representations are constructed in the film and what the film’s underlying motivations are in depicting and representing events/peoples/places that are presented
in order:
1) Plot summary of film. Somewhat brief (in comparison to the latter aspects)
2) What is the concept of the geographical imagination? Especially in reference to Edward Said′s work.
3) Geographical imaginaries in the film. Cultural, social, economic, political references seen in the film.
4) Deconstruction of the geographical imagination. Is the film accurate in these depictions? Does the film make these representations consciously or subconsciously?
Attached is the prompt given by instructor. Note that this is an intro-level college course. I′d consider my writing fairly professional.

as a class we went on a field trip around the city of vienna, then we completed

as a class we went on a field trip around the city of vienna, then we completed

as a class we went on a field trip around the city of vienna, then we completed a group report based on the findings now we have to do an individual report based on the findings I linked all the instructions given please use photo I linked as the cover photo include tons of maps, graphs, and visual aids & statistics my teacher said that he liked that and the work limit is 2000 words not including graphs or captions to pictures or title pls also include images imbeded throughout the essay

i need help with my geography nea. I got the data and all but i want someone to

i need help with my geography nea. I got the data and all but i want someone to

i need help with my geography nea. I got the data and all but i want someone to do everything else for me like statistics, literature review, conclusion and all
Well ive already done the hypothesis and everything including collecting the data, i jsut want the person to turn it into a perfect nea by perfecting the literature review, perfecting the data basically doing it for me. I have the word document where ive done the work. Ill share it with the person and he will improve and fix everything that needs fixing