1. List all the coordinates that defined the stops for your group’s ocean voyage

1. List all the coordinates that defined the stops for your group’s ocean voyage

1. List all the coordinates that defined the stops for your group’s ocean voyage project and map them on this World Map. Options: You may print a hard copy and legibly plot them with pen or pencil OR you may go to the File Menu in GoogleSlides to Make a Copy for yourself to edit and add points by inserting shapes and labeling them with text boxes. Knowing what you now know about global wind and current patterns, discuss whether your route as originally planned would maximize efficiencies by utilizing assistive power from winds/currents. If you find that your originally proposed route has your ship fighting against the wind and currents a lot, use your knowledge to propose a different route. You can specify any starting position and any end position, but you must still pass by all of the stops in between. Draw arrows on your map to show the most efficient route that you determined. Name the specific winds and currents that you will make use of along this route. I will post the world map as a file. 2.Compare and contrast the continents and the seafloor with respect to: topography, crustal rock type, age, density and thickness. Use a drawing to explain the significance of these observations to plate tectonic theory. For this one there is no specific image, you need to do everything, by yourself.