507 class Amanda Mayher Weiss (2018) discusses the need for the continuance of

507 class
Amanda Mayher
Weiss (2018) discusses the need for the continuance of and adherence to the scientist-practitioner model within the field of behavior analysis in order to protect and advance the science.The concept of the scientist-practitioner model was initially known as the Boulder Model, which “emphasized the need to develop professionals grounded in science, trained in effective treatment methods, and committed to the identification and evolution of the filed through empirical research” (Weiss, 2018, p. 385).Weiss (2018) suggests that the behaviorist’s worldview guides everything that behaviorists do.A scientist makes logical decisions based upon their empirical findings; similarly, a behavior analyst uses evidence-based support to guide their logical decisions. Codes 1.01, 1.02, 2.09, and 6.02 support this claim.First, Code 1.01 states that behavior analysts rely on professionally derived knowledge that is based upon science and behavior analysis (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, 2014).Next, behavior analysts only provide services, teach, and conduct research within their boundaries of competency including their education, training, and supervision experiences.According to Weiss (2018), this section of the Code emphasizes the need to train the next generation of researchers as well as clinicians.Code 2.09 demonstrates the behavior analyst’s obligations regarding treatment/intervention efficacy.Treatment should be based upon empiricism and be individualized.Last, Code 6.02 states that the behavior analyst should make information available to the public through presentations, discussions, and other media (BACB, 2014).Weiss (2018) suggests that full implementation of dissemination would involve continuous presentation and publication of research efforts.
Behavior analysts may conduct research on interventions that may increase or decrease an individual’s behavior or when doing a Functional Analysis.Scientific evidence is gathered to determine which intervention may be most effective for specific behaviors.Analysts following the scientist-practitioner model will identify and describe how the independent variable (intervention) would impact the target behavior (dependent variable) forming a hypothesis.They would then choose a research design that would best demonstrate experimental control such as withdrawal and reversal designs.The A-B-A-B design allows for experimental control because the intervention can be repeated and withdrawn.Data is collected during both the baseline and intervention phases to determine if the intervention is effective.
Bailey, J.S., & Burch, M.R. (2016). Ethics for behavior analysts. (3rd ed.). New York: NY: Routledge.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2014). Professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts. Retrieved from https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB-Compliance-Code-english_190318.pdf.
Weiss, M. J. (2018). The concept of the scientist practitioner and its extension to behavior analysis. Education and Treatment of Children, 41(3), 385-394.
Gaylene Harvey:
In order to outline the commonalities of the scientist-practitioner model and applied behavior analysis, one must understand what the scientist-practitioner model is and how it works. The understanding of this term or model is simple, it is where one is trained to use the principles of science/scientific investigations, processes, and findings within their given field of practice (Masters, 2013). Just as a scientist would make logical decision based on their research findings with empirical support, so does a behavior analyst. Behavior analysts only use evidence-based (scientific) information to make their logical decisions on which intervention to use for each individual they work with as required by the Behavior Analysts Certification Board (BACB, 2014. Code 1.01).
Although most scientists research is usually conducted separately from practice (working within a particular field), within applied behavior analysis, it is combined together. An intervention is not developed without collecting evidence to support it. For instance, a common form of scientific research design is conducted prior or during a functional assessment/analysis. This research design is usually the A-B-A-B design, which allows for experimental control to be seen and identified. For example, there a several ways people cope with aggressive behavior, but to decrease or put it on extinction, the proper information needs to be collected (research). A way to identify the function of the aggressive behavior is to use a research design such as the A-B-A-B design (as long as it is safe for the individual and others). This design allows for (experimental) manipulation of independent variables such as adding or removing items or other individuals (changing the environment) to identify what may be the function of the aggressive behavior (dependent variable). Again, as long as it is safe to do so, repeat the process and collecting the data from both the base line and the intervention sessions will allow for evidence if the intervention is effective or ineffective, providing scientific evidence/information used for evaluation and the decision-making process. This information provides the evidence that is needed to make a sound and logical decision on which is the best intervention to use to reduce/decrease or to put on extinction the aggressive behavior. This research method also provides clear experimental control of the behavior, not only for the behavior analyst, but for others to see as well. Providing the required evidence needed to help promote the advancement and involvement of research within applied behavior analysis.
Another thing the scientist-practitioner model and applied behavior analysis have in common is the informed consent. Before a research can be conducted, an informed consent must be provided and explained in detail to the participant in a language in which they can understand. In behavior analysis, an informed consent must also be provided and explained, but it is not just provided to the individual prior to services, it is continuously provided periodically. For example, if an intervention needs to be changed in any way (either added to, take an element out, or a totally different intervention altogether). The BACB (2014) requires that an informed consent be obtained in more than one of the ethical codes provided. For instance, Code 3.05 Consent-Client Records and 9.03 Informed Consent (BABC, 2014). Behavior analysts are always conducting research in their practice (or should be) outside of what would/could be classified as a ‘normal research situation/scenario’, so the BACB (2014) requires that the participant and/or guardian(s) are informed in the purpose/nature of the research, their right to participate or withdraw, any significant factors, and questions they may have (BACB, 2014. Code 9.03). With that in mind, both the scientist-practitioner model and applied behavior analysis also debrief the individual/participant at the conclusion of their involvement (BABC, 2014. Code 9.05).
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2014). Professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts. Retrieved from https://www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB-Compl…
Masters K.S. (2013) Scientist-Practitioner. In: Runehov A.L.C., Oviedo L. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Springer, D
Class 517
Rose Dubois
According to Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff & Wallace (2014), the motivating operation (MO), is any antecedent that alters the value of the consequences and by the same way alter the behavior. The motivating operations (MOs) can increase or decrease the values of the consequences. Two terms can describe those setting events that can affect the behavior: the establishing operations and the abolishing operations. Cooper, Heron & Heward (2011), stated that the establishing operation (EO) refers to an increase of the reinforcing effectiveness of some stimulus following the manipulation of the environment. The setting events can decrease the reinforcing effects, and it refers in this case to the abolishing operations (AO).
The challenging behavior that I choose to increase is task refusal behavior maintaining by access to tangible such as videogame.In this situation, we consider two concepts satiation and deprivation. So,the videogame as a reinforcer to modify the target behavior depends on the satiation or the deprivation. In the case of satiation, the effectiveness of the videogame as reinforcer will not decrease the frequency of task refusal because the student was playing his favorite videogame, before starting working, so it creates an AO. In this situation, the frequency of the target behavior which is task refusal, maintaining by access to videogame increased, and the use of reinforcer is evocative of the task refusal; in other words, the videogame abates staying on-task behavior. The deprivation will increase the value of the reinforcers, so the use of the videogame as the reinforcer will reduce the frequency of the task refusal, the student does not access to the videogame before starting working, so in this situation an establishing operation (EO) is created, and the access to the videogame abates the task refusal, or in other words the use of videogame is evocative of staying on-task behavior.
So, in this situation where the goal is to decrease the frequency of task refusal, the best strategy identifies should consider a way to modify the environment to motivate the student to stay on task. As I described above, the establishing operation (MO) is the best in this case, so by creating deprivation, we increase the power of the reinforcers, and the student will follow the direction in order to access to the videogame.
IN this case, we will deliver the reinforcers for each occurrence on staying on task, that means following a FR 1.
Cooper, J.O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007). Applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Mayer, G. R., Sulzer-Azaroff, B., & Wallace, M. (2014). Behavior analysis for lasting change (3rd ed.). Cornwall-on-Hudson, NJ: Sloan Publishing.
Jessie Otten
According to the authors, a motivating operation is an event that happen before a behavior or activity alter the behavior of the individual or alter the consequence that would have been given.Establishing operations are very similar to the motivating operations.The authors have the establishing operation under the same definition as the motivating operation.The results of these operations can increase or decrease in the punishment or reinforcer of the behavior (Mayer, Sulzer-Azaroff, & Wallace, 2014).An antecedent control is the manipulation of an environment in order to acquire the desired results or response in order to lessen the occurrence of a competing response (Mayer et al., 2014).A challenging behavior that could be altered or changed with the use of an antecedent control would be a young child who throws tantrums in order to gain or obtain something that they want.The motivating operation would be when the young child is at the store with their parents.They see something they that want, the parents tell the young child no.The young child continues to ask, the parents continue to say no and move on.The young child then begins to scream, cry, yell, throw their arms in air hitting items and people, kicking their legs back and forth, or throwing themselves on the ground if they are walking and not riding in the shopping cart.The parents haven given into the child before so they child would stop the tantrum.The parents would be able to lessen or abate this behavior if they talk to the child about what they are going to the store for, social stories, or other reinforcers if the child is able to make it through the store without a tantrum because they haven’t gotten something they wanted.Some ways that the parents can evocate the tantrum behavior would be to have items that the child might ask for while in the store at their disposal.The parents would then inform the child that if they behavior while in the store and not have a tantrum because they want something, then they can have a preferred item when they have left the store.This would allow the child to know what is expected of them in order to obtain the preferred item.This would also abate the tantrum behavior while in the store.
These can be used in an intervention setting by allowing the client to know what is expected of them and what can be a reward if they are able to accomplish everything that is expected of them.This can also be used with someone in order to have them correctly say or identify an item.They will know that once they have correctly identified the item, they will receive a preferred reward.This can be altered to fit the individual.So, every item, every second, third, fourth, and so on.The individual would be able to determine the pattern and try hard enough to accomplish the preferred number to receive the preferred item.If the individual was unable to meet the criteria or expectations, then they would not receive the preferred reinforcer at that time but would be able to start over to attempt to earn the preferred reinforcer once they have been made aware what is expected or needed in order to obtain the preferred reinforcer.
Mayer, G. R., Sulzer-Azaroff, B., & Wallace, M. (2014). Behavior Analysis for Lasting Change (Third ed.).Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY:Sloan Publishing.

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be in

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be in

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be incorporating new material from weeks 10–12 (thus the extended length). We will be looking for references (with citation) to two concepts from those weeks and how they further the implications of your analysis. How does our consideration of Time and Illness add another layer to your understanding of the role of Medical Humanities in the disruption of scientific determinism in medical practice?
This is not another case study to be analyzed. Rather this consideration should be a part of your concluding paragraphs.
How to think about this revision
This assignment provides the space to practice re-seeing your work after you have had some distance and a reader. Whatever writing you will do, whether it’s a grant proposal, case summary, job application, syllabus, or novel, you will have a reader that will give you insights into what you may have missed.
Again, in doing this assignment, you should consider ALL of comments. AND this is a stand-alone assessment and is not connected to the grade the essay received initially. That means, even if you received a high grade on the essay, you must show revision in this assignment to fulfill the revision grade column and receive those 100 points.
These are the main points that you need to revise in the essay. 1) This essay needs to provide a clear definition of the medical humanities. You gesture at it, but what method unifies the medical humanities? How are we supposed to understand it? Why is it signfiicant? 2) You do a good job situating some of the course texts in terms of the arguments they make, but your revision should say how they demonstrate what the medical humanities is. 3) Your interview needs more intentional engagement. Specific citations about specific issues. This is a moment where you are doing the work of the medical humanities. How can you situate your interview to the definition you’re putting forward?
Below I have attached the interview with the cte patient
Here are the 2 sources you need to incorperate
Read: William Pitt, “Autograph Letter (March 1594/95),” Folger Shakespeare Library, Manuscript V.a.140, fol. 28 recto. [Modernized by Dr. Laroche].
Stonington, Scott. “ONTOLOGICAL COLLATERAL: The Entanglement of “Cancer Pain” and “Chronic NonLinks to an external site.-Cancer Pain” in Thailand.” Cultural Anthropology 37.1 (2022): 99-124.

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be in

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be in

In this Revision, along with improving the work from Week 9, you will ALSO be incorporating new material from weeks 10–12 (thus the extended length). We will be looking for references (with citation) to two concepts from those weeks and how they further the implications of your analysis. How does our consideration of Time and Illness add another layer to your understanding of the role of Medical Humanities in the disruption of scientific determinism in medical practice?
This is not another case study to be analyzed. Rather this consideration should be a part of your concluding paragraphs.
How to think about this revision
This assignment provides the space to practice re-seeing your work after you have had some distance and a reader. Whatever writing you will do, whether it’s a grant proposal, case summary, job application, syllabus, or novel, you will have a reader that will give you insights into what you may have missed.
Again, in doing this assignment, you should consider ALL of comments. AND this is a stand-alone assessment and is not connected to the grade the essay received initially. That means, even if you received a high grade on the essay, you must show revision in this assignment to fulfill the revision grade column and receive those 100 points.
These are the main points that you need to revise in the essay. 1) This essay needs to provide a clear definition of the medical humanities. You gesture at it, but what method unifies the medical humanities? How are we supposed to understand it? Why is it signfiicant? 2) You do a good job situating some of the course texts in terms of the arguments they make, but your revision should say how they demonstrate what the medical humanities is. 3) Your interview needs more intentional engagement. Specific citations about specific issues. This is a moment where you are doing the work of the medical humanities. How can you situate your interview to the definition you’re putting forward?
Below I have attached the interview with the cte patient
Here are the 2 sources you need to incorperate
Read: William Pitt, “Autograph Letter (March 1594/95),” Folger Shakespeare Library, Manuscript V.a.140, fol. 28 recto. [Modernized by Dr. Laroche].
Stonington, Scott. “ONTOLOGICAL COLLATERAL: The Entanglement of “Cancer Pain” and “Chronic NonLinks to an external site.-Cancer Pain” in Thailand.” Cultural Anthropology 37.1 (2022): 99-124.

Intervention for Substance Use Disorders among Sexual and Gender Minorities INST

Intervention for Substance Use Disorders among Sexual and Gender Minorities

Intervention for Substance Use Disorders among Sexual and Gender Minorities
Complete the following items (A&B) within your project groups. These prompts are to help with the written part of the assignment (see steps 1-3 below), but parts A&B do NOT need to be written up separately or submitted with the assignment.
A) First, read through each team members’ individual assignments #1 in full. Pay particular attention to the quality of the evidence for each source. Discuss the “best” data sources among your group and determine which ones to include in your group project.
B) Discuss the cultural values and practices that each group member identified in their individual assignments. Discuss how these factors will influence your community assessments and eventual intervention design.
For the written part of the assignment:
1) Describe your target population.
Define the needs, assets and capacities influencing the health issue described in your case study.Needs: These refer to the requirements, challenges, or deficiencies experienced by your target population concerning the specific health issue. Needs can encompass various dimensions such as physical, psychological, social, and environmental factors.
Assets: Assets represent the strengths, resources, and positive attributes within the target population and its surrounding community. These assets can include individual skills, community organizations, social networks, cultural practices, and financial resources. Recognizing and leveraging these assets can enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of health interventions by building upon existing strengths within the community.
Capacities: Capacities refer to the abilities, capabilities, and potentialities of the target population to engage in health-promoting behaviors and activities. This includes factors such as knowledge, skills, attitudes, access to healthcare services, social support systems, and leadership structures. Understanding the capacities of the target population is essential for tailoring interventions that empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their health and well-being.
Explain at least 2 relevant cultural values or practices that you will likely incorporate into your intervention design.
This section should be ~700 words
2) Briefly describe the key secondary literature/data sources that you used in Part 1 case study assignment and justify why they are useful sources of information.
Please refer to specific indicators, data collection procedures, or deliverables from your data sources in your justification, and how this information aligns with your intervention
Identify gaps in information about needs, assets and capacities that were not covered by the existing secondary data sources.
This section should be ~400 words
3) Community assessment: Propose at least one data collection activity (qualitative and/or quantitative data) that you would conduct to inform the design of the intervention in this community.
Describe the focus and methods of this community assessment. Please address the following questions: What gaps in the existing literature are you planning to address? What types of information to you plan to collect? From whom would you collect this information? How will you collect this information?. Examples of community assessment methods include: conducting a needs assessment, asset mapping, capacities analysis
Refer to the information and resources provided in Module 2 and 3.
The Community Toolkit may also be useful: https://ctb.ku.edu/en
Links to an external site.
This section should be ~300 words
4) Finally, put forth an idea for your initial intervention description. This will likely change over the course of the quarter as you develop your proposal.
Articulate a concise problem statement and your intervention goals to address this problem
Describe your proposed interventionEnvision a project to be implemented on a 2 to 3-year time horizon.
Discuss what you plan to do, what level(s) of determinants of health the intervention seeks to change, what theory(ies) inform your intervention design, who will receive the intervention, what specific setting within your case your intervention will be implemented (e.g. geographic sub-region), and what the intervention is intended to change.
Describe how your intervention will consider the cultural values and practices that you have identified in this population
Specify the short- and/or long-term health outcome your intervention aims to change
This section should be ~400 words
Set Realistic Goals: While it’s important to aim for meaningful impact, it’s equally important to set realistic and achievable goals. Consider factors such as time (2-3 years), resources, and feasibility when setting your goals.
Establish Boundaries: Clearly define the scope of your intervention and identify what it will and will not address. This will help prevent ‘scope creep’ and keep your intervention focused on its intended objectives. Be prepared to make decisions about what aspects of the problem you can realistically tackle.
Focus your Intervention: Be careful to avoid combining too many components and levels
Use section headers to help your reader follow your writing
Assignments must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and no more than 2000 words. Your reference list bibliography are NOT included in the word limit.
Although you are welcome to discuss your projects with classmates from other groups, and we encourage group discussion about class topics, your group assignments must reflect the work of your team members only.
This is a GROUP assignment- only one final product is needed per group. If you need an extension on an assignment, please complete the assignment extension request formbefore the assignment is due. In the case of advance notice, there will be a 24-hour grace period for the assignment submitted. After the 24 hours, total possible points for any graded assignment will be reduced by 10% for each day late. If a student does not ask for an extension in advance, grades will be reduced by 10% for each day late without a 24-hour grace period.

Instructions Hide CAPSTONE: PART II 1. Review of Literature – Review and discuss

1. Review of Literature
– Review and discuss

1. Review of Literature
– Review and discuss literature: Synthesize at least 10 primary research studies and/or systematic reviews; do not include summary articles. This section is all about the scientific evidence rather than someone else’s opinion of the evidence. Do not use secondary sources; you need to get the article, read it, and make your own decision about quality and applicability to your question even if you did find out about the study in a review of the literature. This is a synthesis rather than a study by study review. Address the similarities, differences, and controversies in the body of evidence.
2. Analyze and apply knowledge directly to your PICOT- The studies that you cite in this section must relate directly to your PICOT question.
3. Provide precise body of evidence for your Practice Change
4. Discuss objectives for your practice change
5. Discuss where the problem exists, why it exists, what is the preposition for change
6. Apply all that is relevant to the problem. For example: Pros vs Cons, current state of problem
NOTE: It should not reflect your opinion, but rather Evidence Based Practice should be applied
-After completing a literature search on interventions addressing your chosen health problem, write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found.
-Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline
-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years.
-This section should be 4-6 pages long (not including the title and reference page).
-Use proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list.
-All papers must be written in the 3rd person.Number of pages:
4 pages = 1100 words Formatting style:
Language Style:
English (U.S.)

Instructions Hide CAPSTONE: PART II 1. Review of Literature – Review and discuss

1. Review of Literature
– Review and discuss

1. Review of Literature
– Review and discuss literature: Synthesize at least 10 primary research studies and/or systematic reviews; do not include summary articles. This section is all about the scientific evidence rather than someone else’s opinion of the evidence. Do not use secondary sources; you need to get the article, read it, and make your own decision about quality and applicability to your question even if you did find out about the study in a review of the literature. This is a synthesis rather than a study by study review. Address the similarities, differences, and controversies in the body of evidence.
2. Analyze and apply knowledge directly to your PICOT- The studies that you cite in this section must relate directly to your PICOT question.
3. Provide precise body of evidence for your Practice Change
4. Discuss objectives for your practice change
5. Discuss where the problem exists, why it exists, what is the preposition for change
6. Apply all that is relevant to the problem. For example: Pros vs Cons, current state of problem
NOTE: It should not reflect your opinion, but rather Evidence Based Practice should be applied
-After completing a literature search on interventions addressing your chosen health problem, write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found.
-Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline
-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years.
-This section should be 4-6 pages long (not including the title and reference page).
-Use proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list.
-All papers must be written in the 3rd person.Number of pages:
4 pages = 1100 words Formatting style:
Language Style:
English (U.S.)

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infec

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infec

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control?
Instructions for submission:
Assignment must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, CRN, Submission date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted.
Length of the write-up should be 200-500 words.
Text size 12-Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing. Heading should be Bold
The text color should be Black Do proper paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism with proper references/sources.
References must be in APA

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infec

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infec

What is the role of Biostatistics science in Healthcare Epidemiology and Infection Control?
Instructions for submission:
Assignment must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, CRN, Submission date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted.
Length of the write-up should be 200-500 words.
Text size 12-Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing. Heading should be Bold
The text color should be Black Do proper paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism with proper references/sources.
References must be in APA

Country is SOMALIA: This assignment asks you questions related to the economic c

Country is SOMALIA: This assignment asks you questions related to the economic c

Country is SOMALIA: This assignment asks you questions related to the economic context of your country with a special emphasis on health funding and health systems. Finances play a crucial role in public health and health systems: the amount of money invested into health care is likely a crucial determinant of services and the quality of services provided. Equally important is who pays for these services: are these government expenses, out-of-pocket costs or are international agencies funding large parts of the healthcare sector? In other words, who pays gives you an idea of how autonomous a country is or how big the burden on individuals is in case they fall ill.
Please label all figures included in your responses, including a brief descriptive title. Please include references/citations for each response below; these do not count towards your word limit.
Please respond to the guiding questions for each section below:  
Section 1: What is the country’s general economic condition? Does it carry significant debt burden (e.g., % of GDP) and how does this impact the availability of services? (100-200 words, 1-2 figures) (4 points) 
Tip: You can find information about national debt through the International Monetary Fund at site.. To analyze the impact on the availability of services you can go back to last week’s assignment.
Section 2: How reliant is the country on development assistance for health, meaning what percentage of total health funding comes from development assistance for health (DAH)? (50-100 words, 1 figure) (2 points)  
Tip: The IHME Financing Global Health Tool provides helpful information on health funding and developmental assistance. https://vizhub.healthdata.org/fgh/Links to an external site.. Check out the `Spending sources` tab.
Section 3: How does the country’s debt burden impact the health systems sector? Does the government spend at least 15% of its GDP on health? Does the country benefit from external budget support or Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiatives? (50 -100 words) (3 points) 
Tip: World Bank provides information on HIPC countries at https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/debt/brief/hipcpart Section 4: Based on what you learned during the lectures and over the course of prior assignments, what types of changes with regards to health care and health systems would be most beneficial in your chosen country? (200-300 words) (6 points) 
Tip: To answer this question, you will need to draw from the knowledge you gained during modules 3 to 6.
Economic Context and Health Funding
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 1- Describes country’s general economic condition and debt burden, including impact on health systems and services
– Provides 1-2 figures/tables with adequate labels
– Stays within word limits and cites references
4 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 2- Describes country’s reliance on development assistance for health, including data (% of total health funding from DAH)
– Provides 1 figure (adequately labeled) and stays within word limits
– Adequately cites references
2 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 3- Discusses how the country’s debt burden impacts the health systems sector.
– Describes the % of GDP spent on health.
Describes the role of external budget support or Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiatives in the country
– Provides 1 figure with adequate labels.
– Stays within word limits and cites references.
3 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSection 4- Discussion of specific interventions/types of interventions that would benefit the country
– Provides rationale for suggested intervention(s) and discusses their strengths and limitations
– Provides 1 figure and stays within word limits
– Adequately cites references
below is the reading you will also refer to