Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us (

Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us (

Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us ( to an external site.). Pick a video you relate to. Provide the link to the video and a short description of the video. Give your opinion of the information that is provided in the video. 
This Discussion Forum will be a video post of your thoughts on the topic and demonstrate course-related knowledge.. Your videos should be 3-4 minutes in length. 

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials in Wisconsin , compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected. 

  Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe By: And

Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: And

Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: Andrew Hoffman:
In a 150-200 word initial post, discuss the case study from the perspectives of Forrester and Stone. What insight do these perspectives bring to better understanding the problems addressed (and possibly caused) and the policy alternatives as discussed in the case study.  In other words, detail how might problem definition vary (by main stakeholder)? What problems might be an indirect (or even direct) result of Ring Inc., and its use as part of law enforcement. Why are these issues important?   
Note: the case study is from the perspective of Ring Inc. Your replies, however, should be from the point of view of local law enforcement and/or local government.  If it helps, think about “locally” in terms of where you reside. 

  Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Sa

Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Sa

Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: Andrew Hoffman case study;
In a 1-2 page policy memo to local officials, detail the following: a local stakeholder analysis (local for you), as detailed as possible regarding use of Ring Inc by local law enforcement.  There are at least 4 stakeholders to consider (hint).  What public problem(s) does Ring address?  What are possible externalities (both positive and negative) of a relationship of Ring Inc and local law enforcement? Based on the stakeholder analysis and discussion of possible unintended consequences of Ring, indicate what local government/law enforcement should consider concerns/issues) before entering into a relationship with Ring Inc. Provide a preliminary recommendation

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials where you live, compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected. 

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials where you live, compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected. 

 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues

 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues

 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, address issues of policy definition based on the case study: “Starbucks: Opposing a Local Tax to Address Homelessness while Promoting Social Justice.”  Be sure to address the following questions but remember this is a policy memo, so do not list the questions followed by an answer. What problem was to be addressed by the city council action?  How was this defined and what was proposed?  What actions did the city council vote/action spark?  Why and what was the basis for the response?  Was it expected? What other relevant points should be included related to this problem, the action taken, and the two subsequent actions that followed.  
You should consider that you are on the staff of one of the city council members that has asked for a memo on these events to help better understand what could have been done better.
 In a 1-2 page policy memo, drawing on the readings and lecture, as a member of a congressional staff, you have been asked to address issues of policy definition based on the case study: “Facebook Faces the Regulators.”  What is the public problem or public problems at issue here?  How should/could these issues be defined?  How would the political environment be characterized and how does it impact the myriad public problems associated with this case.  Provided any other necessary context that would provide a detailed understanding of the case. 

Using the two essential elements of your emphasis area Student Learning Outcome

Using the two essential elements of your emphasis area Student Learning Outcome

Using the two essential elements of your emphasis area Student Learning Outcome you defined for the discussion above, find and summarize two podcasts or video presentations that relate to the essential elements as you have defined them.  (Include the URLs for each.)
Then, prepare a well-developed, well-written, and appropriately formatted case study (including an introduction and a conclusion), in which you discuss how the information in the podcasts/video presentations relates to the essential elements of the SLO you described above.  Support your discussions with 3-4 academic sources from your MPA coursework.
Remember to cite all sources properly and include an APA formatted list of references.
This assignment is worth up to 6.5 points.  Students should use the rubric and criteria to self-assess their work before submitting it for grading.
 Nonprofit Organizational Management Emphasis Area SLO: Students will have demonstrated an ability to provide effective nonprofit organizational leadership through the development and responsible use of financial and human resources from the government and private sectors in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations and laws. 

  Student Learning Outcome 3: “Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze,

Student Learning Outcome 3: “Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze,

Student Learning Outcome 3: “Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze, synthesize, and think critically about solving problems and making decisions.”
Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of the SLO include:
how to identify and define a problem in a public program and/or a public policy issue.
how to determine quality relevant information and distinguish between fact and opinion.  
the importance of exploring interpretation and connections. 
Keeping these topics in mind, listen to the following podcasts and watch the video presentation:
NCSL Podcasts: How States Are Planning for an Aging Population | OAS Episode 148 on Apple Podcasts 
NCSL Podcasts: How Two States Took On the Cost of Insulin | OAS episode 151 on Apple Podcasts
A New Approach to Child Support | OAS Episode 146 at NCSL Podcasts: A New Approach to Child Support | OAS Episode 146 on Apple Podcasts 
Create a case study to discuss the listed topics linking them to the information and/or themes presented in the podcasts.   In your case study, be sure to describe the public problems being discussed in each of the podcasts and the video, how the problems are defined (infer if necessary) in the podcasts/video, and how the data/evidence might differ from opinion (think widely-held beliefs) not just among the public but your own biases as well. Lastly, illustrate the connections (cause and effect or the flow based on the data from problem to solution) of the four defined public problems.  Include other plausible interpretations. Your case study should be single-spaced, well-written, including an introduction and a conclusion, and integrate at least 3-4 references from your MPA coursework.  Remember to cite all sources properly and include an APA-formatted list of references.