Presidency View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy: h

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

Answer the following questions:
Compare and contrast the Constitutional powers of the Congress and President in matters of foreign policy.
How, and by whom, is the President held accountable in matters of war?
Would you propose any changes to the Constitutional powers of the President and/or Congress? If so, explain what changes you would propose. If not, then explain why you would not.
Your essay should be between 500 and 600 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.

Presidency View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy: h

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

Answer the following questions:
Compare and contrast the Constitutional powers of the Congress and President in matters of foreign policy.
How, and by whom, is the President held accountable in matters of war?
Would you propose any changes to the Constitutional powers of the President and/or Congress? If so, explain what changes you would propose. If not, then explain why you would not.
Your essay should be between 500 and 600 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.

Presidency View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy: h

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

Answer the following questions:
Compare and contrast the Constitutional powers of the Congress and President in matters of foreign policy.
How, and by whom, is the President held accountable in matters of war?
Would you propose any changes to the Constitutional powers of the President and/or Congress? If so, explain what changes you would propose. If not, then explain why you would not.
Your essay should be between 500 and 600 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.

Presidency View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy: h

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

View and take notes on Patterson’s video below on Foreign Policy:

Answer the following questions:
Compare and contrast the Constitutional powers of the Congress and President in matters of foreign policy.
How, and by whom, is the President held accountable in matters of war?
Would you propose any changes to the Constitutional powers of the President and/or Congress? If so, explain what changes you would propose. If not, then explain why you would not.
Your essay should be between 500 and 600 words, double-spaced and in APA format, with parenthetical citations and a Reference List. A cover page is not necessary.

As the readings point out, the federal system was designed to give more local po

As the readings point out, the federal system was designed to give more local po

As the readings point out, the federal system was designed to give more local power to people living in their regions or states, since they know better what their needs are. Also, this system was designed not to put too much power in the hands of the federal government. Further readings go into more detail about whether our federal system works the way the designers or ‘founding fathers’ of the Constitution meant it to work. This question does tie into an earlier discussion of whether the United States has elitist or pluralist political features, or a combination of the two. So, those readings are good background material for the Case Study writing assignment…
In the Case Study assignment for Module 3, you will compare the United States to just one of four countries listed. It’s your choice as to which country you choose to compare to the United States. Do the readings that go with this assignment, and use the CIA World Factbook link to get a general descriiption of the type of government your country choice has. The assignment does mention using one additional scholarly source using the FSCJ Online Library. Please do that. (Note 1: The Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, has its own prejudices on how it views other countries of the world, but the Factbook does provide fairly accurate descriiptions of the types of governments. You can also use other sources for descriiptions of these countries if you want to , for example, from the United Nations.)
Here are some tips to help you complete this assignment: Include an introduction at the beginning of your 5 page (double-spaced, 12 font) paper. It should be about a paragraph long and should mention which one of the four countries you have chosen to compare to the United States, and in which ways you’re going to compare them. Then, answer the five questions or items listed in the assignment. Separate your writing into paragraphs, devoting one or two paragraphs to each question being asked. Use our sources first to answer the five items and use more than one of our sources. You must cite your sources, in a quick way within your text (e.g. “Federalism as a Structure for Power, Lumen Learning”), and then cite the full correct source at the end of your essay, using APA style. Here is a useful link on how to cite sources within your text, for example, in the body of a paper or essay:
Put in your browser: (Links to an external site.)Go to ‘in text citations’. Then, to give the full citation of your sources in your bibliography at the end of a Discussion post, or at the end of an essay or final paper, go to ‘citing web pages and social media’, or ‘citing articles’ or ‘citing books’ etc. Summarize your findings in a concluding paragraph or two. What conclusions did you come to? What observations did you make after reading the material and after researching your subject?
Edit your work for grammar or spelling errors. Read over your paper at least two times to look for writing errors. (Note 2: Title pages and bibliography pages (pages listing your sources) do not count as text pages. Again, the Case Study assignment must be five, double-spaced, 12 font pages long of text.
(Note 3: Do not include graphics or listings of any kind. Just write sentences and paragraphs of text.)
(Note 4: Again, you are to choose only one country to compare to the United States. You will be researching the basic political systems of the U.S. and the other country. You will then compare whether the US and the other country are elitist in nature or pluralistic, democratic or autocratic, which can be done by looking at whether they encourage civic engagement, citizen protest and participation, or not.)

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns
“The Impact of Digital Transformation on Public Administration: An Examination of the Integration of Digital Technologies and Their Influence on Operational Efficiency, Transparency, and Citizen Engagement in the Public Administration Sector.”
You will write a one-paragraph dissertation abstract that offers a clear and concise summary of
your planned research project. The abstract should explain the purpose and significance of
the study and should detail the methodology. Descriiptions of the methodology should include the
design, the sample, setting, and data collection and analysis methods. The abstract should be
brief and concise; approximately 250 words is recommended, but not more than one page. The
abstract should be written as one, double-spaced paragraph. Citations are not necessary.
 The abstract should be approximately 250 words. It should be presented as one paragraph
and should not exceed one page in length.
 The abstract should be in current APA format.
 Citations are not necessary.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and at least one page in length. Each question is answered in paragraph form and at least one page. All questions must be answered.
1. Explain Critical Race Theory. Do you agree with some critical race theorists that the ruling to desegregate schools in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954 was a failure? Why or why not?
2. Compare and contrast the three (3) theories of Feminist Jurisprudence. Which theory do you believe advances the cause or role of women furthest and why?
3. In practice, which level of the state or federal judiciary is the “court of last resort” for most litigants and why? In answering, explain the different levels of the state and federal judiciary system.