The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns
“The Impact of Digital Transformation on Public Administration: An Examination of the Integration of Digital Technologies and Their Influence on Operational Efficiency, Transparency, and Citizen Engagement in the Public Administration Sector.”
You will write a one-paragraph dissertation abstract that offers a clear and concise summary of
your planned research project. The abstract should explain the purpose and significance of
the study and should detail the methodology. Descriiptions of the methodology should include the
design, the sample, setting, and data collection and analysis methods. The abstract should be
brief and concise; approximately 250 words is recommended, but not more than one page. The
abstract should be written as one, double-spaced paragraph. Citations are not necessary.
 The abstract should be approximately 250 words. It should be presented as one paragraph
and should not exceed one page in length.
 The abstract should be in current APA format.
 Citations are not necessary.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and at least one page in length. Each question is answered in paragraph form and at least one page. All questions must be answered.
1. Explain Critical Race Theory. Do you agree with some critical race theorists that the ruling to desegregate schools in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954 was a failure? Why or why not?
2. Compare and contrast the three (3) theories of Feminist Jurisprudence. Which theory do you believe advances the cause or role of women furthest and why?
3. In practice, which level of the state or federal judiciary is the “court of last resort” for most litigants and why? In answering, explain the different levels of the state and federal judiciary system.

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes,

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes,

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes, they create incentives for companies to do business within their market and restrictions for certain businesses that could be harmful to the domestic market. In this discussion, you will explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.
Using the resources from your required reading, address the following as part of your response:
Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.
Identify which parties and organizations were or will be impacted by the government intervention, including any impacts on the price of commodities.
Briefly summarize key pieces of information a business in the industry from your example needs to know to fully understand how the intervention will affect its business.

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns

The topic I wish to explore. let me know if you have any questions are concerns
“The Impact of Digital Transformation on Public Administration: An Examination of the Integration of Digital Technologies and Their Influence on Operational Efficiency, Transparency, and Citizen Engagement in the Public Administration Sector.”
You will write a one-paragraph dissertation abstract that offers a clear and concise summary of
your planned research project. The abstract should explain the purpose and significance of
the study and should detail the methodology. Descriiptions of the methodology should include the
design, the sample, setting, and data collection and analysis methods. The abstract should be
brief and concise; approximately 250 words is recommended, but not more than one page. The
abstract should be written as one, double-spaced paragraph. Citations are not necessary.
 The abstract should be approximately 250 words. It should be presented as one paragraph
and should not exceed one page in length.
 The abstract should be in current APA format.
 Citations are not necessary.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and

Answers should be written in essay form. Each essay should be comprehensive and at least one page in length. Each question is answered in paragraph form and at least one page. All questions must be answered.
1. Explain Critical Race Theory. Do you agree with some critical race theorists that the ruling to desegregate schools in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954 was a failure? Why or why not?
2. Compare and contrast the three (3) theories of Feminist Jurisprudence. Which theory do you believe advances the cause or role of women furthest and why?
3. In practice, which level of the state or federal judiciary is the “court of last resort” for most litigants and why? In answering, explain the different levels of the state and federal judiciary system.

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes,

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes,

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes, they create incentives for companies to do business within their market and restrictions for certain businesses that could be harmful to the domestic market. In this discussion, you will explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.
Using the resources from your required reading, address the following as part of your response:
Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.
Identify which parties and organizations were or will be impacted by the government intervention, including any impacts on the price of commodities.
Briefly summarize key pieces of information a business in the industry from your example needs to know to fully understand how the intervention will affect its business.

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights p

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights p

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights philosophy (human rights) in the contemporary world? In what ways do you think the philosophy of natural rights relates to federalism in the United States political system
textbook name:
OpenStax Textbook American Government by OpenStax College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Title: American Government, 2e
Author(s): Glen Krutz (ed.)
Publisher, Edition: OpenStax, 2nd Edition
ISBN 13: 978-1-947172-66-1 (free digital version); 978-1-947172-65-4 (print)

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights p

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights p

In your informed opinion, what do you think is the relevance of natural rights philosophy (human rights) in the contemporary world? In what ways do you think the philosophy of natural rights relates to federalism in the United States political system
textbook name:
OpenStax Textbook American Government by OpenStax College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Title: American Government, 2e
Author(s): Glen Krutz (ed.)
Publisher, Edition: OpenStax, 2nd Edition
ISBN 13: 978-1-947172-66-1 (free digital version); 978-1-947172-65-4 (print)

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on th

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on th

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on the same topic area. The media items can be the same or different formats but should be from within the past year. Be sure to include both media items, or directions on how to access them, with your assessment.

Identify the messages. What is the political message in each of your chosen media items? In one well-written paragraph for each media item, answer this question by explaining the background of the text or visual. Include who created each media item, when, for whom, and for what purpose.

Analyze the biases. What elements of bias exist in each of your chosen media items? In a second well-written paragraph for each media item, explain what elements of bias each political message reveals and how. In each paragraph, include at least one strategy from the lesson that the media item uses to persuade people, such as symbolism or emotional appeal. If any logical fallacies are evident, note them.

Evaluate the media’s impact. How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication? In a fifth well-written paragraph, answer this question in your own words.

Check your work. Review your work for completion, clarity, spelling, and grammar. Your submission must include your media items and/or access directions and five total paragraphs.

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on th

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on th

Choose two visual, text, or other media items that are political in nature on the same topic area. The media items can be the same or different formats but should be from within the past year. Be sure to include both media items, or directions on how to access them, with your assessment.

Identify the messages. What is the political message in each of your chosen media items? In one well-written paragraph for each media item, answer this question by explaining the background of the text or visual. Include who created each media item, when, for whom, and for what purpose.

Analyze the biases. What elements of bias exist in each of your chosen media items? In a second well-written paragraph for each media item, explain what elements of bias each political message reveals and how. In each paragraph, include at least one strategy from the lesson that the media item uses to persuade people, such as symbolism or emotional appeal. If any logical fallacies are evident, note them.

Evaluate the media’s impact. How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication? In a fifth well-written paragraph, answer this question in your own words.

Check your work. Review your work for completion, clarity, spelling, and grammar. Your submission must include your media items and/or access directions and five total paragraphs.