Gather information from credible sources (books, articles, websites) on your cho

Gather information from credible sources (books, articles, websites) on your cho

Gather information from credible sources (books, articles, websites) on your chosen topic. Keep track of your sources.
Start with an engaging intro, provide context, and state your thesis clearly.
Develop main points with evidence from your research. Cite sources.
Summarize the main points, restate your thesis, and provide a closing thought or call to action.

Instructions Presidential and State elections these last few terms have created

Presidential and State elections these last few terms have created

Presidential and State elections these last few terms have created divide among Americans, probably as much as we have seen since the Civil War. The 2020 election was not the only time in American history where presidential elections went afoul. America’s form of government is both a democracy and a republic. We elect representatives to office on our behalf to uphold the Constitution and our self-interests. By voting in elections, we therefore have a representative democracy. But, citizens do have the power to form ballot initiatives to challenge and enact, change, or repeal laws based on their state constitutions. So what happens when the winner of an election does not concede?
Read the article: The Troubled Elections of 1796 and 1800.
Choose two of the four questions below to respond in an opinion essay.
In his 1796 Farewell Address, President Washington warned the American people about the dangers of political parties. He described the desire for one party to dominate another in politics as a “frightful despotism” leading to “a more formal and permanent despotism.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Use evidence from the article in your answer.
If you lived in 1800, which of the two parties would have appealed to you more? Use evidence from the article to support your opinion.
Federalists attacked Jefferson’s unorthodox religious views. Democratic-Republicans attacked Adams’s appearance and age. Hamilton called Burr a “disgrace.” Is it fair for political candidates to attack their opponents’ characters, or should they focus on political disagreements? Why or why not?
Are political parties necessary in a democracy, or do they create needless conflict?
The Opinion Essay should be no less than 500 words. This assignment is a first person essay and the assignment asks for your opinions about the reading material. However, if you use any ideas from the readings, you must cite the source according to APA guidelines. This opinion essay to be written using a 1st person narrative.

Watch the videos posted on the federal bureaucracy. Choose and research one bran

Watch the videos posted on the federal bureaucracy. Choose and research one bran

Watch the videos posted on the federal bureaucracy. Choose and research one branch of the federal bureaucracy (an agency, department, or commission) that you find interesting. What is it called, and what do they do? What are their most pressing issues? What are their biggest challenges? Do they suffer from any recent backlash or controversy? Where are the most successful? Use at least three sources.
Submission Method: Your paper should be a minimum of 350 words, double-spaced, with a title page and reference page, and in-text citations. The title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum word count. A Microsoft Word document is required, and you must ensure your assignment is properly uploaded by the due date. Please double-check your submission.

1. Distinguish between a federal system, a unitary system, and a confederacy. Wh

1. Distinguish between a federal system, a unitary system, and a confederacy. Wh

1. Distinguish between a federal system, a unitary system, and a confederacy. What circumstances led the framers of the constitution to create a federal system?
2. Distinguish between the establishment clause and the free exercise clause of the 1st Amendment
This writing assignment is required to be formatted per APA guidelines with a minimum of one source reference citation

Overview The FAR Parts: Part 15 – Contracting by Negotiation: Subpart 15.2 – Sol

The FAR Parts: Part 15 – Contracting by Negotiation: Subpart 15.2 – Sol

The FAR Parts: Part 15 – Contracting by Negotiation: Subpart 15.2 – Solicitation and Receipt of Proposals and InformationLinks to an external site. states, “Exchanges of information among all interested parties, from the earliest identification of a requirement through receipt of proposals, are encouraged” (1). When planning a competitive solicitation, the agency must provide needed information to develop a thorough request that takes into account the agency’s objectives for quality, schedule, and costs.
The Proposal Adequacy Checklist is used to provide the location of the requested information or an explanation of why the requested information is not provided. In preparation for the offeror’s checklist, offerors may elect to have their prospective subcontractors use the same or similar checklist as appropriate. For this assignment, first analyze the DFAR Parts: 252.215-7009 Proposal Adequacy ChecklistLinks to an external site. for organizing a proposal.
Write a 2–3 page report in which you:
Analyze the intrinsic value of two of the submission items on the DFAR Parts: 252.215-7009 Proposal Adequacy ChecklistLinks to an external site., including an argument to support your position.
Discuss whether or not the offeree should let an offeror’s mistake within a proposal go uncorrected, even if such action would cause the offeror to withstand a loss.
Explain one judicial remedy available to the offeror to prevent his or her loss, including an argument to support your position.
Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.