This is for a Public Health class. This is a group project, but we are each resp

This is for a Public Health class. This is a group project, but we are each responsible for turning in our own parts individually at this point. My group has chosen the topic of Human Trafficking in Texas. I have been assigned the subtopic of prosecution. I am uploading the assignment details and requirements from the professor.
I am also uploading the work I have come up with so far. Feel free to change whatever you like.

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table will help you see similarities and differences.
Be sure to address these specific critical elements:
Use this section to compare and contrast the methods used in the articles you selected, with an eye on assessing the quality and limitations of the findings and informing future research. Specifically, you should:
Explain why the authors of each selected article their chosen methods. How appropriate were the methods to the overall purpose of the paper? Justify your response.
Analyze a difference and similarity in the methods chosen with respect to the health question being addressed in the selected articles. Explain your answer using evidence from the selected articles and information you have learned in the course.
Assess a strength and limitation of the different approaches used in the articles you selected. Explain your answer using evidence from the articles you selected and information you have learned in the course.
You will submit several paragraphs and the table for this assignment.
View the Article Review Sample PDF for an example of the type of information you should include in your response.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

Please watch the TED talk below, and be aware that a refugee is sharing her stor

Please watch the TED talk below, and be aware that a refugee is sharing her stor

Please watch the TED talk below, and be aware that a refugee is sharing her story from surviving a horrible trauma. 

For this final discussion, I would like you to do two things. 
1.) First, identify one concept with relation to trauma and mental health that we have engaged with at some point this semester. It can be from this week, or from the first week. Explain why you thought of the concept you did and describe it. 
2.) Second, consider what we have learned about refugees today, and the message of this powerful woman. If you were to be placed in a situation where you were helping refugee youth to cope with the changes in their lives, what are some things you might focus on? Where might you start? 

For this week’s discussion please answer ONE OF THE TWO following prompts, and s

For this week’s discussion please answer ONE OF THE TWO following prompts, and s

For this week’s discussion please answer ONE OF THE TWO following prompts, and seek out a source from the internet that demonstrates support for your opinion: 
1.) Describe the central difference between Gender Identity Disorder from the DSM 4, and the newer Gender Dysphoric Disorder from the DSM 5. 
1.) Identify one drawback, or area of concern surrounding the use of this Gender Dysphoric Disorder. What, in your opinion is a major limitation? 
2.) In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the costs of the diagnostic label? Or do the costs outweigh the benefits? Please state why, and find an external source that supports your claim. 
To do this, conduct internet research on your own where you share some example that supports your assertions. You can find an article, a YouTube video, a website or any other form of media. Please include a link in your post. 
Remember that you only need to address one of these two prompts. 

By this point in the week, we can determine that there is no single causal facto

By this point in the week, we can determine that there is no single causal facto

By this point in the week, we can determine that there is no single causal factor, and there is no definitive psychological profile that can help us find the next school shooter. What we do know, are those principles of Equifinality and Multifinality.  We are going to identify factors that we have explored this week that we have identified as risk factors correlated with shooting. Please watch the video below. 

Now that you have listened to his story, please identify risk factors in this man’s past that might have placed him at a predisposition for becoming a school shooter. Please be sure that you identify at least three risk factors and explain why they placed him at higher risk of doing what he nearly did. 
What does he say about how he was saved? What does this tell us about what can prevent school shootings?
Use some of the principles we discussed this week, such as sociometric status, developmental psychopathology, or the criminalization of mental health via the school-to-prison pipeline as you reference what he is saying. You do not need to use them all, but I would like you to identify one and incorporate it into your answer. 

This is a research project that builds on and integrates your knowledge from (a

This is a research project that builds on and integrates your
knowledge from (a

This is a research project that builds on and integrates your knowledge from (a) epidemiology, (b) global health, (c) social determinants of health, (d) environmental health, and (e) health policy. Assume the role of a public health worker tackling an issue of your choosing. Each student will investigate and present the issue from the five perspectives (a through e) noted above. The topic is Mental Health Amongst Immigrants & Refugees.
Overview of the mental health challenges faced by immigrants and refugees
Stressors; displacement, acculturation, trauma, and socio-economic challenges
Why is it Important?
Increase in the number of immigrants/refugees worldwide
Often overlooked mental health aspect
Personal Interest
Motivation/personal connection to this topic
Five Perspectives Analysis
Epidemiological Perspective
Prevalence of mental health disorder among immigrants/refugees compared to native populations
Risk factors; 
trauma exposure (war, violence, persecution)
Loss of social network
Cultural dislocation
Global Health Perspective
Differences in mental health among immigrants/refugees in various regions/countries
Impact of global policies, international conflicts, migration patterns on mental health
Social Determinants of Health 
Role of socioeconomic status; education, employment opportunities, community support in the mental health
Impact of discrimination, racism, and cultural barriers on mental well-being
Environmental Health Perspective
Effects of Living Conditions (camps, urban vs. rural) on mental health
Access to Natural Spaces and its impact on psychological well-being
Health Policy Perspective
Analysis of existing mental health policies and their adequacy in addressing the needs of immigrants and refugees
Recommendations for policy improvements, such as culturally sensitive mental health services, language support, and community-based interventions
Synthesis and Conclusion
Integration of Perspectives
How the different perspectives interrelate
paint a comprehensive picture of the issue
Challenges and Solutions
Highlight the key challenges
Propose evidence-based solutions or interventions
Future Directions
Future research 
Policy Development
I have attached the outline and list of references. If there are other better references, feel free to use them just provide me with an updated references list. Similarly, if there is information you think is relevant that is not in the outline, please include it.

Advocacy Letter for ChangeThis week you will be required to write a letter. This

Advocacy Letter for ChangeThis week you will be required to write a letter. This

Advocacy Letter for ChangeThis week you will be required to write a letter. This assignment is focused on health education and promotion and providing you with a more specialized and relevant exploration of how health-related issues can be addressed through education, advocacy, and policy change. Please follow the instructions below.Assignment Overview
write about the health issue or environmental issue that affects our health:
-High rates of childhood obesity in your community (BOISE, IDAHO)
Research and analyze this issue:
conduct research on the chosen health issue
gather data, statistics, and examples related to the issue
what are some existing policies, systems, or environmental factors contributing to the issue
Identify a Health Education and Promotion solution:
propose a specific change in health education and promotion efforts that could help address the issue
for example:
developing a comprehensive school-based nutrition education program
implementing mental health awareness campaigns on campus
promoting physical activity and health eating through community programs
Who is the target audience:
identify a specific organization, stakeholder, or decision-maker who has the authority to implement the health education and promotion change
Letter Structure
Begin with a concise introduction that explains the issue and the purpose of the letter
Problem Description
Provide a detailed description of the issue, including statistics, real-world examples, and the impact it has on individuals or the community
Proposed change
Clearly outline the proposed change in health education and promotion efforts
Benefits of the change:
Present the benefits of implementing the change, including its potential positive outcomes
Supporting evidence:
use data, research findings, expert opinions, or case studies to back up the proposed change
Call to action:
encourage the organization, stakeholder, or decision-maker to take action and explain how they can do so
Summarize the main points and reiterate the importance of the proposed change
For those who would like to use a general formatted letter, please click on the link below. I have created a general letter which allows you to enter all the information needed to ensure you meet the expectation of creating a letter. I have listed the letter structure in this as well. You must choose a target audience to address the letter to which can include an organization, stakeholder, or decision-maker who has the authority to implement change. This can be Idaho’s governor, mayor, the President of the U.S., United Nations, a specific health department, school or school district, or anything else you feel would fit the role to make change on your topic. You do not have to have an address for this letter. 
 Generic Letter format.docx Generic Letter format.docx – Alternative Formats
 Formatting and Style
Times New Roman or Calibri, size 12
1″ margins
Double spaced
USE APA format for citations and reference page – Need to find at least 2 references 
Length- 2-4 pages of written content (does not include works cited page, cover page, etc.)
You do not need a cover page, abstract, etc. Just the paper and reference page is required
NO headings , essay style