APA format. At least 4 scholarly resources Summarize the effects of a healthy di

APA format. At least 4 scholarly resources Summarize the effects of a healthy di

APA format. At least 4 scholarly resources Summarize the effects of a healthy diet on women’s health throughout the life span. Include at least one scholarly reference. (250 to 550 words; 1 to 2 pages) Select two social determinants of health (SDOH). What impact does each have (positive or negative) on a woman’s ability to access and maintain good nutrition and a healthy weight? How do the social determinants of health affect a woman’s ability to exercise? What programs are available to women and their families to support nutrition? Can you describe a population group of women who might not be able to obtain a healthy diet? Consider marginalized and vulnerable populations in your answer. (400 to 500 words; 1½ to 2 pages) In your neighborhood or a nearby neighborhood, is there a full-service supermarket or a small market (not a convenience store) in the area? Does the store have fresh fruits and vegetables available at a reasonable price? Do an Internet search on the term food desert and briefly describe what it is. Explain its relationship to SDOH and nutrition. (250 to 550 words; 1 to 2 pages)

For Assignment #1: You will submit a paper as if you have been given a project a

For Assignment #1:
You will submit a paper as if you have been given a project a

For Assignment #1:
You will submit a paper as if you have been given a project assignment to create an HIV/AIDS or a TB Prevention Program for a specific low- or middle-income country of your choice.
• Research a specific (of your choice) low- or middle-income country’s health policy initiative on the prevention of HIV/AIDS or TB.
• Be sure to research programs have been proven effective for other LMI countries similar to the country you selected.
Write an APA-formatted essay paper (7th edition) and discuss the following with these subheadings:
• Descriiption of County-Give a brief descriiption of the country: location, population descriiption, climate, geography.
• Target Population: Describe the target population for the health initiative you plan to implement.
• Strategies: Explain the strategies you will use to prevent HIV/AIDS or TB for your specific target population.
• Effectiveness of Program: Discuss why or why not do you think this program will be effective.
• Barriers to Overcome: Explain some of the possible barriers for treatment or outcomes for your program to be effective.
• Cost of Program: What are the approximate costs to implement the program? Be mindful of the amount of money your country spends on healthcare. Research that first, so your program is doable with what the country actually spends on healthcare.
• Funding of Program: How or who will fund the program? Will there be outside aid to be able to implement this program? Who will provide the outside aid?
• Sustainability of Program: Is the program sustainable? Why or why not?
• Evaluation of Program: Evaluate the effectiveness of the HIV/AIDS or TB program. Why do you think the program will be effective? What could cause it to be not effective?
The paper should be 2-4 pages, not including title and reference pages. Use bolded subheadings to organize the paper (see bullet points above).
Include at least 3 peer-reviewed references for the Reference page.

The following is a list of expectations for each of the essays that you are requ

The following is a list of expectations for each of the essays that you are requ

The following is a list of expectations for each of the essays that you are required to submit for this course. Most of these are mentioned in your course syllabus
1. File Format: Essays must be submitted as Word documents (.doc or .docx).
2. Title Page: Include a title page that lists your full name, the course name, instructor’s name, due date, and a page number. Do not include any graphics or images on the title page.
3. Reference Page: Include a reference page that lists all the sources cited in your essay. Ensure all references are formatted according to APA style guidelines
4. Formatting: Adhere to APA style for the entire document, including: Times New Roman typeface, 12-point font size, one inch margins on all sides, double-spacing between lines, paragraphs and sections, ident the first line of every paragraph, every paragraph should have at least three sentences, and include page numbers on all pages.
5. Citations: Cite all sources and references within your essay using APA standards. Examples of correctly formatted parenthetical citations can be found at the top of the Moodle page.
6. Length: Ensure your essay exceeds the minimum page length specified for the assignment.
7. Turnitin Matching Rate: Verify that your submission has a Turnitin matching rate of 30% or lower. Essays exceeding this rate will be returned with a penalty.
8. Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your essay for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to ensure it meets a doctoral level of writing. The professor uses Grammarly.com for evaluation and strongly encourages its use.
9. Prohibited Elements: Do not use bullets, numbered lists, or outlines in your essay.
10. Final Check: Review the specific assignment instructions on Moodle for any additional expectations or details before submitting your essay.
Writing Assignment 2 Instructions
Title: The Impact of Communication Strategies on Stakeholder Trust and Organizational Effectiveness
In this assignment, you will analyze the role of communication strategies in building trust and managing stakeholder relationships within various organizational contexts. Drawing on the assigned readings, you will explore how communication influences trust-building, engagement, and organizational effectiveness, particularly during periods of change and crisis.
Assigned Readings:
• Rubin, D. (2013). Contemporary corporate communication: Stakeholder engagement and the business model. Journal of Business Communication, 50(3), 203-223.
• Casey, M. M., Parker, S. W., & Turner, R. (2018). Building more trust between doctors and patients. Journal of Health Communication, 23(4), 326-334.
• Judge, W. Q. (2011). Organizational capacity for change: Communication systems. In W. Q. Judge, Building organizational capacity for change: The leader’s new mandate (pp. 102-122). Springer.
• Kaufmann, M., Kesner, I. F., & Hazen, T. L. (1994). Myth of full disclosure: A look at organizational communications during crises. Journal of Business Ethics, 13(10), 765-775.
Assignment Guidelines:
Begin with an introduction that outlines the importance of communication in organizational settings. Briefly introduce the concept of stakeholder trust and its relevance to organizational effectiveness.
Analysis: Compare and contrast the communication strategies discussed in the assigned readings, evaluate how these strategies contribute to building trust between organizations and their stakeholders, and discuss the role of communication in maintaining stakeholder engagement and its impact on organizational effectiveness, particularly during times of change or crisis.
Provide examples from the readings to illustrate how communication strategies have been successfully implemented in different contexts (e.g., corporate, healthcare, crisis management). Analyze the outcomes of these strategies and their implications for practice.
Summarize the key findings from your analysis. Reflect on the overall significance of communication in fostering trust and enhancing organizational performance.
Formatting Requirements:
• The paper should be 3-5 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.
• Be sure to include citations and references from all four readings, properly attributing ideas, quotes, and concepts to their respective sources. (see post at the top of Moodle course page for examples of APA citations).
• Include a title page with your name, course title, paper title, instructor, due date and page number.
• Ensure clarity, coherence, and academic rigor in your writing.

Assignment is to be on how implementing turn teams or turn buddies (they mean th

Assignment is to be on how implementing turn teams or turn buddies (they mean th

Assignment is to be on how implementing turn teams or turn buddies (they mean the same thing) can decrease pressure injuries in hospitalized patients. Project is to be in APA format with a 8 PAGE REQUIREMENT. I have included journals to help personalize this assignment. Preferred Resources will be attached but any other resources used must be published within the last five (5) years. Must pass turn it in program. Please see attached resources. Thank you.

Literature Review Families must be supported, educated, and encouraged to embrac

Literature Review Families must be supported, educated, and encouraged to embrac

Literature Review Families must be supported, educated, and encouraged to embrace and seek help for mental health issues. Family relations, stress experienced by family members, and the economic cost of caring for the mentally ill person affect the psychological well-being of the family. This literature review also looks at various areas of research in order to establish what is already known and what is unknown about the impact of mental illness on families and society. It is shown that family-related factors are essential in the context of mental health. Family conflicts and lack of good communication between family members make mental health issues worse. According to Dardis and Smith (2021), high levels of family stress can cause conflicts in the family hence, influencing the relational aspect and escalating the psychiatric condition of the affected people. Psychiatric disorders are known to affect one or several members of the family, which puts pressure on the family as a whole, causes the isolation of the affected people, and adds more psychological problems to the list. Neff and Johnson (2019) build on this by examining the roles of communication and conflict resolution in mental health. They opine that poor conflict solving and stress in family-related environments can aggravate mental health issues. On the other hand, those families that encourage information sharing and perceived relational closeness would be in a better position to handle mental health challenges. While these papers offer a good foundation for understanding the short-term consequences of family issues on mental health, more evidence-based research is recommended, especially on the latent effects of unresolved family stress. It is common knowledge that families face a lot of stress and pressure when attending to a family member with a mental disorder. According to Davidson and Stewart (2022), the major caregivers are the family members, who experience a state of powerlessness, fear, and eventually burnout. These feelings can lead to emotional exhaustion, most especially when the caregiving roles are demanded of certain people. A large number of family caregivers suffer from mental health problems as they are always overwhelmed by the task of handling a relative’s symptoms. Lee and Morris (2019) further explore the psychological demands on family caregivers. Some of them opine that due to caregiving roles, stress, and anxiety levels are high, and they do not get appropriate social support. They stressed the importance of family caregivers who are likely to develop emotional exhaustion or increased stress levels, thus recommending mental health interventions for them. Although these studies point to the effects of caregiving on the emotional well-being of the carers, there is little evidence that shows the impact of the progressive burden of emotional pressure on the family caregivers. The cost aspect of mental disorders also has far-reaching impacts on families, particularly from an economic point of view. Thompson and Green (2023) establish that mental illness has ripple effects on the financial abilities of clients since it results in productivity in the workplace, dismissal from work, and fluctuating income. These financial difficulties increase the caregiving stress because the families are under pressure to manage both the emotional and financial demands that are placed on them. According to Patel and Roberts (2022), there are indirect costs of mental health disorders that are typically incurred in addition to the cost of treatment. Unemployment or low income is a major challenge that families encounter in the long run, thus causing instabilities in their financial positions. According to their research, the existing policies fail to address these economic costs, calling for changes in the policies that focus on financial and counseling assistance for families of people with mental disorders. Despite the given findings pointing at the short-term financial consequences, there is a lack of knowledge about long-term consequences and how they affect family well-being. Despite the existing literature, there are several limitations on the associations between mental health, family characteristics, emotional stress, and financial costs. There is a great scarcity of research that looks into the mental illness impact on families in the long run, while most studies are oriented toward the short-term results. It will be valuable for future research to focus on the long-term effects of such families’ psychological and economic status, as well as further effects of the emotional and economic burden they bear. Moreover, existing literature has focused on the individual member’s perspective of the family most of the time, with little regard to how different types of families (for example, single-parent families) cope with mental health issues. Knowledge of such differences could help develop better strategies for intervention. Culture also has an influence on how families manage mental health conditions, and this has rarely been researched. More attention should be paid to cultural aspects as it would enhance the knowledge of how families from different cultural backgrounds can experience or deal with mental illnesses. It is important for people and society in general to embrace mental health to enhance the well-being of persons and families struggling with mental health disorders. The reviewed literature also underlines the need for the implementation of interventions that target the families’ deteriorated communication patterns, caregivers’ emotional needs, and the financial pressures on the families. Although much progress has been made in establishing these relationships, there are shortcomings in the long-term studies and the creation of specific interventions. These areas can be explored through other studies and policies that may improve support to families with mental health issues and guarantee they get the proper care and assistance to face mental illness issues. References Davidson, A. M., & Stewart, C. A. (2022). The emotional impact of a loved one’s mental illness on family members. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 44(1), 78–92. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.44.1.07 Dardis, L. G., & Smith, K. D. (2021). The influence of family dynamics on psychological health: A review of existing research. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(2), 115–130. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000695 Lee, S. R., & Morris, J. H. (2019). Family caregiving and mental health: The psychological effects of caring for a relative with mental illness. Psychological Health, 32(3), 204–219. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2020.17567483 Neff, R. J., & Johnson, M. L. (2019). Family stress and mental health: The role of communication and conflict resolution. Family Relations, 68(4), 450–462. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.123562 Patel, K. L., & Roberts, M. J. (2022). Financial burden of mental health disorders on families: Implications for policy and support services. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36(4), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.1257/jep.36.4.45 Thompson, H. J., & Green, L. R. (2023). Economic impact of mental illness on families: An analysis of financial stress and employment outcomes. Economics and Mental Health, 17(2), 99–115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmh.2023.100091

For section 2, you have to make the changes from section 1 and incorporate it in

For section 2, you have to make the changes from section 1 and incorporate it in

For section 2, you have to make the changes from section 1 and incorporate it into section 2. I am going to send the file where my professor gave instructions on what needs to be changed. It will have lines through the needs to be taken out. I am also going to upload the instructions on what to do for section 2 as well. This is what my professor said in the comments as well. “This needs to be rewritten in YOUR own words. Direct quotes should ONLY be used when you cannot paraphrase the information without compromising the integrity of the original source – such as a definition or theory. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and to support specific claims or to provide evidence. It’s also important to properly cite all direct quotes. Instead, you should paraphrase (put into your own words) what you have read and what you have synthesized based on the literature review. Paraphrasing is encouraged as a way to integrate others’ ideas into your own writing and to avoid excessive use of direct quotes. The goal is to show that you understand the source material and can express it in your own words.” My professor also said this, “Students are required to submit revised and corrected sections with the newly written sections for each submission. When submitting Section II, students need to also include the revised and correction Section I along with the newly written Section II in one word document. Failure to submit the revised and corrected sections in each submission will result in an automatic 20-point deduction to the assignment grade.” My professor gave an example on how to do section 2 which is attached below. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to me.

Dr. Vertosick wrote: pain patients made me cynical about suffering and that he e

Dr. Vertosick wrote: pain patients made me cynical about suffering and that he e

Dr. Vertosick wrote: pain patients made me cynical about suffering and that he experienced emotional numbness.

Below is an Info Graphic.
You need to develop an Infor Graphic on how to prevent Emotional Dissonance.
You can use whatever means you wish to develop the info graphic. You must print your finished graphic and bring to class

Women, and people with a uterus and ovaries, often report feeling like they are

Women, and people with a uterus and ovaries, often report feeling like they are

Women, and people with a uterus and ovaries, often report feeling like they are solely responsible for deciding on and obtaining birth control methods. Write a 750- to 1375-word paper (3 to 5 pages) in which you list five different birth control methods, along with a brief paragraph for each, outlining their benefits and drawbacks. Write a section on the pros and cons of vasectomies, and when and why a man should or should not consider a vasectomy. Write another section regarding the perspective of a gay man who would like to father a child and address fertility as it pertains to the various options available to members of the gay community. Include an introduction, a birth control methods section, a vasectomies section, a section on fertility and childbirth options for members of the gay community, a conclusion, and any additional sections you find to be relevant. Utilize at least three references cited in correct APA style