Instructions There is talk in Washington D.C. of finally giving the descendants

There is talk in Washington D.C. of finally giving the descendants

There is talk in Washington D.C. of finally giving the descendants of slaves reparations for slavery, over 150 years after their ancestors actually got their freedom. Reparations are by definition given to those who directly suffered. So this will be controversial, maybe more so than it was back in 1865. Those fighting this today are saying it is not reparations or wondering why they must pay for the sins of ancient ancestors, or even the pay for the sins of those who were here before their own immigrant families arrived like new immigrants of families that arrived after 1865. The real crime is that it was not done in 1865.
When the Confederacy surrendered many of its citizens later said that first summer that they were on their knees and would have done anything they were told to do, it is a reason they accepted the end of slavery. President Johnson would give them hope and boost the south due his racism and as you read helped create a segregated system. There were those who wanted Congress to take land from the planters, the main ones who fought against the US, and give it to the freed slaves. These measures failed due to the opposition of President Andrew Johnson and the old southern creed of the sacredness of private property. 
In about 250 words answer the question, what would have changed in the United States if the ex-slaves were given their ’40 acres and a mule.’ How do you think it would have changed the United States culturally, politically and economically? Would there have been a need of a Martin Luther King, Jr.? This would not have gotten rid of racism, so no neverland scenarios, but would it have tempered it? Would race relations be better? Would America be better, stronger?

This is a two-part assignment. The information researched for this assignment wi

This is a two-part assignment. The information researched for this assignment wi

This is a two-part assignment. The information researched for this assignment will inform decisions for the next assignment. 
Discuss four strategic planning models. 
Describe the phases of each strategic planning model.
Explain how frameworks are used for strategic planning.
Recommend stakeholder positions within a company who should be on a strategic planning committee and explain why. 
Your assignment should be a minimum of five pages, formatted in APA Style. You should have a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles.

Embark on an investigative journalism project to uncover and analyze a pressing

Embark on an investigative journalism project to uncover and analyze a pressing

Embark on an investigative journalism project to uncover and analyze a pressing societal issue or phenomenon. Choose a topic of relevance, such as political corruption, environmental degradation, or social inequality. Utilize journalistic research methods, including interviews, data analysis, and fieldwork, to gather comprehensive information and evidence. Investigate the root causes, implications, and stakeholders involved in your chosen issue. Apply ethical journalistic principles and standards throughout your investigation. Present your findings in a compelling and informative report, utilizing multimedia elements where applicable. Aim to shed light on the issue and provoke meaningful discussion or action within the community or wider society.

The Civil War in Black and White: Propaganda vs. Reality The Civil War era saw a

The Civil War in Black and White: Propaganda vs. Reality
The Civil War era saw a

The Civil War in Black and White: Propaganda vs. Reality
The Civil War era saw a surge in propaganda. Choose a specific Civil War image (photograph, illustration, poster) and analyze it. Who created it? What message is it trying to convey? Research the reality it depicts. How does the image fit into the broader themes of the Civil War?

Delve into the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela as a global icon of freedom and

Delve into the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela as a global icon of freedom and

Delve into the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela as a global icon of freedom and reconciliation. Explore Mandela’s role as a leader in the anti-apartheid movement, his imprisonment, and eventual presidency of South Africa. Analyze Mandela’s leadership style, strategies for reconciliation, and contributions to the dismantling of apartheid. Evaluate the impact of Mandela’s leadership on South Africa’s transition to democracy and efforts to promote racial equality and social justice. Utilize primary sources, historical accounts, and scholarly research to critically assess Mandela’s influence on South Africa and the world. Present your findings in a comprehensive research paper.

Examine the leadership and legacy of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle for African i

Examine the leadership and legacy of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle for African i

Examine the leadership and legacy of Kwame Nkrumah in the struggle for African independence and post-colonial nation-building. Analyze Nkrumah’s role as the first President of Ghana, his Pan-Africanist ideology, and his contributions to the decolonization movement. Evaluate the successes and challenges of his leadership, including economic development initiatives and political reforms. Explore Nkrumah’s influence on African nationalism and the formation of regional organizations such as the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Utilize primary sources, historical accounts, and scholarly research to critically assess Nkrumah’s impact on Ghana and the broader African continent. Present your findings in a comprehensive research paper.

Choose ANY TWO of the primary sources assigned for this module (documents are at

Choose ANY TWO of the primary sources assigned for this module (documents are at

Choose ANY TWO of the primary sources assigned for this module (documents are attached, video and audio source links are below these instructions). Draw a conclusion about what their depictions of/attitudes towards murder tells us about social or ethical attitudes in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Support your conclusion with evidence drawn from the sources and from the assigned scholarly sources or lectures; if you feel you need more information, you may only use scholarly sources you find in the Rice Library databases.Your paper should be no longer than 1500 words (six pages double-spaced). In it, you will do the following; 
Begin with a paragraph that identifies the source you will examine and concludes with an assertion about an ethical or social justice challenge evident in the source, and whether this situation is sustainable.
Paragraph 2 provides background information necessary to understand the source and the context in which it was produced.
Subsequent paragraphs: 
Identify the language, events, ideas that are expressed in the sources that you think reflect ethical or social attitudes of their time, and explain why you think so.
Use secondary sources (assigned readings and lectures or scholarly articles you find on your own) as the basis for your interpretation of modern social or ethical attitudes – do not base your argument on your opinion. You must base it on the work of experts who have studied and researched the topic.
Reassert the key points you’ve made at the end to demonstrate how they support the conclusion.
Cite all sources using Chicago Manual of Style format.  
If you use footnotes, use this format:
If you use in-text citations, use this format:
Write persuasive, fluid, and error-free prose.
Primary source link, other is attached

The Civil War: A Turning Point, or a Continuation? The Civil War is often seen a

The Civil War: A Turning Point, or a Continuation?
The Civil War is often seen a

The Civil War: A Turning Point, or a Continuation?
The Civil War is often seen as a clear break in American history. Choose a social, political, or economic aspect of American life before the war (1840s) and compare it to the same aspect after (1870s). Did the war cause a major shift, or were the underlying trends simply amplified? Use specific examples to support your argument.

Embark on a captivating exploration of ancient Egypt’s civilization, focusing on

Embark on a captivating exploration of ancient Egypt’s civilization, focusing on

Embark on a captivating exploration of ancient Egypt’s civilization, focusing on a specific aspect such as religion, architecture, or daily life. Investigate the religious beliefs and practices of ancient Egyptians, analyzing the significance of gods and rituals in their society. Alternatively, delve into the architectural marvels of ancient Egypt, examining the construction techniques and symbolic meanings behind structures like the pyramids and temples. Alternatively, delve into the daily life of ancient Egyptians, exploring topics such as food, clothing, and social hierarchy. Utilize primary sources, archaeological evidence, and scholarly research to deepen your understanding. Present your findings in a comprehensive essay or multimedia presentation.

Embark on a journey through ancient Egypt by exploring its rich history, culture

Embark on a journey through ancient Egypt by exploring its rich history, culture

Embark on a journey through ancient Egypt by exploring its rich history, culture, and legacy. Investigate key aspects of ancient Egyptian civilization, including religion, government, economy, and daily life. Examine significant achievements such as monumental architecture, hieroglyphic writing, and advancements in medicine and mathematics. Delve into the social hierarchy, roles of pharaohs, priests, and commoners, and the beliefs surrounding the afterlife. Analyze the influence of ancient Egypt on neighboring civilizations and its lasting impact on modern society. Utilize primary sources, archaeological evidence, and scholarly research to deepen your understanding. Present your findings in an engaging and informative presentation or research paper.