Art and Architecture: Uniting Culture, Innovation, and Religious Ideals ASSIGNM

Art and Architecture: Uniting Culture, Innovation, and Religious Ideals

Art and Architecture: Uniting Culture, Innovation, and Religious Ideals
ASSIGNMENT: In this assignment, you will explore the crossroads of culture, innovation, and religious expression through art and architecture. Drawing from the course material, you will complete two distinct yet interconnected parts 

Innovations in Art and Architecture: Examine innovations in art or architecture by analyzing how they built upon past innovations to create something entirely new. 

Art, Architecture, and Religious Expression: Delve into the connection between art and architecture and the values of different religions. You will select specific works and discuss how they embody the ideals and values of their respective cultures.

  Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down y

Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down y

Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art pieces and the use of the resources (when appropriate).
The Renaissance is equally known for its accelerated advances in technology and art. As you have learned in this week’s reading, art and technology, do not operate as independent entities. Think about how you perceive the relationship between art and technology as it exists today. Without researching the topic, describe your current perception of this relationship. There is no right or wrong answer. Then, using at least two specific examples from the reading, describe the relationship between art and technology in the Renaissance.

  This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give

This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give

This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give you an opportunity to support an academic argument, and collectively your work and that of your classmates – when shared –will provide for us all a wide-ranging annotated bibliography of sorts of terrific websites we can all use to continue our studies beyond this course.

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the w

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the w

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the work you’ve done in this course and what you’ve learned. NOTE: this is not a week-by-week report, but a big-picture reflection on your efforts, on course content you engaged, on insights gained, and on growing edges. Reflecting and synthesizing new material is a vital academic skill that leads to further competency and growth. 

  This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give

This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give

This evaluation will hone your critical thinking and evaluative skills, give you an opportunity to support an academic argument, and collectively your work and that of your classmates – when shared –will provide for us all a wide-ranging annotated bibliography of sorts of terrific websites we can all use to continue our studies beyond this course.

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the w

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the w

 In addition to this website evaluation, reflect carefully and candidly on the work you’ve done in this course and what you’ve learned. NOTE: this is not a week-by-week report, but a big-picture reflection on your efforts, on course content you engaged, on insights gained, and on growing edges. Reflecting and synthesizing new material is a vital academic skill that leads to further competency and growth. 

Much of the reading this week focuses on the rapid expansion of the economy aft

Much of the reading this week focuses on the rapid expansion of the economy aft

Much of the reading this week focuses on the rapid expansion of the economy after the Civil War, which included the creation of large corporations and huge personal fortunes for the lucky few.  These developments caused both excitement and anxiety, as Americans grappled with a new economic landscape that focused on mass production and a gradual deskilling of work.  Central to this new economy was the city and urban populations exploded during this era.  All of these developments challenged Americans’ image of themselves as a largely rural nation of independent landowners and workers.The first discussion this week considers the political and social backlash against the “incorporation” (as one historian put it) of America.  The Populist (or Alliance) Movement and creation of the Populist (or People’s) Party suggest the depth of the challenge to the new corporate order.  Pointing to specific details from the documents, “The Omaha Platform,” and “Stand Up for Nebraska,” , one or more of these questions:
Who specifically were the villains to farmers and workers?
What were the problems facing farmers and how did the Populists intend to address those problems?
Would you characterize their solutions as “radical” (be sure to define “radical”)?  Why or why not?
Using the Andrew Carnegie document, Luna Park photograph and Heinz advertisement–1902.jpg&response-content-type=image%2Fjpeg&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjENH%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJIMEYCIQCCzW3zZ%2FlNKuB8cquJfx8AGgrqVbBRF8Wkae9T2sogQgIhAMkRm%2F76nrPtShuV57SfYzB20g750c0QlsXo2VpHwWqZKrIFCGkQBBoMNjM1NTY3OTI0MTgzIgyIHPnBTlgm4T6H4GsqjwXKUOY9m2E%2Bah6X8s%2FEq3qzyT1PYb3vt0XabgA9XRktUHi2oF7h%2FyZb0pdCCdhqzZJaZY1sAsxBtXsNPmc32d8K9BUZM3BHnHPh82JOQB3RNGXAHY0E82A3w1Xv4AfvWhJL9HhPC0boETSUGkKE2MHV8K0CB7pN%2BArvwmfFsGeTabg%2F5GdzHByKYdWXc1wc%2FFOvE4i1qDf3%2FL7LCf%2F7HYbZz9kdVcs8sZL40bxy7FBgayPBCUCuJLu%2Blvb%2FdxpDF4qai2oTBx5nHzS2qNWvgzEFfRS%2BZR4FRL2kbAx9eo89LfLXR6c2VQwVr3EWngUQbToTu%2BwWYdwav6ltfYIy5MmSzM0gteEgFZylDTLfuZT1hLtfAe8Jl%2BBHu7TnA%2FmIw%2FrqINeNGfvfCKeTuCqMNS3Hpqct4EAU5062csZYYE5Qc%2BDj9ZJGT75F6F7fapiatbY0QfIk9H4MR8J2m0DUMPTFDq1mhfNUsPGYPWP7Zpr4uF5NtDwoHiUohewCohT05zl%2Fin42eTmzjMSbI01ysou9ftGOLxpXQoE8guFcUKTScbjQacJNteUn2Vhl8Petbj2413aU76C4AokdJMw4n5nj2zUrMdapC05VQjge2Y7JbT33F4k0yPrzzJs9fyXj%2Frd4abuoK%2BCPn1%2B0InfuKLy4Kya2qkm4%2BknXVxoPvbpEzA0XzZb9IufNUogp9u5EezBV3im0%2FTOlsKUcIf74DBNaNbTZk4XOd8WSPhOw9HjAXKn6ZlDU6CqGbdELfxOvoutPsL74%2BBvwbwnzgQBnUsb1Kxoya4bXk3Od72n8kKkSRN8tekn8LfwZ2ApkioOnROElh44dHo7Oya9vw1GkxQpvXTKcef3eWTO9fOdjMqjsMKTRo7MGOrAB8DEFAoDor4OB6OhoEBAXNpVxNvEqQUfU4Ekj6znrFDFY%2BCti954m1BHxDSHdAldQ0Pmhdimobnc9jgW8u7GlfeFsIaUz8GYW23X18XwJuL1bqNDDNbjQz7fgHgndM2nsqSeXqPFZkdpalr9wWDSWHEvlsmAQ18pFj%2FGy1ExS4a22oNCulWahOtHz5ppkXCsIQFNNB%2F5HG0%2FKCO0z8sqlFE5T448g4ONmwPq1O6JJ6e0%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240612T000000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAZH6WM4PLZWVOQZAF%2F20240612%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=6c39c15d7ea461c4a3db32cfaedce60bb10627f7e99232f79e2ac47c7e7aa907 discuss how people living through the creation of this modern, industrial society may have perceived it as beneficial.  You may want to consider some of the questions below to guide your thoughts.
How does steel magnate Andrew Carnegie defend the rise of big business?
Carnegie wrote this piece in 1885.  Would he still be able to make these arguments in the midst of the depression and political upheaval of the 1890s?  Why or why not?
What characteristics would you assign to this new industrial age based on the Luna Park photograph and Heinz advertisement and why?
What do the photograph and advertisement tell us about how some people were experiencing the advent of mass production?