Use the following reading to answer this question: Benjamin Braude, “Foundation

Use the following reading to answer this question: Benjamin Braude, “Foundation

Use the following reading to answer this question: Benjamin Braude, “Foundation Myths of the Millet System” in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman empire: the functioning of a plural society, Vol.1: The Central lands eds. Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (London 1982), 69-88
According to the historian Benjamin Braude, an earlier generation of Ottoman historians misunderstood what the “millet system” was about. How did they misunderstand it? How, then, does Braude understand the term “millet”? What implications does his new explanation of “millet” have for how we understand the Ottoman Empire?
In your answer, remember to cite a few concrete examples of how the term “millet” was used historically (remember to include the precise context in which the term was used). Do not forget to cite the page number — you may use a simple in-line citation style in your answer, i.e. (Braude 1982, 69)

Below is a table that shows the four pillars of American Democracy. Your job is

Below is a table that shows the four pillars of American Democracy. Your job is

Below is a table that shows the four pillars of American Democracy. Your job is to explain, in detail, and about foreign countries how the United States promotes each pillar. You MUST only choose nations that start with the same letter as your first, middle, or last name. NO EXCEPTIONS. I have chosen Argentina since my name is Angelica. So, I did a Google Search for this: ‘How does the United States Promote SECURITY in Argentina?’ I got my answer. For my second pillar, I chose Latvia since my last name is Lindros. I did a Google Search for this: ‘How does the United States promote PROSPERITY in Latvia?’ I got my answer. You will continue following this example and do this for all four pillars. You MAY use the same nation twice, but not three times. YOU WILL USE OUTSIDE SOURCES TO SEARCH FOR THIS INFORMATION. You may not use the following countries as an example for any pillar: Estonia, Mauritius, Rwanda, or Peru. Your examples must be not less than 50 words each.
Then, Review the video found here: Presidential Doctrines of Foreign Policy.
Create a table that consists of three rows and three columns. While reviewing the video found at the above link, you will learn about many former presidents and their foreign policies. List the year and the full name of each president you have selected, and provide a summary of the foreign policy for each of the three. Any president you choose must appear in the video you reviewed for this section. One of your selections must be Barak Obama. Each summary should be not less than 50 words and in your own words to show understanding. Your table should look like this:
YearPresidentSummary of Doctrine


For many professional historians, w

For many professional historians, writing splendid book reviews is their main method of publishing. Book reviews are just that—they are reviews. They are not chapter by chapter descriiptions of a book’s content.
For this assignment, using the Book Review List located in the Module 1, review the book in 500 to 600 words. Make sure that you are using Turabian citation for the book you reviewed. If you use additional reviews they may be located using the online resources of the Jerry Falwell Library such as JSTOR or using the search engine Google Scholar. Make sure that you are siting all additional reviews that you have used in your synthesis of their material.
Be sure that you do the following in the review:
1. At the top, include a complete bibliographic entry of the book reviewed.
2. The review must be between 500 and 600 words
3. Do not use footnotes of the book reviewed. Instead, you must use Turabian “name/date” format in a parenthetical citation. Ex. (Wilson, 79).
4. Citations of consulted reviews should be done through Turabian-formatted footnotes.
5. Summarize the author’s thesis.
6. Explain what evidence the author relies upon to support the thesis.
7. Analyze the author’s argument, logic, coherence, and application. You are welcome to find fault if it exists. Pay attention to other reviews, and how they handle books on a similar topic. When you use any analysis gained from any other review, cite the review in a footnote.
8. Conclude with an encouraging statement. All too often, book reviews are nasty. Find at least 1 positive thing about the book.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Description There are four sections in this exam, with 3 or 4 questions each. Yo

There are four sections in this exam, with 3 or 4 questions each. Yo

There are four sections in this exam, with 3 or 4 questions each. You are required to answer only one question in each section. Be sure to include as much information as possible to support your answer. Each answer should be 3-5 paragraphs in length. Be sure to cite your sources. It is required that you show context, and not hunt and peck for answers but show the context.
Question 1 (25 points)
Explain our discussion regarding Reconstruction and offer specifics about it.
2. Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century? Think about our silver standard discussion.
3. How did the move westward impact different groups and transportation?
Question 2 (25 points)
1. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of progressivism.
2. In what ways were mobilization and the effort, in World War I, a fulfillment of the progressive legacy? In what ways did the war deny the basic tenets of progressivism?
3. How did popular culture—whether in the form of best-selling novels, games, films, or radio programs—reflect and respond to the ravages of the Great Depression?
4. Compare and contrast the Depression experiences of Mexican- and African-Americans. In your opinion, which group fared better?
Question 3 (25 points)
1. Describe the major war aims of the Allied Powers.
2. How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward their status in American society?
3. Many historians feel that Harry Truman as much as Joe McCarthy gave force to the postwar “Red Scare.” Explain why you agree or disagree.
4. Compare the quality of life in the suburbs with the quality of life either on farms or in cities.
Question 4 (25 points)

1. Compare the achievements and shortcomings of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.
2. Defend or attack the use of civil disobedience as a strategy in the civil rights movement, using Martin Luther King’s early career as an example of the technique.
3. Both Indians and Hispanics were hardly “monolithic” ethnic groups in American life. Explain how that led to a variety of responses to the activist currents of the 1960s and 1970s, among both Hispanics and Indians.


For many professional historians, w

For many professional historians, writing splendid book reviews is their main method of publishing. Book reviews are just that—they are reviews. They are not chapter by chapter descriiptions of a book’s content.
For this assignment, using the Book Review List located in the Module 1, review the book in 500 to 600 words. Make sure that you are using Turabian citation for the book you reviewed. If you use additional reviews they may be located using the online resources of the Jerry Falwell Library such as JSTOR or using the search engine Google Scholar. Make sure that you are siting all additional reviews that you have used in your synthesis of their material.
Be sure that you do the following in the review:
1. At the top, include a complete bibliographic entry of the book reviewed.
2. The review must be between 500 and 600 words
3. Do not use footnotes of the book reviewed. Instead, you must use Turabian “name/date” format in a parenthetical citation. Ex. (Wilson, 79).
4. Citations of consulted reviews should be done through Turabian-formatted footnotes.
5. Summarize the author’s thesis.
6. Explain what evidence the author relies upon to support the thesis.
7. Analyze the author’s argument, logic, coherence, and application. You are welcome to find fault if it exists. Pay attention to other reviews, and how they handle books on a similar topic. When you use any analysis gained from any other review, cite the review in a footnote.
8. Conclude with an encouraging statement. All too often, book reviews are nasty. Find at least 1 positive thing about the book.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny, 1836-1848 Choose only two (2) of the below to writ

Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny, 1836-1848
Choose only two (2) of the below to writ

Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny, 1836-1848
Choose only two (2) of the below to write your responses — 30 points each.
Please use the Guideline Page in preparing your two (2) responses.
1. Acquiring the Trans-Mississippi West pages 385-389
A. Summarize the main points of the section.
B. In your opinion, how did Texas demonstrate Manifest Destiny?
2. Indian Nations of the Trans-Mississippi West pages 392-395
A. Summarize the main points of the section.
B. In your opinion, why has United States policy been difficult to characterize and explain? Use the evidence of romantic novelists, de Tocqueville, land policy, and the role of the bison/buffalo to address the question.
1. There is no defined word count rather the response will be evaluated on a balance of coverage and supportive examples; summarizing more material is not necessarily better than writing a concise, but effective summary.
2. You must include the phrases “In summary,” at the start of each summary and “In my opinion,” at the start of your opinion. Please include a paragraph break between the summary and the opinion.
3. Proofread spelling and grammar; take the time to run a word processing check for both prior to submission.
4. When quoting the textbook narrative, use quotation marks and the first author McGerr in the sentence. Your summary should be a maximum of 20% quoted material; your voice should predominate.
5. Citation of the textbook is not necessary; only cite outside sources of information if you include any.
6. Any information included in a response that is not referenced in the textbook pages MUST be documented and cited properly.

Final Paper: Write an essay arguing the point of view of a border state (Delawar

Final Paper: Write an essay arguing the point of view of a border state (Delawar

Final Paper: Write an essay arguing the point of view of a border state (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri)—on the eve of the Civil War—advocating for either union or secession. You can select another state, but will need to discuss with me beforehand. The assignment should be at least 750 words. (Sourcing required; footnotes and bibliography)
Write a persuasive essay arguing for your selected border state to either secede or remain in the union. Assume that this might be printed in a newspaper or given as a speech in 1860 or 1861, before the war starts. (Evidence doesn’t need to come from these two specific years, however. Evidence in this general timeframe of late 1840s up until the war is likely to be relevant. You might find earlier relevant evidence if the argument uses that, but this will depend on what your research uncovers. Be prepared to explain the relevance of any evidence you use though, especially if it comes from an earlier time period. Remember, evidence is not always “self evident.”)
Because this is a persuasive essay, feel free to use some rhetorical devices and strong or emotive language that would not normally be appropriate in a research paper. However, while appealing to your selected state’s citizens to either secede or stay within the union, you must remain historically accurate. In order to demonstrate this accuracy and relevance, citations and reliable sources, as with all other papers, must be in evidence. Arguments that are generic–not associated to the particular state–or cursory–not involving thorough research that turns to contemporaneous (primary) sources–will not be considered fulfilling the assignment requirements.
This is still a research paper, so all elements that go into such writing must be present:
– clear argument with thesis (question); an introduction contextualizes your thesis, not all of history…
– organization and body paragraphs that tie back to the thesis; at all times, the evidence in the arguments is driving the thesis forward
– spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence construction; the paper must be proofread before submitting
– quality evidence that is specific and relevant to the arguments being made
– research, into primary, scholarly, academic, sources that demonstrates deep engagement with the topic
– accurate and comprehensive citations, with footnotes and bibliography following Chicago Style guidelines
If any of these things are not included in the final paper I will not accept the submission.
In order to make specific arguments you will need to turn to scholarly works and primary sources–this is a requirement. Popular, “study,” and “tutor” sites are very unlikely to provide the very specific evidence needed to make your case. Primary sources will be absolutely essential to this research and writing. Especially ones specific to your locality.
I expect arguments that would appeal to citizens of the time, based on the interests of the state, individuals, leading publications, or other influential voices of the time, in deciding to stay with the union or secede. This is where your original research will come in to play: finding pieces of evidence in your research to support the argument.
However, while the sourcing will be done to academic standards, we can write this as a piece of persuasion, that might appear in a format other than a research paper–think a newspaper article or public speech. Some tips for making persuasive arguments can be found at the Purdue Online Writing Lab and the National Speech & Debate Association. Failure to cite–at this point in the course–may result in a paper that cannot be accepted.