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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review the following:
Chapters 1 and 2, and “Stages Models of PolicyMaking” section in Chapter 3, in Advanced Introduction to Public Policy
The introduction to Applying the Stepping Up Framework to Advance Racial EquityLinks to an external site.
Section 1, Introduction and Reading 1, in Criminal Justice Policy Issues
Chapter 1, “What Is Social Justice?” and “Away From ‘Criminal’ Justice, and Toward ‘Social’ Justice” sections, in Social Justice: Theories, Issues, and Movements
Crime and Justice PolicyLinks to an external site.
Criminal JusticeLinks to an external site.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AccessibilityLinks to an external site.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Key Terms and DefinitionsLinks to an external site.
Forecasting and Criminal Justice Policy and PracticeLinks to an external site.
The Justice SystemLinks to an external site.
Policy ProcessLinks to an external site.
Theory and Public PolicyLinks to an external site.
The Strain From Procedural Injustice on Parolees: Bridging Procedural Justice Theory and General Strain TheoryLinks to an external site.
Introduction to CRJ510: Criminal Justice Policy & TheoryLinks to an external site. video
You may find the following recommended sources helpful:
Public PolicyLinks to an external site.
The full issue brief for Applying the Stepping Up Framework to Advance Racial EquityLinks to an external site.
As you reflect on public policies and on policies in criminal justice, think about issues in social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues. In this discussion, you will focus on the organization of the criminal justice system and select a theory that has application in criminal justice. Next, you will address the process for public policy and policy in criminal justice. Reflect on Otu’s (2021) discussion of how public policy may address criminal justice. In this forum, you will think about the participants (local, state, and federal participation) in policy in criminal justice. Finally, you will consider how a policy that you select relates to social justice. Address the following:
Examine the organization of the criminal justice system and one theory (choose one) that applies to criminal justice.
Explain the process in public policy and in criminal justice policy.
Describe local, state, and federal participants in policy for criminal justice.
Analyze one criminal justice policy (choose one) and an issue in social justice that relates to the policy.
Support your post with a discussion of the required materials and/or other scholarly sourcesLinks to
an external site., and cite your references in APALinks to an external site.

Applying the Stepping Up Framework to Advance Racial Equity

Three replies to each student with source no more than a paragraph for each. rof

Three replies to each student with source no more than a paragraph for each.

Three replies to each student with source no more than a paragraph for each.
rofessor’s notes
My biggest feedback is to make sure you support claims with sources. There were several claims that need sources/in-text citations to support them. I’m not deducting full points this week but will begin grading strictly by the rubric in week 2. I look forward to your discussion in week 2!

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using national level examples. We task satellites to orbit rogue states (IMINT and SIGINT), tap into the emails and phone calls of areas known to harbor terrorists (COMINT), and conduct deep cover operations to embed personnel into radical groups (HUMINT). However, some of the most “tried and true” intelligence collection methods have simply been reading the newspapers and magazines printed and published in different nations for hundreds of years (OSINT). The internet and social media platforms have changed how much danger we need to put assets in, to what extent we need them to uncover secrets that now may be learned remotely online.
address the following points:
Which type of information or intelligence would OSINT maybe be better suited (than other platforms) to attain?
In what scenarios would OSINT not be appropriate?
Has OSINT superseded HUMINT due to social media?
What dangers are still present if we rely on OSINT too much?
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using n

Most of the time the intelligence cycle has been described and discussed using national level examples. We task satellites to orbit rogue states (IMINT and SIGINT), tap into the emails and phone calls of areas known to harbor terrorists (COMINT), and conduct deep cover operations to embed personnel into radical groups (HUMINT). However, some of the most “tried and true” intelligence collection methods have simply been reading the newspapers and magazines printed and published in different nations for hundreds of years (OSINT). The internet and social media platforms have changed how much danger we need to put assets in, to what extent we need them to uncover secrets that now may be learned remotely online.
address the following points:
Which type of information or intelligence would OSINT maybe be better suited (than other platforms) to attain?
In what scenarios would OSINT not be appropriate?
Has OSINT superseded HUMINT due to social media?
What dangers are still present if we rely on OSINT too much?
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Prepare a 2-page essay on the types of hazards for which your community is most

Prepare a 2-page essay on the types of hazards for which your community is most

Prepare a 2-page essay on the types of hazards for which your community is most vulnerable. Investigate your community’s comprehensive plan, if any, to learn whether the natural hazards your community is most susceptible to are discussed in the comprehensive plan and whether steps are taken in the plan to deal with that hazard. Similarly, look at the website of your state’s emergency management agency to learn whether it sorts out the types of hazards for which your state is most vulnerable. Depending on what you learn about your community and state recognition of the most common hazards, comment on how you would plan, alert residents to the greatest areas of vulnerability, and other actions you find necessary.

– I require theories related to emergency response to an active shooter situatio

– I require theories related to emergency response to an active shooter situatio

– I require theories related to emergency response to an active shooter situation. – Specifically theories related to the Incident Command System, management of an emergency incident, decision making.
– Theories applicable in identifying an individual who shows traits of being an active shooter so that the occurrence of the active shooter incident can possibly be prevented.
– Theories relating to the active shooter event.
The purpose of identifying these theories is to improve emergency response to this type of incident. Theories that can help develop a strategy to respond to this type of incident. Please only use peer reviewed journal articles only as sources. Please complete in APA format and provide sources in APA style in works cited page.

1. Introduction: Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct a major and i

1. Introduction:
Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct a major and i

1. Introduction:
Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct a major and imminent attack within the United States and complete an in-depth profile on the group you selected.
2. Terrorist Group Profile (Organizational Assessment):
write a 5-7 page research paper that provides a descriiption of the organization that you chose ideology, goals & objectives, leadership, funding, and terrorist capabilities. Describe the groups’ known or suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, and the tactics, techniques and procedures that they may use here in the homeland.
3. Hypothetical Terrorist Attack:
In your paper describe in detail at least one major hypothetical terrorist attack on the U.S. Homeland by this group — an event that could happen in the immediate future (an imminent attack).

Educating employees within an organization is the first line of defense in preve

Educating employees within an organization is the first line of defense in preve

Educating employees within an organization is the first line of defense in preventing cybersecurity breaches. For the organization you selected, develop a digital cybersecurity infographic that educates technical and nontechnical employees within the organization by addressing the following:
Evaluate the risk implications of internet use. Include internet of things (IoT), data protection for intellectual property, internet use, and mobile devices.
Include the top 10 web application security risks based on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).
Describe ways and methods the organization can develop and implement security for their web applications.

Answer the discussion question in a minimum of 250 words. You should provide a m

Answer the discussion question in a minimum of 250 words. You should provide a m

Answer the discussion question in a minimum of 250 words. You should provide a minimum of one scholarly source. In addition, you may refer to credible media sources.
Watch the video and answer the four questions listed below in the prompt.

Were you aware of the existence of the Sovereign Citizens?
What is your view of this group?
How serious a threat do you believe Sovereign Citizens are to US security? Support your position.
Would you call this a terrorist group? Explain.
Support your view with scholarly reference. In addition, you may offer credible media sources.
White, J. (2016). Terrorism and Homeland Security (9th ed.). Cengage.
ISBN-13: 9781305640672

In your final project, you will design a “Response Plan” to a (real or made up)

In your final project, you will design a “Response Plan” to a (real or made up)

In your final project, you will design a “Response Plan” to a (real or made up) WMD threat to your community as the Incident Commander of the Incident Command System.
Attached you will find a detailed breakdown of the assignment template to use as a guide.
Important Note: You may also choose to reach out to local responders or other relevant stakeholders in your community to conduct first-hand interviews to gain a deeper understanding of your local community’s response plan for a CBRN attack. Should you choose to conduct interviews, ensure they are captured properly in the Works Cited page of your Final Project – Response Plan.