As an organization develops a Total Rewards Strategy, one of the primary catego

As an organization develops a Total Rewards Strategy, one of the primary catego

As an organization develops a Total Rewards Strategy, one of the primary categories to consider is the compensation category. For a company to maintain a competitive edge, pay adjustments should be made based on job market fluctuations. As such, it is imperative to know where to begin as an HR professional.
Discuss the steps needed to make an informed decision about pay adjustments or to develop a pay structure.
Identify at least one method for gathering valid market data, at least one decision factor associated with collecting market data, and at least one data source.
Discuss how the chosen data align to make organizational decisions, or potentially hinder progress for an organization.
Share your experiences in your narrative.

 This week, you explored different types of multiple relationships. Some multipl

 This week, you explored different types of multiple relationships. Some multipl

 This week, you explored different types of multiple relationships. Some multiple relationships are unavoidable and unanticipated, such as human services professionals working in a rural community might have a neighbor as a client. However, other multiple relationships, such as developing a romantic relationship with a client should never happen. 

Context In the Talent Makers text, an argument is made in Chapter 1 that, many

In the Talent Makers text, an argument is made in Chapter 1 that, many

In the Talent Makers text, an argument is made in Chapter 1 that, many organizations’ hiring practices have become stale, too tradition-ladened and generally outdated. This reality has created a huge challenge for both HR personnel and managers to identify talent in a constantly changing, global, and evolving talent environment. 
Post a Response 
Based on the reading in Chapter 1, respond to the following: 
Evaluate three elements of what hiring might look like at a company with a stagnate hiring process, and what hiring might look like at the best performing companies. 
Describe what is meant by the statement, “Companies need people more than ever. At the same time, people need companies less than ever” and discuss why this statement is a challenge for HR talent management professionals. 
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Connections
SHRM-CP Alignment: Area of HR Expertise (People) / Talent Acquisition.
KSA: In this week’s discussion board, you will practice, in various degrees, the following Knowledge/Concepts, Skills, and Abilities: 
Trends analysis
Critical thinking 

 For this assignment, you will predict how many employees you will need in the s

 For this assignment, you will predict how many employees you will need in the s

 For this assignment, you will predict how many employees you will need in the summer of 2030 if your average customer rating is 4.5 and you have 11 competitors, based on the following  regression results for which the F statistic is statistically significant.  Variable Coefficient Significance Intercept 136.52 .255 Year .0265 .001 Spring 66.87 .045 Winter 56.92 .099 Summer 204.37 .010 Customer Rating 46.21 .001 Competitors -34.97 .112 This is how you do it: 1) Ignore all predictors for which the significance of their coefficient is greater than .05 2) Ignore all dummy variables that will equal zero during the summer. A dummy variable  can only equal zero or one. 3) For the remaining variables, multiply their coefficients by their predicted values in the  summer of 2030, for example multiply the coefficient of year by 2030.  4) Add them up and round up to the nearest whole number because you cannot hire part of  an employee. Provide your answer and show your work. By showing your work, your professor can see what  you did incorrectly if you made a mistake. You will lose points if you do not show your work. Submit your answer as an attachment to “Assignment Twelve” which you can find in the Week  Five Module 

Based on the case study from the discussion preparation, how would you descri

Based on the case study from the discussion preparation, how would you descri

Based on the case study from the discussion preparation, how would you describe the challenges faced by the bakery owner in terms of change readiness?
What policies or strategies could Simply Delicious adopt to promote both employee safety and customer satisfaction?
Describe the pros and cons of each approach and identify which approaches will also promote business continuity.

Scenario 1 Maria has been with the organization for approximately eight months

Scenario 1
Maria has been with the organization for approximately eight months

Scenario 1
Maria has been with the organization for approximately eight months and loves her current role as a systems analyst. She is married and has three sons under the age of 18. In her down time, she enjoys coaching one of her son’s soccer team, traveling with her family, and becoming better at her job. Maria stopped attending college six classes short of completing her degree in Information Technology (IT) due to complications during her last pregnancy. She has earned several IT credentials and often expresses a desire to complete her degree, but she has already maxed out her student loans. Her youngest son has several medical concerns, and her spouse travels for work, often for four or more consecutive days. Maria is very critical of her performance and often shares that she does not feel confident without a college degree, even though she is one of the highest performers within the IT department.
Scenario 2
Todd is considering taking a job within your organization as an environmental engineer. During his final interview, he stated that the pay offered was lower than what he’d hoped for and attempted to negotiate; however, the current budget does not have room for a pay increase for this role. You learned that Todd is recently widowed and has a five-year-old daughter preparing to begin school and a 16-year-old daughter struggling with grief at the loss of her other parent. Todd was late to his final interview because of car problems, and you learned that he lives near several employees who work in the same department he is being considered for. Todd also mentioned that he is new to the area, having recently moved from the West Coast to avoid constant reminders of his late spouse, and most of the family’s household items are in storage near their old home.
Scenario 3
Grace was recently hired by the organization to work as a sales representative. She and her partner, Tina, are hoping to adopt a child this year. Grace has begun to have concerns with back pain due to an injury that occurred a few years ago. Grace is concerned that her back pain and upcoming medical appointments will affect her ability to maintain her job. Her medical provider suggested that she begin a fitness routine, but she shared that she struggles to get started with the routine because she has a long commute and is exhausted once she arrives home. Grace also works part-time as a retail store manager at the local mall to make more money for her family. Grace is interested in a career outside of sales but fears that her current skill set does not afford her an opportunity to make any changes in the near future. She and Tina thoroughly enjoy going to local events in the community and volunteering as often as they can.
Answer the following questions in well-developed sentences or short paragraphs.    
Scenario 1:
Based on what you have learned, identify a minimum of five elements of a Total Rewards package that may help convince Maria to stay with your organization long term. Once you have listed each element, briefly explain why your selections were chosen for Maria.
Question 2: 
Based on what you have learned, identify a minimum of five elements of a Total Rewards package that may help convince Todd to accept the position at the offered pay and stay with your organization long term. Once you have listed each element, briefly explain why your selections were chosen for Todd. 
Question 3: 
Based on what you have learned, identify a minimum of five elements of a Total Rewards package that may help convince Grace to stay with your organization long term. Once you have listed each element, briefly explain why your selections were chosen for Grace.

Consider the various components in a compensation philosophy. Identify at lea

Consider the various components in a compensation philosophy.
Identify at lea

Consider the various components in a compensation philosophy.
Identify at least one practice within a compensation philosophy.
Discuss the benefits of the selected practice as well as possible limitations or drawbacks that can occur if not aligned with an organization’s business strategy.
Discuss pros and cons of pay transparency.
Discuss why you would select either a base pay compensation system or a variable pay compensation system, and why your selection would work best for an organization.
Share your experiences in your narrative

2 paragraph, include reference-SWS FORMAT and student response    Please introd

2 paragraph, include reference-SWS FORMAT and student response 
Please introd

2 paragraph, include reference-SWS FORMAT and student response 
Please introduce yourself to your peers by sharing something unique about your background.(please talk about Event coordinator)
 Explain how you expect this course will help you move forward in your current or future career. Then respond to the following: Course name-Health Services Human Resource MGMT. 
HR conducts operations that are common among all types of businesses. However, there are aspects, functions, and roles that differ in health care. Discuss something that you think HR might do that is unique to the health care setting.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.