Need to respond to the two students posts below: #1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profi

Need to respond to the two students posts below:
#1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profi

Need to respond to the two students posts below:
#1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profile)
Student at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Inspired to work in a creative team with flexible hours, innovative mindsets, and collaborative ideas?
The book mentions, “one of the best ways to fuel
creativity is to seek ideas from other sources, such as another organization,
because they might have newer and more innovative practices that can be adopted
and used in the community.” Involving the community by sponsoring events or
game nights could potentially build rapport with the citizens over time and
establish networks essential to our organizational goals. We can accomplish
this by following the creative steps to prepare, concentrate, incubate, illuminate,
verify, evaluate, and implement the necessary changes to the solutions through
sincere teamwork (Denhardt, Denhardt, Aristigueta, & Rawlings, p. 90,
In terms of teams, I would opt to use self-directed teams
and virtual teams. I choose self-directed teams because I want to empower them
to use their unique set of skills to achieve our team’s goals, allowing them
the space to create amazing work that will help build the team’s confidence and
trust. I also will need the virtual team because I would need outside sources
and ideas to share and implement. Moreover, my self-directed team will be able
to collaborate with them as well with their ideas and questions (Denhardt,
Denhardt, Aristigueta, & Rawlings, p. 320, 2024).
Source: Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., Aristigueta, M. P., & Rawlings, K. C. (2024). Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Cengage Inc.
#2 Asked by Jessica Crews (profile)
Student at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Productivity and employee satisfaction can rise when companies know how to foster creativity in the workplace. How can innovation and critical thinking be fostered by creativity?
As mentioned In the text are many ways to be innovative and how to encourage creativity in any organization such as, encouraging staff creativity by encouraging them to generate new ideas, seek feedback, take on new challenges, and consider alternative options. Keep a creativity journal, seek inspiration, allocate time for imaginative thought, eliminate pessimistic mindset, seek novel experiences, develop skills, and take breaks.
By becoming knowledgeable about and using creative exercises and techniques, you can increase your creativity. Leadership has been argued to be vital in fostering team-derived inclusion (Randel et al., 2018). Methods for fostering creative thinking and related abilities, like idea generation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving, are known as creativity techniques. You can use these strategies for both independent and collaborative tasks at work. Encourage staff members to contribute by putting good ideas into practice and appreciating the thought that went into some others. Inform the worker directly that you intend to put their suggestion into practice. After you see results, formally inform the team that brought about the change. Talking about and praising a good idea in public encourages idea sharing and higher levels of creativity. Members of the team are more motivated to voice their ideas and opinions.
Environments focused on teams or groups are often conducive to creativity. To foster teamwork, permit colleagues to combine their efforts on specific assignments. When they collaborate, they are more likely to use one another as inspiration to generate original ideas. Encourage the use of video chatting so that employees who work from home or in different offices feel like they are a part of the team.
Make sure your organization’s purpose and vision are clear, and communicate them often. Make sure that every employee understands your approach and try to keep it as open and honest as possible. Information sharing strengthens the relationship and fosters more trust between an employer and its staff. Make the company’s long-term objectives and direction clear. Provide information or figures that demonstrate how the efforts of each team impact the company’s course. Having an open environment demonstrates to staff members their worth to the business and motivates them to assist in achieving both short- and long-term objectives.
Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., Aristigueta, M. P., & Rawlings, K. C. (n.d.). Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Fifth Edition. Retrieved from[s9781506382685.i1613]/4,/1:0,/1:0
Source: Leroy, H., Buengeler, C., Veestraeten, M., Shemla, M., & Hoever, I. J. (2022). Fostering Team Creativity Through Team-Focused Inclusion: The Role of Leader Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity and Cultivating Value-In-Diversity Beliefs. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 798-839.

Need to respond to the two students posts below: #1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profi

Need to respond to the two students posts below:
#1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profi

Need to respond to the two students posts below:
#1 Asked by Shelly Odaol (profile)
Student at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Inspired to work in a creative team with flexible hours, innovative mindsets, and collaborative ideas?
The book mentions, “one of the best ways to fuel
creativity is to seek ideas from other sources, such as another organization,
because they might have newer and more innovative practices that can be adopted
and used in the community.” Involving the community by sponsoring events or
game nights could potentially build rapport with the citizens over time and
establish networks essential to our organizational goals. We can accomplish
this by following the creative steps to prepare, concentrate, incubate, illuminate,
verify, evaluate, and implement the necessary changes to the solutions through
sincere teamwork (Denhardt, Denhardt, Aristigueta, & Rawlings, p. 90,
In terms of teams, I would opt to use self-directed teams
and virtual teams. I choose self-directed teams because I want to empower them
to use their unique set of skills to achieve our team’s goals, allowing them
the space to create amazing work that will help build the team’s confidence and
trust. I also will need the virtual team because I would need outside sources
and ideas to share and implement. Moreover, my self-directed team will be able
to collaborate with them as well with their ideas and questions (Denhardt,
Denhardt, Aristigueta, & Rawlings, p. 320, 2024).
Source: Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., Aristigueta, M. P., & Rawlings, K. C. (2024). Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Cengage Inc.
#2 Asked by Jessica Crews (profile)
Student at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Productivity and employee satisfaction can rise when companies know how to foster creativity in the workplace. How can innovation and critical thinking be fostered by creativity?
As mentioned In the text are many ways to be innovative and how to encourage creativity in any organization such as, encouraging staff creativity by encouraging them to generate new ideas, seek feedback, take on new challenges, and consider alternative options. Keep a creativity journal, seek inspiration, allocate time for imaginative thought, eliminate pessimistic mindset, seek novel experiences, develop skills, and take breaks.
By becoming knowledgeable about and using creative exercises and techniques, you can increase your creativity. Leadership has been argued to be vital in fostering team-derived inclusion (Randel et al., 2018). Methods for fostering creative thinking and related abilities, like idea generation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving, are known as creativity techniques. You can use these strategies for both independent and collaborative tasks at work. Encourage staff members to contribute by putting good ideas into practice and appreciating the thought that went into some others. Inform the worker directly that you intend to put their suggestion into practice. After you see results, formally inform the team that brought about the change. Talking about and praising a good idea in public encourages idea sharing and higher levels of creativity. Members of the team are more motivated to voice their ideas and opinions.
Environments focused on teams or groups are often conducive to creativity. To foster teamwork, permit colleagues to combine their efforts on specific assignments. When they collaborate, they are more likely to use one another as inspiration to generate original ideas. Encourage the use of video chatting so that employees who work from home or in different offices feel like they are a part of the team.
Make sure your organization’s purpose and vision are clear, and communicate them often. Make sure that every employee understands your approach and try to keep it as open and honest as possible. Information sharing strengthens the relationship and fosters more trust between an employer and its staff. Make the company’s long-term objectives and direction clear. Provide information or figures that demonstrate how the efforts of each team impact the company’s course. Having an open environment demonstrates to staff members their worth to the business and motivates them to assist in achieving both short- and long-term objectives.
Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., Aristigueta, M. P., & Rawlings, K. C. (n.d.). Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Fifth Edition. Retrieved from[s9781506382685.i1613]/4,/1:0,/1:0
Source: Leroy, H., Buengeler, C., Veestraeten, M., Shemla, M., & Hoever, I. J. (2022). Fostering Team Creativity Through Team-Focused Inclusion: The Role of Leader Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity and Cultivating Value-In-Diversity Beliefs. Group & Organization Management, 47(4), 798-839.

CASE ILLUSTRATION: SADHANNA Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatie

Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatie

Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatient mental health and substance abuse treat­ment as the alternative to incarceration. She was arrested and charged with assault after arguing and fighting with another woman on the street. At intake, Sadhanna reported a 7-year history of alcohol abuse and one depressive episode at age 18. She was surprised that she got into a fight but admit­ted that she was drinking at the time of the incident. She also reported severe physical abuse at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend between ages 4 and 15. Of particular note to the intake worker was Sadhanna’s matter-of-fact way of presenting the abuse history. During the interview, she clearly ind­icated that she did not want to attend group therapy and hear other people talk about their feelings, saying, “I learned long ago not to wear emotions on my sleeve.” Sadhanna reported dropping out of 10th grade, saying she never liked school. She didn’t expect much from life. In Sadhanna’s first weeks in treatment, she reported feeling disconnected from other group members and questioned the purpose of the group. When asked about her own history, she denied that she had any difficulties and did not understand why she was mandated to treatment. She further denied having feelings about her abuse and did not believe that it affected her life now. Group members often commented that she did not show much empathy and maintained a flat affect, even when group discussions were emotionally charged.
Reflect on the Case Illustration of Sadhanna. Then in your initial post address the following:
Identify three key components that you would include in a care plan. Take into consideration the sociocultural factors, the sequence of trauma events, and the responses to traumatic events. Be sure your key components address her acute and ongoing needs.
Identify one self-care method you would likely utilize when working with Sadhanna and explain why you would use it.
Provide a rationale for your identified components.
Please use the text and other resources to cite your work, including when responding to peers
Here is the website to help you complete the assignment, which you can also use as a reference. The case illustration is on page 64.

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submi

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submi

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submit your initial post to the Discussion questions in week 6 then read other classmates’ main posts and add replies in week 7. Be sure to reply to the main posts of at least 2 classmates and to at least one classmate who chose the alternate model.
Object Relations Family Therapy (2 hours in length,, interactive transcriiption)
Family Systems Therapy (2 hours in length,, interactive transcriiption)
When using the discussion area, in your original POST add in the SUBJECT LINE the name of the specific model you selected. As you write you main post and replies be sure to connect to the respective text chapters. Be sure to address all these steps in your main post::
1. In your chosen model, what are the theoretical assertions, beliefs, and assumptions about what a healthy family should be like? According to the theoretical view of this model – what causes or explains family problems?
2. Based on your chapter reading and the video, according to this model, what is causing this specific family’s problems?
3. Do think the therapist missed anything that was important about this specific family? If so explain.
4. What are your impressions of and reactions to the therapist(s)? What did you think about the therapist’s style of interacting with the family members?
5. What questions did the therapist ask and/or observations did they make, that you thought were interesting or helpful? Explain your thinking
You are required to submit an initial original response to this Discussion (be sure to respond to each of the questions for full credit) and then add at least 2 replies to the original posts of your classmates. Respond to at least one classmate who have discussed a model that differs from your selections. Make effort to connect to and cite the textbook using APA style. Remember that additional scholarly sources beyond the text are invited.

CASE ILLUSTRATION: SADHANNA Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatie

Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatie

Sadhanna is a 22-year-old woman mandated to outpatient mental health and substance abuse treat­ment as the alternative to incarceration. She was arrested and charged with assault after arguing and fighting with another woman on the street. At intake, Sadhanna reported a 7-year history of alcohol abuse and one depressive episode at age 18. She was surprised that she got into a fight but admit­ted that she was drinking at the time of the incident. She also reported severe physical abuse at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend between ages 4 and 15. Of particular note to the intake worker was Sadhanna’s matter-of-fact way of presenting the abuse history. During the interview, she clearly ind­icated that she did not want to attend group therapy and hear other people talk about their feelings, saying, “I learned long ago not to wear emotions on my sleeve.” Sadhanna reported dropping out of 10th grade, saying she never liked school. She didn’t expect much from life. In Sadhanna’s first weeks in treatment, she reported feeling disconnected from other group members and questioned the purpose of the group. When asked about her own history, she denied that she had any difficulties and did not understand why she was mandated to treatment. She further denied having feelings about her abuse and did not believe that it affected her life now. Group members often commented that she did not show much empathy and maintained a flat affect, even when group discussions were emotionally charged.
Reflect on the Case Illustration of Sadhanna. Then in your initial post address the following:
Identify three key components that you would include in a care plan. Take into consideration the sociocultural factors, the sequence of trauma events, and the responses to traumatic events. Be sure your key components address her acute and ongoing needs.
Identify one self-care method you would likely utilize when working with Sadhanna and explain why you would use it.
Provide a rationale for your identified components.
Please use the text and other resources to cite your work, including when responding to peers
Here is the website to help you complete the assignment, which you can also use as a reference. The case illustration is on page 64.

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in the subject line.
The TOPIC ONE essay will be about 1200 words. (12 point typeface, double spaced, APA format).
Essays for Chapters 1 through 6 an average of 1000 words per essay-about 5 pages, 12 point typeface, double spaced, APA format).
You will be expected to familiarize yourself with all assigned chapters and articles and to summarize the readings and add your own perspective and/or raise questions related to each topic. I will look for a demonstration of your understanding of the core ideas through your comments and questions in the essays.
Along the way, try to relate what you are reading to your own experiences of knowing couples and families in your life or your work. My hope is that you will look ahead to how you can imagine the information being useful for you. The essay can be in the form of a discussion that looks at the key concepts and other practice ideas and includes your take on each of them. Include a comment about anything that surprises you, anything that you like or disagree with or simply have an opinion about. As you share your thoughts be sure to connect them to points being made in the book and articles. Include quotations from the text to illustrate your thinking. Be sure to utilize the information in the journal articles to add breadth to your essays.

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submi

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submi

View the following two videos and choose one to discuss in your main post. Submit your initial post to the Discussion questions in week 6 then read other classmates’ main posts and add replies in week 7. Be sure to reply to the main posts of at least 2 classmates and to at least one classmate who chose the alternate model.
Object Relations Family Therapy (2 hours in length,, interactive transcriiption)
Family Systems Therapy (2 hours in length,, interactive transcriiption)
When using the discussion area, in your original POST add in the SUBJECT LINE the name of the specific model you selected. As you write you main post and replies be sure to connect to the respective text chapters. Be sure to address all these steps in your main post::
1. In your chosen model, what are the theoretical assertions, beliefs, and assumptions about what a healthy family should be like? According to the theoretical view of this model – what causes or explains family problems?
2. Based on your chapter reading and the video, according to this model, what is causing this specific family’s problems?
3. Do think the therapist missed anything that was important about this specific family? If so explain.
4. What are your impressions of and reactions to the therapist(s)? What did you think about the therapist’s style of interacting with the family members?
5. What questions did the therapist ask and/or observations did they make, that you thought were interesting or helpful? Explain your thinking
You are required to submit an initial original response to this Discussion (be sure to respond to each of the questions for full credit) and then add at least 2 replies to the original posts of your classmates. Respond to at least one classmate who have discussed a model that differs from your selections. Make effort to connect to and cite the textbook using APA style. Remember that additional scholarly sources beyond the text are invited.

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in

Send essays as Word attachments with the course name and Topic/chapter number in the subject line.
The TOPIC ONE essay will be about 1200 words. (12 point typeface, double spaced, APA format).
Essays for Chapters 1 through 6 an average of 1000 words per essay-about 5 pages, 12 point typeface, double spaced, APA format).
You will be expected to familiarize yourself with all assigned chapters and articles and to summarize the readings and add your own perspective and/or raise questions related to each topic. I will look for a demonstration of your understanding of the core ideas through your comments and questions in the essays.
Along the way, try to relate what you are reading to your own experiences of knowing couples and families in your life or your work. My hope is that you will look ahead to how you can imagine the information being useful for you. The essay can be in the form of a discussion that looks at the key concepts and other practice ideas and includes your take on each of them. Include a comment about anything that surprises you, anything that you like or disagree with or simply have an opinion about. As you share your thoughts be sure to connect them to points being made in the book and articles. Include quotations from the text to illustrate your thinking. Be sure to utilize the information in the journal articles to add breadth to your essays.

Imagine you have secured funding, completed an analysis of the types of jobs nee

Imagine you have secured funding, completed an analysis of the types of jobs nee

Imagine you have secured funding, completed an analysis of the types of jobs needed to complete the work tasks, have identified the qualifications and experience needed for professional and non-professional employees for each job, the number of employees needed, and have created job descriptions.
You have a timeline of 3-4 months to staff this agency with between 14-15 employees. Develop a plan for how you would proceed from start to finish to staff your agency within this time frame. You have free reign to be creative. Be sure to consider through the questions on how to build a staff that reflects the diversity of the community.
How would you advertise and recruit applicants?
How would you screen applicants to narrow the pool to interview? Consider you may get 25 to 50 or more applicants for some jobs.
How many interviews would you plan to do for each applicant?
Who would be involved in the interview process and who would make the decision of whom to hire?
What specific interview questions would you have for all employees?
How will you ensure all interview questions are legal and based on bonafide occupational qualifications?
How would you assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities/attitudes necessary to do the job?
How would you rank applicants on each interview question related to the skill, ability, or knowledge area?
What steps would be taken to build a diverse staff and one that reflected the community it serves?
You have recently been hired by a large, for-profit child care agency to develop a new branch center in a small town in Upstate New York. The parent agency has several similar centers in other towns and cities for which they have obtained the necessary licenses and approvals, but you are being asked to work as a team to create a new center.
Assume that your parent agency has done some basic needs/resource assessment research and has determined that there is a market for a center that will serve 6 infants, 10 toddlers, 15 pre-schoolers, and 20 elementary school age children in an after school program.

Mental Illness in America. It should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length, do

Mental Illness in America. It should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length, do

Mental Illness in America. It should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length, double-spaced and in APA format. Choose articles that have good information and contain an author.
Select an article from a newspaper or Internet source that focuses on mental health in America. This article should have been published within the past year.
This Article Review should be 2-3 double-spaced pages in length (500-750 words), and be written in APA format (including the reference).
Use the following headings to organize your paper:
Title Page with Name, Date, Article title and author; and URL of the article.
Summary that briefly highlights key points from the article in a paragraph or two. Do not go into lengthy detail.
Reaction to Author’s Point of View with the subheading “Reaction to Author’s Point of View” that explains whether you agree or disagree with the author about specific points that the author is making.
Reaction to the Topic with the subheading entitled “Reaction to the Topic” and your reaction to the topic area as a whole, not to the article. You may have just chosen a slice of the topic for your article but now you need to give your opinion regarding the whole topic.
Conclusion with the key take-away points from the article yours perspective.
APA Citation for the article that your review.